- -1/12
- 231 gates
- 432
- 64 tetrahedron grid
- Akashic records
- Astral Hebrew alphabet
- Astral plane
- Blueprint
- Chakras
- Consciousness
- Consciousness grids
- Cosmic Cube Matrix
- Cosmic Tetractys
- Cosmic tree of life
- Cubistic matrix
- Da'at
- Diamond Light Matrix
- Dodecahedron
- E8 lie group
- Electric Universe
- Explaining Xen qabbalah in more detail
- Fractal field theory
- God
- God source
- Godhead
- Harmonic Universes
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hermeticism
- Infinite fractal fruit of life
- Infinitum
- Infinity
- Kabbalah
- Kathara grid
- Krystal Star
- Kundalini
- Law of Structure
- Membraneverses
- Morphogenetic Field
- Omniverse
- Partiki Grids
- Prime Numbers Cross
- Qabbalah
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum physics
- Sacred geometry
- Sacred geometry of 6 and 5
- Sacred numbers
- Shekhinah
- Sigillum Dei
- Spectrum of Frequency
- Sri Yantra
- String theory
- Tetragrammaton
- The 12 ancient gods
- The Platonic Solids
- The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter
- The number 33
- The number 5
- The number 6
- Tree of life
- Ultimate physical atom
- Unified field theory
- Universal Time Matrix
- Universal Tree of Life
- Virgo(isis)
- Vortex maths
- X and Y equation
- Xen energy
- Xen particle
- Xen qabbalah Wiki
- Xenplexian qabbalah
- Zero-point energy