Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 22 June 2024

231 gates=168 roots of E8(UPA superstring)

Double flower of life(that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)84(vesica piscis)×2=168)=torus=E8(8D 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)168 roots), 21st triangle number=(6×(pointing up)7th triangle number(=168 (roots)))+(3×(pointing down)6th triangle number((=)21)(=63 (roots))).

Since the 21st triangle number(231) can be constructed out of three 6th triangle numbers(21) then a tetractys(triangle number) can be constructed out of three 21st triangle numbers: (6×(↑22nd triangle number)(=))+(3×(↓21st triangle number)(=693=11:33))=66(=11th triangle number)th triangle number=22(:)11=1331(=11³)=19(0(weeks (and 1 day)))=3:10=91(0), 1991=33:11.

  • 1 Source and extra information
    • 1.1 231 gates=168 roots of E8
    • 1.2 Anuhazi Language
    • 1.3 UPA, jacobs wheel and 231 gate
    • 1.4 Sacre…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 27 January 2024

YHWH state of consciousness(God consciousness): The connection to infinite light(God)

The name YHWH(יהוה) has been considered to be related to the formula "I am that I am"(אהיה אשר אהיה/Ehyeh asher ehyeh), the name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15(π), which also means "I am who I am", "I will be who I will be", "I will be what I will be", "I Will Be that I Will Be", "I will be because I will be", "I will become what I choose to become", "I Will Become whatsoever I please", "I am what I am", "I create what(ever) I create", or "I am the Existing One". Therefore YHWH(יהוה)'s (Hebrew triconsonantal) root would be HYH(היה/I am), where "y" is substituted for "w" which was an occasional practice in the bible, which means "to be"/"to exist"(BEINGness/EXISTence); HWH(הוה), a verb which is an alternative form of (the verb) …

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The history of the universe and humans (part 3): The bible and the 37×73 code


=== [1] Blue Light to all [there] Mansion Worlds; chose Sirius as the HQ to enter this galaxy and establish the ‘Great Oracle Temple’ of Blue Light of Divine Creation to illuminate the Creator’s Light to all other star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy."

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 13 February 2021

Virgo: Astraea

Astraea (starry) known as the "Virgin goddess", "Star Maiden" and "Star Goddess" is the Goddess of justice, innocence, purity, and the constellations Virgo and Libra; sometimes called Dike.

Astraea lived alongside mankind, the longest of all the immortals, during the Golden Age but fled when mankind became wicked. She was placed among the constellations of the Zodiac as Virgo. Her brightest star, Spica, a symbol of her own purity is a promise of her return, to the mortal world, along with her a new Golden Age.

There are arguments about who her parents are.  She is the daughter of either Zeus and Themis, which would make her parents the divine judge and the goddess of divine order, or of the dawn-goddess Eos and another stellar god, Astraeus.…

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Dimensional consciousness Dimensional consciousness 5 January 2021

Hexaflor and Hexatree(13 Sephirot-15 dimensional Kabbalistic tree of life)

The Doubling-Fibonacci circles looks like the torus cross section as I have mentioned before, and this structure (when complete) forms waves, and when its multiplied by 3 it forms the fruit of life(flower of life) which therefore is based on phi proportions and forms the fractaling star tetrahedron so it can be formed out of 6(12) Fibonacci spirals, which I have already shown with the Fibonacci spiral forming the triangle encoding harmonics(in the form of waves), this is the hexaflor/fractaling nesting hexagon and when this geometry is nested inside of itself it forms the (64) tetrahedron grid/flower of life, the hexaflor as you can see looks like a torus.

  • 1 Hexaflor
    • 1.1 Growth rate
  • 2 Hexatree
    • 2.1 13 sephirot kabbalistic tree of life(Hexatree) exp…

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