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The Anunnaki race is one of the 12 races that rules the Omniverse they are an Ethereal race. All reptilian races are believed to originate from the Anunnaki, some Anunnaki became reptilians.

The Anunnaki empire is one of the 12 Ancient gods empires and makes up Gods empire.

The Annunaki are extraterrestrial beings are believed to originate from the Taurus and Sirius constellations.


Various sources attribute the Anunnaki to be tall, fair skinned (pale looking or white), blond, and blue-eyed. In the Transcripts of Lacerta (1999), Lacerta identifies these beings as the Illojim from the star system Aldebaran in the (Taurus constellation). The term Illojim is a Hebrew variant of Eloheem, in which case the Anunnaki are a variant of the Eloheem. They separated from the Eloheem as understood in common creation motifs of ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, and Hebrew script. It is suggested that the Anunnaki were brethren of the Eloheem (Sitchin). But the generally accepted belief is that Eloheem was Angels like Anu of the other race as both mated with human women to form the Anunnaki and the Nephilim.

Eloheem are possibly "the angels" mentioned in the bible, the book of Enoch, and the god Anu and Enki in Sumerian scriptures.


View the history of the Anunnaki in The history of the infinite multyvers blog linked below.


Orion empire

The Orion Empire is ruled by Queens the ruler of the empire is married to Anu the ruler of the Anunnaki empire.

RA Confederacy(Maybe a sub-empire)

Enki(Ea/Ra/physical god יהוה) is one of the rulers of the Anunnaki empire. Enki's empire(12 Ancient Gods empire) maybe the RA Confederacy. The RA Confederacy is probably a sub empire of the Anunnaki-Orion empire.

Xenplexian empire(Maybe a sub-empire)

The Xenplexian empire ruled by Virgo who is also one of the rulers of the Anunnaki empire was created by the Anunnaki-Orion empire so it is probably a sub empire. The xenplexians are also known as Pleiadians which can be related to the 5D Guardian Pleiadian Groups called Aztaras which is a segment of root races of the RA Confederacy.

Nibiru colony

After separating from the Eloheem, the Anunnaki eventually came to the Solar System. Upon entry, they may have colonized a satellite called as an outpost. Nibiru is somehow connected to the Solar System, but on an obscure orbital path. The similarities of the stories of ancient Sumeria and Hebrew, suggest that the true origins of the Annunaki stem from the Eloheemwho came from Aldebaran.  Nibiru is a hypothetical planet or celestial object that would most likely serve as an outpost or colony for the Anunnaki. Nibiru is often misapplied to be the homeworld of the Anunnaki in the studies of Zecharia Sitchin's work.

Nibiru may be the famous prison of the fallen angels mentioned in the bible, it seems that the separation between the Eloheem and the Anunnakis was in fact a war between them in the very distant past.

In ancient Greece, Nibiru was portrayed as "Tartarus" by dazzling a dark red that they confused with a red fire, where the nucleus of Nibiru possesses a volcanic prison of beings denominated of demons, or the true prison of Lucifer(Enlil) along with its ally Lilith And their sons demons, where the Anunnaki were jailers of these demons.

Mars colony

The Anunnaki did set up a colony on mars with the Orion empire this colony became the Martian empire.

Earth colony

The Anunnaki first colonized the Earth probably about 450,000 years ago (Sitchin), looking for exotic minerals. These "gods" were the rank and file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from the colonized planet Nibiru. Upon settling on Earth, the Anunnaki ruled a race of beings called the "Igigi" (the first creation of Anunnaki as demigods). After 2500 years of labor, the Igigi rebelled against the Anunnaki; the Igigi then fled to the caves. The Anunnaki Lord Enki suggested that a new race should be created. The Anunnaki observed the possibilities, and likely in the place called Eridu (possibly Eden), they genetically modified Hominini to create the perfect Human "in their eyes" (Genesis 1:31). They mixed clay with the flesh and blood of Anunnaki so that the new race could have the "divine wisdom" (possibly enlightenment). Nintu put the dollop into "shells" and "nine months" (or nine cycles) later, modern man was born. In the end, the humans proved to be a good workforce. The Annunaki deities were worshiped by the Ancient Sumerians. The Sumerians were forbidden to carve images of the Annunaki gods in their true form, so instead, they depicted them as anthropomorphic animals in place of their true form.

There are possibilities that the creation of man is responsible for the separation of the Eloheem where he originated the Anunnaki and his Nibiruan prison. returning after the seventh generation of Adam, when the earth was led away by the Eloheem after the fall of Adam, the Anunnaki used the earth's ores to build a perfect atmosphere for Nibiru and colonize the earth for the divine alteration of their opponents.


Crystal angels

The first Angels made by God are the crystal-ethereal forms of the 12 Ancient Gods races and they were made out of pure psychic energy. The Anunnaki are Crystal angels.


Pleiadeans identify with the same constellation that the Anunnaki do: Pleiadians, it is believed, are direct descendants of the Anunnaki. The Taurus constellation. They are both groups of beings who are described as tall, fair looking, blonde, and blue-eyed. The thing that separate the two is that the Anunnaki identify with Aldebaran and the Pleiadeans with Pleiades, a star cluster in the Taurus constellation. The Pleiadeans  are descendants of the Anunnaki-Orion race. Pleiades is just another colony of the Anunnaki. They both share similar characteristics and both identify with Taurus. Pleiadeans have also visited Earth as early as 10,000 BCE, along side the Anunnaki.

Orion empire

The Orion empire became one of the colonys of the Anunnaki it is a sub empire that is ruled by queens the Anunnaki emperor is Anu one of the 12 ancient gods who is married to the ruler of the Orion empire.

Human empire

The human empire or human race was created by the Anunnaki and Xenplexians to be one of the 33 races that rule the Omniverse and are apart of Gods empire the 12 Gods of creation were ordered by the Supreme God of creation to create life around the Omniverse.

The Anunnaki Lord Enki suggested that a new race should be created. The Anunnaki observed the possibilities, and likely in the place called Eridu (possibly Eden), they genetically modified Hominini to create the perfect Human "in their eyes" (Genesis 1:31). They mixed clay with the flesh and blood of Anunnaki so that the new race could have the "divine wisdom" (possibly enlightenment). Nintu put the dollop into "shells" and "nine months" (or nine cycles) later, modern man was born. In the end, the humans proved to be a good workforce. The Annunaki deities were worshiped by the Ancient Sumerians.

dates the emergence of Neanderthal to 900,000 YA which is a very close match to the Lacerta's 1.5 MYA ("1,5") interpretation of Anunnaki arrival, minus 12 cycles of Sitchin's 36,000 year Nibiru orbit principle. Zecharia Sitchin and the Transcriptions of Lacerta both agree that the Anunnaki "genetically modified" mankind. By applying Sitchin's 36,000 year Nibiru orbit theory, it could stand to reason that the Anunnaki made 36,000 year visits to Earth (from 1.5 MYA) to stimulate three main splits of early man, within a 432,000 year time block (12 cycles): (1) Homo ergaster, (2) Homo erectus, and (3) Neanderthal, and to further conduct genetic sub-splits from these main groups (as seen with various subspecies of early man). Lacerta asserts that mankind did not follow the natural course of evolution, as it takes millions of years to achieve civilization. The empirical evidence of dated human bones deriving from these three main categories, cohabiting at divergence within the same period, attests to intervention. This intervention theory is further reinforced by the non-consensus and the many conflicts among mainstream scientists as to which species diverged from who. It would seem that the intent of the Anunnaki was to achieve the production of the variety of man, or woman, that was "good in their eyes" (Comp Genesis 1:31).

Martian empire

The martian empire was one of the sub empires of the Anunnaki-Orion empire it was ruled by Enlil(satan).

Dark morpher empire

The Dark morpher empire is the Dark reptilian race the was previously known as the Martian empire but was turned 100% dark by Enlil.

Extra information that connects the Anunnaki and the Pleiadians

Tara(Tiamat) and extra information

Tara is believed to be the original home planet of the Human empire.

Tara was a planet between Mars and Jupiter the first pass of Nibiru caused one of its moons to collide with Tara which caused the planet to be smashed up forming the asteroid belt and a large piece of the planet became the Earth and one of Nibirus moons became earths moon. The dinosaurs were believed to have been created by the Anunnaki and the first passing caused the dinosaurs extinction. The Anunnaki unified DNA of dinosaurs to the rock microorganism; which originated from a fragment of Tiamat. This was one of their first genetic work in creating a humanoid in the form of the Igigi (the first demigods or pre adamites). Evidence of reptilians with elongated skulls, are found in Egypt within abandoned caves. The Reptilians are two separate species to the Anunnaki (this has most likely been asserted as they are allies of the Anunnaki), as is evident from the statues of the ancient Sumerians. Many of the cave cities, found throughout the world, originated from Igigi architecture in the era of their segregation from the Anunnaki.

Reptilians have also been noted to shapeshift, and have knowledge of genetic engineering. Some gods worshiped in ancient world religions are believed to be Reptilian in nature, but is a common attribute for all world religions where gods are presented as animal/anthropomorphic hybrids. Furthermore, the difference is that the Reptilians are humanoid reptiles in their original form, with scales (and sometimes described to be reptiles without scales) while Sumerian tablets represent the Anunnaki gods as giant, muscular humanoids. The Igigi later joined their Anunnaki masters to control the human race - in the rank of astronaut soldiers; whereas the Eloheem gradually returned to regain the land, after the destruction caused by the great flood. Wars of the Gods led to nuclear catastrophe. This only left the possibility of migrating to the Agharta underworld, and isolating themselves from humanity to be observers.


Are two characteristics the result of the Anunnaki's genetic experience of other beings, that is, of adding a new species on earth before and after the birth of Adam and Eve. Many beings such as faun, centaur, dragons, unicorns, satyr, sphinx, mermaid, minotaur, cyclope, medusa, Pre Adamite (Igigi) and others are part of the genetic creation of the Anunnaki.

Other characteristics of the demigods were the abduction among human women by Anunnaki to inseminate the children of the gods in their womb as heroes of fame later (They are almost similar the Nephilim giants, but in size small to 3 and 2 meters, but are different of sons rebels Anunnaki Grigori), but this demigods are similar to humans being with the ability of a almost God, as an example: Hercules, Samson, Perseus, Xerxes, Gilgamesh, Orpheus, Hippolyta, Helen of Troy and others.


In the history of Mesopotamia among the Hebrew records, the Nephilim bear a incredible similarity to the Anunnaki, just as told about the other they were children of those who came from heaven known as the Eloheem and also people of Earth usually Human women. Other scripture besides the old testament of the Bible is a missing book of the Bible known as the book of Enoch. In the book of Enoch it reports about the fallen sons of God taking the daughters of men to be their wives, The children of God were male beings. In this union born came the giants "Nephilim" who were up to 8 meters tall, were hostile warriors of fame, the Titans (a Greek name related to the fallen angels mythos just like Anunnaki) called gods to that ancient humanity, had a discomfort in the cruel attitudes towards To their children with humanity, in the war of the gods (between heavenly opponents) and the great flood of God, they decided to eliminate all the creation of the Anunnaki / Nephilim, to reestablish a new era for humanity, two Nephilim survivors of the great flood were called Anak and Semiramis they gave continuity to other species of giants between 3 to 5 meters in later generations after the great flood such as the Anakim, the Rephaim, the Emim, and the Zuzim, these giants lived in Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, and other accounts of Nephilim in the lands that are part of the origins of western civilization.


In Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunnaki are sons and daughters of Anu, the supreme deity in the Sumerian belief system. Ki is the goddess of the Earth. The offspring of Anu and Ki are called the Anunnaki. Instead of thinking in terms of black and white, it is useful to realize that Anu and Ki should be thought of metaphorically as the people from the sky and the planet itself, respectively. The Anunnaki are then simply the children which Anu created on planet Ki. The Anunnaki were served by the Igigi until the Igigi revolted, forcing the Anunnaki to create Mankind. These servants were not slaves; they were held in high regard, and they were created only to relieve the gods of their labor. In the beginning, Mankind had no set lifespan, and so the gods could only control overpopulation via flood, plague, and famine. During the final deluge, the gods wept at the suffering of Mankind, and so Man was given a set lifespan. It is during this deluge that Ziusudra (Noah) survived with his wife on the ark. The story of the final flood can be found in Atra-Hasis and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The Annunaki are attributed to teaching humans the Sumerian language, since it is assumed to be the first language ever written. The language of the Annunaki would be considered pre-Sumerian. Interestingly, certain linguists have found similarities between the Hungarian language and the Sumerian language. The Hungarians are believed to be the exiled remains of the Sumerians, and many legends from ancient Hungarian culture relates to the Annunaki myth. The Manysi and the Khanty ethnic group, like the Hungarians are classified in the "Ugaric" language family and one individual converted to shamanism, into believing the Mansi to be descendants of Sumerians. However, linguistic affinities are also being found between Hebrew, hinting the another link of Sumerian with the Semetic languages, in which biblical scriptures were originally written in. Akkadian was a semetic language once used often with Sumerian, during the arrival of Akkadians into Iraq.

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