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Chakras are multidimensional polygons made out of psychic energy and vibrate at the frequencies of the 8 star tetrahedron infinite tetrahedron grid infinite multyvers


Spirit Science 2 ~ Chakras (Original)


Spirit Science 28 ~ The Lower Chakras

Chakras Function to transmit and receive the Spectrum of Frequency from the Universal Time Matrix through our body which acts as a vessel of Consciousness:


Spirit Science 29 - The Higher Chakras


Spirit Science 30 ~ The Chakra Code

It is important to open the chakras and increase the circulation of energy flow or life force because the more energy that is flowing, the healthier and more balanced we are. When we are in energetic balance and have reasonable integration and connections between our body, mind and spirit, it is much easier for us to expand our consciousness and embody our higher spiritual blueprint.The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in vital essences and consciousness energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance.

The Chakras major functions are:

  • Vitalize the Auric bodies and thus the physical body, organs and glands.
  • To bring about the biological spiritual growth and development of different aspects of self-consciousness and connection to life. Each Chakra is related to a specific psychological (higher spiritual blueprint) form and has specific intelligent functions.
  • To transmit energy between the Auric layers. Each Auric body has its own set of seven major (particle) Chakras, and eight anti-particle Chakras each located in the same place on the physical body. Each progressive layer exists in increasingly higher Frequency, each with a higher frequency band than the lower one. Energy is transmitted from one layer to the next through pathways in the conical tips of the Chakra. Most of these pathways are sealed in most people. They open through the intention to align to expanding their consciousness or through spiritual purification work, such as when doing regular Meditation and devotional prayer.Chakras are part of the subtle energy body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels, called the etheric nadis which are apart of the Nadial System. Nadis are channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana), or vital energy moves and circulates. Chakras have a physical manifestation as well as are the metaphysical counterpart to the endocrine glands.Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. There are many chakras in the subtle human body according to many ancient wisdom and tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones in the main vertical central column which is called the Hara Line. The model we use is that there is seven primary particle chakras and eight anti-particle chakras that total to fifteen main chakras. Each chakra corresponds to the same number as the color Spectrum of Frequency and dimensional location in the Universal Time Matrix. Their name derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning", but in the yogic context a better translation of the word is 'vortex or whirlpool'. The main chakras operate similarly as the hard drive of a computer. Each hard drive has many files and directories stored as memories. One of the files is always open in each of the chakras, no matter how "closed" that particular chakra may be. What is displayed by the file is what shapes the individuals reality experience.

Chakra Crystal Seeds

Our chakras are very much designed like circular flower petals with seed crystals in its center. The crystal seed of our chakra flower is attached to the central vertical channel of the Hara Line and the “prana”, the breath of life, runs in circular patterns throughout our Vertical Channels and our chakras. The prana tube runs the movement of our breath in the same direction with the Hara Line or central vertical channel of which our chakra cones attach at their center.

Antiparticle Chakras

The physical body has Seven Primary Particle Chakras that merge with the anti-particle double of the main Chakra centers through Soul and Monadic spiritual body integration which is the process of spiritual ascension. These anti particle double Chakras are also called Morphogenetic Chakras. Our Morphogenetic Chakras are primarily dormant until we move through spiritual Ascension Stages of the Monadic activation at the 8th Chakra or we begin to work with the 12D Shield.

Morphogenetic Chakras

Morphogenetic Field is a form-holding Blueprint that stores information for how that "form" of consciousness will manifest. Morphogenetic Fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the blueprints on which matter and conscious identity will then manifest. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation. All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through these morphogenetic imprints. The architecture of that manifestation template is the 12 Tree Grid. Layers upon layers of morphogenetic fields exist at every level form has manifested at each dimensional plane in the Universal Tree of Life. Our personal blueprint is known as our personal Morphogenetic Field, and it expands to exist at a planetary level, the Galactic level, The Universal Level and Multi-verse levels. All of the levels of the manifestation templates, the Personal, Planetary, Galactic and Universal 12 Tree Grids are nested together interconnected as what manifest within our holographic reality.

To describe the antiparticle layers that exist in the higher Chakra system, these higher chakras 8 through 15 are called anti-particle chakras or Morphogenetic Chakras.

The physical body has Seven Primary Particle Chakras that merge with the anti-particle double of the main Chakra centers through Soul and Monadic spiritual body integration which is the process of spiritual ascension. These anti particle double Chakras are also called Morphogenetic Chakras.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (morphogenetic) chakras merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

  • 8th Chakra/Higher Heart Chakra
  • 9th Chakra/Atomic Doorway
  • 10th Chakra/Solar Star
  • 11th Chakra/Galactic Chakra
  • 12th Chakra/Earth Star
  • 13th Chakra/Earth Core or Universal Mother Chakra
  • 14th Chakra/Universal Sun Chakra
  • 15th Chakra/Universal Father Chakra


1st Chakra/Root Chakra

This is the Root Chakra located at the base of the spine, and it is Red in colour.

First 1D Internal Layer

This is the root layer 1st Chakra of our Unconscious Mind and it functions like a hard drive for the ego. In this hard drive is the cellular memory storage from all of one’s lifestreams. This means that cellular memories from past lives, present lives and future lives may all be stored in this memory hard drive. These memories are not given value when they are recorded, whether one may perceive them as good or bad, these many multiple memories are stored on the root hard drive of every human being. 

Finding Base Security

To find balance for our root chakra, one must make a sincere effort to stop the delusion of basing one's Self Esteem being made on the appearance or assumption of outer circumstances. For many of us, this is our immediate task at hand, to be mentally and emotionally freed of being bullied, intimidated, and threatened against one's sense of inner security, stability, foundation and wellbeing. That relationship is totally up to each of us. Only you can develop trust in that relationship with God or Spirit, no one can do that for you on the outside.

The Root Chakra is the base of the foundation of our lightbody and is our form holding energetic blueprint which exists as the holographic Tree of Life. When we hold unresolved and unconscious pain in our base frequency, it weakens our entire foundation; it erodes the roots which hold the base of our personal Tree of Life. Without having grown the strong stable roots for building the strong, stable spiritual foundation of one's personal Tree of Life, one may topple or be redirected in their path. This is why building a strong base, builds a balanced Root Chakra and this is essential in building one's spiritual foundation. One is easily manipulated, controlled or potentially hijacked by the Controller forces when not spiritually strong in virtues and ethics. At this time one will be moved to the life path that is vibrationally matched and appropriate in order to accomplish the learning required through the highest consciousness pathway. To balance our base we must address negative archetypes and fear thought-forms and consciously participate with shifting them to a higher frequency of loving thoughts. The table below is helpful to pinpoint areas to heal in our root chakra.

2nd Chakra/Sacral Chakra

The second layer is the Subconscious/ Instinctual Mind of the lower Emotional Body and relates to the 2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra located about two inches below the navel. They both are related to the emotional and feeling aspects of life experiences. Our sense of abundance, well being and sexuality is related to this chakra. Most traumas experienced that have not been resolved or released will create energetic blockage that lodges itself in this area. It tends to be the most difficult energy body and chakra for the human being to master in this plane of reality where low expressions of duality, such as suffering and brutality, exist.

3rd Chakra/Solar Plexus Chakra

Also called the Solar Plexus Chakra it governs our 3rd Dimensional identity structures. The 3D identity structuresare the three mind matrices of our Subconscious, Instinctual and Conscious/Reasoning Minds, See Three Layers of Ego. As these three stations of identity merge, the triad bodies combine into one 3D energetic grid level of a body, together they form and create a horizontal energy bodies. This formed horizontal shield is akin to an energetic completion of the 3D experience for the personality and the 4D Identities of the Soul Matrix and its frequencies start to pour into the energy bodies.

This Energy Center has the attributes of our consciousness that governs our mental functioning and issues around power, control, the freedom to be oneself, and our chosen career. The greatest need of this Chakra is to live in an organized world where everything is orderly and disciplined, to be an intellectual and be an individual. We are leaving human order for the higher expression of our divinity, or [[[Soul]], which has no reasoning in linear sequence to satisfy the ego, so this sets a world stage of confusion for many people unaware of what is transpiring with the Consciousness shift.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is related to the transition from base to higher states of emotion, as well as the exchange of energy, assimilation and digestion. This Chakrasupplies the energy to all digestive organs such as the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and liver which play a valuable role in digestion and the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. Digestive problems come out of imbalances or damage held in this Chakra.

Its function is controlled by the 3rd Seal of the Chakra Crystal Keys grid of the second level of the Lightbody. This Crystal Key is a primary Crystal Key that relates to certain bio-energetic functions in our bodies. The main physical upgrades will be focused on an improved cardio-vascular and pulmonary system functioning and the ability of the body to convert nutrients into usable energy management for the body. This means we may experience radical changes with our food, food consumption and how our bodies convert food into energy. We will require less consumed food as our bodies use Light source as a nutrient to convert energy for our bodies. When the Crystal Star is released it also begins to build the 3D layer functions of our merkaba body which begins to merge the next level of our Soul family identities (the past/future lifetimes) with our consciousness here at this density. This particular Crystal Star Seal also unlocks upgrades in the etheric Nadial Complex structure which is the energetic blueprint for our physical body’s Central Nervous System (CNS). This means upon completing the Star Crystal Seal release our CNS will have an upgrade that will allow greater capacity of electrical functioning and prepare the bodies to receive whole new levels of conducting, transmitting and holding frequency of the Soul Matrix.

3D Third Internal Layer

This is the Conscious Mind layer of the ego of which we all perceive as a self or personality. If one pays attention to their conscious thoughts, one becomes aware if they are having Negative Ego thoughts as defined above by the Seven Houses of Ego. All Houses of Ego are formed by making judgments of people and the external circumstances. The third layer is directly impacted by the first layer of our Unconscious Mind and second layer of the Instinctual Mind to the degree the painful memory has created walls of separation and traumatized sub-personalities. If the main areas of the Walls of Separation are not dismantled and sub-personalities brought into transparency for healing, these hidden influences control and manipulate the strength and power within the person’s Houses of Ego. Essentially the more weak and in pain a person is, the more strong their walls of separation (pain body) which create the judgments which build the Houses of Ego. In most cases the houses are also created as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness experienced in the 3D world.

4th Chakra/Astral Heart Chakra

This is the 4D Astral Heart Chakra which is the main energy center that is located in the centre of the chest. Chakras act as small vortexes that run intelligent energy programs into the areas of the body and consciousness that are governed by the 4th dimensional layers, or the Astral Plane. It transmits and receives the green color wave Spectrum of Frequency from the 4th dimension until it is upgraded through Ascension awakening to transmit higher frequencies.

First Layer of Soul Body

The Soul body is the threefold principle of creative imagination, receptivity and feeling perception and holds the recorded memories of the life stream of Consciousness. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of our being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded in the cellular matrix of our body. We can retrieve these cellular memories through our sensory feelings, such as when we feel empathy for others or by recognizing familiarity in situations, which create higher emotional body resonances in the consciousness body. Emotional body resonances, when they are recognized by the energetic receivers in the soul intelligence layers in the Nadial Structure, will catalyze feelings that animate sensations of remembering something familiar, as the resonance of memory is connected into the CNS and transmitted to the Brain. These higher sensory experiences can be described as deja vu experiences, or when one recognizes places, people or things that feel familiar, in the sense of a memory being recalled from some other timeline. This memory may occur without knowing the details or reasons, such as not knowing their name, or not meeting them before in the physical reality, but recognizing them as being familiar from another Dimension of reality.

Without the Soul body whole, healed or connected, all of these higher sensory feeling functions will either become distorted or non-existent, as the qualities of the person's emotional experiences and memories are blocked from access inside the body. The Soul is the higher sensory body that allows us to have truly deep emotional experiences such as feelings of Empathy, which allow higher emotional states to be experienced, along with continually developing higher sensory abilities, like Cellular Telepathy. The Soul allows our heart to deeply feel the Love of God as a unifying force that exists interconnected with all living things. Love acts as the bridge between the Soul and Monad body that is united with the Inner Holy Spirit, when ignited in the Higher Heart (thymus area) through Monadic activation and integration.

Astral Heart

When in the first stages of the Soul triad body integration, the heart center is green Chakra Wave Spectrum which correlates to the embodiment of the Soul-Spirit bodies in the heart center.

Blue Crystal Lotus Heart

When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart [4th Chakra], it is developing into a Blue Heart. Your Heart Chakra turns blue and the frequency coming through starts turning blue, this is a connection to the pale turquoise of the Mother Arc which ignites the inner holy spirit called the Amoraea Flame.

5th Chakra/Throat Chakra

The 5th Chakra or Throat Chakra is our vocal expression that we use to command energy into form manifestation. When we are aligned with what we are creating and speaking into manifestation, our Throat Chakra is open and clear. We are learning more and more to be comfortable speaking our truth in. The 5th Chakra is a vital part of humanity's spiritual awakening for, as individuals awaken to the authentic aspect of their eternal self, a new voice is born as it aligns to speak spiritual will.

The Throat (5th) and Sacral Chakra (2nd) are two key creative energy centers that work together. A sympathetic response in the Throat (5th) Chakra maybe directly related to the accelerated 2nd Chakra clearing. The 5th Chakra in principle is masculine energy and the 2nd Chakra is feminine energy. As we are undergoing the masculine and feminine energy integration, this is one of the key processes we are experiencing and why these two creative points unify to work together on clearing old patterns.

6th Chakra/Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is the 6D Indigo Ray and is located between the eyebrows.

Third Eye 6D Chakra

The Pituitary Gland is connected to the male side of the 6th Axiatonal Lines and the 6th Chakra. Once dissolving or removing the Pineal Cage and Crucifixion Implantson the 7th Axiatonal lines leading in the pineal, the 10th Axiatonal lines and Solar Star Chakra will take the place of the 7D Crown, the corrected crown pattern ultimately merges with the Avatar matrix when aligned to the consent with Krystal Star or Christ.This creates a triad pattern between the 6D link to Pituitary, 7D link to Pineal and 9D links into the Hypothalamus Glands in the center of the Brain.

The 6D Indigo Ray has been undergoing repair with the Mother Arc and Aurora Re-encryptions. One can ignite the Mother Arc Aqua Ray into the center of the brain to help open the third eye center with Christos consent to alignment. The 6th Chakra and 7th Chakra, ultimately synthesize the male-female Chakra Wave Spectrum and unified pattern through the third eye or 6th Chakra. This synthesized 6D-7D pattern is called Building Wings.

The 7D Violet Ray has been undergoing repair with the Father Arc and Aurora Ray patterns.

7th Chakra/Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is violet in colour, and located on the vertex of the head.

Crown 7D Chakra

The Pineal Gland is connected to the female side of the 7th Axiatonal Lines and the 7th Chakra. Once dissolving or removing the Pineal Cage and Crucifixion Implantson the 7th Axitonal lines leading in the pineal, the 10th Axiatonal lines and Solar Star Chakra will take the place of the 7D Crown, the corrected crown pattern ultimately merges with the Avatar matrix when aligned to the consent with Krystal Star or Christ.This creates a triad pattern between the 6D link to Pituitary, 7D link to Pineal and 9D links into the Hypothalamus Glands in the center of the Brain. 

The 7D Violet Ray has been undergoing repair with the Father Arc and Aurora Ray patterns

8th Chakra/Higher Heart Chakra

The Monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th layer but it starts connecting at the 8th Chakra level [Thymus] which is the Higher Heart. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Heart

Higher Heart Chakra Activation

The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakrain a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the Pineal Gland.

Inner Holy Spirit

The Amoraea Flame is activated when we are able to bring the three layers of our Soul Matrix into a triad body connection and we begin Monadic integration. The Amoraea Flame is the Inner Holy Spirit that ignites in the center heart of the Permanent Seed Atom that is located in the higher heart complex. This higher heart complex function is located in the 8th Chakra at the Thymus Gland.

9th Chakra/Atomic Doorway

The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakrain a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the pineal gland.

Mouth of God

The 9th Chakra has been referred to as the "Mouth of God" and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the Medulla Oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord as well as the Silver Cord in the Crown that connects to the Threefold Founder Flame. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring (spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the "Golden Chalice" of Universal Knowledge which is transmitted through the Silver Cord in the Crown once Kundaliniactivation has taken place.

Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another "language", another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of "code", "syntax" or "archetype". However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the "field" and our relationships to everything in it.

10th Chakra/Solar Star

This is the Solar Star Chakra, located 6 inches above the crown and is Sapphire in colour. The 10th Chakra has lines around our Left side and its main portal is a network from behind the left ear, to the crown chakra 7th Chakra and into the Soul Star directly above our crown, about 6 to 8 inches above our head. This is a Triad Communication Station portal from our Avatar (triad) Christ consciousness intelligence, and without this communication hub in our Lightbody, we cannot sense communication from the Krystal Star at that frequency level. The Thalamus is connected to the 10th axiatonal lines and the 10th Chakra.

Krystal Star Communication Frequency

Without the Mother Arc or female principle able to manifest into form through the destruction of the Planetary Logos and 5D planet called Tiamat, we were unable to have our 10th Chakra and all its functions work in our bodies, as she was the Mother frequency link to communicate with our Christos Avatar self on 3D planet earth. She is a part of the Triple Goddess Formation of the Mother of God principle, and apparently the Merging Shield is the Living Creature Matrix to remind us that we are to rebirth her tri-essence again onto our planetary body, and then hence into our own physical body. Because we went through the wall in time on the 10/28/11, we are able to gain access to this incredibly ancient part of ourselves through the wormhole leading into the Timelines of Tiamat.

The 10th Chakra has lines around our Left side and its main portal is a network from behind the left ear, to the crown and to the Soul Star directly above our crown, about 6 to 8 inches above our head. This is a Triad Communication Station portal from our Avatar (triad) Christ consciousness intelligence, and without this communication hub in our Lightbody, we cannot sense communication at that frequency level.

So it is like expressing that our 10th Chakra the 10th Axiatonal Lines are the network in our Lightbody which decodes the language to hear or directly sense that communication inside our own body, directly. That process of HSP is called direct cellular cognition.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (Morphogenetic Chakras 8-15) merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

11th Chakra/Galactic Chakra

The Galactic Chakra is silver/black, located approximately 18" above the Crown Chakra on the central vertical channel.

At the second stage of hierogamic integration on the path of Spiritual Ascension, the Buddhic Egg, which is accumulated lunar reflected light forms from the original family of the Universal identity, will crack open into the Monadic Lightbody. This stage represents the archetypal merge of the Sol and Luna, which begin the stage of the lunar reflections being consumed by Solar light, which unify the principles between the Buddhic Mind and the Solar Mind.The simultaneous birth of this alchemical hierogamy, is the third stage which creates and then gives birth to the Universal Cosmic Egg (descends its Christos Code into the 2nd Chakra or Hara Center for gestation), which is the hydroplasmic field of the 12D Ray of Cosmic Christ-Sophianic Consciousness birthing into the entire Lightbody. At this point, the Kunda-Ray Diamond Sun rainbow body will become embodied in stages through the 12D Ray current residing within the Lightbody and integrate all lower forms and identities underneath itself. At this spiritual ascension integration level, the 11th Chakra descends into the area of the throat chakra and replaces the 5th Chakra to integrate and unite its functioning with the 8th Chakra and the blue mist of the Inner Holy Spirit. Further, this will descend into the still point and Hara Center of the body, which when united in their harmonic color patterns will ignite the entire physical body. These areas will turn Emerald Green and Aquamarine in Color, which is the Cosmic Holy Parent principle or Emerald Guardian Founder lightbody.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (Morphogenetic Chakras 8-15) merge together into one Unified Column in the Lightbody. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

12th Chakra/Earth Star

The Earth Star Chakra is white and holds the platinum liquid light blueprint for the Avatar Christ (when it has been activated to run 12D Ray current) and located approximately 6 inches below the feet and connects into the base of the 12D Shield. It connects into the 12th dimension in the future timelines and is the 12D Ray of the Christ Mind. Once the 12D Ray has been activated, the GSF triad or Threefold Founder Flame is ignited within the center of the built horizontal 12D Shield which supports the continuation of safe progression through the Ascension Cycle on earth.

It is our interface into the planetary body grid system and its neural network system, such as the Planetary Logos. It remains our Lightbody connector into the planetary realm as we progress through the spiritual Ascension process and embody progressively higher frequencies. This allows us to run these frequencies into the earth grid to help the planet run higher frequencies that support the collective consciousness and morphogenetic race field of DNA patterns, supporting an evolutionary progression of Ascension for all inhabitants of earth.

12D Hubs

Once the 12D Shield is activated in the human Lightbody, 12D Frequency Hubs and Hub Handshake can be connected into the planetary body which supports the harmonization of the planet, environment and spiritual connection links to the Krystal Star for humanity.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (Morphogenetic Chakras 8-15) merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

13th Chakra/Earth Core or Universal Mother Chakra

The Earth Core Chakra is Aquamarine and connects to the Universal Mother Arc into the base of the 12D Shield 12" below the feet and into the earth core. The 12D Shield will need to be built and ignited with 12D Ray first, before the Mother Arc can ignite herself into the earth and the personal Lightbody shield. This is the real Blue Ray activation of Mother Arc. This Chakra activation is what ignites Mother's Blue Ray and when continually developed is what begins access to Mother Arc Portals in the earth (the Arc Gates) and then moves into the Transharmonic Gates or 13th Pillar, which spin Aqua Portals in the higher dimensions which allow passage through this Universal Core and into Andromeda or other Universal Gates for safe passage.the Aqua Ray ignited in the 13th Chakra will ascend up the unified chakra column and merge with the 3rd Chakra, 4th Chakra area and reside in the still point of the chest. This is the Holy Mother of God principle. Upon embodiment of the Holy Mother Arc whom ignites the Inner Holy Spirit in our Diamond Heart, one is capable to run Aqua Ray fields and direct them in the earth plane.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (Morphogenetic Chakras 8-15) merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

Founder Aqua Blue Ray

To connect with the Founder Aqua Blue Ray, and reclaim our Mother of God principle for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Aqua Blue Ray of Mother Arc.In 2009, Mother Arc was reignited in the earth core and in many Mother Arc Hubs Gates on the surface of the Earth. We now have access to our Mother of God, the Holder of the Founder Aqua Blue Ray and beyond into the cosmic Aether that opens the 13th Gate into the Neutron Window which connects us to the Aurora and Krystal Star.

14th Chakra/Universal Sun Chakra

This Golden Chakra is about 3ft above the head and connects to the Universal Sun and is the Founders Pale Gold Ray. This Chakra acts as the top lid of the 12D Shield and when activated creates an additional gold buffer field called the Golden Fleece Buffer.

Founder Gold Ray

To connect with the Founder Gold Ray, and reclaim our Christos Sun and Daughter of God principle Christos-Sophia for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Gold Ray of Rishic Suns.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (Morphogenetic Chakras 8-15) merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

15th Chakra/Universal Father Chakra

The 15th Chakra connects to the Universal Father Ray and is Pale Magenta in colour and located in Deep Space.the Pale Magenta-Violet Ray ignites in the 12th Chakra and will ascend up the unified chakra column and merge with the 1st Chakra, and further, merges with the Mother's Aqua Ray and will reside as Emerald Green Ray in the still point of the chest. This is the Cosmic Holy Father of God principle, or Emerald Guardian when it is fully embodied. The individual embodiment is elevated out of the 1D-2D-3D Chakra Wave Spectrum and this protects that person from interaction or becoming consubstanital with those lower density energies of the material world.

Founder Pale Violet-Magenta Ray

To connect with the Founder Magenta Ray, and reclaim our Father of God principle Father Arc for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Magenta Ray of Father Arc.


multidimensional polygons

infinite fractal fruit of life

The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter

Soul, Spiritual atoms, DNA and higher dimensions

The soul is made out of spiritual atoms(which are made out of your xen energy). Our consciousness is our soul the physical soul is our DNA. DNA activation makes our DNA turn into triple helix DNA which makes our DNA vibrate more meaning our frequency changes into a higher frequency meaning you go into a higher dimension and a higher dimension consciousness and we move into a higher chakra because it sends more spiritual energy through the kundalini into the chakras.

DNA encodes spacetime(infinite multyvers) in the form of om because it is made out of xen energy.

The physical spiritual atoms are the Blood


the Kundalini connects all the Chakras

Soul circuits/soul roots

the soul circuits grow from the heart chakra/kundalini and go all around the body and connect's all the DNA

Aura as pentagram

the soul star chakra(8th chakra) is the pentagram around the crown chakra pentagram that is around the human body it is the seat of the soul it is the soul it connects the soul to enlightenment it connect you to the infinite multyvers you become every Xen particle in the infinite multyvers you unite with god


  • Spiritual energy comes out the DNA and becomes the aura
  • (spiritual atom)=(spiritual point)=yod
  • depending on how many spheres(yods) make up your aura that tells you how spiritual you are
  • your auras shape is a multidimensional polygon because multidimensional polygons are made out of yods
  • your aura is made up of 2 multidimensional polygons one of them is yours and the other one is your race's(like the human race) which is encoded in your races tree of life(collective consciousness)

tree of life(collective consciousness)

  • A tree of life(collective consciousness) contains the DNA of every living thing on a planet(it contains there psychic energy(akashic records)/Multidimensional polygon)
  • Every aliens DNA in the infinite multyverse(that doesn't include the 12 ancient god races because they have made there own spacetime(infinite multyvers)) can be 1 to 26 dimensional which means spacetime is encoded in there DNA meaning they are connected/they are the infinite multyvers 
  • the kundalini of the earth surrounds the and is the tree of life(collective consciousness)
  • the soul circuits grow out of the earth's kundalini and go all around the earth and the earth's spiritual energy comes out of the soul circuits and becomes earth's aura/ley lines/consciousness grids
  • the tree of life(collective consciousness) releases 8 quantum energy channels that connect the 33 crystal temples around the earth which also are connected to the soul roots and the quantum energy channels are connected to the ley lines