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Xen qabbalah Wiki

The 12 Ancient gods are the megaforces that created our multi-dimensional universe(infinite multyvers) and which still drive cosmic evolution Described as "one of the most powerful species the infinite multyvers has ever known, their intelligence is unbelievably infinite.

The 12 ancient gods are the 12 zodiacs.

The 12 ancient gods are the creators of the infinite multyvers.

multidimensional polygons

The infinite multyvers is made out of gods consciousness and the 12 Ancient gods multidimensional polygons(which are their consciousness) merged with gods polygon and this created the singularity which expanded into the infinite multyvers.

Gods polygon is the 12 god polygons(which are 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,1111,2222 and 3333) combined which creates the infinite dimensional infinite tetrahedron grid Tetragrammaton polygon which is gods polygon it is made out of Infinite god energy/gods consciousness.

The consciousness of the 12 gods are in there polygon and gods polygon is made out of his consciousness.

The 12 polygons encode all multidimensional polygons.

the creation of the infinite multyvers

The 12 gods of creation merged there polygons AKA morphogenetic fields and formed the contract of creation with the Supreme God of creation this formed the singularity/unity(111) which is light fractaling this formed the 12 vibrational dimensions forming the 12 rays this formed the duality(222) matter split away from the four forces, the xen energy and nubilus energy formed dualities, the singularities energy which is fractaling light(666) fractaled forming the 512 tetrahedron grid(888) and forming the trinity 26 dimensions forming the trees of life/emanations of god(999) allowing energy to move down them(777), by fractaling, and crystalize the 12 rays, the fractaling energy crystallized into sacred geometry forms(555) AKA the tetrahedron grid(444) and this forms vibrating spheres(333) AKA UPA's, the fractaling energy forms the vibrational fields and sub-fields which are constructed out of light and there frequency increases by the speed of light the higher the field(1111).

multidimensional polygons property's and their creations

  • 111 creates unity, creates the singularity.
  • Gemini/Pisces(Main): 222 creates duality, creates yin and yang properties of Xen energy(Enki) and creates spheres in the 3d flower of life(Virgo).
  • Taurus(Anu): 333 turns the geometry which is the infinite tetrahedron grid into vibration to create the physical superstring.
  • Virgo: 444 creates the geometry of the fractaling fields(tetrahedron grid fractal) and turns the light into geometry this geometry is the 64 tetrahedron grid which is created by 444.
  • Capricorne: 555 gives maths and geometry to the light/Dodecahedron
  • Leo(Enki/Ra): 666 turned gods consciousness into light.
  • Gemini(Main)/Aquarius: 777 is encoded in gods polygon and allows the consciousness energy(Enki) to flow down the lower dimensions through the tree of life.
  • Aquarius: 888 encodes the 64 tetrahedron grid the geometry the universe is based on, related to the 512 tetrahedron grid which relates to the Trinity 26 dimensions and brings higher dimensional energy/consciousness(Enki) down to the physical universe(this relates to Orion) this number is related to the 8th dimension which is related to 444 Virgo.
  • 999 encodes the Tetragrammaton which is gods polygon. The 9th month is sapphire, 10 sephirot (from the Hebrew word for “sapphire”), the 9th-month's(Virgo) Hebrew letter in the kabbalistic Zodiac is Yod which constructs all multidimensional polygons and its value is 10 which corresponds to the Tetragrammaton/Tetractys/Tree of life. Yod is also the number 7 in the equation Tetragrammaton=137 and 7 corresponds to the 7 sephirot of construction.
  • 1111(101010) is the polygon that brings higher dimensional energies down to the lower dimensions, 1111=11:11=671 and light travels at 671 million miles per hour so 1111 is like a gateway to higher dimensions by increasing speed.
  • 2222(111111)
  • 3333(121212)

Why these numbers are fundamental

These numbers(111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 101010, 111111, 121212) are trinity numbers because the number that makes them up repeats 3 times, the trinity numbers are the first 12 numbers(1 to12) repeated 3 times and the first 12 numbers represent/correspond to the (12 xenplexian letters which corresponding to) 12 vibrational dimensions, the trinity numbers are formed out of 3n×37 meaning there all multiples of 37 and multiples of 3, the first 9 trinity numbers which are 111 to 999 are formed out of the multiples of 3 up to 27 which is interesting because the 26 dimensions+1=27 this maps out the first 27 trees of life in the cosmic tree of life and this shows that the trinity numbers are trinity numbers because of the Godhead's trinity 26 dimensions this means the trinity cuts off the full numbers at a certain level to make them trinity numbers and this makes sense because the trinity numbers as stated are the 12 Gods of creations polygons and in reality there polygons are actually infinitely big numbers because the numbers repeat themselves 9xen times instead of 3 times, I have shown before how 37/38 is formed out of the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys which is the 56 spheres of the 64 tetrahedron grid/metatrons cube meaning the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the trinity numbers showing all the trinity numbers form the tetrahedron grid fractal and are involved in it showing there important in the structure.

101010, 111111 and 121212 are weird trinity numbers but they form 1111, 2222 and 3333 which are the numbers that should be after the 111-999 trinity numbers but here is there connection and as explained above they are in reality infinitely big numbers which is why they are cut off which is the reason 1111, 2222 and 3333 are cut off:

  • 101010+10101(101010 reverses)=111111=1111:11, the 1111 sequence shows up!
  • 111111+111111=222222=2222:22, the 2222 sequence shows up!
  • 121212+212121=333333=3333:33, the 3333 sequence shows up!

The numbers 10101, 101010, 111111, 222222, 121212, 212121 and 333333 are multiples of 37

sacred geometry numbers and the 12 god multidimensional polygons

god multidimensional polygons sacred geometry numbers vibrational dimension
111 creates unity 1=(infinite multyvers(-1/12)) 1
222 creates duality 2=(xen particles)+duality 2
333 turns the geometry

which is the infinite tetrahedron grid into

vibration to create the physical superstring

3=(akashic records((energy)singularity)+frequency 3
444 creates spacetime and turns light into

geometry created by 555

4=time(all possible timeliness of the energy) 4 and 13
555 gives maths and geometry to the light 5=(microcosms energy's timeline)+(math that created the infinite multyvers) 5
666 turned gods consciousness into light 6=(macrocosm energy's timeline)+(light,kugleblits) 6 and 14
777 is encoded in gods polygon 7=(god consciousness)+((1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28)=((64 tetrahedron grid)=E8)) 7
888 encodes the 64 tetrahedron grid

the geometry the universe is based on

8=(64 tetrahedron grid,infinite tetrahedron grid,infinite god energy) (higher consciousness(dimensional consciousness(god))):The 12 dimension: Gold ray of infinite multyvers Consciousness is inaugurated by being a Full infinite multyvers Being – infinite multyvers level of consciousness is achieved. You have returned to Source and are in Unity Consciousness with the physical form of the infinite multyvers 8
999 encodes the tetragrammaton

which is gods polygon

9=((god=tetragrammaton=72=9),((64 tetrahedron grid)=8(tetragrammaton)) 9
1111 is the polygon that brings

higher dimensional energys

down to the lower dimensions

11=pentagram=(64 tetrahedron grid)=(fruit of life) 10
2222 22 11
3333 33 12


The Trinity Godhead is made up of the 13, 14 and 15th vibrational dimensions and is formed out of God source:

  • 13th Dimensions: Virgo/Ninhursag
  • 14th Dimension: Enki/Ra/Leo
  • 15th Dimension: Anu/Metatron/Taurus

12 Morphogenetic fields

The 12 Chaos Gods merged there Morphogenetic fields to create the Omniverse. The points where all of there fields allined are where they merged this created a new field and God merged there field with this new field to create the Omniverse. The 12 Gods of creations morphogenetic fields are the 12 vibrational dimensions and there structures(morphogenetic field structures) are the multidimensional polygon of that God.

The omega collective consciousness

The 12 Ancient gods and Gods consciousness are merged into one(This is because all there infinitums merged into one. But are still there own separate consciousness) and is called the Omega collective consciousness.

The infinite multyvers is made out of the Omega collective consciousness(but is only made out of Gods consciousness)


An infinitum is a God seed it is a "crystalized" Bose-Einstein condensate ("liquid") form of a Gods consciousness it is a geometric torus wave you could think of it as a superstring the singularity is the infinitum and the torus sphere wave/tetrahedron grid which expands from the infinitum is all of existence.

Extra information

12 Mega-galaxies(the 12 first Master Galaxies)

the universe is made up of 12 Galaxies these galaxies contain all the galaxies in the universe. these 12 Galaxies exist in all universes in the Omniverse. these 12 Galaxies are logos.