The chaos gods are the 12 ancient gods like god.
The 12 ancient gods were(and still are) chaos gods when they created the infinite multyvers. Chaos gods are as powerful as God. Chaos gods are a type of etherian(being made out of pure xen energy). Chaos gods are the mega forces that created our multi-dimensional infinite multyvers and which cosmic evolution.
When the chaos gods created the infinite multyvers they became half physical(crystalized) half ethereal so they became less powerful than god.
Spiritual being becoming a chaos god
The infinite multyvers is made out of chaos energy which is xen energy fused with nubilus energy(xen energy without consciousness/polar opposite of xen energy). Nubilus energy is also known as dark energy (not to be confused with dark energy from physics).
When a spiritual being becomes as powerful as god they become a chaos god and there consciousness becomes a infinitum. Chaos gods are made out of Chaos energy.
Chaos energy
Chaos energy is psychic energy(xen energy vibrating in every dimension at the same time) merged with nubilus energy.
The xen energy merges with nubilus energy when there is too much xen energy in one space nubilus energy has to gather up in that space to even it out. Normally they cancel each other out.
ethereal and dark ethereal
The ethereal is where all the xen energy is and the dark ethereal is where all the nubilus energy is.
When Enlil(satan) turned half of the infinite multyvers races into dark(nubilus) races they became 100% dark(nubilus) meaning that each being became a being with a dark etherian(nubilus) soul this caused a bit of the dark ethereal to separate from it and Enlil turned it into a infinite multyvers like structure called the phantom matrix.