Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

Ninhursag is one of the 12 Gods of creation and her multidimensional polygon is 444. Ninhursag is the priestess of the Xenplexians and is the ruler of the Xenplexian empire and is known as the Holy Empress of the infinite gods. Ninhursag has the title Queen of heaven

Mother arc

The 13th Pillar or Transharmonic Gates.

Guardians call this aspect of Mother's Aquamarine Ray energy, which is also a new quality of Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core (which is circuited from the earth core from newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quadra Merkabic structure) that is flooding the planetary body with Aqua Ray frequency - The Mother Arc. the Mother Arc, the Aqua Ray frequency and the braided plasma fields of the Aqualine Sun. It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) and through the Aqualine Sun that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint which is catalyzed into elemental matter through the awakening planetary Albion body. These circuits of reconnection of the Mother of God principle is made possible by the Override Pillar Gates(The Override Pillar Gates or Reuche Pillars are from the God worlds that serve to stabilize the planetary merkaba shields), which is the original parent frequency which directly heals our inner spirit and our Lightbody.


All that exists within our Cosmos is comprised of the Intelligence factor expressed by the sphere of Alpha, the Substance factor expressed by the cube of Omega, and the Only Begotten Son (The Divine Father) and Daughter (The Divine Mother ) together as Energy. Before there was the pool of existence known as Alpha and Omega which comprises the sum of all the Masculine and Feminine units of Energy known as Partika and Particum when separate from one another and as Partiki when together, nothing existed at all...not even the concept of space. Then all of a sudden the Divine Mother emerged from the “Void” as the first quanta of pre-Partiki exhibiting the characteristics of the desire to create and gave birth to the prime concepts of consciousness, space, and primal quantum matter particles; the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Particum that allow physical substances and ideological/artistic concepts to exist. The Divine Father was next to emerge from the “Void” as the second quanta of the same pre-Partiki exhibiting the characteristics of the intention to create and gave birth to the prime concept of intelligence in the form of mathematics, geometry, templates, and logical reasoning (cause and effect); the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Partika which allowed for the orderly formation of physical substances and the discovery of ideological concepts concocted by Omega.

Xenplexian morphogenetic field

The xenplexian morphogenetic field is Virgos morphogenetic field and it created the Omniverse, It created all Xen particles. This field has infinite vibrations which are the multidimensional polygons.



Ninhursag(Isis/Virgo/Ki/Gaia) is the Mother Goddess, Goddess of fertility and is also known as ki and is the earth goddess and is the chief consort of the sky god anu and consort of Enki. she is one of the 12 gods of creation and her multidimensional polygon is 444 which is her consciousness which and turns the light into superstrings.


Lakshmi is the wife and energy of Vishnu.


Ninhursag's symbol resembles the Greek letter omega Ω. The omega symbol is associated with the Egyptian cow goddess Hathor, and may represent a stylized womb. Hera bears some resemblance to the Ancient Egyptian deity Hathor, a maternal goddess associated with cattle.


Tiamat is the Goddess of chaos who existed in the primordial sea of pure energy, Chaos symbolises the 12 (chaos) gods of creations energies. The Divine Mother(Ninhursag) emerged from the “Void” as the first quanta of pre-Partiki the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Particum that allow physical substances. The Divine Father(Enki) was next to emerge from the “Void” as the second quanta of the same pre-Partiki the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Partika. Tiamat and the primordial sea became the omniverse/universe. Tiamat and the primordial sea(Enki) created the 12 titans/12 Zodiacs/12 gods of creation. The Xen energy of the Chaos energy is the Mother Goddess Ninhursag/Isis/Virgo, the energy is light which is Ra/Enki/Yahweh the creator of the humans.


  • Isis
  • Virgo
  • Ki
  • Gaia
  • Lakshmi
  • Iusaaset(mother of all creation)
  • Inanna/Astarte/Aphrodite
  • Uni/Judo/Hera

Trinity Avatars

  • Ninhursag+Enki=Jord
  • Ninhursag+Enki=Ak-aAa
  • Ninhursag+Enki=Ahuran

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