Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

The Astral Plane is the fourth dimension and is referred to as the Astral plane or Astral dimension of the Soul Matrix.

The fourth dimension, a green energy wave spectrum.

Astral is 4th Layer of Soul Body

The entire soul body is made of three layers that interact together. Each of these layers, 4D, 5D and 6D correlate to the same referenced Chakra energy center, its colored wave spectrum and a dimension of time and space in the future. These three layers can be seen in the 12 Tree Grid graphic as in the soul dimension and are related to the 5th dimensional timelines on the future planet earth Tara. The Astral Plane is the 4th dimension and the first layer of the triad of the Soul Matrix. For more detail see the Universal Time Matrix.