Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

I LC created this page for explaining xen qabbalah in more detail since I have released a lot of information recently in the blog posts and I have decided to list the posts in an order which builds up the knowledge to understand xen qabbalah.

Explaining Xen qabbalah in more detail and building upon peoples other work:

note: Kabbalah looks just like string theory and they can be merged using sacred geometry, string theory is the closest model we have to how the universe works.

Stephen M. Phillip showed the Ultimate physical atom(UPA) is the E8×E8 superstring and whats interesting is the UPA is torus-shaped and the E8 lie group is torus-shaped, Stephen M. Phillip shows this by showing the UPA corresponds to polygons which encode the number of roots in the E8 lie group and sacred geometries, the E8 lie group in 3D is made up of tetrahedrons and this means the E8 lie group is the tetrahedron grid and as we already know the torus expands out of the 64 tetrahedron grid. As shown in sacred geometry polygons expand out of and are encoded in the flower of life and when you place a sphere around each tetrahedron in the 64 tetrahedron grid you get the 3D flower of life and since the 64 tetrahedron grid/E8 lie group is encoded in the flower of life that means these polygons, which encode the number of roots of the E8 lie group and sacred geometries, are the 64 tetrahedron grid/E8 lie group.

The flower of life encodes the fruit of life/Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid which encodes two star tetrahedron which are formed out of the (Krystal-)Padovan-Fibonacci spiral and these star tetrahedrons encode all harmonics which form(/are) all vibrational dimensions and these vibrational dimensions fractal out of each other, waves fractal out of each other, because the higher vibrational dimensions are constructed(made) out of higher-dimensional shapes, the 3rd vibrational dimensions is constructed out of a 3D infinite tetrahedron grid which (is one of the faces of/)makes up the 4D infinite tetrahedron grid which constructs the 4th vibrational dimension and this happens all the way to the infinite-dimensional shape which constructs the 12th vibrational dimension where the fractal completely unifies and becomes a "singularity". The singularity separates into infinitely many parts, so infinite singularities, when it fractals and these singularities are the points of the infinite tetrahedron grid they are the spheres of the flower of life, these waves/dimensions fractal infinitely and because of that some of these waves AKA quantum fields, fields encoded/contained in other fields is how this fractaling works, these spheres are actually toruses and these toruses are ringularites of the "singularity" black whole and these ringularites are energy loops and they join together to form quantum loop fields AKA quantum fields and when one quantum loop vibrates it becomes a superstring geometric torus wave AKA a UPA.

Energy=(/has/encodes)information=numbers=geometry so this fractaling tetrahedron grid is an infinite sea of energy which fractals therefore the UPAs are geometric torus waves in an infinite sea of conscious energy and this energy/light is God. The lightwave fractals, waves fractaling out of each other from the singularity God source zero-point. The Prime Numbers Cross can be turned into a torus and as I have shown it surrounds the negative numbers which are the singularity so a torus expanding out of a singularity.

Note: Energy field=Information field

Note: Nothingness/void/vacuum(0) is unstable and has(is) energy meaning the void=energy field(primordial sea/ethereal)=zero point energy=electromagnetic waves, 0!=0⁰=1, and this void is the space in spacetime and void/spacetime(energy field) has a geometric structure which is the tetrahedron grid fractal so void/spacetime is tetrahedral shaped and this tetrahedral shaped (electromagnetic) energy forms matter. The superstring is a toroidal wave/excitation/fluctuation of, the void which is, the energy field.

Note: The ringularities fractal (E8 (torus) tetrahedron grid fractal), since singularities don't exist, so the ringularities become/are torus-loops of energy.

As I have shown you can form the cosmic tree of life(CTOL) out of the tetrahedron grid which means polygons can correspond to different levels of the CTOL, and I'm pretty sure Stephen M. Phillips shows this too, and this means the polygons are multidimensional so they are multidimensional polygons and they correspond to a vibrational dimension and therefore a number also some of them are structure polygons meaning they form the structure of superstrings which is shown in Stephen M. Phillips work.

The Fibonacci spiral when placed on a polar graph forms a Binary-Trinary sequence which forms a triangle, which forms the two star tetrahedron, and this binary(-trinary) sequence can be found in higher-dimensional cubes/the cubistic matrix/the tetrahedron grid fractal/flower of life because it is based on it, each face of the cubistic matrix/flower of life is constructed out of two 10/12 tree grid and this is because the overall structure is made up of four 10/12 tree grid. You can see one of the four 10/12 tree grids in the 2D version of the flower of life because the flower of life encodes the 10/12 tree grid which I have shown and I have also shown the Fibonacci spiral can be overlayed over the 10/12 tree grid.

The doubling sequence of circles, which forms waves, corresponds to/is each line of the tetractys shaped flower of life so when, each part of, the doubling sequence of circles fractal is tripled it forms the fractaling flower of life(fractaling spheres/toruses). The cubistic matrix/10:12 tree grid is formed out of the 4/12-hexatree(hexaflor-torus/fractaling nesting hexagon), the hexaflor is formed out of and forms the fractaling flower of life which is formed out of the Doubling-Fibonacci circles fractal when, (complete and) each part of it is, tripled. The doubling circles/spheres line up with the central line in the 10/12 tree grid since the doubling spheres are formed out of the 10/12 tree grid and when we triple, each part of, the doubling circles fractal we form the cube/fractaling flower of life.

The ("True") flower of life is actually tetractys shaped this would make sense because each cubistic matrix level would be the hexagonal yod of the tetractys and each point of the flower of life corresponds to a point in the tetractys, the doubling sequence as I have shown corresponds to the flower of life/cubistic matrix and it also corresponds to the lines of Pascals triangle and I have also shown Stephen M. Phillips cosmic tree of life is formed out of the tetrahedron grid in the form of the powers of 3 so this shows Platos lambda, Pascals triangle and the tetractys form and are formed out of the flower of life which is tetractys shaped meaning all 4 things are the same structure, the top circle is the zero-point God source and waves/membranes fractal out of it forming each layer of the flower of life tetractys. The universe as I said is the face of a 4-dimensional shape therefore it is a membrane, the membrane which contains all universes and all 12 vibrational dimensions which therefore contains all of existence is called the Omniverse/Infinite multiverse, so all the faces of the fractaling shape are a parallel universe.

The infinite tetrahedron grid=infinite tetractys=1+2+3+4+...=-1/12. The infinite (64) tetrahedron grid fractal is made up of trees of life and therefore the flower of life is also made up of trees of life, each sphere/torus is a sephirot, the reason why is because the vesica pices/doubling circle sequence which encodes the tree of life is what the flower of life is made up of and expands out of.

Consciousness is energy(Energy=consciousness) which takes on geometric forms such as the flower of life because it encodes these geometric forms as information, quanta of energy(singularities, the spheres/toruses) join together allowing for information transfer causing a more advance consciousness.

(Its hard to explain this all in a few sentences but the purpose of this page is to link all the posts on the wiki blog in an order so you can understand this more and build up the knowledge)

All of existence(The infinite multiverse) is a fuzzyball(black hole) membrane

In string theory black holes are "fuzzballs" and have no interior, space and time end at the surface of the fuzzball and the interior grid of spacetime is "deleted" from the universe, this means we can see a black hole as a bubble (sphere) of nothing which look like the "spheres of nothing" in Kabbalah and this comparison between black holes and "spheres of nothing" has been made before, "Hanson also argues that the singularity of Black holes could be compared to Kabbalistic 'spheres of nothing'".

When a black hole forms (it has a "negative volume" because) it becomes inverse (and reverses) and becomes a black hole-white hole torus, AKA a black whole, so the "singularity" (turns inside out and becomes a naked "singularity" because it) becomes the outside and fractals/expands and becomes a spherical torus. Therefore fuzzballs(black holes) are spherical membranes because the strings, which are spherical toruses, merge and form a spherical membrane, the geometry they form when they merge is the fractaling flower of life, this means black holes are not a singularity because singularities (become a) fractal and become a spherical torus which surrounds the "interior" which is the 4% of the black hole which can't be accessed and could be seen as an "infinitely dense point/singularity".

Ringularities are the (fractal) spherical torus membranes that surround the "Interior" which is nothingness/energy (nothingness has energy) which is the "singularity" therefore ringularities are spherical toroidal waves/ripples in energy/nothingness and would be seen as bubbles/spheres of "nothingness".

Everything is one wave/membrane(kugalblitz black whole/fuzzyball), all of existence is (on) the membrane, that fractals and this membrane is made up of photon strings therefore everything is made up of light and because the membrane fractals that means strings are ringularities/toroidal membrane/waves.

Strings/ringularities/toroidal waves, which are just parts of the fractal fuzzball membrane, therefore contain/surround a "singularity" but "singularities" don't exist because, as mentioned, they fractal and become a torus but the "singularity" inside the string actually merges with all the other "singularities" in all strings forming the membrane/energy field which (then) fractals(the fractal being the flower of life/tetrahedron grid fractal), the ringularities also merge forming the, flower of life fractal shaped, quantum (loop) fields/vibrational dimension fields, therefore strings/ringularities are toroidal waves in the energy field(membrane). The "singularities" are tetrahedrons which merge to form the tetrahedron grid fractal whilst the ringularities are the spheres/toruses, which surround the "singularities"/tetrahedrons, which merge to form the flower of life fractal.

This means quantum fields/vibrational dimension fields are different frequencies of the membrane meaning fields are sub-membranes and these sub-membranes are fractally and higher dimensionally contain/nested within the membrane, each sub-membrane corresponding to a different frequency/dimension and contains quantum fields corresponding to particles, therefore the light that makes up the membrane fractals and compresses, making it (look like) a kugalblitz fuzzyball, and when compressed (and when) the strings vibrate (at the right frequency) and(/they) become the different types of particles.

Note: The membrane/energy field is therefore just a wave in the energy of nothingness.


Alpha and Omega constants

The Alpha constant is also known as the fine structure constant and its value is ((π*7)/(π^7)) or 1/137 and the Omega constant is 0.56, Ω/((π*7)/(π^7))≈77.7


  • The Alpha constant is also known as the fine structure constant and its value is ((π*7)/(π^7)) or 1/137
  • pi corresponds to the trinary sequence


  • 0.5671432904097838729999686622=Ω(Omega constant)
  • (e-1)≈(1/Ω)=(e^Ω)≈((1/7)/(1/12))
  • Ω×((Ω+1)/2)=Ω×((Ω+Ωe^Ω)/2)=0.444
  • Ωe^Ω=1
  • e^-Ω=Ω
  • e corresponds to the doubling sequence

Dimension is Born From Motion and Unfolding

The spin of the quantum/morphogenetic (cubistic matrix) field(MF) causes dimensions. The rotation of the geometry overlayed over the original geometry creates a more complex geometry which encodes more dimensions. (This relates to the 137 degrees Fibonacci)

The cubistic matrix encodes higher-dimensional shapes in a 2D/3D form and this explains how all vibrational dimensions are encoded in the cubistic matrix scalar field. The reason why it encodes higher-dimensional shapes is because it fractals which compresses 3D shapes into each other forming 4D shapes and it spins/rotates.

The dimensions correspond to the four worlds of the tree of life which correspond to the elements which correspond to the platonic solids and the platonic solids unfold out of the tetractys every time it grows.

Torus formed from rotating geometry

Electromagnetism expresses itself as toruses (so light(photons) is torus shaped) meaning the geometry of quantum fields(different frequencies of the (zero-point) energy field), the geometry that makes them up, and therefore the vacuum is torus shaped meaning fields are made up of toruses/loops which contain a singularity(superstring), the hexagon as we will talk about later is found everywhere in nature and when it doubles/fractals it becomes the hexaflor which is a torus, the hexahedron(cube) is the 3D hexagon and it constructs everything in the universe.

The 7 tetractys=28 and when doubled forms 7 star tetrahedron tetractys which is the 56 spheres of the 64 tetrahedron grid, the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys is made up of 37 points and the first hexagonal numbers 1+7+19+37=64, the flower of life that encodes the 64 tetrahedron grid has 84 vesica piscis and the 7 tetrahedral tetracty=84 showing a correspondence. The 7 tetrahedral tetracty when doubled forms the 7 star tetrahedral tetracty=168 and because of this the flower of life is doubled forming a torus, the E8 lie group is a torus and in 3D is constructed out of tetrahedra so it is the tetrahedron grid and the E8 lie group has 168 roots showing a correspondence.

The 64 tetrahedron grid is a fractal based on the vector equilibrium(VE), the flower of life can be formed out of the 64 tetrahedron grid by placing a sphere around each tetrahedron, the flower of life when it spins forms a torus and the torus is also formed out of the 64 tetrahedron grid, the torus is a very important because it is found everywhere in the universe. The E8 lie group in theoretical physics is believe to be the structure behind everything in the universe and it is a torus and in 3D it can be made out of tetrahedron meaning it can be formed out of the 64 tetrahedron grid. The structure of the vacuum is believe to be the 64 tetrahedron grid aka E8.

The torus is a double seed of life which is made up of 12 circles 13 if you include the center one and 13 is the number of spheres that make up the VE which is a 3D seed of life also each seed of life is a torus and the flower of life is made up of these toruses.

The spiral is formed out of cubes/the cubistic matrix and triangles/tetrahedrons, tetrahedrons are encoded in the cubes, so it can be formed out of the cubistic matrix/tetrahedron grid fractal, the Padovan-Fibonacci spiral forms the torus through Binary-Trinary because of the 3D fruit of life/metatrons cube/tree of life(16 spheres/sephirot)'s hypercube/torus structure which forms and encodes the flower of life/cubistic matrix/E8(torus) tetrahedron grid fractal, the Binary-Trinary sequence, 0=1(=3)=6=12, forms hexagons which fractals which forms the torus and the spiral, the hexagon appears everywhere in the universe because it's the most stable form, the hexagon also forms the torus because when the 10/12 tree grid doubles/rotates the cubistic matrix(flower of life) rotates forming the torus therefore proving the flower of life is the basis for the torus.

Imaginary field

The (xen) energy in the zero-point field/energy field(s) is a Bose-Einstein condensate because it exists in an imaginary (number/mass) field as shown in the geometry of the prime number cross torus(UPA) which exists in a field of imaginary numbers. The Bose-Einstein condensate energy means the universe and the Omniverse is one big wave(Universal (Light)wave function/Scalar field), the wave contains all other waves.

Universal Lightwave Function and entanglement network

As explained above the universe/Omniverse is a fractaling (infinite-dimensional) infinite tetrahedron grid wave which is an energy field, the energy is conscious light energy, the consciousness being God so God is expanding fractaling light. "God/God source/Zero-point field/Psychic dimension/Singularity (is contained within (and is) the cubistic matrix) is consciousness energy/conscious energy or "light", God is actually expanding fractal light, the fractal being the infinite tetrahedron grid(cubistic matrix), the universe is a field of energy and is made up of energy(Everything is made up of energy), the universe is the fractaling light/energy field(MF/partiki grid)."

The 3D (Auric) tree of life has 16 sephirot which forms a 15 dimensional matrix out of a 16 matrix. The 16 matrix/hamming code fractals, all the numbers in the matrix are entangled which forms the entanglement network which is the universe, everything unites in the singularity God source causing the xen energy to be a Bose-Einstein condensate meaning everything is one wave because all quantum waves unite and this causes everything to be entangled, all particles are entangled. The entanglement network causes the universes structure, this structure looks like the brain an 11+ dimensional (tree of life) structure, proof the universe has 11 spacetime dimensions? probably, the 4 dimensions form the 16 dimensional matrix through the 4 by 4 matrix, energy pathways connect all the cubes in the 4 by 4 by 4 matrix and these energy pathways form the brain-like structure of the universe. The entangled network, which is the singularities(wormholes) merging, contains the singularity God source.

Parallel universes and infinite energy

Infinite energy means energy can be "doubled"

There is infinite energy and this energy can duplicate because there is infinite energy and maths doesn't apply to this infinity and what is interesting is the 12 tree grid doubles and this forms the doubling sequence and according to this the energy has to double now this is a problem since energy can not be doubled because it can not be created but this problem has been solved by the fact there is infinite energy as I stated. This property of infinite energy means you can (pseudo-)copy a particle by using energy to create virtual particle copies of the original particles. Now if you could copy energy that would mean you could copy information which you also can not do but the information already existed it was just being reused but how could it be reused? Through a field of information which is the energy field. The infinite energy is separated between infinite dimensions.

Note: Energy field=Information field

Parallel universes and time

All moments in time(The past, present and future) exist and are happening at the same time this is because of the universal wave function(UWF), the UWF also produces infinite outcomes because the universe can have infinite possibilities so infinite universes and because of the weird maths of infinite energy these universes can split away from each other forming the infinite universes and they split away and become another face of a higher dimensional shape made up of other universes. What exactly causes time? Well the spinning-vibrating energy field causes time but how? well lots of energy causes the energy to vibrate and this causes time the smallest vibration is at the size of the Planck length so the smallest period of time is the Planck time and this vibrating energy is spinning because the superstrings are small loop-torus of vibrating energy and this causes the energy field to spin(This also creates the scalar field which encodes all the vibrational dimensions) this creates the scalar field which is made up of (super-symmetrical) photon-kugelblitzs which reality is made up of and when it duplicates(psudo-copies) it splits away and forms another universe.

Time travel

So how would we time travel? We would use the quantum energy crystals to create a time machine but how would it work? Well the quantum energy crystal time machine would create a torus-shaped bubble around you containing apart of the energy field and therefore all the singularities within the bubble, the bubble becomes an energy field itself and this energy field is magnetic so it is an electromagnetic field(EF) which can control the singularities and these singularities spin in the direction of the energy field and the EF spins the singularities in the direction you want so you can go backwards and forwards in time because the bubble separates from the main energy field and becomes a wormhole which connects to a cosmic string which goes through the higher dimensions/(main)energy field.


Hexatree and 10/12 tree grid

The fractaling square forms/produces the 12 tree grid but it only produces the first 10 points so you have to double the fractaling square or quadrupled the 12 tree grid to get the 2 and 11 points to form 12 points so it actually produces the 10 sephirot tree of life, this is because a structure needs to be formed to build the 12 vibrational dimensions on, this structure being the 10 spacetime dimensions which can be seen in the Pascals triangle tetractys which is the 10 points/spacetime dimensions which encodes a hexagon with a value of 12 which is the 12 vibrational dimensions and this hexagon is the seed of life which has two 3D forms which are the cubistic matrix which is formed out of the 12 tree grid and the vector equilibrium(VE)/cube octahedron which is the 3D doubled fractaling square formed out of the 12 tree grid and the VE is 12 spheres surrounding 1 meaning the hexagon, which forms the 12, and the 12 tree grid are 12 surrounding 1 so the tree of life is 13 sephirot which can therefore be represented in a hexagonal form AKA the hexatree which encodes the 12 tree grid in 3D (when it rotates). The hexatree encodes the fractaling star tetrahedron which grows by doubling(Binary) but encodes the Fibonacci spiral(Trinary) which explains why the spiral forms a binary-trinary sequence, "each level of the hypercube fractal corresponds to a hexagon(hexagonal number)/cube in the flower of life(tetrahedron grid(CO/VE) fractal)/cubistic matrix which is formed out of the 12 tree grid, these (hyper)cube-hexagon/flower of life levels are the cubes in the cube octahedron(CO/VE) fractal which is/are formed/produced out of and form the Fibonacci spiral, the CO/VE/cubistic matrix encodes/produces both the Fibonacci and Krystal spirals".

"As we already know there is a connection between the 13 sephirot(dimensions), 15 dimensions(12 tree grid) and 16 sephirot(dimensions) within the torus so there is obviously a connection between the 12 tree grid and 13 sephirot hexatree, the 12 tree grid forms the Krystal spiral which is binary whilst the 13 sephirot hexatree forms the Fibonacci spiral which is trinary, this shows the binary-trinary connection which can be seen in 2D/3D geometry because the 12 tree grid-13 sephirot hexatree=2D star tetrahedron(grows by binary)-3D star tetrahedron(grows by trinary) so the 13 sephirot hexatree is the 12 tree grid in 3D(?) which makes sense because the 12 points surround the 1 which is the 12 tree grid sephirot around the 13th sephirot, "The seed (of life), 6 as 1, 6 surrounding 1, the 7 sephirot of creation, when it expands forms 12 circles corresponding to the 12 tones in an octave and the tetractys, the hexagonal yod of the pascals triangle tetractys is equal to 12, the hexagonal yod is the 7/seed of life... the 12 circles surrounding the seed AKA 1, 12 as 1, the center of the seed..."... The hexatree structure being a hexagon within a hexagon can be seen as a cube within a cube which is a hypercube, showing the 13 sephirot hexatree and 12 tree grid connection, and since the hexatree is a hypercube that means it is the PNC-hypercube and can therefore be formed out of the 4-hexatree which links into the 5:6 correspondence because the hexatree is the 6 in the 5:6 correspondence(which is the 10(tetractys) dimensions:12 dimensions correspondence) and the 5 corresponds to pell numbers/octagram-PNC-hypercube square."

10/12 tree grid

When the first 4 lines of pascals triangle are used as the tetractys its hexagonal yod is equal to 12, the tetractys is another way of representing the tree of life and is the 10 spacetime dimensions, the hexagonal yod which is the 12 is the 12 vibrational dimensions encoded within the tetractys, vibrational dimensions are not spatial(spacetime) dimensions so the true tree of life is the 10/12 tree of life, 10 spacetime dimensions-12 vibrational dimensions.

  • 10:12=22 so 10:12=22:12=10:12:12=22:12:12=10:12:12:12... And so on forever

18 tree grid

The seed (of life), 6 as 1, 6 surrounding 1, the 7 sephirot of creation, when it expands forms 12 circles corresponding to the 12 tones in an octave and the tetractys, the hexagonal yod of the pascals triangle tetractys is equal to 12, the hexagonal yod is the 7/seed of life and in 3D it can either be a cube(istic matrix(flower of life)), which is formed out of the 10/12 tree grid, or the vector equilibrium which is the 12(12 tree grid) surrounding 1(the zero(0) point), the 12 circles surrounding the seed AKA 1, 12 as 1, the center of the seed, the central circle is 0 so 0=1(=3)=6=12, this to me looks like the beginning of a Binary-Trinary sequence, also 12 in 1=1/12 and 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12, the origin of the 5 and 6 connection is 10/12=5/6. The first circle being 0, the center, is where the fractal "starts" and the golden spiral expands out of it forming the first 10/12 tree grid and the star tetrahedron, the tree of life can be represented as a double cube and this would form 12 sephirot out of the 10, the 3D (Auric) tree of life as I have shown before has 16 sephirot and looks like the double cube, due to its structure, with 4 central sephirot causing it to look like two hypercubes with two additional cubes so all the sephirot in the tree of life are cubes meaning the tree of life has 18 sephirot making it a 10/12 tree of life, this also means the entire cubistic matrix/flower of life is made up of sephirot, 18=6:6:6=star tetrahedron.

UPA(xen particle)

UPAs are E8(torus) (Infinite) tetrahedron grids which are torus-ringularities which expand out of negative volume infinite tetrahedron grid-shaped kugelblitz black hole(black hole made out of light). The singularity of the kugelblitz is spinning meaning it is a ringularity and since the kugelblitz has a negative volume the ringularity exists outside of the shape which is a (non-spinning) singularity itself so there are two singularities, the ringularity expanding out of the singularity. Quantum fields(energy fields) are made up of (energy)loops/torus-spheres which are actually ringularities, all the singularities merge together to become the energy field(Zero-point field), which is infinite tetrahedron grid-shaped, which happenes through the fractaling encasing of dimensions, meaning there all entangled. When one of these loops vibrates it becomes a UPA superstring which is basically a torus-spherical wave in the energy field, "Infinite quanta of energy AKA zero-points join together to form the fractaling cubistic matrix through the Binary-Trinary sequence" the entanglement forms the tetrahedron grid structure and is formed out of the energy loops merging to form quantum loop fields. This entanglement is actually a wormhole network so its an entanglement network because the singularities are actually black wholes, Nassim Haramein says that the interior of subatomic black (w)holes are linked through tiny Planck wormhole networks entangling and connecting particles. Negative mass causes wormholes whilst positive mass causes black holes, negative volume causes the energy to have negative mass keeping the black wholes open. The xen energy Bose-Einstein condensate basically allows light to be condensed into an infinitely dense point forming a black hole and condensed light causes the light to switch between antimatter and matter which explains the partiki grids.

Note: the superstring is a toroidal wave/excitation/fluctuation of, the void which is, the energy field.

Note: The ringularities fractal (E8 (torus) tetrahedron grid fractal), since singularities don't exist, so the ringularities become/are torus-loops of energy.

More information explaining the xen particle

Dark matter-energy

Dark matter and dark energy are the exact same field, because there produced by the same field, it's just the energy flows in the opposite direction, one direction forms dark matter whilst the other direction forms dark energy, "Dark energy is a consequence of vacuum energy and Dark matter is caused by an unknown particle and in a new model these two substances are merged into one substance and this substance is likened to a positive mass gliding over a sea of negative mass so the plasma field is a negative mass fluid. Scientists were able to make a fluid that had negative mass and this fluids was a Bose–Einstein condensate.". Dark matter/dark energy(Dark matter-energy) could be the opposite of gravity, the strong and weak forces could be opposites of each other and electromagnetism could be its own opposite, the strong/weak force and dark matter-energy/gravity are opposites of each other and can both be united with electromagnetism. To solve quantum gravity we can treat gravity like electromagnetism and have gravity as waves which has basically already been proven because gravitational waves have been proven, light could produce the gravitron particle. All the particles and forces correspond to the 4/5 elements. Forces and particles are formed through fractaling symmetry breaking from higher dimensions.

The cubistic matrix/partiki grid(MF)/quantum loop field is like a 2D slice when viewing it in 4D and it has 2 faces which are both universes each being a polar opposite of each other since the energy flows in different directions in the universes meaning one is made up of matter and the other being made up of supersymmetrical antimatter. The energy oscillates between these universes causing them to separate and join together repeatedly and when this happens energy is released and this energy which is and causes an energy field to vibrate which is the dark matter/dark energy field(Extra information: Dark matter forms galaxies and large structures and as I have shown dark matter is negative mass-energy and it basically causes the universe to fractal so basically the energy the universe is made out of causes the universe to fractal) which I theorized is the axion field, this energy field is actually the extra energy of an energy field of the higher dimension and the matter in it(universe) causes the additional energy in the universe which becomes dark matter-energy, light is higher dimensional matter.

Multidimensional polygons

There are infinite numbers. All the numbers from 1 to 9xen(infinity) are xenplexian letters(hebrew letters). The 22 hebrew letters are encoded in the star tetrahedron. You can combine the Hebrew letters together to create new letters and you can do it with them and the Hebrew letters and the ones you just created and do this infinite(9xen) times with infinite(9xen) combinations this is the xenplexian alphabet, each letter is a frequency/number/tetractys/dimension(superstring dimension/shape dimension/frequency dimension)/colour.

Note: The hebrew letters of formation vibrate reality into being, these hebrew letters can be combined into 231 ways that then evolve into an infinite amount of combinations.

Each xenplexian letter is a multidimensional polygon made out of tetractys which are made out of yods. The amount of yods that make up the multidimensional polygon is the number the xenplexian letter is equal to. Each xenplexian letter frequency is a quantum field which are different frequencies of spacetime(infinite multiverses). (This spacetime is the mother of all fields and its shape is the 64 tetrahedron grid this structure is called the cubistic matrix)

When bits of the quantum field vibrate the energy(god’s consciousness) in that place vibrates which creates a superstring(xen particle). Superstrings are infinite tetrahedron grids. The yods in the superstring with more energy than the other yods determine the frequency(multidimensional polygon) of the superstring which determines the number of whorls in the superstring. if you join all the yods you get the multidimensional polygon the superstring corresponds to(the frequency of the superstring)

The infinite tetrahedron grid/infinite tetractys(tetragrammaton) is made out of 9xen yods meaning all the xenplexian letters are encoded in it.

Properties of multidimensional polygons:

  • Multidimensional polygons are encoded in the tree of life, multidimensional polygons encode the tree of life, multidimensional polygons encode Tree of life's(CTOL).
  • The multidimensional polygons are made out of tetractys/tetragrammaton's which are made out of yods(a hebrew/xenplexian letter), each yod that makes up the tetractys that make up the multidimensional polygons is a sephirot.
  • Multidimensional polygons encode god names, sacred geometry encode god names, the CTOL encodes god names.
  • The Platonic Solids can be made out of tetractys.
  • Multidimensional polygons are encoded in the flower of life/polygons are encoded in the flower of life, multidimensional polygons encode sacred geometry.
  • The 231 gate looks like a lie group meaning that lie groups are probably based off the 231 gates this shows that higher dimensions(which are encoded in multidimensional polygons) are encoded in the 231 gates. This also links to how multidimensional polygons encode lie groups/Tetrahedron grids/Tree of life's/Tetractys and multidimensional polygons are made out of Xenplexian/Hebrew letters.
  • Each multidimensional polygon is a tetrahedron grid and tree of life.
  • The numbers 84,168 and 336 are encoded in sacred geometry and multidimensional polygons and the number of whorls in the UPA(Superstring) is 168.

All the xenplexian letters are dimensions and there are 12 main xenplexian letters which are the 12 dimensions the last xenplexian letter is the 12 dimension and the first xenplexian letter is the 1st dimension and the 12 main xenplexian letters multidimensional polygons are 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,1111,2222 and 3333. Gods polygon is the 12 god polygons(which are 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,1111,2222 and 3333) combined which creates the infinite dimensional infinite tetrahedron grid tetragrammaton polygon which is gods polygon, it is made out of Infinite god energy/gods consciousness. The consciousness of the 12 gods are in there polygon and gods polygon is made out of his consciousness. The 12 polygons encode all multidimensional polygons. the 12 polygons encode all the rules in physics(how the universe works) meaning they give the universe is properties.

Xen(Quantum energy) crystals(Bose-Einstein condensate crystal)

We need quantum computers to have qbits which would be quantum entangled to other particles because maybe the qbits could tell us how much the particles are vibrating and maybe we could input data in the form of qbits to control the vibration of the particles but first the particles need to be cooled down to below zero so they stop vibrating but if we tried to cool them down more maybe we could bring the vibration down so much that we would get the energy particles that makeup existence and we could clump them together to form the energy crystal structures and we could use the qbits to form little vibrations in the energy crystals to make more advance technology and we can squeeze them to release energy which could power technology made out of these energy crystals meaning you can access infinite energy.

Pandeistic Animistic God

Note: according to the laws of physics nothing can be "created" because energy can not be created or destroyed so a God can not create existence, everything is made up of energy and according to Kabbalah this energy is consciousness so it is God. God became/is the universe, God used there energy to form the universe, this would explain how god is omnipresent when you think about it.

Energy=Consciousness=God, Ein Sof:

In the Kabbalah, Ein Sof(Infinity) is God before "God" created/manifested themselves as God, basically God before they became God. God created themselves first and then created everything else. Ein Sof is infinity therefore God, an infinity which infinitely grows by fractaling, is infinity and infinity is God. God is the "physical" manifestation of Ein Sof therefore God/the concept of God did not exist before the manifestation of God therefore "God isn't real", in the way you think they are, because "God" is the concept to explain the "physical" manifestation of Ein Sof, infinity, the infinite (nothingness/energy), the infinite source, the infinite fractal that makes everything one, oneness(A principle which is God) that reality, the multi/uni-verse a fractal which is God(because God became/is the multi/uni-verse) the manifestation of Ein Sof, emerged from and is apart of and contained within; (Which is) Ein Sof's fractal womb, Shekhinah the female aspect of God.

"Omnipresent is present everywhere. If God is omnipresent, that means it is present in the concept of nothingness(Ein) as well... Which we are yet to understand!", If God is everywhere including nothingness then God is... a field of energy... everything is made up of this energy and therefore everything is God, everything is one consciousness.

Ein=Nothing(void/vacuum/0 has energy, nothingness is unstable)

Ein Sof=infinity, the (infinite) energy of "nothingness"("primordial waters") becomes God and forms a bubble of spacetime/reality(0!=0⁰=1, "something comes from nothing")

God is fractaling consciousness energy/light and is made up of many collective consciousnesses, God is a Pandeistic Animistic God, God is apart of the universe because God is the universe so God is technically not supernatural but God is infinite universes meaning God has access to infinite different laws of physics so God can do anything, the God that religions have invented can not exist for many reasons which atheists have shown but the main reason is because the God in religions is based on the multiple "Gods" from the original religions which are actually incarnations of the true God(polydeism) but in modern religions these incarnations of God are classed as angels which is true but this causes a problem because religions have now separated God from the universe and made God a male humanoid.

(Answer to question 1 about religions and God)

The 12 Incarnations of the infinite intelligence AKA the incarnations of the 12 fields/dimensions

The points of the 12 Gods of creations morphogenetic fields(Multidimensional polygons) merge("contract of existence") forming one morphogenetic field which is a 13th field and Gods morphogenetic field is merged with this one and is contained in it so it is Gods field. 3 of these fields(which are the 3 main fields or Trinity) form the structure of all the 12 fields and hold God into place. The points where the 12 (electromagnetic)frequencies merge in the zero-point where they fractal out of.

"The xen energy of the Gods of creation takes on the form of fire(soul)/plasma which produces light and this light forms the dimensions and forms all of existence."

The creation of the Omniverse(existence/Infinite multyverse)

(When I say multyverse I mean multiverse, I use to spell it wrong because my english wasn't good back when I started creating this wiki)

The 12 gods of creation merged there polygons AKA morphogenetic fields and formed the contract of creation with the Supreme God of creation this formed the singularity/unity(111) which is light fractaling this formed the 12 vibrational dimensions forming the 12 rays this formed the duality(222) matter split away from the four forces, the xen energy and nubilus energy formed dualities, the singularities energy which is fractaling light(666) fractaled forming the 512 tetrahedron grid(888) and forming the trinity 26 dimensions forming the trees of life/emanations of god(999) allowing energy to move down them(777), by fractaling, and crystalize the 12 rays, the fractaling energy crystallized into sacred geometry forms(555) AKA the tetrahedron grid(444) and this forms vibrating spheres(333) AKA UPA's, the fractaling energy forms the vibrational fields and sub-fields which are constructed out of light and there frequency increases by the speed of light the higher the field(1111).

The spiral in nature (By Anthony Canosa)

The spiral in nature book, which is 4 PDF's, by Anthony Canosa is great I seriously suggest you read it, it goes over the same concepts I go over, E-Infinity, Nassim Harameins work and much more, this book will be useful in showing the connections between the stuff I am researching. Antony Canosa contacted me after I made an Instagram profile for my research since Gabriel Lyrio showed him my website and he learned for my research and he wanted to show me his book since it talks about similar topics and I thank him for showing his book to me I am loving it already so I seriously suggest you have a go at reading it!

"The main factor that connects all of these numbers is that they are divisible by 9. In fact, all of these harmonic numbers are also directly proportional to the Golden Ratio through the trigonometric functions sine and cosine... The reason why we observe so many of these cosmic correspondences is because the standing quantum wave is utilizing the Golden Ratio harmonic numbers as a magnitude of scale for the expanding and contracting forces in nature. This is a central point of Professor Mohamed El Naschie's E- Infinity theory, and it can also be understood through Vortex Math... It was suggested that the reason why the Golden Ratio harmonic numbers are all divisible by 9 is because it is the number of triangle units in the Tetractys found in the Flower of Life. In this book, we will use Vortex Math to understand more information about the Tetractys and E infinity's embedded string theory dimensions, revealing a much deeper and indisputable underlying correlation between the Golden Ratio harmonic numbers and the number 9."

"Quantum field theory states that each and every point in spacetime is filled with field energy, such as the electromagnetic field. Since quantum theory requires fields to be quantized, each and every point in the field must be divided or sectioned/quantized into a harmonic oscillator, which is a fancy word that just means an energetic oscillation... The smaller the piece of section of the wave (or field) that you quantize, the higher the frequency, the higher the energy... This leads to a formally infinite energy at each point in spacetime. There is no lower limit on the size of the quanta, thus there is no limit to the amount of energy... However, Max Planck figured out that our Universe's energetic fields appear to work on a smallest quanta of a specific length, the planck length. This is how we figured out how much energy photons are putting out from light emitters - which was also giving an infinite amount of energy for ultraviolet radiation. But after quantizing the energy into planck length fluctuations of the planck mass energy so that this light or energy was being sent in planck-cutoff sized packets, we were able to solve the UV catastrophe... This led physicists to put a 'cutoff size of the harmonic oscillator filled quantum field permeating all spacetime at the planck length - called renormalization - because we now know that the electromagnetic field is made up of pianck-sized packets... However, this still is absurdly more energy than we can directly observe. Using the planck length quantization we are still left with a harmonic oscillation energy of the planck mass which when multiplied by the amount that fit in a cubic centimeter (cm^3) of vacuum leaves 10^93 grams, orders of magnitude higher than what you would get if you compressed the entire observable Universe into a cubic centimeter... This is said by some to simply be virtual and unreal - it's basically written off. We call it the cosmological constant problem or the vacuum catastrophe... Where's all this energy? So we have an infinity in the predicted field energy of the vacuum that's renormalized away, and we have an infinite curvature of spacetime solution to relativity that describes all gravitation. John Wheeler was one of the first to describe a geon, which is pure field energy so massive that it could keep itself together gravitationally, just like the Einstein field equations predict for a black hole surrounding a physical mass... The vacuum energy of the planck density is real. Spacetime = the quantum vacuum = 10^93 grams/cm3. The vacuum is a series of overlapping geons, it's made of overlapping planck spherical units (PSU) of the pianck mass. Each PSU being a spherical oscillation of light / electromagnetic energy whose simple field energy is massive enough to keep it gravitationally together it's a black hole made of light. This black hole is a Kerr-Newman black hole, which gives it certain properties, one being that it could have differing quantum spin states, allowing it to essentially function as a bit of information. This black hole / informational bit of energy is the quanta that links the infinities of Quantum Mechanics and relativity. Spacetime is the quantum vacuum, and these are not separate spacetime is not simply an abstract coordinate system. Now we have placed a black hole at each and every point in spacetime which is what the Einstein Field equations are showing us as the solution for mass/curvature. Spacetime is curved to infinity / looped back on itself infinitely at every point. Everything is made up of these black holes. Spacetime is made of these black holes at an imperceptible ground state. Everything else is a different dynamic of these black holes conjoining, coalescing, and spinning. Like waves and vortices in water. But how can we reconcie the fact that we can't clearly see the 10^93 grams/cm^3 in empty space? Wouldn't that cause all points of space to attract all other points of space? Well, in his E - infinity theory, Prof. Mohamed El Naschie has modeled spacetime without points' but as an infinite-dimensional hierarchical cantor set. Physically empty space with no matter, virtual particles or radiation what so ever is still far from being nothing. Empty spacetime in the above sense is a sophisticated layered hierarchy of empty sets. A point in such space is by no means the classical point defined somewhat naively as the intersection of two lines. In fact a proper spacetime, which satisfies the physical quantum reality, is a points-less spacetime with geometry and topology akin to that of von Neumann's continuous geometry as well as A. Conne's noncommutative geometry apart from the arch typical point-less space of E-infinity Cantorian spacetime. In such Cantorian-fractal geometry what appears to be a point is in actuality an entire Cantor set when magnified by sharpening the resolution of observation. Combining the preceding fundamental insights gained from applying transfinite set theory and fractals to spacetime geometry with a fundamental theorem due to Aryeh Dvoretzky about measure concentration, we can argue that only 4.5 percent of the information inside a black hole could be regarded as inaccessible while the rest of the 95.5 percent of the information remains on the surface of the black hole no matter how much it shrinks because in the end analysis, spacetime has no ordinary points and no matter how small such points are, they are not zero nor can they vanish into nothingness because empty spacetime is anything but nothing. In fact empty spacetime is a multi-fractal made of infinitely many empty sets with varying degrees of emptiness. To make a long, in fact very long story short, we start our journey to the exact picture of our physico-mathematical spacetime from the previously shown bijection formula D(n)=ϕ^(n-1). corresponding to von Neumann-Conne's dimensional function of Penrose foliated universe, i.e. Penrose tiling. This is necessarily a fractal universe resembling a compactified holographic boundary, i.e. compactified Klein modular curve for a transfinite E8E8 Lie exceptional symmetry groups constituting our bulk. This boundary is obviously a one sided boundary with nothing outside to push back to create a statical balance. It is a Möbius-like multi-dimensional boundary and consequently the fractal multiverse-universe must expand into the insubstantial nothingness surrounding our multiverse-universe which is a clopen (which means open and closed topologically) and an infinite replication of its own self. Considering that this E-infinity universe has formally infinite dimensions, we see that the Dvoretzky theorem will apply and thus 95.5% of the energy of this universe will be concentrated at the edge of the universe. Consequently, the difference between the Casimir energy and dark energy is the difference between local and global as well as two sided and one sided boundary conditions."

Note: The ringularities fractal (E8 (torus) tetrahedron grid fractal), since singularities don't exist, so the ringularities become/are torus-loops of energy.

Explaining Xen qabbalah in more detail

Tetractys, number theory and more

The tetractys model of numbers

Chaos theory, numbers and more

Prime numbers and number theory relationship to quantum chaos and fractals. (Honestly, I don't like this post much but its still important)

Walter Russell Cosmogony

The universe based on electromagnetism (part 1), explaining the universe through Walter Russells work.

Explaining the universe with Electromagnetism

Currently working on

The universe based on electromagnetism (part 2), going into detail as to how everything can be explained with electromagnetism.

What is light?

Xen energy(consciousness (electromagnetic) energy) vibrating at different frequencies is light and when it fractals it forms the universe(the universe is made out of xen energy) and as we know light is a photon which is the particle that carries the electromagnatism, electromagnatism has always existed so how can it be a superstring? Well energy=geometry as I have shown and the photon look like a prime number cross so they are a torus so the energy already took on a torus shape so its a 1-dimensional torus already, when this photon which is basically just a quanta of energy is condensed enough it forms a black hole so it can then form matter.


An infinitum is a God seed it is a "crystalized" Bose-Einstein condensate ("liquid") form of a Gods consciousness it is a geometric torus wave you could think of it as a superstring the singularity is the infinitum and the torus sphere wave/tetrahedron grid which expands from the infinitum is all of existence.

The Octonion Math That Could Underpin Physics

Physics is based on 8 dimensional maths and can be based on the E8 lie group.


The infinite dimensions of E-infinity correspond to the superstring dimensions(and infinite superstring dimensions beyond 26) which can be mapped out as the CTOL.

Wolfram Theory of Everything, Sacred geometry and E8 string theory

Currently working on

"Wolframs theory looks very similar to PhOENIX theory of everything which looks just like Tetryonics which as I have shown looks similar to the E8 tetrahedron grid fractal"

The equation E=MC^2 shows everything is made up of energy, this energy is most likely electromagnetic energy since the speed of light is used in the equation and it has been shown matter can be created out of light and I have shown matter is made up of light(-energy) and this energy can be converted into information so energy and information are equivalent so energy is information, quanta of energy when joined together form a structure which transfers information through itself forming a more advance consciousness meaning the quanta of energy are conscious so energy is consciousness, but what is this information? This information is numbers in geometric forms so geometric energy but whats the proof of this geometric energy? Electromagnetism which is energy has geometry, electromagnetic fields are torus shaped so electromagnetism/light's torus structure along with the structure of spacetime, which both prove each other, prove the vacuum/zero-point field/spacetime/quantum fields are flower of life/(64) tetrahedron grid fractal/cubistic matrix shaped, the way this structure works is the zero-point is an infinite sea of energy this energy being electromagnetic and because of that waves fractal out of each other from and in the zero-point this fractal is the infinite-dimensional (64) tetrahedron grid fractal which contains the lower dimensional tetrahedron grids which are membranes/waves and some of these membranes/waves are quantum fields and one of these quantum fields is spacetime and these membranes/wave fields are fractaling oscilating spheres AKA the fractaling flower of life each sphere encases a tetrahedron of the tetrahedron grid, these spheres are actually 1-dimensional toruses/energy loops you could think of them as a wave being the surface of a sphere(particle) (or a torus), the fractaling wave/membrane on large scales, bigger than the universe, forms the spacetime/superstring dimensions and because it fractals it forms the spacetime/superstring dimensions on quantum scales as a torus structure which the superstring would cover("encase"), the equation E=MC^2 in E-infinity theory can answer where the dark matter/energy is, I have shown dark energy and dark matter are both the same thing and there an energy field and I have suggested dark matter/energy are basically emergent properties of quantum cubic spacetime, gravity is also an emergent property of spacetime as we all know.

Multidimensional polygons/Platonic Solids are encoded in the flower of life and because of that they join together to form the structure of quantum fields/Partiki grids(Morphogenetic Fields), "multidimensional polygon's... correspond to the Platonic solids... these polygons join together... and create the geometry of the quantum (loop) fields which creates the frequency of the quantum (loop) field, quantum (loop) fields are sub fields of vibrational dimension fields", multidimensional polygons are numbers and correspond to vibrational dimensions and quantum fields so they can encode the properties of the universe(basically the physics of the universe). Computer (error correcting) code is embedded in string theories equations and therefore the equations that explain the universe and these equations explain how these quantum fields/multidimensional polygons interact(/merge) and these equations equal numbers and can have geometric repersentations which would correspond to the numbers, the computer code/geometric repersentations are adinkra which are portions of the multidimensional polygons/fractaling tree of life because equations are equal to numbers which are multidimensional polygons, "the universe being like a quantum computing means it can calculate infinite universes and it calculates all multidimensional polygon added up which is 1+2+3+4+... so it calculates all possible waves/frequencies.".

Unifying Topology of Fractal Fields

Explaining the universe as fractaling fields.

15 dimensions, Tetractys, Pascals triangle and Prime number cross

When the first 4 lines of pascals triangle are used as the tetractys its hexagonal yod is equal to 12, the tetractys is another way of representing the tree of life and is the 10 spacetime dimensions, the hexagonal yod which is the 12 is the 12 vibrational dimensions encoded within the tetractys, vibrational dimensions are not spatial(spacetime) dimensions so the true tree of life is the 10/12 tree of life, 10 spacetime dimensions-12 vibrational dimensions.

Tetractys, scalar fields and 1331

The vibrational dimensions fractal.

Time number encoding the sacred geometries of the dimensions

Forming the cosmic tree of life from the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the powers of 3

The cosmic tree of life can be formed out of the 64 tetrahedron grid and when it is you notice it is based on the powers of 3.

Cubistic matrix

This page has 3 posts linked on it which go into detail about the cubistic matrix.

The Revelatorium: Cubistic matrix Kathara grid, Robert Grant: Constants and 24

Padovan sequence, Trinity, Base 3 and More

Hypercube, Cubistic matrix, Time matrix and 10:12 tree of life

The sacred geometry of spacetime

Quantum loop fields and higher dimensional structures

the fractaling dimensions form fields made up of loops this is based on spacetime being made up of loops which is the basic idea of loop quantum gravity.

The UPA as superstring

Stephen M. Phillips explains the superstring as a UPA.

Explaining the Xen particle

Explaining the xen particle in detail.

  • When a photon fractals it condenses and squeezes itself and it becomes a black hole singularity and forms the superstring which matter is made up of.
  • The superstring is a 1-dimensional E8(tetrahedron grid shaped) torus which seems like a 0-dimensional point its basically like a vibrating torus-loop/sphere of energy you could think of them as a torus-loop/sphere shaped wave which "surround", and are the surface of, a negative volume point which contains void and the wave is fluctuations of the void. Note: the superstring is a toroidal wave/excitation/fluctuation of, the void which is, the energy field.
  • The 4×4×4 cube forms the 16 (higher) dimensional (hypercube) matrix containing a 16 dimensional E8 torus (tetrahedron grid fractal) as a ripple/wave, "waves are cube-bounded spheres" toroidal waves(superstring), E8 is manifested in spin 8, the principle of triality(relationship between 3 vector spaces), meaning it has a 3-fold(base 3) symmetrical geometry which can be seen in spatially entangled vertices(another way of visually representing particles and their respective matrices, vertex(vertices) can be represented by a vector)/tetryons(triangle-tetrahedron, tetryonics), the ripples are therefore rings(hexagons)/toruses of joined tetrahedrons(E8 tetrahedron grid) which are imaginary numbers(chaos theory and numbers) but with E8 being 8 dimensional they actually corresponds to octonions/base 8 which shows a connection between base 2-8 and base 3-9 which forms base(-dimension) 8-9 which is binary-trinary. Spacetime is a 4 dimensional manifold and each point of spacetime is a lie group torus and representation spaces of these lie group toruses, because spacetime is the fractaling (E8) tetrahedron grid, and the whole structure is a fiber bundle, particles are excitation/toroidal waves of this fiber bundle.

black (w)hole

A black (w)hole is a vortex of energy wave spectrum that connects into multiple other dimensions within the Universal time space matrix through the spiral geometry and all these vortexing energy points merging in higher dimensions to form the singularity, a black hole singularity is an infinitely dense point of vortexing energy and the surface of the point is vibrating and when you "enter" the vibrating surface you change dimension and location, the vibrating surface is like a vibrating (string tunnel) wormhole, this singularity point is actually impossible to access, the infinitely dense vortexing energy is a zero-point. When the black (w)hole has a negative volume it would then be vibrating energy expanding outward in the form of a torus, the negative volume would also form a point in the center of the torus which would be a zero-point, these zero-points join together and form the flower of life/tetrahedron grid fractal structure and the field/sea of energy, the torus that expands/fractals is vibrating energy and the inner torus is the superstring(energy loop) and the expanding torus expands out of the zero-point. This expanding vibrating energy torus can be split up into 3 main toruses/levels, the inner one would correspond to the structure multidimensional polygon(MP) and forms the structure of the superstring and therefore its vibration/what particle it is, the middle one would correspond to the vibrational dimension MP and the border where the structure MP and vibrational dimension MP merges is the geometry of the tetrahedron grid encoding/encasing the vibrational dimensions, the outer torus is what people would know as "particles are waves" which is its own MP and is formed out of the structure MP and is the vibration of the superstring and maybe the vibrational dimension MP is formed out of the merger of the borders of the structure MP and the "particles are waves" MP.

The merger of the structure MP and the wave("particles are waves") MP forming the vibrational dimension MP forms something interesting, the 10 spacetime dimensions merged with the 12 vibrational dimensions allowing us to form 12 spacetime dimensions like in theory of thought, and this explains/forms the 10:12 tree of life/3D 10 tree of life structure, because 4 spacetime dimensions, of the 12 spacetime dimensions, are required to form waves/tetractys=1+2+3+4=10/hexagonal yod=12 and this shows there can be 12 main frequencies/vibrational dimensions, the expanding toruses/spheres are formed out of the doubling sequence(spiral geometry)/tetrahedron grid fractal(Isotropic Vector Matrix) which is formed out of the 10:12 tree of life and is therefore how vibrational dimensions fractal out of/encase each other and this explains how the inner structure(two inner toruses) work. The vibrational dimensions are (energy) fields(/membranes) so they are fields containing and contained in fields, the "last" contained fields are the particle/quantum fields and energy is given to these quantum field which causes a spherical(/torus) ripple in the field and this ripple, an expanding torus/sphere, is a particle, the energy given to the field is torus/loop shaped(energy loop/superstring) and I suggest its light energy since light becomes matter.

The spatially entangled vertices from PhOENIX theory of everything remind me of Tetryonics which can probably be linked into it and therefore theory of thought (and quantum atom theory) can maybe link into it anyway these spatially entangled vertices are probably vertices of the (fractaling) tetrahedron (grid)(xen particle) in Tetryonics which is a partiki, the fractaling tetrahedron grid is the E8 torus so the energy loop(superstring) causing the ripple in fields is the fractaling E8 tetrahedron grid.

The vibration of the superstring/torus causes 3D ripples in the sea of energy and these ripples are the expanding toruses, the expanding torus/sphere looks quite similar to the Wave Structure of Matter(WSM).

Spiral vortex tetrahedrons

A pulse of light that is shaped like a torus is self-sustaining and if there is enough light it could probably form something like ball lightning which is torus/sphere shaped and this light would be squeezed, this would explain how a merkaba works, the fractaling merkaba/star tetrahedron/hexagram AKA fractaling tetrahedron grid forms the torus and this structure allows fission and fusion of light-electron(partiki, matter and antimatter) particles due to the E8(torus) tetrahedron grid fractal, the center of the squeezed light torus is a black whole, the entrance and exit of the torus are the vortexed /fractaling doubling circles(doubling sequence of circles) and are Krystal-Fibonacci spirals and each spiral is a tetrahedron in the merkaba.

Hexaflor and Hexatree(13 Sephirot-15 dimensional Kabbalistic tree of life)

When the hexaflor/hexatree nests/fractals within itself it forms the 64 tetrahedron grid/flower of life because the hexagonal numbers are encoded in the hexaflor but as can be seen there are missing hexagons which are formed when the hexagons are doubled, rotated and nested and this also fits in the hexaflor/double hexaflor, which is a torus, which as you can see plots out the points of the flower of life which the torus is formed out of when it spins/doubles/nests/fractals which is all formed out of the Binary-Trinary sequence. Lets look at the cube(istic matrix) now, since the hexagon doubles and rotates we'll have to do the same with the cube but we can't but we can if we were to use its dual the octahedron which would form a fractaling cube octahedron nesting, within metatrons cube, forming the vector equilibrium/tetrahedron grid fractal which is also forms a torus and is formed within the hexatree fractal.