Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 22 June 2024

231 gates=168 roots of E8(UPA superstring)

Double flower of life(that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)84(vesica piscis)×2=168)=torus=E8(8D 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)168 roots), 21st triangle number=(6×(pointing up)7th triangle number(=168 (roots)))+(3×(pointing down)6th triangle number((=)21)(=63 (roots))).

Since the 21st triangle number(231) can be constructed out of three 6th triangle numbers(21) then a tetractys(triangle number) can be constructed out of three 21st triangle numbers: (6×(↑22nd triangle number)(=))+(3×(↓21st triangle number)(=693=11:33))=66(=11th triangle number)th triangle number=22(:)11=1331(=11³)=19(0(weeks (and 1 day)))=3:10=91(0), 1991=33:11.

  • 1 Source and extra information
    • 1.1 231 gates=168 roots of E8
    • 1.2 Anuhazi Language
    • 1.3 UPA, jacobs wheel and 231 gate
    • 1.4 Sacre…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 27 January 2024

YHWH state of consciousness(God consciousness): The connection to infinite light(God)

The name YHWH(יהוה) has been considered to be related to the formula "I am that I am"(אהיה אשר אהיה/Ehyeh asher ehyeh), the name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15(π), which also means "I am who I am", "I will be who I will be", "I will be what I will be", "I Will Be that I Will Be", "I will be because I will be", "I will become what I choose to become", "I Will Become whatsoever I please", "I am what I am", "I create what(ever) I create", or "I am the Existing One". Therefore YHWH(יהוה)'s (Hebrew triconsonantal) root would be HYH(היה/I am), where "y" is substituted for "w" which was an occasional practice in the bible, which means "to be"/"to exist"(BEINGness/EXISTence); HWH(הוה), a verb which is an alternative form of (the verb) …

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The history of the universe and humans (part 3): The bible and the 37×73 code


=== [1] Blue Light to all [there] Mansion Worlds; chose Sirius as the HQ to enter this galaxy and establish the ‘Great Oracle Temple’ of Blue Light of Divine Creation to illuminate the Creator’s Light to all other star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy."

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 13 February 2021

Virgo: Astraea

Astraea (starry) known as the "Virgin goddess", "Star Maiden" and "Star Goddess" is the Goddess of justice, innocence, purity, and the constellations Virgo and Libra; sometimes called Dike.

Astraea lived alongside mankind, the longest of all the immortals, during the Golden Age but fled when mankind became wicked. She was placed among the constellations of the Zodiac as Virgo. Her brightest star, Spica, a symbol of her own purity is a promise of her return, to the mortal world, along with her a new Golden Age.

There are arguments about who her parents are.  She is the daughter of either Zeus and Themis, which would make her parents the divine judge and the goddess of divine order, or of the dawn-goddess Eos and another stellar god, Astraeus.…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 5 January 2021

Hexaflor and Hexatree(13 Sephirot-15 dimensional Kabbalistic tree of life)

The Doubling-Fibonacci circles looks like the torus cross section as I have mentioned before, and this structure (when complete) forms waves, and when its multiplied by 3 it forms the fruit of life(flower of life) which therefore is based on phi proportions and forms the fractaling star tetrahedron so it can be formed out of 6(12) Fibonacci spirals, which I have already shown with the Fibonacci spiral forming the triangle encoding harmonics(in the form of waves), this is the hexaflor/fractaling nesting hexagon and when this geometry is nested inside of itself it forms the (64) tetrahedron grid/flower of life, the hexaflor as you can see looks like a torus.

  • 1 Hexaflor
    • 1.1 Growth rate
  • 2 Hexatree
    • 2.1 13 sephirot kabbalistic tree of life(Hexatree) exp…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 12 July 2020

Wolfram Theory of Everything, Sacred geometry and E8 string theory

Post under construction

Wolframs Theory of Everything can be used to find a theory of everything, from what I heard, so we will be going over Wolframs theory in addition Wolframs theory according to alien scientist looks very similar to PhOENIX theory of everything which looks just like Tetryonics which as I have shown looks similar to the E8 tetrahedron grid fractal so we will also be going over PhOENIX theory, we will also be going over some other theories due to some aspects of them which can be used to create a theory of everything.

List of content:

  1. Wolfram Theory of Everything
  2. Linking E-infinity/E8 sacred geometry and Wolfram physics: WSM
  3. Sacred geometry: Polyhedral combinatorics, Hypersphere, Merkaba Stellated Dodecahedron, 37 and 73
  4. E8 Qu…
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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 11 July 2020

Secret projects and there alien connection

Currently being worked on

This post will go over the secret government and there secret projects which have connections to alien races, it will also go over Qanon the group that has revealed these secret projects and is fighting the secret government's take down and disclosure.

  • 1 Qanon
    • 1.1 Proof of Qanon
    • 1.2 The previous anons
  • 2 Illuminated Freemason(AKA the elite)'s Evil Empire
    • 2.1 Elite Illuminated Freemasons
      • 2.1.1 The elites religion and control
      • 2.1.2 The elite and Israel
      • 2.1.3 anti-semitic conspiracy theories spread by the Illuminated Freemasons
      • 2.1.4 Antifa, Communism and Fascism
    • 2.2 Power Elite
      • 2.2.1 Patriarchal Domination
      • 2.2.2 Money Enslavement
      • 2.2.3 Self Enforced Enslavement
      • 2.2.4 Controller
      • 2.2.5 Satanism
      • 2.2.6 Divide and Conquer
      • 2.2.7 Black Magician
      • 2.2.8 Archon
      • 2.2…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 14 June 2020

The Octonion Math That Could Underpin Physics

New findings are fueling an old suspicion that fundamental particles and forces spring from strange eight-part numbers called “octonions.”

In the May 2011 issue of Scientific American mathematician John Baez co-authors "The Strangest Numbers in String Theory," an article about the octonions, an eight-dimensional number system that was discovered in the mid–19th century but that has been largely ignored until quite recently. As the name of the article implies, interest in the octonions has been rekindled by their surprising relationship to recent developments in theoretical physics, including supersymmetry, string theory and M-theory. Baez and his co-author John Huerta wrote, "If string theory is right, the octonions are not a useless curios…

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Explaining the universe with Electromagnetism

This post will be out in the future

  • 1 What is light?
  • 2 Flower of life and electromagnetism
    • 2.1 Torus geometry
    • 2.2 Tachyonic field
      • 2.2.1 Prime number cross torus UPA
      • 2.2.2 Spherical wave(Torus) PSU Hypersphere 
      • 2.2.3 Torus(Flower of Krystal) AKA the (12) tree (grid) of knowledge
      • 2.2.4 Infinitum
  • 3 Extra information
    • 3.1 7 points 7 rays
      • 3.1.1 Golden rays
      • 3.1.2 prime numbers and 1/7
      • 3.1.3 84, 168, 336 and 10/12 tree of life
      • 3.1.4 Prime 7
      • 3.1.5 12, 21, 144 and 441
      • 3.1.6 Zero-point field(fractaling wave)
      • 3.1.7 Hypercube, Cubistic matrix, Time matrix and 10:12 tree of life
      • 3.1.8 cosmic tree of life forms the powers of 3
    • 3.2 Flower of life and electromagnetism(Extra information)
    • 3.3 Light and darkness form the universe
    • 3.4 Electric Universe
    • 3.5 Walter Russell Cosmogony
      • 3.5.1 Color
    • 3.6 Subquantum…

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12, 21, 28, 64, 144, 168 and 441 and there relationship to the pentagram and phi

A few months ago someone on my discord server made a code to show geometries in numbers and I used numbers that I was researching at that time so I used 12, 21, 144 and 441 and I also decided to look at 28, 64, 168 and phi and this is the interesting geometries I got! (Also more information about the code linked on the picture)

  • 1 12, 21, 144 and 441
  • 2 64 and phi
  • 3 phi and 168
  • 4 Extra information
    • 4.1 168(1.68) and 1.618(phi)
    • 4.2 8(4+4 fold) and 5
    • 4.3 Hunab Ku 21
    • 4.4 Chaos theory, numbers and more
    • 4.5 Pentaflower of life

There are 12 main vibrational dimensions and 144 sub-vibrational dimensions so I imputed 12 and 144 and got 5 lines showing a connection between the 12 vibrational dimensions and the number 5 which makes sense since the 12/15 vibrational dimen…

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Hypercube, Cubistic matrix, Time matrix and 10:12 tree of life

The 3D seed of life has two forms the Vector Equilibrium and the Egg of Life, the seed of life has 7 circles(Hexagonal yod of the tetractys) and if it were spheres there would be an 8th one behind and this is the egg of life(8 spheres) which can be the 8 cubes(Cubistic matrix) that form the hypercube and the projection of the hypercube encodes the 10/12 tree of life(10 spacetime dimensions/12 vibrational dimensions) through the 8 pointed star which encodes the 10/12 tree of life in many ways as shown in previous pictures in previous posts.

The reason why the 10/12 grid forms the 8 pointed star and the 8 pointed star forms the 10/12 grid is because the cube encodes four 10/12 grids.

The 3D flower of life is cube-shaped which is why it is call…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 22 April 2020

Virgo and Mercury

Mercury the symbol of Virgo the Cosmic Mother Goddess.

  • 1
    • 1.1 Cosmic Womb(Yod)
      • 1.1.1 Omega Goddess
    • 1.2 Hermes/Thoth
      • 1.2.1 Hermaphroditus
      • 1.2.2 Hermaphrodite angels
  • 2 Virgo
    • 2.1 Virgo and Yod
    • 2.2 Sex Goddess(Omega)
  • 3 Extra information
    • 3.1 Pleiades and the Gods
    • 3.2 Alpha and Omega
    • 3.3 Lady Master Venus

Mercury (which is also one of the seven planetary metals) can mean both the element and the planet. In either case, this alchemy symbol represents the mind, as well as a state that could transcend death. In ancient times, mercury was known as quicksilver, and it was believed to be able to shift between liquid and solid states. Therefore, in alchemy, mercury was believed to shift between life and death.

Mercury is often represented by a serpent/snake, and its symbol is sa…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 15 April 2020

Chaos theory, numbers and more

The entropy of the universe causes the universe to be random leading to chaos but chaos is not random it's transformation it is consciousness evolving to a higher state/level it is evolving to become an infinite fractal.

  • 1 What is Chaos Theory?
    • 1.1 Principles of Chaos
    • 1.2 Chaos as a spontaneous breakdown of topological supersymmetry
    • 1.3 Quantum chaos
      • 1.3.1 Scrambled spectra
      • 1.3.2 Quantum billiards
      • 1.3.3 Number crunching
      • 1.3.4 Break time
      • 1.3.5 Deep connection
  • 2 Prime numbers
    • 2.1 Prime 7
      • 2.1.1 Light and color
      • 2.1.2 Padovan-Fibonacci spiral forms dimensions and prime 7
      • 2.1.3 The breaking of symmetry
    • 2.2 A prime case of chaos(Quantum chaos)
      • 2.2.1 Prime numbers are like musical chords
    • 2.3 quasicrystals connection to prime numbers
      • 2.3.1 Quasicrystal metamaterials and spacetime str…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 13 April 2020

Explaining the Xen particle

Recently I have been adding more information to posts explaining what the smallest particle that makes up everything is and this post will explain all this new information.

  • 1 Xen particle AKA UPA Infinite tetrahedron grid Superstring
  • 2 Extra information
    • 2.1 Ringularities and singularities
    • 2.2 Universal Lightwave/Universal Wave Function
    • 2.3 God

God/God source/Zero-point field/Psychic dimension/Singularity (is contained within (and is) the cubistic matrix) is consciousness energy/conscious energy or "light", God is actually expanding fractal light, the fractal being the infinite tetrahedron grid(cubistic matrix), the universe is a field of energy and is made up of energy(Everything is made up of energy), the universe is the fractaling light/energy fiel…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 9 April 2020

The Flower(s) of Life

Whilst I was researching the connection between the Kathara grid and the flower of life last year I came across this website(Linked in the source) which said the Kathara grid is encoded in the flower of life which I already knew anyway last night I came across this website again whilst trying to find information about the "true" flower of life which is used in keylontic science which has 12 circles and its basically the double seed of life and I have debunked it in the video linked on the home page of this wiki anyway this website says the Kathara grid and flower of life are evil and satanic but from my knowledge there not so I am going to go through this information on this website and correct it but not all of it since some of it is corr…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 28 March 2020

Walter Russell Cosmogony

I have been wanting to write this post for a long time since quite a lot of the information that I have been posting has been leading up to this knowledge.

The Russell Cosmogony was described in his treatise, A New Concept of the Universe where he wrote that "the cardinal error of science" is "shutting the Creator out of his Creation." Russell never referred to an anthropomorphic god, but rather wrote that "God is the invisible, motionless, sexless, undivided, and unconditioned white Magnetic Light of Mind" which centers all things. "God is provable by laboratory methods," Russell wrote, "The locatable motionless Light which man calls magnetism is the Light which God IS." He wrote that Religion and Science must come together in a New Age.


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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 10 March 2020

Hunab Ku 21 - The Galactic Tree of Life and Knowledge

As I have explained before the Kabbalistic tree of life can be extended to have 12 or 13 sephirot which proves Keylotic science wrong and when it is extended it forms the 10-dimensional spacetime/12 vibrational dimensions tree of life. In this post, I am going to show you some amazing information I came across which is the Hunab Ku 21 and from what I see it corresponds to the cubistic matrix since it looks like the cubistic matrix and it originates from a cubistic matrix! plus it looks like two Kathara grids merged together which forms the prime number cross/doubling sequence vesica pices which forms the dimensions(I didn't mention this in the previous post but this links into the cosmic tree of life being base 3). Now, let's move onto thi…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 9 March 2020

Quantum energy crystal technology

Quantum energy crystal technology also known as hex technology is technology made out of pure crystal which is geometrically shaped into sacred geometry patterns so it can access energy from source(Quantum loop fields/Cubistic matrix).

There are two types of crystal technology:

  • Crystal technology which is made out of normal crystals(lower-dimensional crystals)
  • quantum energy crystal technology which is made out of xen crystals(higher dimensional crystals)

Condensed crystals that fractal can access more energy.

This technology can interact with consciousness(energy).

  • 1 Crystal technology
    • 1.1 Orgonite
    • 1.2 Vortex maths coil
  • 2 Quantum energy crystal technology
    • 2.1 Moscovium torsion singularity reactor
      • 2.1.1 EGM
    • 2.2 Time travel technology
    • 2.3 "God armors", MTC suit…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 5 March 2020

A deeper look into consciousness

As shown in many spiritual teachings consciousness is vibrating energy and in this post, we will go deeper into quantum consciousness!

  • 1 Is consciousness vibrations
    • 1.1 Resonance "theory" of consciousness
    • 1.2 Orch OR(Quantum consciousness)
  • 2 Is consciousness energy
  • 3 The brain's 7D sandcastles could be the key to consciousness
    • 3.1 Consciousness may itself be a shadow of a higher-dimensional structure
    • 3.2 Multidimensional consciousness
  • 4 Biophotons
    • 4.1 Biophotons and the brain
    • 4.2 Consciousness and light/biophotons
    • 4.3 Electromagnetic theories of consciousness
      • 4.3.1 Quantum brain dynamics
  • 5 Consciousness is light(Morphic field)
  • 6 Extra information
    • 6.1 Quantum consciousness
    • 6.2 Morphic field
      • 6.2.1 Energy=Consciousness
    • 6.3 The origin of life
    • 6.4 Spiritual energy system of the bod…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 1 March 2020

Padovan sequence, Trinity, Base 3 and More

The Padovan sequence links into the Trinity and Base 3 as we have shown in previous posts and in this post we will be going deeper into the Padovan sequence and how it is related to the Fibonacci spiral forming dimensions.

  • 1 Padovan sequence, Trinity and Base 3
    • 1.1 The Padovan sequence and base 3(Binet-like formula)
    • 1.2 Sierpinski triangle, Base 3 and Membrane
    • 1.3 Cuboid spiral
  • 2 The Golden root of 432 and the number 168
    • 2.1 The Golden root of 432
    • 2.2 168
    • 2.3 Padovan Fibonacci spiral, Dimensions, Kathara grid and E8 Cubistic matrix
  • 3 Tetractys, Frequencies and E8 Cubistic matrix
  • 4 Extra information
    • 4.1 15 dimensions, Tetractys, Pascals triangle and Prime number cross
    • 4.2 Time number encoding the sacred geometries of the dimensions
    • 4.3 Forming the cosmic tree of lif…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 21 February 2020

Ohalu council, Galactic Federation of Light and other Federations and Councils

This post talks about the Federations and Councils which are connected to each other.

This is the hierarchy of the Councils and Federations(Starting with the highest Council/Federation):

  • Gods Empire/12 Ancient God Empires/12 Root races(Yanas Collective)
  • Founder Races/Ohalu council(Sirian council/alliance)/ Council of 24/Council of 12
  • Guardian Alliance/Ra Confederacy/IAFW
  • Galactic Federation of Light
  • Council of Saturn and Council of Nine (Planetary Councils)

  • 1 Ohalu council
    • 1.1 Sirian Council
    • 1.2 Creation of the Universe
    • 1.3 12 Gods of creation and Gods Empire
    • 1.4 Trinity ethereal beings
    • 1.5 Infinite intelligence
    • 1.6 Elohim
  • 2 Yanas collectives and Founder races
    • 2.1 Christos Founder Races
      • 2.1.1 Guardian Alliance(GA)
      • 2.1.2 Emerald Covenant
      • 2.1.3 Trinity ethereal beings
      • 2.1…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 17 February 2020

The origin of life

In the beginning, before humans were created by the Anunnaki life started off as self-replicating DNA and RNA but how did life exactly start?

  • The energy of the planet flows through the magnetic fields and can flow out of them and flow into lightning bolts.
  • Micro-ethereals travel through this energy and therefore flow into the lightning.
  • Lightning struck a pool of chemicals which caused chemical reactions which created RNA.
  • The micro-ethereals transfer to the RNA.
  • Later DNA would evolve, out of RNA, which would carry the micro-ethereals.

  • 1 Micro-ethereals
    • 1.1 Ethereal chromosomes
    • 1.2 Souls and reincarnation
    • 1.3 Genetic Zodiac energy
    • 1.4 12 stranded DNA
    • 1.5 Root races
    • 1.6 Energy system
  • 2 Ethereal beings
  • 3 Hybrids
    • 3.1 Human-xenplexian hybrids

A lot of etherians became…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 9 February 2020

The Revelatorium: Cubistic matrix Kathara grid, Robert Grant: Constants and 24

Whilst doing research into the Kathara grid I came across the website evolutionary ascension which talked about the inner and outer creation of the Kathara grid and how the outer creation of the Kathara grid is the Cubistic matrix and is made up of Metatrons cubes and whilst doing research into the Cubistic matrix I came across the Revelatorium which im assuming is the source of the evolutionary ascension website since the Revelatorium has alot of information about the outer creation of the tree of life(Kathara grid) being the Cubistic matrix.

  • 1 The Revelatorium: Cubistic matrix Kathara grid
    • 1.1 Cubits
    • 1.2 Seven Days of Creation
    • 1.3 The Expanding Creation
  • 2 Robert Grant: Constants and 24
    • 2.1 The Mystery of the Constants
    • 2.2 Constants, 24 and Prime numbe…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 5 February 2020

120-cell and Cubistic matrix

The cosmic tetractys is made out of 10 tetractyses and as I have shown the tetractys encodes the Kathara grid which is the 12 vibrational dimensions as the hexagonal yod so 10×12=120 and 120(12=3) if you remember, is related to the number 15:

  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15=120

There are 15 vibrational dimensions which are the 12 dimensions and the Trinity dimensions and the number 15 is related to the numbers 7 and 8(7:8) which correspond to outer and inner creation and the number 12 is related to 78(7:8):

  • 15=7:8=56=7 star tetrahedron tetractys
  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=78=7:8

The number 7 is outer creation and the number 8 is inner creation:

  • 7=7 dimensions of outer creation
  • 8=8 dimensions of inner creation

Outer creation and inner creation …

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 1 February 2020

Subquantum kinetics

Paul La Violette has developed a general system aether theory called subquantum kinetics. He believes that science is wrong about many aspects in physics including the Big Bang theory that tells us that the universe came into existence from one big cosmic explosion. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe inflated from what is called a singularity, an infinitely compressed point in space, into a volume of several hundred million light-years in diameter in just 10־³² seconds!

This event required that all known laws in physics, including the laws of thermodynamics, Einstein’s relativity laws (nothing can exceed the speed of light) were disabled for the happy occasion, the birth of all matter and energy from complete nothingness. After …

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 27 January 2020

Secret Space Program

A lot of Government insiders have come out saying there is a Secret Space Program and this program is linked to many other projects that have been set up by the Deep state so in this post we will be talking about the Secret Space Program.

Are there powerful people controlling our access to what is known about outer space and the possibilities of alien life? A study of the available data strongly suggests the answer is a definitive “Yes!” Taking things even further, there are good, solid indications that some secret element of the government is clandestinely running a secret space program. When, on July 20, 1969, NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the surface of the Moon, it began a new era in the United States’ space prog…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 25 January 2020

Project Looking Glass

Project Looking Glass was first mentioned by Bob Lazar and is now being talked about by Q but what is Project Looking Glass? It is a time travel project which is to control time.

The technology for time travel came from reversed engineered ET technology. This technology is being used by the alliance to spy on the evil empire. Project Looking Glass was said by Bob Lazar to be used at S4 a base just outside Area 51 that Bob Lazar worked at and it was used by many black projects set up by the deep state. This technology allows people to enhance there mental and psychic abilities allowing them to view the future or the past.

  • 1 Project Looking Glass
    • 1.1 Time travel technology
    • 1.2 2012
    • 1.3 Mandler effect
    • 1.4 CERN
  • 2 Freemasons and secret lodges
    • 2.1 Evil Empire(…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 17 January 2020

Cubistic matrix and the tree of life

Continuation of Hebrew base 3 encoded in time numbers forms the Sri Yantra:

As we know the Hebrew alphabet is encoded in the star tetrahedron which forms and is formed by the cube and the star tetrahedron corresponds to the hexagonal yod of the tetractys which is the first 7 cubes of the cubistic matrix which corresponds to the seed of life also the hexagonal yod is the 12 vibrational dimensions/Kathara grid and the center of the Kathara grid corresponds to the 7th dimension. Two Kathara grids joined together forms the center of a bigger Kathara grid and also forms a 2D Cubistic matrix.

The tetractys/cubistic matrix when in the form of the tetragrammaton(72=9) forms the bases of the 26 dimensional spacetime in the form of a 10 dimensional s…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 13 January 2020

Neutron star

A neutron star is the collapsed core of a giant star which before collapse had a total mass of between 10 and 29 solar masses. Neutron stars are the smallest and densest stars, excluding black holes, hypothetical white holes, quark stars and strange stars. Neutron stars have a radius on the order of 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) and a mass of about 1.4 solar masses. They result from the supernova explosion of a massive star, combined with gravitational collapse, that compresses the core past white dwarf star density to that of atomic nuclei.

Once formed, they no longer actively generate heat, and cool over time; however, they may still evolve further through collision or accretion. Most of the basic models for these objects imply that neutron star…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 12 January 2020

Cradle of Lyra

(Cradle of Creation)

The seeding point of life in our Time Matrix of the first 3 manifest “Founder Races” in the three Density-4 planets: D-12 Aramatena, D-11 Aveyon and D-10 Vega, (the remainder of which appears as the star “Vega” in Density-1), and the Start Gates within them, are all located within the Lyran Star Constellation. This “Primal Triad of Creation” has thus become known as “The Cradle of Lyra.” Guardian Alliance Signet Councils 10, 11 and 12 represent the "Lyran High Council" races, as they protect the star gates of the "Cradle of Lyra" in Density-4, the passageway into and out of our Time Matrix.

  • 1 Trinity ethereal beings
    • 1.1 Anuhazi Race(Xenplexian Anunnaki: Ninhursag/Virgo)
    • 1.2 Cerez(Ethereal/"Reptillian" Anunnaki: Enki/Ra)
    • 1.3 Bra…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 11 January 2020

Dark matter, Dark energy and the Axion particle

Dark energy is dependent on Quantum fields, the energy arising from the interactions of these fields determines the expansion rate of the universe. When physicist try to calculate the energy of all existing quantum fields the result is 120 times the orders of magnitude of the calculated amount of dark energy therefore there must be a special particle unknown to science that influences dark energy and the universe as a whole and a presence of a particle-like this has been predicted and it has been given the name "Axion" and this particle appeared right after the big bang.

  • 1 Dark matter and Dark energy
    • 1.1 Axion
      • 1.1.1 Strong CP problem
      • 1.1.2 Prediction
      • 1.1.3 Searches
      • 1.1.4 Maxwell's equations with axion modifications
      • 1.1.5 Possible detection
      • 1.1.6 Propertie…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 22 December 2019

Cubistic matrix

The flower of life grows in a hexagon shape which is actually cube-shaped and we can show one face of this fractaling cube which is shown by the diagram on the right and this cube fractal is known as the cubistic matrix which we will explain later. When the 64 tetrahedron grid fractals it starts looking like a cube which makes sense because it is the cube-shaped flower of life. This links into the 4 fold symmetry linking it to the prime number cross. The number 4 and the cube are both linked to Virgo since they are her geometry and number also the cube fractal grows out of 7 cubes which it the hexagonal yod which is the 8 vibrational dimensions (it represents the 8 but is actually the 12 vibrational dimensions) which is the mother goddess …

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 11 December 2019

Forming the cosmic tree of life from the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the powers of 3

Forming the cosmic tree of life from the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the powers of 3:

  • 64 tetrahedron grid: As you should know the 64 tetrahedron grid is formed out of 8 tree of lifes so moving from source(center of 64 tetrahedron grid) down to the bottom of the 64 tetrahedron grid is one tree of life so 1
  • 512 tetrahedron grid: The 512 tetrahedron grid is comprised of eight 64 tetrahedron grids so an extra two tree of lifes are added so 1+2=3 so 3 down
  • 4096 tetrahedron grid: The 4096 tetrahedron grid has an extra 6 tree of lifes added so 3+6=9
  • 32768 tetrahedron grid: The 32768 tetrahedron grid has an extra 18 tree of lifes so 18+9=27

  • 1 64 tetrahedron grid, 7 tetrahedral tetractys and 91 sephirot
    • 1.1 The 64 tetrahedron grid as a Tetractys
  • 2 Time nu…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 9 December 2019

Angel war: Humans vs Dark martians

Angel wars are battles that happen in the war between the Gods/Angels(12 Ancient God Empires) and the Demons(Dark races: Draconians/Martians). The angel war that happened between the Humans and Dark Martians(TWOTW) was an event where the Dark Martians, headed by the Martian council(One of the councils that ruled and was apart of the Draconian empire) which was headed by Enlil, the ruler of the Draconian empire, attacked earth which set up the main events which are happening today.

The reason why the Dark Martians invaded was to control human consciousness, gain access to and control the crystal temples/stargate network and destroy them to lock-off existence from God source and plug the planet and universe into there fallen matrix by committ…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 8 December 2019

Spiritual energy system of the body and more

The energy system of a living creature and its connection to existence! The universe exists inside of you, according to Dr. Steven Greer the diagram shown on the right is folded up inside every living being and in the center of this diagram is the consciousness field(God source). Alien races are split up into types of civilizations and these different types show how advance the race is but to advance above a type 1 civilization you have to evolve your consciousness and become more spiritual according to Dr. Steven Greer and this makes sense from what i have shown you. Now lets move onto this energy system which is folded up within every living creature.

  • 1 Energy system
    • 1.1 Morphogenetic field, Multidimensional polygon, Soul/Consciousness and K…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 26 November 2019

Time number encoding the sacred geometries of the dimensions

Time number encoding sacred geometries of the dimensions

  • 14:44=2:44=88
  • 14:44=1:444=444
  • 14:44=1:444=13:444=(fruit of life/cosmic tree of life):(64 tetrahedron grid)
  • 14:44=1:444=13:444=4:444=4444=1133+3311
  • 14:44=1444, √1444=38(38 is encoded in the 1133+3311 sacred geometry which is encoded in the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys which encodes the 64 tetrahedron grid)
  • 14:44=14:4:4=22(Tree of life)

  • 1 Dimensions
    • 1.1 Zero-point God source field and dimensions
    • 1.2 Octaves
    • 1.3 Structure of dimensions and 56
    • 1.4 Superstrings and their dimensions
  • 2 Padovan sequence
    • 2.1 Cuboid spiral
    • 2.2 0 and 1 forming the trinity forming Fibonacci(Phi spiral)
    • 2.3 Fibonacci spiral Zero-point Kathara grid
      • 2.3.1 Tetractys, Octaves, e, and Dimensions
    • 2.4 2 and 3 forming the tetractys and Fibonacci
      • 2.4…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 23 November 2019

Xenplexianism: Animism

Xenplexianism is not a religion or an occult! Xenplexianism is Xenplexian science/magick  and there are many aspects of Xenplexianism and Xenplexianism and its many aspects are taught at Xenplexa Academy, Some of the main aspects of Xenplexianism are:

  • Xenplexian qabbalah(Xen Qabbalah)
  • Xenplexian Magick
  • Xenplexian Spiritualism
  • Xenplexian Philosophy/Metaphysics
  • The History of existence

  • 1 Collective consciousness God
    • 1.1 Animism
    • 1.2 Levels of consciousness
    • 1.3 Infinite intelligence
    • 1.4 Logos and infinite intelligence
    • 1.5 Avatars of the infinite intelligence
      • 1.5.1 12 Gods of creation

Animism is the religious belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Potentially, animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers,…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 16 November 2019

Tetractys, scalar fields and 1331

Tetractys, scalar field and 1331: The hexagonal yod of the tetractys when it is the first 4 rows of pascals triangle is equal to 12 which corresponds to the 12 vibrational dimensions and it is surrounded by the trinity. The last row of this tetractys is 1331 and 1331 has some interesting properties:

  • 1331=13:31=91(Cosmic tree of life/Cosmic tetractys/64 tetrahedron grid)
  • 1331=11×11×11(11^3)
  • 13:31=44=11:33

Each whorl(there are 10 whorls overall) of the UPA is a 231 gate and each 231 gate corresponds to the tree of life and therefore the tetractys and the UPA already corresponds to the tetractys because of its 10 whorls so if each whorl is a tetractys that means we have formed a tetractys out of tetractyses so we have created a cosmic tetractys!


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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 10 November 2019

Tetryonics, Spacetime, Zero point field, platonic solids and more theories

Explaining the zero-point field and spacetime!

  • 1 Tetragrammaton/Tetractys, Platonic solids and spacetime
    • 1.1 Spacetime triangular array Tetryonics
  • 2 Zero-point field
    • 2.1 Tetryonics: Zero-point field
    • 2.2 Tetryonics: Planck mass-energy momenta quanta
    • 2.3 Kathara grid
    • 2.4 Pascals triangle
    • 2.5 Zero-point God source field and dimensions
  • 3 Extra information
    • 3.1 Quantum atom theory and Tetryonics particle
    • 3.2 Elements
      • 3.2.1 Tetryonics chemistry
    • 3.3 Quantum energy crystals(Xell)
    • 3.4 Sources

The Tetragrammaton corresponds to the tree of life and tetractys and as we know the tree of life corresponds to the 7 planes of matter and consciousness which correspond to the cosmic tree of life and therefore the vibrational dimensions and as we know the tetractys encodes octaves which w…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 6 November 2019

The UPA as superstring

The positive and negative UPAs are mirror images of each other, their ten whorls each making five clockwise revolutions in the former and five anticlockwise revolutions in the latter. According to Leadbeater, who made a special study of the structure of the UPA, each whorl is a helical coil with 1680 circular turns, so that the UPA comprises 16800 turns of 10 helical coils. The helical nature of whorls was depicted in Babbitt's picture of the UPA. We can feel certain that this number was not miscounted because Leadbeater checked it by counting the number of turns in a whorl in 135 different UPAs.* Each circular turn, or so-called "1st-order spirilla," is another coil made up of seven smaller, circular turns, or "2nd-order spirillae," which…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 3 November 2019

Occult chemistry, elements and more

The protons and neutrons of an element are arranged into the shapes of the platonic solids(Sacred geometry) because of the fractal structure of the universe caused by the morphogenetic field and this corresponds the elements to the platonic solids and therefore the 5 elements Water, Air, Earth, Fire, and Energy.

I commented on one of tetryonics videos talking about how there theory fits into the 64 tetrahedron grid model and E8 lie group model and they said that 64 tetrahedra are not needed to form the standard model but 64 tetrahedra are needed to form the elements!

  • 1 Occult chemistry
    • 1.1 Micro-psi atoms
    • 1.2 The UPA
    • 1.3 An animation of the UPA
    • 1.4 A correlation with chemistry
    • 1.5 Problems with science
    • 1.6 Nature of MPAs
    • 1.7 Quark model
    • 1.8 Strings & superst…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 31 October 2019

The Hierarchical Pattern of Mindspace and more

The structure of the Universe has to come from somewhere. Modern physicists have discovered a majority of the basic functions of the Universe, but they haven’t provided any great theories on how its framework came to be.

Thought Theory explains that everything originates from the circle, and its three basic divisions (the inside, outside, and border/perimeter). These divisions lead to relativity, quantum mechanics, and even thought, and this is made possible by ‘conceptual overlaying’ (ie. mirror-symmetry). In Thought Theory, it’s a fundamental law that allows an object to symbolize more than one concept simultaneously. Through conceptual overlaying and symmetry, all of the things we come to discover and realize, fall within the three basic…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 27 October 2019

15 dimensions, Tetractys, Pascals triangle and Prime number cross

15 dimensions, tetractys, pascals triangle and prime number cross As shown by the picture on the right when you form the tetractys out of the first numbers of pascals triangle you get the doubling sequence and the number 15 which form the Kathara grid but the tetractys encodes the tetragrammaton/tree of life which shows a new connection between the Kathara grid and tree of life, the two prime numbers 2 and 3 form the tetractys and are not apart of the prime number cross but the prime number cross expands out of 2 and 3

Prime numbers and 4-fold geometry

  • The product of all prime numbers=4π^2≈39=13+13+13
  • A sphere with a volume of 4π^2 has a surface area≈56
  • 4 forms the prime number cross

  • 1 Kathara grid and 15 vibrational dimensions
  • 2 Tetractys hierarc…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 24 October 2019

Tetractys, number theory and more

We live inside an elegantly-designed Matrix — and in this article I will walk you behind the scenes to reveal the hidden blueprint driving our reality.

This article describes an ontology concerning the root of all complex systems. An ontology is defined as the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence or reality as well as the basic categories of being and their relations.

This ontology will imply that all bodies and the laws that govern them arise from the geometry of the Circle, and even more specifically arise from its two fundamental constructors: the Line and Rotation. I will categorize these two fundamental concepts of a circle into a triangular tree-diagram (ie. hierarchy) that will reveal itself as the foundatio…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 21 October 2019

Kabbalah Holons

Kabbalah and holons

A holon is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was used by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48) and the phrase to hólon is a Greek word preceding the Latin analogue universum, in the sense of totality, a whole.

A holon is a system that is an evolving self-organizing dissipative structure, composed of other holons, whose structures exist at a balance point between chaos and order. It is sometimes discussed in the context of self-organizing holarchic open systems (or, SOHO systems). The cosmos can best be understood as an endless sequence of wholes within wholes, each one a complete entity – a stable and intermediate form both autonomous and integral to another holon …

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 21 October 2019

Quantum loop fields and higher dimensional structures

Quantum loop fields

  • 1 Infinite tetrahedron grid higher dimensional structure
  • 2 Quantum loop fields and higher dimensional structures/superstrings
    • 2.1 Membrane and quantum loop field
  • 3 prime numbers and 4-fold symmetry
    • 3.1 Forming 56 from the cosmic tree of life by looping the vibrational dimensions
    • 3.2 4-fold symmetry of the PNC and the 64 tetrahedron grid

In xen qabbalah there is infinite energy and this is not allowed in physics but the structure of the universe in xen qabbalah solves this problem because the infinite energy is separated between the infinite vibrational dimensions(Which is then separated between infinite universes) and the higher the dimension the more energy there is and as we know the higher dimensions are constructed out of higher…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 18 October 2019

The connection between string theory and loop quantum gravity

An effort to solve some of LQG’s own internal problems has led to the first surprising link with string theory. Physicists who study LQG lack a clear understanding of how to zoom out from their network of space-time chunks and arrive at a large-scale description of space-time that dovetails with Einstein’s general theory of relativity — our best theory of gravity. More worrying still, their theory can’t reconcile the special case in which gravity can be neglected. It’s a malaise that befalls any approach reliant on chunking-up space-time: In Einstein’s theory of special relativity, an object will appear to contract depending on how fast an observer is moving relative to it. This contraction also affects the size of space-time chunks, which…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 17 October 2019

Yanas and Founder races

(Geomancy - Geomantic Entity or Eieyani - Ultra-terrestrials)

The Yana are the Eternal Collective of Consciousness projected by Source-God (Yunasai) to form the 3 Primal Sound Field – the Khundaray, of the Energy Matrix, from and through which the conscious life field of our Time Matrix is seeded. Also called Geomancy or Geomantic Entities”, as they would appear as “geometric shapes made of living light” when viewed form an earthly perspective, Ultra Terrestrials, The Cosmic Trinity, Eieyani Elder Council or our Cosmic Family of Consciousness, and are the legitimate “Ascended Master” level. Yanas, which means “ of, or in the Yunasai” exists within the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix, the third level of individuation within Source. Yanas …

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 16 October 2019

Sacred geometry, Partiki and Supersymmetry

Sacred geometry, Partiki and supersymmetry

  • 1+2+4+8+16+...(Doubling sequence)=-1
  • 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12=infinite tetractys=infinite tetrahedron grid
  • 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12, 12=Kathara grid, the kathara grid is based on the doubling sequence.
  • The Kathara grid has 28 paths, 28=7, 1/7=0.142857(124875)
  • 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32=124875=fingerprint of God
  • 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12=(1+2+4+8+16+...)/12
  • The 1+2+4+8+16+... links to the higher dimensional sphere structure for vibrational dimensions

  • If we place all the numbers on polar coordinates we form an Archimedean spiral and if you zoom out to view it you will see 44 spirals but in the smaller pattern there are 6 spirals.
  • 13:31=91
  • 13:31=44=11:33
  • 13:31=1331=11×11×11(11^3)=11+11+11=33, this links to the pascal's triangle encoding pow…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 12 October 2019


Lilith was originally a storm demon known as "Lilitu" in ancient Mesopotamian myth around 3000 BC and she was thought to have been the cause of disease, illness, and death. She later appears as a nocturnal demon in Jewish lore and the queen of demons.

Lilith was the first wife of Adam, however she was cast out of the Garden of Eden for her sinful ways. After the leave, she encountered the angel known as Samael, who lusted for her and she did to him when he treated her as both equal and superior despite his status. And from their union she birthed many demonic beings. God sent three angels to take Lilith back to Eden, and when the angels found her in the Red Sea they threatened her with the loss of 100 of her demon children every day unless …

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