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Sacred geometry of the number 6 and 5 the the microcosm to the macrocosm.


11 Egypt Part 2 - Secrets in Plain Sight

Sacred geometry and there connection

The Hexagon/Hexagram(star tetrahedron)

6 is the number of structure. The hexagon is used for structure at all scales in the universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Snowflakes are always hexagonal.

Consider something as simple as coins or cylinders packing in hexagonal rows. 6 fit perfectly around a central 7th with all of them touching. This is really the essence of structure.

Many crystals other than ice have hexagonal crystal systems. In the microcosm living creatures such as bees create hexagonal houses and birthing chambers for their young. Hexagonal space frames make solid structures.

The Pentagon/Pentagram

5 is the number of life. All trees bearing fruit we can eat have blossoms with 5 petals

Pentagram and human body Agrippa-0

Man’s body fits a pentagram and his parts are interrelated with the golden proportion which is based on Phi


The pentagram encodes the golden number Phi within itself fractally. 


 Macrocosm and Microcosm, Life and Structure

The relationship between 6 and 5 is the key.

He who joins the hexagram and pentagram has solved half of the sacred secret.

The relationship between Phi and Pi is as follows: 


1.2 x 1.6180 x 1.6180 = 3.1415

6/5 is seen more as a resonance built into the architecture of the universe.


Adenine is one of four bases that code for all life in deoxyribonucleic acid. Adenine’s molecular structure is based on a hexagonal ring bonded to a pentagonal ring:


DNA encodes phi and the pentagram:

Phi encoded in DNA


Dimethyltryptamine is known as the Spirit Molecule because of its psychoactive qualities used for centuries by shamans to access altered states of consciousness. DMT is a naturally occurring compound found in some plants and in trace amounts in every human brain. DMT has a molecular structure based on a hexagonal ring bonded to a pentagonal ring:


 12 and the womb of creation

There are 12 signs of the zodiac. Taken collectively the total number of potential star seeds are 12 x 3/30 = 36/30 =  6/5. And now we have come full circle to starseeds emanating from the womb of creation



the number 6 and 5 are numbers encoded in the tetragrammaton(god):

10 5 6 5

יהוה =10,5,6,5