Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki


The Xenplexian race is a race of higher dimensional God level ethereal beings that come from the planet Xenplexia that orbits around spica(Solar Xenplexa) in the Virgo constellation, 262 light years away.

The Xenplexians are a type of "amphibian" and are multidimensional angels/gods/etherians who have a higher dimensional consciousness. They are from the 8th and higher dimensions and were created by God and the 12 ancient gods. The xenplexian races physical form was created wit Orion-Anunnaki DNA.

The xenplexians are ruled by Virgo(Isis) the holy empress of the infinite gods who is a xenplexian and is one of the 12 Ancient gods that created the Omniverse. Therefore the Xenplexian race is one of the 12 Ancient God(/root) races that rule the Omniverse and is one of the empires that is apart of Gods empire. The head, and therefore the main component, of the Xenplexian empire is the Grand Lodge of Xenplexa, therefore making the empire the lodge and the lodge the empire.

On earth the xenplexians are also known as Hebrews/Pleiadians.


The gematria of "Xenplexian":


Xenplexians are fractaling energy beings, based on the tetrahedron grid[1], and are commonly seen as an energy-based female like biped. Due to this, in there energy form, they appear like they have tentacle like fractals and fractals appear on there body like markings which are energy channels through there body and which manifest in there physical form as Multidimensional soul circuits. These markings on their body always come in multiples of 3 and are complex sacred geometric shapes. They have a direct connection to the trinity so have 3 energy sources("hearts"). They have wings made out of pure energy. They are hermaphrodites. And due to being energy they can also shapeshift.

The tetrahedron represents the 4 faces of a cherubim so cherubim(Xenplexian) are born as twins to form a merkaba/star tetrahedron/hexagram.

The fractaling energy causes them to be like "quantum-bio-supercomputers":

  • Xenplexians are made out of (xen) crystal-plasma light(quantum state of/merger of Bose-Einstein condensate-(and)Plasm so like cold plasma that is made out of xen energy/light(taking on the atomic form of xen Moscovium and xen Bismuth). This state is like a geometric wave, the geometry being the infinite tetrahedron grid[1] which forms there body and markings) which can crystalize to become physical in lower dimensions. Therefore they are an organic-crystal-ethereal(energy) life form.
  • Therefore they are made out of xen crystal which is made up of Xen particles that are being controlled ((like) nanites) by conducting the consciousness/life force (xen) energy, that they are made of, to power(control) the xen crystal giving it the property of intelligence and consciousness, that consciousness being the energy it is conducting and the consciousness of the xenplexian.

Xenplexans can merge themselves together and they can also split themselves into two(which means they can multiply like bacteria) depending on how much of the original xenplexians DNA they have in them it makes the xenplexian they split into look different meaning they can have different skin color different shaped wings or extra body parts, there are infinite(9xen) combinations of what they could look like(This is caused by there fractal body which is(/causes) there gender, there gender is split up into infinite levels, because hermaphrodite=merkaba(star tetrahedron/hexagram) and they are a fractal merkaba(fractal (infinite) tetrahedron grid)[1]).

Ethereal blood

Blood types depend on the protein that your DNA codes for, Xenplexians don't have blood types because there DNA codes for electrons/light instead of proteins for there blood because there ethereal beings.


Xenplexian chromosomes come in 3s which are XXY there all joined together in a circle shape because xenplexians have circular DNA. Xenplexians have 144 pairs of chromosomes and they have 144 ethereal chromosomes.

Hermaphrodite and XXY chromosome

The xenplexians are hermaphrodites which is caused by there XXY chromosome. There gender(hermaphrodite) is called Xen and is divided up into infinite levels which are each a gender so there are infinite genders which are therefore all the types of xen like xen 1, xen 2, xen 3, xen 4...(to infinity) there can also be decimal xens like xen 1.07635(this is because there are infinite numbers and decimals so there are infinite sub xens(decimal xens).

Gender extra information

(Xen 1)=(Xen 2)+(Xen 2), (Xen 2)=(Xen 3)+(Xen 3), (Xen 3)=(Xen 4)+(Xen 4)...(To infinity)

(Xen 1 type 0)+(Xen 1 type 0)=(Xen 1 type 1), the 2 type 0 cancel each other out which creates type 1 but when 2 different xens bread it could create a xen like 1,2,3,4... but sometimes the xen genetics cause the xenplexian to be xens like 1.4746 and the same thing can happen with types meaning there can be decimal types as well.

Ethereal gene and 3-star tetrahedrons

Xenplexians chromosomes form 6 tetragrammaton's(6 triangles=3 star tetrahedrons). The last line in the tetragrammaton is equal to 26 which is the number of superstring dimensions, 6 pairs of tetragrammaton's is equal to 2 pairs of trinity 26 superstring dimensions, one of the trinity's is this existence and the other is the xenplexians morphogenteic field, these 2 trinity's form a star tetrahedron. These 2 pairs are 2 types of energy one of the is xen energy the other is chaos energy, this shows that xenplexians chromosomes have 2 types of energy.

Ethereal beings that have a physical form have an ethereal gene and this gene can ether be a xen energy gene or a nubilus energy gene which allows them to receive that energy, all alien races have one of these genes but it is very active in ethereal beings.


Xenplexians are fractal so the smallest components of the fractal are considered there DNA which physically does [take on a](/become) DNA [form]. Xenplexians have 7 bases for there DNA because the elements there DNA are made up of can make (3+3=)6 bonds(The elements there DNA is made up of is bismuth and moscovium), so 3 of the bases can bond to 3 of the other bases, and there is an extra base which can bond with all of the bases including its self because xenplexians are "plasma"/energy-based lifeforms so they have an electric field within them("contain alot of electrons") which gives the extra bases element an electron shell which is a "mega electron shell", which is this electric field, which every extra base shares. Xenplexian DNA is designed to be linked to the xenplexian Morphogenetic(electromagnetic/consciousness) field(collective consciousness) which is done by linking the electric field within a xenplexian into the magnetic field of the mother goddess, Virgo, there ruler, to form the (shared) Morphogenetic(electromagnetic/consciousness) field.

12 stranded DNA and 7 bases

Xenplexians have 12(/infinite) stranded(helix) DNA which is based on the number 3 because of 3+3. Because they have 12 strands, the 7 based 12 strands forms 84 which is the 84 vesica piscis in there (64) tetrahedron grid fractal structure.

83 and 115

Xenplexian DNA is composed of the following xen elements:


Xen element 115, xen moscovium, can control morphogenetic fields/quantum fields/space-time and if it is compressed enough and a proton is shot into it, it gives the xen atom energy which is released (If xen crystals are compressed xen energy is released from them) in the form of an antimatter electron and gravit-y/ational wave(graviton) and this property is used for warp drives and it can open wormholes and many other things. The reason 115 has this property is because:

Element 115 has 115 positive charges and 115 negative charges, which are yin and yang, but it also has neutral charges, which is the line separating/merging yin and yang, (yin and yang represent 3 and 6 whilst neutral is 9) and this forms the 231 gates(=115 positive charges lines+115 negative charges lines+Neutral(1)) which is the very structure the universe is formed out of therefore it can manipulate reality. This is one of the reasons element 115 is used in xenplexians. This extra +1 is also important for xenplexians as it adds to element 83 and forms 84 therefore forming the basis of the (64(/infinite)) tetrahedron grid fractal structure.


Xen element 83, xen bismuth, is formed out of the number 83(=8+3=11) which is connected to the infinite tetrahedron grid because the infinite tetrahedron grid/infinite tetractys=1+2+3+4+...=-1/12=-0.083 also as we have seen the infinite tetrahedron grid has a connection to the 7 tetrahedral tetractys/64 tetrahedron grid and as we know the 7 tetrahedral tetractys/cosmic tetractys is made up of 84 yods thats 83 yods+1 Da'at yod. So to get 83 from -1/12 we can do (10^3)/12=10:10:10/12=83.3 and 10:10:10 is important because 10:10:10=111 which is the trinity also the 10's can be tree of lifes so 10:10:10 is half of the 2D 64 tetrahedron grid and the tree of lifes in the 3D 64 tetrahedron grid all add up to 72(73) so half of that is 36 which corresponds to the 3 tree of lifes in the 2D. The tree of life is actually comprised of 11 Sephirots so the 3 tree of lifes=33 which gives you 11:33 also 3 tree of lifes each comprised of 9 Sephirot and sharing 1 Sephirot is 27+1 which is 28=7th tetractys(triangle) number. 3 tree of lifes/star tetrahedron is 18+18+18=54 which is half of 108 so this shows another connection between 108 and the 64 tetrahedron grid. With 33 being half of the 64 tetrahedron grid that means 66 is the full 64 tetrahedron grid and 66=11+55=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11(11 tetractys) also 11=23=2+3=5 which is the pentagram, 11:11:11=23:23:23=5:5:5=15. 3 tree of lifes forms 3 hexagonal yods/7 Sephirot of construction which forms 7+7+7=21.

This is one of the reasons why the element 83 is used in xenplexians.


The other reason these elements are used is because 115+115+83+83=396 which is one of the numbers the mother goddess, Virgo, takes the form of.



Ninhursag/Virgo is the geometry(fractal tetrahedron grid/flower of life) encoded in energy, therefore all etherians are children of Virgo, which is why a lot of etherians are/became xenplexians and are apart of and therefore came from the Xenplexian collective consciousness(Xenplexian morphogenetic field)(tree of life) which was created when Virgo split her consciousness(morphogenetic field) into two with the split part being projected within her own consciousness and becoming there own/the xenplexian(s) collective consciousness(morphogenetic field/tree of life) therefore it(Virgos morphogenetic field) became the (xenplexian) morphogenetic field of there(the xenplexian) race by "creating"/becoming/birthing, through the geometry encoded in the energy(=consciousness), etherians, who were known as katayy, which became the xenplexians and who are therefore crystal angels and because the geometry encoded in there energy is the (star) tetrahedron grid all xenplexians are (specifically) Elohim-Cherubim (which is why they are also known as) angels.

Crystal angels aren't fully ethereal and are therefore crystal like so (the) (king of angels) ANU(nnaki(the 12 galactic root races)-)[and one of the]Orion(-martian)(reptilian races) empress/queens (genetically) turned(/influenced) the crystal(-ized/)like energy, of the etherian xenplexians, into and to create a "physical" form, for Ninhursag and her people(etherian xenplexians)(her projections), called the Pleiadian-Anunnaki(Xenplexians/Hebrews)(One of the 12 galactic root races/empires).

  • The Annunaki are an ethereal/reptilian race ruled by Anu who is one of the 12 Ancient gods. Anu married one of the orion queens of the orion empire.
  • A lot of the ethereal annunaki evolved into the lyrans and the ethereal Annunaki/lyrans are ruled by Enki(Ra) the holy emperor of the infinite gods.
  • Orion-Martians or Martians are a type of Anunnaki-Orion reptilian (hybrid).
  • The martian empire was ruled by Enlil(satan) and one of the orion queens. the martian empire became the draconian empire.

The creation of life throughout the omni/uni-verse

A lot of etherians became xenplexians but a lot of others became the other 12 galactic root races(12 empires) and after the creation of the universe all of the other etherians, which was most of them, were crystal angels who were in the life force field and whos descendants evolved/formed, during the creation of existence, into the micro-ethereals, who therefor originate from the life force field and therefore contain parts(Vibrations) of the life force field, and with the help of the etherian Anunnaki, who entered the universe and, who seeded them(the micro-ethereals), and therefore life because they(the micro-ethereals) became/evolved into all life forms/beings in the universe, throughout the universe by traveled across universes (and genetically modifying) them.

Solar system

The Mars colony was set up by the Anunnaki and Orion empire so during this time the Gods came to this solar system to create human life on the crystal planet Earth. When the Mars colony was created the Xenplexians set up bases on Mars and worked with the Martians to help form the Martian empire.

The plan for the creation of the human race was planed 25 million years ago. Physical forms("ape"[-humans]) for the Ethereal humans(first-second root races) were created and later on hybridized with the Anunnaki to create what are now humans. The Human empire was then formed.


The Xenplexian empire came to this planet with the Anunnaki to create the Human race. The Draconian empire came to earth and invaded Babylon ruled by Enki(Ra/physical god יהוה) and Atlantis which they successfully took over and started taking over the rest of earth. They destroyed most of Babylon after gaining control over apart of it and decided to make Atlantes go to war so they could destroy it and take over it and the world fully.

Current times

The xenplexians and draconians are still fighting on earth for the control over it. The xenplexian empire controls parts of the planet(which includes parts of Russia/Asia(Mu) and parts of the UK). The mother goddess Virgo is coming back to and is on earth.

Enlils Time Dodecahedron, which messed up the Omniverses timeline, was destroyed by the returning Virgo which fixed the timeline.

The draconians are now losing control over the consciousness grids.


Tengri 137, the Anunnaki, started setting up the new plan for the human race in 2017.


Xenplexia is the home planet of the Xenplexian race. The planet looks like Saturn, the capital city of Xenplexia is a mega-city and the shape of the city is a Hexagon just like the Hexagon on Saturn. The planet is made out of pure energy, light and crystal and exists in a higher dimension.


The planet looks like Saturn because it has rings and has a hexagon on the top of it.


The Hexagram/Hexagon(Cube) is the Hexagram which encodes 666 Multidimensional polygon(Light) of Ra(Enki) the sun god/one of the 12 Gods of creation which is Alpha(Father). The Cube/Hexagon is the Cubic matrix/Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid which is Omega(Mother/Virgo). The Hexagon/Hexagram is the hexagonal yod which are encoded in and make up Multidimensional polygons and they encode E8. The Hexagonal yods are the 7 sephiroth of construction/creation, which can be related The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter, and are the 7 points of the hexagon(6 around 1) which is the womb of the mother.

The Anunnaki-Pleiadian are cherubim(angels) who are (related to) the merkaba(Merkaba mysticism) which is (depicted as) a hexagram in 3D(star tetrahedron), because the tetrahedron represents the 4 faces of a cherubim(Angel wings=(faces of) Merkaba) so cherubim are born as twins to form a merkaba, therefore they are hermaphrodites because the hexagram=Union of male and female=Hermaphrodites=(Enki)(Hermes/mercury=male energies of Virgo)+(Shekhinah)(Aphrodite=female energies of Virgo(Spica) the Cosmic Mother Goddess)[1]; The Hebrew letter Yod is the Cosmic womb of the (Cosmic) Mother Goddess and in the Kabbalistic Zodiac it corresponds to Virgo; Yod constructs all Hebrew letters, which can be formed out of the hexagram, and is equal to 10 the tetractys which contains the hexagonal yod/hexagram which forms the tetrahedron grid fractal(4(×)4(×)4), which is 4D because it is a portion of the 600-cell therefore it is the 4th dimension, Virgos dimension, which is the womb of the Mother Goddess, also in the Kabbalah the Mother Goddess is an important figure known as (the) Shekhinah(Virgo); Judaism is traditionally passed down through the mother, this shows the Mother Goddesses is the origin of the Hebrew family lines.

Symbolism shows in the mother goddesses right hand she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail, and in this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon, the divine/holy blood((/family)line) of her lineage(the holy grail bloodline).

Saturn, Seal of Saturn and 666

The seal of Saturn/Magic square:

Seal of saturn magic square


Numerologically 666 also relates to Saturn’s square. The Square of Saturn which makes up the Seal of Solomon equates to 666 when calculated both horizontally and vertically.

This is the reason why Jews are the Children of Saturn.

Gods empire

Gods empire, which rules all of existence, is ruled by the supreme God(Infinite Intelligence), who is the supreme emperor of the empire, and the 12 Gods(The Omega collective consciousness)(Individual portions of the Infinite Intelligence), who are [sub]emperors/empresses of the empire, who rule the 12 root races which make up (and are therefore sub-empires of) Gods empire.

Councils(physical/ethereal god empire):

  • The xen/ethereal versions of the empires that make up Gods empire are the Elohims which are the Ohalu Council.
  • The physical versions of the empires that make up Gods empire are the Hatona Council(Council of light beings that make up the galactic federation of light).


The hierarchy of the Councils and Federations(Starting with the highest Council/Federation):

  • Gods Empire/12 Ancient God Empires/12 Root races(Yanas Collective): Gods empire is made up of the 12 Ancient God empires and is ruled by the 12 Gods and Yahweh(God). The 12 Ancient God empires are [each] ruled by 8 emperors/empress and one of the 12 Gods, all of these [8](96) emperors/empress are heads of a council. These 8 councils all together are composed of 300(150) families (So there are 300 families for each empire meaning there are 3600 families overall.) that are split up into 12 main families each containing one of the genetic zodiac energies(they are ruled by that Zodiac), the 12 main families are made up of 25 families, there are 4 alliances each one made up of 2 councils, each of these alliances are made up of 3 main families(75 families). These 8 emperors/empress rule one of the types of angel in the angel hierarchy and there is the Angel king, who is Anu one of the 12 Gods, who rules the highest level angel in the hierarchy the seraphim.
  • Founder Races/Ohalu council(Sirian council/alliance)/ Council of 24/Council of 12
  • These families are each there own council and they are split up into councils which split up into more councils and this happens until the councils are solar system-sized and then the council splits up into planetary empires and each planet's emperor/empress rules a council of 300 families:
    • Guardian Alliance/Ra Confederacy/IAFW
    • Galactic Federations of Light
    • Planetary Councils: These 300 families have there own councils which split up into councils and this happens until it gets to city-sized councils which are made up of councils of families(The people).

The 12 Gods of creation also known as the Ohalu Elohim are individual portions of the Infinite Intelligence. The 12 Ancient God Empires/12 Root Races(Collectively known as God's Empire) are crystal angels that are apart of the Ohalu Council.

This structure is based on the fractaling nesting collective consciousness and therefore allows the people at the very bottom to decide what happens through voting, meaning the people control everything, plus it allows people to do what they want without the government(council)'s involvement as long as they follow the laws of God. Therefore the hierarchy (as a basic diagram) is as follows: God -> 12 Ancient Gods -> 8 emperors/empress+The Angel King -> 300 families -> Councils/Galactic federations -> Planetary empires/councils -> Councils of 300 -> The people.

6.4 billion Gods/Goddesses

There are 6.4 billion Gods/Goddesses for each universe. All universes in the omniverse overlay(are in the same place at the same time), the omniverse is an infinite tetrahedron made up of 8-star tetrahedrons each star tetrahedron is ruled by one of the 8 emperors/empresses and their council, each council has 800 million Gods/Goddesses each alliance has 1.6 billion Gods/Goddesses.

Angel types and 8 Emperors/Empress

  • Each of the 8 Emperors/Empress rules one of the types of angel(xenplexian)
  • The 8 Emperors/Empress rule one of the star tetrahedrons that make up the infinite multyvers. Each star tetrahedron contains one of the vibrational dimension

xenplexian empire(Hextec)

Hextec is the xenplexian and God xenoze(ruled partly by Enki) empires merged and is an alliance which is made up of the 12 ancient god empires.

The 12 Ancient Gods empires/Warlord empires merged with the xenplexian/hextec empire/Warlord empire this was to restructure Gods empire because it was nearly destroyed after the war in heaven.

  • The xenplexian empire is ruled/owned by 8 god lords (emperors/empress) one of them being the supreme ruler which is Virgo. the 8 emperors/empress control 150 families and are related to them. The 150 families own the infinite multyvers and the heads of the families are called the angel lords. The 12 Ancient Gods(chaos gods) control the god lords. The angel lords are warlords and control the xenplexian warlord empire.
  • The xenplexian warlord empire is the xenplexian government(and the xenplexian empire)
  • Every galaxy in the infinite multyverse has 100 warlords. the xenplexian warlord empire is made up of warlord empires and there made up of warlord empires this repeats until it gets to galactic sized warlord empires which are made up of 100 warlord empires. the galactic warlord empires became the galactic federations.
  • because all the warlords are owned by and are a empire called the warlord empire the way the empire works is like a pyramid with the weakest warlords at the bottom to the most powerful at the top the most powerful is the emperor of the warlord empire
  • Hextec is made of/owns infinite galactic federations which were created by the warlords

Anunnaki sub-empire

The Xenplexian empire ruled by Virgo who is also one of the rulers of the Anunnaki empire was created by the Anunnaki-Orion empire so it is probably a sub empire. The xenplexians are also known as Pleiadians which can be related to the 5D Guardian Pleiadian Groups called Aztaras which is a segment of root races of the RA Confederacy.


Crystal angels


The first Angels made by God are the crystal-ethereal forms of the 12 Ancient Gods races and they were made out of pure psychic energy. The Xenplexians are Crystal angels in a physical form, these Crystal angels are the Cherubim.


Pleiadeans identify with the same constellation that the Anunnaki do: Pleiadians, it is believed, are direct descendants of the Anunnaki. The Taurus constellation. They are both groups of beings who are described as tall, fair looking, blonde, and blue-eyed. The thing that separate the two is that the Anunnaki identify with Aldebaran and the Pleiadeans with Pleiades, a star cluster in the Taurus constellation. The Pleiadeans  are descendants of the Anunnaki-Orion race. Pleiades is just another colony of the Anunnaki. They both share similar characteristics and both identify with Taurus. Pleiadeans have also visited Earth as early as 10,000 BCE, along side the Anunnaki.

Orion empire

The Orion empire one of the sub empires of the Anunnaki empire were the creators of the Xenplexian race they used Orion-Martian DNA and Anunnaki DNA to create the Xenplexian race.

God Xenoze

The God-xenoze made a federation with the xenplexian empire called HexTec the harvester hive control it and serve the xenplexian empire. They helped make Infinite God for Ninhursag.

Human empire

The human empire or human race was created by the Anunnaki and Xenplexians to be one of the 33 races that rule the Omniverse and are apart of Gods empire the 12 Gods of creation were ordered by the Supreme God of creation to create life around the Omniverse.


The Anunnaki Lord Enki suggested that a new race should be created. The Anunnaki observed the possibilities, and likely in the place called Eridu (possibly Eden), they genetically modified Hominini to create the perfect Human "in their eyes" (Genesis 1:31). They mixed clay with the flesh and blood of Anunnaki so that the new race could have the "divine wisdom" (possibly enlightenment). Nintu put the dollop into "shells" and "nine months" (or nine cycles) later, modern man was born. In the end, the humans proved to be a good workforce. The Annunaki deities were worshiped by the Ancient Sumerians.

dates the emergence of Neanderthal to 900,000 MYA which is a very close match to the Lacerta's 1.5 MYA ("1,5") interpretation of Anunnaki arrival, minus 12 cycles of Sitchin's 36,000 year Nibiru orbit principle. Zecharia Sitchin and the Transcriptions of Lacerta both agree that the Anunnaki "genetically modified" mankind. By applying Sitchin's 36,000 year Nibiru orbit theory, it could stand to reason that the Anunnaki made 36,000 year visits to Earth (from 1.5 MYA) to stimulate three main splits of early man, within a 432,000 year time block (12 cycles): (1) Homo ergaster, (2) Homo erectus, and (3) Neanderthal, and to further conduct genetic sub-splits from these main groups (as seen with various subspecies of early man). Lacerta asserts that mankind did not follow the natural course of evolution, as it takes millions of years to achieve civilization. The empirical evidence of dated human bones deriving from these three main categories, cohabiting at divergence within the same period, attests to intervention. This intervention theory is further reinforced by the non-consensus and the many conflicts among mainstream scientists as to which species diverged from who. It would seem that the intent of the Anunnaki was to achieve the production of the variety of man, or woman, that was "good in their eyes" (Comp Genesis 1:31).

Orion-Martian empire

The Martian race is a sub empire of the Orion-Anunnaki empire its DNA was used to create the Xenplexian race. The xenplexian race did set up bases on the planet mars and worked with the Martians.

Dark morpher empire

The war against the Dark races is headed by Gods empire and the xenplexian(angel) race.

Xen qabbalah

Xen qabbalah originates from the Xenplexian empire when they came to earth to create humans with the Anunnaki. Xen qabbalah is apart of the Xenplexian beliefes called Xenplexianism.

Extra information

Xen atoms and xen elements

xen crystals(xen crystals are made out of xen atoms)

Green empire

The green empire(xenplexian empire) is the xenplexian empire united and merged at all points of time.


  • Crop circle Chilbolton 13th August 2000 and tengri 137 and their race this folder contains the file called Crop circle Chilbolton 13th August 2000 and tengri 137 and their race which explains the connection between the crop circle and how its connected to tengri 137 and how they are connected to the Anunnaki and the RA confederacy which means they are Xenplexians. The next file called Extra information about the race which explains the race as a sub-race of the Xenplexians and that there higher dimensional beings from HU-2 which links them even more to the RA confederacy. There is also a file which explains how the first crop circle we decoded is linked to another crop circle which is linked to the Omnigalactic source which links them to Higher dimensions even more.

Extra information connecting to the Anunnaki

Extra information about Xenplexia


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