Xenplexa Academy, a kabbalistic school for kabbalistic(Jewish) families who know about the xenplexian origin, is the mystery school of the Grand Lodge of Xenplexa. The Academy was set up by Jewish(human-xenplexian hybrid) families which make up the Grand Lodge of Xenplexa which is the Lodge that the rulers of the Xenplexian Empire are apart of. The Xenplexian empire is the head of a tech alliance which is made up of the 12 Ancient God empires, this alliance is known as Hextec which is a federation which produces advance technology and helps out other alien races. Xenplexa academy was set up by, is funded by and is therefore a branch of Hextec and Hextecs earth sector which is apart of the Human Empire which is partly headed by the human-xenplexian families. Hextec as we said is made up of the 12 ancient god empires which are Gods Empire.
Human-Xenplexian Hybrids[]
13,000 years ago the Xenplexians created angelic human-xenplexian hybrids therefore they have a(n ethereal) chromosome called XXY which is the chromosome Xenplexians have. These human-xenplexian hybrids had children with the Xenplexians. The children were taught Xen qabbalah/Xenplexianism and they taught their children. Eventually after a few generations they all formed Xenplexa academy which is run by the rulers of the Human-Xenplexian empire(hextec earth sector).
33 Crystal temples[]
Xenplexa academy has 33 schools located around the world, these schools are located at the crystal temples which are on land owned by Hextec(Human-Xenplexian families).
One of the locations of a Xenplexa academy (which is only accessable through its) subdivision ((because/)which it is protected by (it)): "([The presence of]) God [is] with us((=)Shekhinah)" College.
Ascended Masters/Teachers[]
The school is taught by Ascended Masters and they are the Maidens/Priestesses who look after the crystal temples. These maidens/priestesses can become nymphs and later on they can become Angels. The head Ascended Master at Xenplexa Academy is Ninhursag(/Omega gene carrier) and the other Ascended Masters are her Angels.
Spiritual Levels[]
There are 4 Spiritual Levels, the higher the level the more advance/spiritual the student's consciousness is, the levels are based on the 4 worlds which split the vibrational dimensions up into 4 levels and the higher the vibration of the consciousness the higher its vibrational dimension is. Each level has a different uniform which are coloured after their vibrational dimension and they learn different levels of knowledge.
Red and Orange[]
These students learn:
- Multidimensional polygons and dimensions
- Superstring theory
- Sacred geometry of superstrings
- Sacred geometry encoded/encode multidimensional polygons
- Superstrings encode multidimensional polygons
- Tree of life, sacred geometry and Multidimensional polygons
Yellow and Green[]
These students learn:
- Superstrings encoding Sacred geometry/Multidimensional polygons
- Metaphysics of multidimensional polygons
- Lie groups encoded in Multidimensional polygons
- The superstring being a 64 tetrahedron grid/lie group
Blue, Indigo and Violet[]
These students are taught by Ninhursag and they look after the 33 crystal temples and conduct her experiments.
These students learn:
- Superstrings are infinite dimensional infinite tetrahedron grid/E8 lie groups
- Superstrings encode Multidimensional polygons/infinite tetrahedron grids
- Psychic dimension Multidimensional polygons
- Infinite tetrahedron grid Multidimensional polygon of the God source/singularity/psychic dimension
God level[]
The students that are taught by Ninhursag wear the God uniform and can become maidens/priestesses and they teach the other students. The maidens can become nymph/elementals and rule land they can then become an Angel and become apart of the hierarchy of Gods empire.
Xenplexa Academy and 64TGE8ST[]
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