Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

The Dark morpher/Draconian empire is ruled by Enlil(Lucifer/Satan/Samana) it is the empire that rules over all the Dark races in the Omniverse before it became the Dark morpher empire it was a sub empire of the Anunnaki empire(one of the 12 empires that rules over the Omniverse).

The Martian race were reptilians.


The Martian empire was ruled by Enlil and was a sub empire of the Anunnaki-Orion empire, Enlil and his empire was 1% dark because of this he was able to make it 100% dark(pure nubilus) which he did so he could compete his plan of destroying Gods empire, killing and replacing god and recreating the Omniverse in his own image.

Enlil made the Martian empire 100% dark through the Lucifer experiment when he did this most of the empire became 100% dark he then planed the destruction of the Martian empire and to recreate it which he did by destroying and killing mars and the Martian race(some Martians(dark morphers) escaped to the planet earth). Some Martians did survive and did not become 100% dark.

Enlil turned the Martian empire into the Dark morpher empire so he could destroy Gods empire because he did not want races to be created like the Gods this war was known as the War in Heaven.

War in heaven

The Dark morpher empire took over atlantes and set up Dark versions of the Gods they then invaded other countries on earth they destroyed babylon so the Xenplexians ordered the destruction of the land of Atlantis and the Dark morphers. During the war the Dark morphers invaded the 33 crystal planets. The war in heaven happened in all point in time in the Omniverse the timeline took awhile to sort out but it was fully sourted out in 2015.


Currently the world is separated between the Xenplexians and the Dark morphers the Dark morphers set up a group to control the world called the Illuminati.



The war against the Dark races is headed by Gods empire and the xenplexian(angel) race.

Anunnaki and Orion empire

The Dark morpher empire was a sub empire set up as a colony on mars by the Anunnaki and Orion empire when the colony rebelled against Gods empire it split up Gods empire and the Anunnaki empire which destroyed them but they were reformed into an alliance called Hextec which is the 12 ancient gods empires merged into one with a new structure to how it works the alliance then became apart of Gods empire which reformed Gods empire.

Human empire

The human race did have contact with the Martian empire but those were the survivors of Enlil's genocide on mars. The contact they had with the Martians was on Atlantis but the Martians eventually became Dark morphers. The dark morphers took over Atlantis and set up Dark versions of the Gods in Atlantis they then started invading other countries.

black empire

The black empire is all of the Dark morpher empires across all of time united into one empire it was ruled by Enlil and one of his sons. His son tried to destroy the Tree of life(33 crystal planets) in the final battle in the war in heaven but was killed and his body was believed to have been taken over by one of the dark morpher empires rulers.

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