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2 Kathara grids joined together form the Cubistic matrix.

Continuation of Hebrew base 3 encoded in time numbers forms the Sri Yantra:

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As we know the Hebrew alphabet is encoded in the star tetrahedron which forms and is formed by the cube and the star tetrahedron corresponds to the hexagonal yod of the tetractys which is the first 7 cubes of the cubistic matrix which corresponds to the seed of life also the hexagonal yod is the 12 vibrational dimensions/Kathara grid and the center of the Kathara grid corresponds to the 7th dimension. Two Kathara grids joined together forms the center of a bigger Kathara grid and also forms a 2D Cubistic matrix.

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The tetractys/cubistic matrix when in the form of the tetragrammaton(72=9) forms the bases of the 26 dimensional spacetime in the form of a 10 dimensional spacetime(The E8 geometry also does this!) since the last line of the tetragrammaton is equal to 26 and this last line is also equal to 137 which forms electromagnetism. When the tetragrammaton is doubled it forms the star tetrahedron tetragrammaton AKA the star tetrahedron tetractys which is made up of 13 points corresponding it to the fruit of life which encodes Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid also two tetragrammatons is 72+72=144 and the 64 tetrahedron grid has 144 triangular faces. The last line of pascals triangle tetractys is 1331 which forms 44 and when you double the tree of life to form the first 2 tree of lifes in the 64 tetrahedron grid and cosmic tree of life you get something interesting because you form 19 sephirot which corresponds to 19:91 and there are 44 pathways and as we know the pathways correspond to the Hebrew alphabet(This also forms two 231 gates). The tetragrammaton originates from the letter yod(Hexagonal yod/Cubistic matrix/Virgo)

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page 102 from theory of thought book

When we merge 2 tree of lifes fully together you get 13 sephirot and it looks like 2 hexagons(hexagonal yods) joined together to form a bigger hexagon so this is the bases of the Kathara grid and this forms a 12 dimensional spacetime with 12 vibrational dimensions and as we know the tree of life corresponds to pascal's triangle tetractys which encodes the Kathara grid so 2 tree of lifes is 12:12 and 2 Kathara grids joined together forms the cubistic matrix and the center of a bigger Kathara grid.

13 sephirot corresponds to the star tetrahedron tetractys and the fruit of life which encoded Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid.

Star tetrahedron=Kathara grid=Dodecahedron

137 is formed from the fibonacci spiral which forms the fruit of life/Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid and as we know the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the dimensions(which are also formed by powers of 3) and powers of 3 and the powers of 3 after 9 can all be broken up into 9's and the fibonacci series can be turned into a 24 repeating series which can be turned into 9's showing a connection between the powers of 3 and the repeating 9's. 

The Hebrew alphabet is base 3 and when its in base 3 it forms the 231 gates and it also forms a 3 by 3 cube so it forms the cubistic matrix and cosmic tree of life.

The sacred geometry of the 231 gates encodes 369 which further links Hebrew to base 3 also as we know the fibonacci numbers form an infinite repeating series of 9's and this can be linked to the field of 9 formed by the 64 tetrahedron grid's 9 star tetrahedrons. The prime number cross encodes all numbers from 1 to infinity and this shows it encodes -1/12(Infinite tetractys/infinite tetrahedron grid) and the prime number cross can be turned into a torus(369) and the E8 lie group is a torus(it can be created from a torus) which shows it is the UPA, the torus is created by the VE(vector equilibrium) and a fractaling VE creates the 64 tetrahedron grid. The UPA is the infinite tetrahedron grid/infinite dimensional fractal E8 lie group, the frequency that is/creates the 64 tetrahedron grid/Sri yantra is 108=9 this shows that the 64 tetrahedron grid forms a vibrational field equal to nine.(44 and its connection to all numbers)

The prime number cross(PNC) is a 4 fold symmetry and is basically a star with 4 sides so it is one face of the cubistic matrix and the PNC starts off with 2 and 3 but 2 and 3 don't fall on the cross and as we know 2 and 3 form pascals triangle tetractys and the tetractys encodes the first 7 cubes as the cubistic matrix.

Cubistic matrix

In 3 dimensional vector space, Outer Creation is comprised of infinite outer fractal expansions of Metatron’s Cub deriving from The Flower of Life. Each outer fractal expansion of the cube results in 6 adjacent cubes attached to each of the 6 faces of the original cube that form a cross along with an outer cube encapsulating the 7 inner cubes. The edges exhibited by the network of outer expansions of the cube that derive from the 3rd and 5th dimensional frequencies of Outer Creation form the grids in which the particles of Particum attach themselves to in groups existing at the same location that comprises each of the vertices of a polyhedron grid where the vector that exists between a pair of Particum across 2 adjacent vertices exhibits a magnetic field that allows for the effect of matter manifesting itself in a solid-state. This grid known as a cubistic matrix encompasses the structural foundation behind Sacred geometry.


Fibonacci encoded in pascals triangle

Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid/cubistic matrix's higher-dimensional form is E8 and many researchers have showed that E8 is the Sri Yantra.

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As we know Pascal's triangle is formed out of the Zero-point field and pascals triangle encodes the fibonacci numbers and therefore the fibonacci spiral. The fibonacci spiral forms the pentaflower which spirals out of the zero-point energy field(Which forms the dimensions). As we know the flower of life/cubistic matrix/64 tetrahedron grid's higher-dimensional form is E8 which can be made out of dodecahedron and each face of the dodecahedron is a pentaflower. The center of the Kathara grid corresponds to the 7th dimension and the zero-point/God source and as we know the Kathara grid corresponds to the hexagonal yod which is made up of 7 yods which corresponds to the 7 dimensions. The fibonacci spiral forms the Kathara grid and the 7 yods form the cubistic matrix. If we turn E8 into a multidimensional polygon it will be made out of a certian number of hexagonal yods which would correspond to E8's geometry.

E8 is an 8 dimensional shape and the 8th dimension encases the 7 dimensions in the form of the hexagonal yod and when we apply this to the tetractys the 3 points surrounding the hexagonal yod correspond to the 8th dimension and 3, 6 and 9 and they also correspond to the trinity.(Symmetry breaking fractaling out of E8 forms the Axion+Superatom and axion)

The Zero-point field is symbolised by infinite zeros and as we know this can be formed out of the base 3 pascals triangle.


the double seed of life encodes the kathara grid(Top right image)

As you can see above the Vesica Pisces encodes 2 hexagons(hexagonal yod) which forms the tree of life/kathara grid and the Vesica Pisces forms the flower of life so the flower of life can be made out of tree of lifes/kathara grids and this forms the tetrahedron grid structure and the cubistic matrix. The hexagons can be turned into seed of lifes so the kathara grid can be formed out of seed of lifes and when you merge two seed of lifes you get the double seed of life which encodes the kathara grid.

Cubistic matrix tree of life

The Twelve Manner of Fruit

The Twelve Manner of Fruit

'In the midst of the Garden stands the tree of life, bearing twelve manner of fruit and bearing of its fruit twelve times a month'.

The rods and staffs of a cubit divide it into twelve equal Pythagorean triangles. The triangles are called facets. One half face to the right and the other half to the left.

Each facet is in a different location, and by cubistic rule has a completely different frequency. The facets represent the twelve manner of fruit. The twelve fruit are the twelve radiation frequencies which you currently call the signs of the Zodiac.

The right half reflects the side of female and the left half reflects the side of male. They also reflect descending frequencies which are of the female side and ascending frequencies which are of the male. They also reflect induction which is female receptive and discharge which is male projective.

The facets are called astrophysical frequencies. The twelve astrophysical frequencies are the backbone of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the backbone of the Outer Creation.

Galaxies are composed of Local Solar Sectors. Each Local Solar Sector contains the cubistic potential of approximately a thousand Solar Systems. Every solar system in a Local Sector, including the Solar System Earth belongs to has the cubistic Solar family potential of twelve Planets. The planets might not all have a formed outer projection at the same time. Not all planets have a root race evolving within its fifth dimension at a given time. Every planet, outer projection or not and root race or not has a fifth dimensional administrative population in attendance.

Besides the nine Planets you recognize, Earth's solar family has an electronic Planet inside the photosphere of the sun called Vulcan, a Planet comprising the asteroid belt called Maldek, which lost its one time third dimensional outer projection about two and a half billion years ago, and a proto Planet outside the orbit of Pluto called Nibiru which has not yet formed an outer bodily projection.

By design, every Solar System in Creation is governed by an additional cubistic rule called astrophysics. The astrophysics rule is known as the Tree of Life. The rules of astrophysics are simple. Every solar system experiences an input of the twelve astrophysical 'manner of fruit' frequencies. Every Planet in a Solar System is attuned particularly to one or another of the frequencies. Every Planet re-expresses its particular frequency back into its Solar family at large. Every Planet receives a stimulation of each of the other eleven planetary frequencies plus its own.

The Twelve Times Twelve Facets of the Throne of a Solar System

The Twelve Times Twelve Facets of the Throne of a Solar System

There are twelve frequencies and each is re-expressed from each of the Planets to each of the others including itself. Every Planet in a solar system receives a total of twelve times twelve equals one hundred and forty four different Energy or astrophysical principles. Called 'facets of the throne'. In the figure below, they are depicted by the outer ring of twelve cubits. The ring of cubits inside the circle depicts the fourth dimension, and the cubit in the middle is the third. The depictions are are straight out of the original Intelligent Design of Creation.

The one hundred and forty four facets of the throne are nurturing radiations of Energy. The nurturing radiations take place mostly within the fifth dimension. Earth's fifth dimension is known as 'The Garden of Eden', as much of the radiations filtering down to its current outer dimensional animal world evolution is from the Edentic worlds of the Cygnus Swan constellation.

On Earth the astrophysical principles are evenly distributed throughout the twelve months of the year. In earlier times you called the astrophysical principles 'courses'. 'Their officers served the King in any manner of the courses that came in and went out month after month throughout all of the months of the year'. Today you call them the signs of the Zodiac. Which occur in an inductive mode for the first half of each month sign and dischargeous for the second half.

According to cubistic rule, the frequency of any part in any cubit is totally dependant on the frequencies of every other part connecting to it. By simple logic no two cubits, or no two similar parts of a cubit can every have the exact same frequencies no matter how big or how small the cubistic matrix. By this simple fact of simple logic, The Intelligent Design of Creation is infinitely simple yet infinitely powerful. The same cubistic fractal depicts the Micro Universe and the Macro. The great Super Universes are depicted by the same cubistic formulations as are the parts of an atom. The Unified Field Theory is at hand.

As you can see, each of the twelve cubits around the perimeter is in a completely different net location with respect to the whole, with a completely different set of net parts connecting to it. The net frequency of each facet within each cubit is completely different for being in a different cubit location within the overall cubistic expression. For a total of one hundred and forty four completely different astrophysical principles represented.

The same is true of any Solar System in Creation. Again by simple logic, no two Solar systems can be in the exact same local anywhere in Creation nor under the same exact set of frequencies. The one hundred and forty four different frequencies for every Solar System in Creation is unique, no matter where in Creation or how densely packed the area. The one hundred and forty four different unique facet frequencies, plus locale for a given Solar System uniquely defines the particular Solar Law for that given Solar System no matter where in Creation it may be. The fifth dimensional component of any Solar system carries its Solar Law, and is the principle by which it conducts itself within Creation and is uniquely recognized by others.

The astrophysical inductions occur mainly in the fifth dimension being the bottom line of Creation. Most of the radiations are from the twelve Solar Starr chambers which you call the twelve Zodiacal constellations which are likewise unique for every Solar System.

Some of the effects are also experienced in the fourth dimension and third. In the fourth dimension, the facets combine emanations from the radiant side, plus programmed neutrino surges and electromagnetic radiation effects from Solar Winds and Solar Sun Spots, plus the same from afar, plus Gamma ray and X-ray bombardments, plus influences of magnetism through Sun Coronal Mass Ejections and Corona hole outflows, plus effects through gravity alignments, plus full frequency attunements through the higher dimensional side.

Fifth dimension radiations also issue from Sun Spots. Third and fourth dimensional radiation effects are carried by Solar Flares. Solar flares are somewhat under the influence of your mass consciousness. If your mass consciousness is somewhat turbulent because of prevalent outer world conditions, the number and size of solar flares will increase.

The fact that the number and relative sizes of the solar flares coming into the solar maximum of spring two thousand and thirteen on Earth were very much diminished instead of increased as expected by your scientific community, implies in general that you passed rather well rather than poorly through the penultimate frequency changes of December twenty first, two thousand and twelve.

Similarly, the fact that by the end of two thousand and fifteen the solar Sun Spot output was the lowest in two hundred years shows you are making good progress into the early stages of Aquarius.

Astrophysical inductions also occur during eclipses. Only the third dimensional Electromagnetic Matter Substance level of the frequencies are screened by an eclipse. The fourth and fifth dimensional auric aspects and higher move right through comprising yet more blueprinted interactions. The combined effects are how Creation evolves. Nothing in Creation of itself occurs and nothing in Creation occurs for nothing.

The twelve astrophysical properties also relate to your physical body. Your body has twelve inter-linked ganglia centers, called chakras by your Eastern mystics who errantly recognize only seven of the twelve. Six of the twelve centers are for induction and six for discharge. Each of the twelve centers is particularly attuned to one of the twelve radiations.

On Earth the twelve frequencies are named within your current mass consciousness. In your current terminology, Aries is in your head, Taurus your throat, Gemini your lungs and out your arms and hands, Cancer is in your breastplate (also called your Christ center, also where love is felt), Leo is in your solar plexus, Virgo your upper intestines, Libra your lower intestines, Scorpio your genitals, Sagittarius is down the inside of your thighs, Capricorn in back of your knees, Aquarius is in your ankles, and Pisces is at the top of the bridges of your feet.

Some of the names you currently use came in during the early days of Atlantis. The rest came in thirty five hundred years ago during Samaria and Babylon. All will undergo change during Aquarius. The Babylonians later developed considerable quasi-misunderstandings about the frequencies, calling them astrology, all now part and parcel of the Mentallized Illusion. The proper term for discussion is astrophysics.

A proper understanding of the principles of astrophysics is already starting to replace the old bygone ways of astrology even as the old mythologies are finally being brought forward into the everyday awareness of your general public as should have occurred during Atlantis in order to recognize their existence, understand them, and start moving with them through the changes.

Of the twelve astrophysical radiations, six are female signs and six male. The six female astrophysical signs are, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. The six male astrophysical frequencies are, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The six female frequencies correlate to the six induction ganglia centers, the six male frequencies to the six discharge.

Each of the twelve signs exemplifies a cosmic principle. Aries exemplifies the Principle of Universal Son, Taurus the Principle of Earth Mother (material hearth), Gemini the Male/Female Androgen Principle, Cancer the Universal Mother Principle, Leo the Universal Father Principle (also Solar Law), Virgo the Universal Daughter Principle, Libra represents balance and harmony, Scorpio regeneration and rejuvenation, Sagittarius is the arrow of truth, Capricorn is the gate of life and gate of death, Aquarius represents the outpouring of truth (also Galactic Law), and Pisces anchors the One Law of Love and Service one to another for the greatest good for the greatest number. Jesus taught astrophysics to his disciples two thousand years ago at the beginning of the Pisces dispensation now concluded.

Your popular images for Astrology are, fish, sheep, bull, wolves, lion, balance scale, pyramid, scorpion, centaur, goat, water pitcher, and fish respectively. In all such astrological imagings, the icon is not the thing. The frequency behind the image is a principle which is the thing. The image of a fish swimming in both directions representing Pisces is simply the particular convention you have adopted into your outer consciousnesses awareness over the last ten thousand years for collating the principles of the Pisces frequency into a convenient thought.

The fish swims in both directions because there are twelve yearly monthly astrophysical frequencies in a solar year and twelve two thousand year dispensary astrophysical frequencies in a twenty five thousand year Age. The twelve yearly monthly astrophysical frequencies clock around in one direction and the twelve two thousand year dispensary frequencies clock around in the other. The monthly signs clock Pisces, Aries, Taurus, etc. The dispensations clock Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, etc. You have just entered the Aquarian dispensation out of Pisces. Capricorn comes up next two thousand years from now.

During the dispensary cycles the Law comes in through Leo and Aquarius. Solar Law comes in through Leo and Galactic Law comes in through Aquarius. As of May, 2014 Earth is now into the Age of Aquarius, the 'Age of Enlightenment', the 'Outpouring of the Waters of Truth', the 'Great Book Opening' at last. The first seeds of full Galactic Law have already starting becoming re-established in your outer world mass consciousness as the enlightenments in consciousness many of you are now starting to experience. Full Christ Conscious awareness is the goal, which nearly every Man, Women, and Child will have arrived at by the end of Aquarius.

Gemini has a sidereal effect, that of healing. Healing at any level is through your hands. The radiation moves out from your lungs, through your shoulders, down your arms and out your hands. A mother or baker who kneads dough in loving preparation produces delicious and nutritious bread stuffs.

In astrophysics, just as the Family matrix with respect to a given solar system is unique for all Planets within that solar system, the matrixing for each different Planet is also unique.

On Earth, every year as the Earth circles the Sun, it passes through the twelve distinct frequencies which you also call Sun signs or birth signs. Within the blueprint of Earth's Solar System, the passage is matrixed at the rate of approximately one per month. By design, every solar system in Creation has a similar matrix of twelve such radiations. Every matrix is uniquely blueprinted for just that one and only particular solar system. No two solar systems experience exactly the same flavors of the radiations.

Universally, taken as a whole, each such astrophysical frequency is called a 'Family'. There are just the twelve such astrophysical families. Each of the twelve families is configured in a frequency specifically designated for the Descendants and another for Ascendants. There are in total just the twenty four families in all of Creation.

This reflects within all of the Soul Atom Children of the Creators. When you were originally brought into Creation as a Soul Atom child of the Creators, you were expressed as one or another of the twelve given astrophysical frequencies, and either a Descendant or Ascendant Being. You call your flavors of the twelve frequencies, the twelve signs of the zodiac or birth signs in partial ignorance of the nurturing nature of the frequencies. The actual purpose of the families is to expand life. The principle is called 'The Tree of Life', the 'tree' is aptly reflected in the connected system of twelve astrophysical ganglia centers within your body.

All domains in the Outer Creation experience the family of twelve radiations tailored to each's local and dimension. All Soul atoms in the Outer Creation have a Tree of Life ganglia system within their outer bodily material projections tailored to their particular expression and dimension of residence regardless of their dimension of residence. Astrophysical inductions are always within your female aspect, discharge within your male. During the induction period you take on Energy. During the dischargeous period you re-express it in creative and co-creative works.

Within Earth's astrophysical matrix, the Earth orbits the sun once a year passing through the twelve frequencies once per month. The solar year begins with Leo. The first six months are a general descending (induction) phase from Leo to Capricorn, the last six are an general Ascending (discharge) phase from Aquarius to Cancer. The induction and Ascending actions within the respective female and Male Sun signs are additional to that. During the descending Sun signs the descending Energy action within your body is enhanced. During the ascending signs the ascending action is enhanced.

By cubistic rule for Earth, the moon circles the Earth once every month, expressing all twelve of the astrophysical frequencies. 'The Tree of Life bears of its fruit twelve times a month'. The progression comprises the re-expression of each of the twelve radiations through the main radiation for the month. During the month of Taurus for example, all twelve of the frequencies will be expressed under the flavor of Taurus. Including Taurus itself.

The radiations of all twelve frequencies which you induct and discharge during each month long Sun sign, pass through the sequence like the hands of a clock. At the end of the year you will have passed through the twelve frequencies a month for every one of the twelve months and will have experienced all one hundred and forty four 'facets of the throne' frequencies for Earth, having inducted and re-expressed them for the greater good. All Soul Atoms in Creation experience the same one hundred and forty four facets of the throne frequencies, albeit tailored to their type of ordainment and location.

On Earth, during each month long moon cycle, a new radiation commences about every two and a half days. A day and a quarter is spent in the induction phase and a day and a quarter in dischargeous. Per month, you will experience all twelve frequencies. The transition from each radiation to the next is about five minutes. If you pay attention you will feel/hear your physical atoms suddenly speeding up, then peak, then wane. Called by sensitives 'The Harmony of the Spheres'.

Per month, the main astrophysical change takes place on approximately the twentieth of the month. Three to four days prior to the change a warm up to the new frequency will begin. If you pay attention to yourself, you will again recognize a more noticeable change in the vibration of your consciousness starting around the sixteenth or seventeenth of every month. You will feel a less distinct change around the fourth or fifth of every month as the aspect switches from induction to discharge.

Also once per day, tied to your exact astrophysical moment of birth you also receive a special induction period lasting four or five minutes. Twelve hours later you will undergo a similar brief discharge period. The two are called your Cosmic Induction and Discharge periods. The induction and discharge periods occur because you will have been matrixly attuned to just those daily frequencies at precisely just those moments as a consequence of your exact moment of birth when your Soul Atom self first triggers your outer square of consciousness into life.

Your Cosmic induction and discharge periods similarly cause a speeding up of your atoms, more like a gradual rising then fading ringing type rushing in your ears, oft times also felt. Those of you who meditate can hit upon these various kinds of inductions and discharges by accident thinking you have struck meditative gold. Then frustrate yourselves endlessly by trying to repeat the experiences out of ad hoc from lack of understanding.

Earth itself also has twelve induction and discharge centers. The Oregon Vortex is a noted induction center. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the more active discharge centers. If you are in the Triangle when a particularly strong discharge occurs you could experience difficulties.

A large pyramid, now underwater in that location was placed over thirteen thousand years ago because it is an active Energy center. It is not an active Energy center because the pyramid is there as some of you suppose.

In any Solar and Planetary locale, the cyclic amounts are always relative to just those locals but are always of the same principle in rule. The Planet Jupiter does not have a twenty four hour cycle exactly like Earth's. It does however have a cycle which for Jupiter accomplishes the same thing that the twenty four hour cycle does for Earth. Likewise it has an equivalent to Earth's twelve monthly 'Tree of Life' changes.

Throughout Creation the Cosmic rules stay the same even as the actual manifestational practices differ widely according to each particular local and intended purpose.

Similarly, regardless of where in Creation, every time a next induction period comes around it will be a quantum leap higher in frequency than the same period's previous last induction, never lower. No matter how long or how short the cycle period or how small or how great, the next induction period will always be a little bit higher.

The same is true whether it is your special daily birthday induction, a planetary astrophysical radiation every two and a half days, or a year, or two thousand years, or twenty-five thousand years, or two hundred and fifty million years. Whatever the cycle anywhere in Creation, every next new same type cycle induction will be a step higher in frequency than the previous same type induction.

The same is true across Creation, regardless of circumstance. The frequencies of every new given relative induction tick higher and higher, induction by induction. It is called the Cosmic Clock. It is how the Outer Creation evolves. It is the purpose of the Tree of Life.

Without the clock there would be no universal increase in frequency. Without the tick-tock universal increase in frequency there would be no expansion. Without expansion there would be no conversion of the great Even Pool of Darkness into everlasting life. The making of eternity is daily work.

The higher frequencies of Astrophysics are through the fifth and seventh dimension. The lower frequencies are through the third and fourth dimension. Through the fourth dimensional auric frequencies and other higher dimensional frequencies, electromagnetic effects result as the vast Energy lines tying the Stars, Planets, and Constellation containers together. Also governing their behaviors as part and parcel of astrophysics and inductions.

The action between a Starr and its Planets and Solar System to Solar System is cathode to anode. Gravity ball attractions also play a part, as also do the loving attractions of one Stellar Soul Atom to another.

In the outer action of the third and fourth dimensions, the change in vibration comes in mainly through the fourth dimensional auric frequencies of the sub-atomic elementary particles of the atoms, through the electrons, protons, and quarks, etc., and in particular from the floods of neutrinos passing through.

The main inductional gateway between the fifth and fourth dimension is through the magnetic field properties of the higher auric fields of the ferrous metals, nickel, cobalt, and iron. Plasma flows and other electrical reactions observed around the Stars and other celestial bodies of Creation are all part and parcel of the effect.

The information also comes in through the inter-dimensional aspects of the various elementary particles' matrixes, mostly through the vortices dimensional wrappings and is accepted through harmonization within the overall vibrational energy moire' interactions.

The change is from the inside out. The same is true whether it is for you in your projection, or a Planet's whole outer projectional body, or a whole system. Like making a small change in a moire' pattern, as quickly as the net vibrational matrix of the fundamental particles changes, the net vibrational matrix of the whole atom changes. As quickly as all the atoms in a material structure change, the frequency of the whole structure is changed. As quickly as the material structure of your projection is changed, a change in your consciousness is effected.

Which is why Atomic fission is such an abomination. All the work of the Cosmic Clock in evolving all of the frequencies of all of the Substances involved to their present vibrational levels over the eons is undone in the split of a second. In a larger blast, fourth and even fifth dimensional Substance wrappings can be destroyed.

Tremendous fourth, fifth, sixth, and even seventh inner and inter dimensional consequences go all the way back up through Orion through the electromagnetic Energy line interactions. Planetary Substance across the board is affected. Your consciousness around the Planet is affected. The frequencies of the whole Local Sector are affected.

Hydrogen fusion is not the same. Fusion is part and parcel of the natural interactive cubistic conversion between Ordinary Matter Substance and Electromagnetic Matter Substance. Some of the Ordinary Matter Substance is converted into Electromagnetic Matter Substance and the resulting frequencies end up the same or higher after the change.

Hydrogen bombs are a different matter. Hydrogen bombs are true abominations of the worst kind for usurping the nuclear principle out of kind. Also for producing a concentrated thermo nuclear effect not found anywhere else in nature. Also, mainly for the negative thought impositions they impart back upon normal creative intention. Also the appalling static conditions they impart going all the way back up to Orion through the many levels of consciousnesses involved, stemming from both the unsavory intentions of their producers and the inter-dimensional shock waves of Matter Substance undergoing extreme sudden disturbance.

If you have the misfortune of being in a central blast area, a concentrated nuclear explosion can strip off your Akasic record. Even by your so called micro nukes. The stripping requires you to be returned to the forefront of your evolution or experience in order to re-acquire equivalent information. Not easily done as some of the original frequency lines involved might no longer exist and suitable alternatives have to be found.

Also not forgetting, that in any such kind of malpractice explosion a major burst of neutrinos suffering serious perturbations within their matrixes is suddenly unleashed upon Creation which eventually has to be translated by someone somewhere.

Since most of you today are also currently tied to your lower emotions, overall astrophysical changes are also a major case for mood swings. Similarly, many of your common day to day afflictions are tied directly to your astrophysical situation through misalignment.

In normal astrophysical conductions, all but Aries of the astrophysical frequencies passes through your Taurus center on the induction cycles going down. All but Aries of the astrophysical frequencies pass through your Taurus center on the discharge cycles going back up. If your Taurus center is congested, your energies move amiss in both directions which is why your throat becomes so congested whenever your consciousness is congested and vice versa.

Planetary movements also have somewhat to do with the final coloring of the incoming astrophysical frequencies of a system. They are not the cause however as you have long popularized in astrology. The incoming frequencies have their main source in the blueprinted Co-creative Galactic and Universal matrixings. Plus inductions from such as programmed Sun solar flares and coronal hole outflows, and in particular stellar resonance chambers.

Starrs are grouped into specific astrophysical resonance chambers which you call constellations. Constellations generate powerful net frequencies between their container Starr members for the evolution of the recipient Solar Systems involved. For every Solar System there are twelve resonance chambers, the main source of their twelve astrophysical frequencies. Frequencies for both the Descendancy and Ascendancy come down together for a given planet according to the circumstances involved.

Through their higher understandings, your ancients knew the Starr combinations comprising the constellation frequencies related to Earth. Lesser outer consciousness interpretations later created the lore. Your Sun itself participates in constellation resonance chambers for other Solar Systems. No one has nothing to do.

Creation is on a plane. The seven Super Universes of the Outer Creation are like the petals of a flower around the Inner. The main direction of Earth's Super Universe from Earth is in the direction of the belt of Orion beyond the Local Universe. The direction to the Inner Universe is at a point in space where the Pisces constellation borders on Aquarius.

General additional higher frequency enhancement radiations come in from this direction from the heart and Center of Creation out through the Cube and Sphere which is ever radiating acute angle rays of equal three parts of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. When the radiations meet the initial boundaries of the respective Super Universes, they convert into Cosmic Rays and similar at the Galactic level according to their given purposes.

Overall, the frequencies received by any given Solar system are carefully blueprinted in order to produce exact astrophysical frequency effects upon the extant evolutionary involved in order to produce the specific levels of consciousness desired at every step along the way. There are no exceptions. The picture is not trivial. When there are perturbations such as upon Planet Earth the frequencies suffer.

That you have construed the planetary conjunctions of Astrology into telling bellwethers called horoscopes comes about only because various observable reactions occurred within you at the same time as the incoming astrophysical frequencies came through. Consequently, for the most part your horoscopes of astrology are nothing more than the conglomerate recording of the effects of the incoming 'Family' frequencies upon your consciousness when you have or have not worked with them properly or as well as you should have. There is never in actuality a negative or gloomy daily, monthly, or yearly horoscope. All frequencies are for the greater good.

Just as a given new incoming frequency might create disturbances within your internal sub atomic components rather than enrichment because you are congested with respect to that particular frequency, within someone else the changes in their atomic components might occur quite harmoniously to everyone's mutual benefit.

When you see a horoscope come up with a date which for you is not encouraging, this simply means that an incoming frequency is pending for which over the years your particular frequency group has not worked with it as harmoniously as it should have. Hence the reactions were turbulent. Hence the ominous bodes about it. In effect chronicling it as an effect not a cause.

A happy horoscope forecasts that your given frequency group taken as a whole is harmonious with that particular incoming frequency. Foreboding horoscopes are at least helpful in letting you know that you and your frequency group as a whole have more work to do within yourselves regards coming into harmony with that particular pending radiation. You are at the least alerted to take extra responsibility by being double positive in your expressions during the cycle rather than accept the forecast as inevitable fate.

The onus is always on you individually to ride out any forecasted rough ride in the most positive and progressive manner possible instead of lamenting your fate. Or worse, making unwise reactionary decisions. Individually this means you need to be double positive whenever necessary in order to turn a pending adverse predicted time frame into a positive achievement without adversely affecting others or hiding out in apprehension.

If your forecast is positive all the better. Which gives you even greater incentive to be as positive as possible during the episode for the greatest good. The radiations are never for the benefit of yourself, they are always for the expansion of Creation. Creation speaks to the greater good never to the common self. That horoscopes try to make everything privy to self is all part and parcel of the conditions you have incarnated into to help overcome.

It matters not how daunting may seem your work to effect a needed positive conversion of a pending frequency. If it is not done by each of you individually, the frequency group as a whole to which you belong will have to keep going through the same rough ride every time the misconstrued negative frequency comes up until all of you do. It is both a singular and a collective thing.

When everybody within your frequency group has learned how to induct and discharge a given frequency properly it will stop being recorded in the genre as a nasty moment coming. Self-evident truth. Those of you who pooh pah astrology have the right to pooh pah astrology, but not the right to pooh pah astrophysics.

The Inner and Outer Creations

Creation exists in two main frequencies, Inner Creation and Outer. The Inner and Outer Creations mirror closely the original inner aspect of Intelligence Breath and outer aspect of Tiny Particles of Substance in the original Great Even Pool of Darkness. The Inner Creation is considered mainly an inner Intelligence related Creation. The Outer Creation is considered mainly outer Substance related.

The frequencies of the Holy Trinity are Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother, having the attributes of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. The frequencies of Creation are Intelligence, Energy, and Substance underscored by the frequencies of the Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The frequencies of the Inner Creation relate more to the Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter side. The frequencies of the Outer are related mostly to the Intelligence, Energy, and Substance side. Creation is the thirteenth dimension and below.

The frequencies of the fifteenth dimension and higher contain no materializations. The fourteenth dimension to the first are all dimensions of manifestation. The fourteenth dimension contains only the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. The Living Atom Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the interface between the higher internalized frequencies of the Creators as principles and their lower externalized frequencies as practices.

The practices are in the form of manifestations. Manifestations are harmonious embodiments of Purified Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in precipitated externalized form.

The original thirteenth dimensional cubit was expanded by the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 6. The expanded cubit was cubistically filled in to become the cubistic matrix for the thirteenth dimensional Island of Paradise. The Isle of Paradise eventually became populated with projected Christ Triune Soul Atom children of the Creators in great number.

By successive cubistic expansions, the Island of Paradise was eventually surrounded by an Inner Creation then followed by an Outer Creation around the Inner. Both are fully populated with projected Christ Triune Soul Atom children of the Creators in very great number.

The fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega anchored Creation. The Inner and Outer Creations are the product. Both the Inner and Outer Creations are fully Triune.

The Inner Creation is rich in love and light. All dimensions of the Inner Creation are based mainly on the triune frequencies of Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother with the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in behind. Each dimension is additionally based on one or another of the seven permutational possibilities of their frequencies. The dimensions are all stand alone.

The Island of Paradise is a pill shaped disk not unlike a Galaxy viewed on edge. People live in the disk not on it. The remaining dimensions of the Inner Creation are as donut like rings surrounding the Island of Paradise like thickened rings of Saturn. The further out from Paradise the ring, the lower the dimension and lower the frequency. People likewise live in the rings not on them.

Permanent residents of the Inner Creation belong to one or another of the dimensions according to their mandate and normally do not migrate between the dimensions or to the Outer. All Beings of the Outer Creation have passed through the Inner Creation on their way to the Outer. Learning progressively on their way down through the Inner dimensions how to undertake their responsibilities to bear in love and service to the Creation for the Creators within the Outer Creation.

Evolutionary Ascendant Beings, once they have completed their program of evolution within the Outer Creation, return back to the Inner Creation for progression on their way back up to the feet of the Creators in Paradise for eventual Trinitization.

The Outer Creation dimensions are all based on the seven permuted frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together. Beings in the Outer Creation are assigned to the fifth or seventh dimension according to their mandate, but are able to migrate freely between the dimensions as their responsibilities may bear. The third and fourth dimensions do not carry populations except under aberrant conditions such as on Earth.

Consciousnesses in the Outer Creation are based on the same configuration of seven frequencies tied together as are the seven Super Universes for being of the same principle in rule. Soul Atoms in the Outer Creation all carry the same seven frequencies of consciousness regardless of dimension or mandate. Those in the seventh dimension express mainly through their seventh dimensional frequencies in consciousness. Those in the fifth, mainly through their fifth.

Consciousnesses in the Inner Creation are primarily based on the triune frequency of Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother. Each consciousness is additionally imbued with the particular frequency of the dimensions they are in plus any additional parameters such as their expression might call for.


Expansion Down to the Ninth Dimension of the Inner Creation

To complete the creation of the Inner Creation, the Island of Paradise cubit was cubistically expanded four more times, again using the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 6. Each successive expansion was to the next dimension down.

Counting the original Paradisiacal cubit, five dimensions in all resulted to constitute the five dimensions of the Inner Creation. The dimensions are thirteen to nine.

By the expansion rule, each successive lower dimension was larger than the one above. In the depiction, nine is the largest, twelve is the tiny yellow cubit in the middle, thirteen is too small to be seen.

The principles of the Inner Creation were completed in its making. No new features or characteristics have been added. The Inner Creation is not static however. Like a rubber balloon whose physical characteristics are set in its making but which can become larger and larger as more and more air is pumped in, as the Outer Creation ever expands the Inner Creation gradually becomes larger and larger as more and more Soul Atoms complete Trinitization and take up residence in love and service in the Inner, and more and more Soul Atoms pass through on their way to the Outer Creation for their first journey through or on their way back for Trinitization.

After completion of the Inner Creation, a sixth expansion comprising the start up of the eighth dimension was completed around the Inner. A seventh expansion around the eighth dimension was completed to begin the Outer Creation.

Just as the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the interface between the Holy Trinity and frequencies above and their Creation below, the eighth dimension is the interface between the Inner Creation above and the Outer Creation below. As in all aspects, above and below refer to speed of vibration and not location.

The frequencies of the Inner Creation are completely different than the frequencies of the Outer Creation. The Outer Creation is comprised of seven great Super Universe bubbles surrounding the Inner Creation like the petals of a flower. Each Super Universe bears the particular attribution of one of the seven frequencies tired together. The different parts of the Inner Creation are segregated by dimensions. The Outer Creation is segregated by the attributions.

The frequencies of the Inner Creation are based on the seven frequencies of the Holy Trinity individually expressed. The frequencies of the Outer Creation are based on the seven frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together. Soul Atoms in the Inner Creation experience the frequencies of the Father, Mother, and Son/daughter directly through the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega interface. Soul Atoms in the Outer Creation experience the frequencies indirectly through the intermediary role of the Creator Son/Daughters.

Soul Atoms of the Inner Creation are individually pegged to the frequencies of Father, Son/Daughter, Mother with the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in behind. Soul Atoms of the Outer Creation are pegged to the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together with the frequencies of the Father, Mother, and Son/Daughter in behind. The Soul Atoms in the Inner Creation all have great essences of Being. The essence of Beingness in the Outer Creation varies greatly from one type of Being to Another.

Similarly, Soul Atom Beings in the Inner Creation are both Male and Female in animus, existing as a single consciousness within their Soul Atom expression reflecting the original nature of Alpha and Omega after their unification. In the Outer Creation Soul Atoms are Androgin. Meaning they are an Atum/Atom Soul Atom pair comprising an individual Male half and an individual Female half co-existing equally together within the same expression in reflection of the original nature of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter after being brought forth by Alpha and Omega.

Similarly, the Inner Creation is oriented to the Creators, the Outer Creation is oriented at ninety degrees to the Creators.


First Stage of Expansion to the Eighth Dimension

By virtue of all these absolute differences between the frequencies of the Inner Creation and the Outer Creation, the expansion of the Inner Creation to the Outer Creation required an intermediary step of transmutation. The sole and only purpose of the eighth dimension is to effect the transmutation .The eight dimension is otherwise void.

In order to produce the transition factor, the eighth dimension was expanded in two steps. The first step was from the frequencies of the Inner Creation to the frequencies of the eighth dimension. The second step was from the frequencies of the eighth dimension to the frequencies of the Outer.


Rotated Starr of David through the intersection of Staffs and New Circle

In the first step, the ninth dimension was expanded also by the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 6 as the first step to the eighth. For simplicity the start of the eighth dimension plus the ninth are shown. The tiny dot in the middle implies the tenth dimension and above. The start of the eighth dimension is the larger cubit.


Rotated Cubit

The Outer Creation is oriented at ninety degrees to the Creators. In the second step, to re-orient the frequencies at ninety degrees and to prepare for the introduction of the seven frequencies tied together, from the resulting expanded cubit a second equal sized cubit was created oriented at ninety degrees.


Last Stage of Expansion of the Eighth Dimension

To begin the oriented cubit, the same new circle of Intelligence was used. A new Starr of David was emanated at ninety degrees to the original by aligning its arms to the intersections of the staffs and new expanded circle.

A set of three new staff lines from the sixteenth dimension were drawn drawn down to the center point and aligned to the new Starr of David, overlaying the original rods.


Expansion to the Outer Creation

At the intersections of the new staffs and new Starr of David end points, a new cube was manifested. New rods were created overlaying the original staffs to complete the newly rotated cubit at ninety degrees to the Inner.

As the last of the second step in setting up the seventh and final expansion to the Outer Creation, just the rotated cubit was expanded by the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 5 to create the basic cubit for the Outer Creation as the completion of the full eighth dimensional expression.

The whole interacting matrix of the three cubits together represents the eighth dimension. The whole Inner Creation is shown as the small cubit and tiny dot in the middle.

A seventh and final expanded cubit also according to the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 5, comprises the expansion from the eighth dimension to the Outer Creation and completes the frequency segregation between the two Creations. The Outer Creation cubit was then sub-matrixed into the seven frequencies tied together according to the rule of fig. 55 in Starrgram 5 to complete the progression.

By fact of the ninety degree rotation, the first cubit of Intelligence now results at the three o'clock position in the depiction instead of the twelve.


The Whole Outer Creation of Seven Super Universes with Seven Dimensions in Each

In fig. 62, the center cubit of the seven tied together is both the center cubit of Triune Triune for the Outer Creation and exactly overlays the whole of the eighth dimension of fig. 61. In the depiction, the very very small cubit in the middle is the ninth dimension and above. The Outer Creation is very much larger than the Inner.

Fig. 62 also depicts the seven Super Universes of the outer Creation. In Reality the Super Universes are not laid out as the blueprint of fig. 62 suggests. In actuality all Seven Super Universes are flattened bubbles surrounding the eight dimension and Inner Creation like flower petals. As previously stated, Cubistics deals with principles not photographic layouts.

The seven dimensions of the Outer Creation follow in the same principle of rule as the seven frequencies tied together, whereby every Super Universe has its own flavours of the seven as dimensions, and whereby the seven dimensions in each are flavoured by each's particular attribution.

In the depiction, the seven main cubits are the seven different Super Universes. The layout of the seven cubits inside each Super Universe cubit are all the same for being the same type seven dimensions. In the Outer Creation no Super Universe is higher in frequency than another, being subject only to its particular attribution. Within each Super Universe on the other hand, each dimension is higher in frequency than the one below.

As in fig. 62, the first dimension of every Super Universe starts at the three o'clock position. The whole center Triune Triune dimensional cubit overlays the whole of the eighth dimension cubit of fig. 61.

The Outer Creation is the responsibility of Seven Master Spirits of Creation. The Master Spirits are the first born Soul Atom children of the Creators. The seven Master Spirits reside in Paradise and are able to communicate with the Holy Trinity directly through the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. All remaining Soul Atoms in Paradise experience the Cube and Sphere as their Sun but do not communicate with it directly.

The Seven Master Spirits are seven sets of twins, Male and Female, representing fourteen different frequencies in all who are collectively harmonized in consciousness as the seven frequencies tied together on the Male side and seven tied together on the Female. The seven Master Spirits comprise the seven sets of consciousnesses in charge of the Outer Creation. The seven different frequencies of the Master Spirit twins produce the seven different Super Universe bubbles according to their respective attributional frequencies.

The inner frequencies of the Inner Creation are tied directly to the frequencies of Alpha and Omega through the Holy Trinity Heart and Center. Oppositely, the inner frequencies of the Outer Creation are tied directly to Alpha and Omega through the frequencies of Local Universe Paradisiacal Son/Daughters, who represent the Creators as hearts and centers of their Local Universe Creations within the Super Universes. Local Universes comprise approximately one thousand galaxies each.

The outer frequencies of the Inner Creation stem directly from the Creators through their fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere into Paradise. The outer frequencies of the Outer Creation are directly from the Creators through their Cube and Sphere directly into the seven Master Spirit twins of Creation. The Master Spirits dispense the frequencies into their respective Super Universes according to their mandate.

Each specific Super Universe bubble is the projected work of one of the Master Spirit set of twins according to their particular attribute. Each Master Spirit pair is responsible for their particular Super Universe, and through them each Super Universe was begun and is, evolving to completion or has already completed.

Through their consciousnesses, each Master Spirit set of twins projected the initiating master Cubist Matrix for their Super Universe to be. Each specific Super Universe field was gradually filled in by Paradisiacal Creator Son/Daughters setting up their particular Local Universe Creations.

Following preparation of the seven Super Universe fields, each respective Master Spirit pair in turn projected their unique frequency into their respective Super Universe as its unique attribute. The Super Universe of Intelligence was created first. Each successive Super Universe was created in turn by bifurcation off the previous, starting with the Super Universe of Energy off the first, then Substance off the second, and finishing with the seventh and final Super Universe of full Triune off the sixth.

Throughout Creation, the rules of the Design are the same. The principle of the Outer Creation surrounding the Inner Creation and the Inner Creation surrounding the Cube and Sphere is exemplified by every living Soul Atom in an outer projection including yourself, also called an incarnation, as an outer cubistic matrix surrounding your inner cubistic matrix and your Inner matrix surrounding your Soul Atom self which made the projection.

As with all Soul Atoms in projection, your Inner cubistic matrix upholds your dispensation and responsibilities to bear, your Outer cubistic matrix upholds your projected materialization and your works. When in the Inner Creation, your Inner and Outer cubistic matrixes are both aligned to the Creators.


Inner and Outer Matrixes of a Soul Atom in Projection within the Outer Creation

When in the Outer Creation your Inner matrix is aligned to your Soul Atom self which is aligned to the Creators. Your Outer matrix is aligned to the Outer Creation which is at ninety degrees to the Inner.

Your inner and outer matrixes together reflect somewhat the ways of the eight dimension which set the mould. Your inner cubistic matrix is aligned to the Inner Creation and your outer cubistic matrix is aligned to the Outer Creation at ninety degrees. Your inner cubistic matrix carries your Soul Atom Self's inner Triune responsibilities and purposes for your projection. Your outer matrix carries your Soul Atom self's outer responsibilities to bear and your materialization within any environment you have projected into.

Like the Outer Creation, Inner Creation, and Cube and Sphere, your Outer matrix surrounds your Inner matrix which surrounds your Soul Atom Self comprising your overall projection.

In fig. 64 your Soul Atom Self is represented by the tiny Cube and Sphere shown in the center. In actuality, your Soul Atom self is a diamond like spark of pure white Light sitting within your Pituitary Gland as the 'Lord who sitteth upon the throne'.

Your Outer matrix is of the dimension you have incarnated into. Your Inner matrix is of the same dimension as your Soul Atom Self, and your Soul Atom Self is of the dimension you are from.

Your Inner Matrix also contains the inter dimensional aspects between the dimensions if from a higher. On Earth, because consciousnesses are projected into a third dimensional time line condition by misadventure, your Outer consciousness matrix is both third and fourth dimensional and your Inner consciousness matrix is fifth or seventh dimensional.

As implied in fig. 64, the rods and staffs of your larger Outer Matrix overlap the staffs and rods of your smaller Inner Matrix. Also as depicted, your Inner consciousness matrix aligns to the Inner Creation and Creators while your Outer consciousness matrix aligns to the Outer Creation.

In mirroring the essence of the Cube and Sphere, you are a living atom Triune Soul Atom Being. You were expressed from the side of Alpha facing Omega. You were created as a tiny spark of pure Intelligence upon an Energy component represented by a cubistic circle upon a Starr of David Energy configuration.

You are a Christ Triune Being having the Starr of David component as your eminent Christ Consciousness capability of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Your equal Omega Substance component is garnered later as the precipitated materialization you make whenever you undertake a projection or so called incarnation. When in a projection, your Omega component is no lesser or greater than your Alpha Intelligence component.

Your very first Outer Creation incarnation is a very momentous occasion in your eternal career as a great many steps had to have been learned. An important aspect of the information and processes you are taught and learn in your successive downward path through the dimensions of the Inner Creation in preparation for your career of existence in the Outer Creation as either a Descendant or Ascendant dispensated Being.

Your Life force on the Intelligence side is carried by the combination of your cubistic circle and your Starr of David. Your Life force on the Substance side is carried by your Starr of David and overlaying rod and staff combinations once you have formed a projection.

Only the Outer Creation has Descending and Ascending Soul Atoms. The native Soul Atoms of the Inner Creation are pure Triune Beings who only evolve or expand in expression small amounts as needs be. The Soul Atoms of the Outer Creation are conditionally Triune, whose purpose is to gain experience or expand in expression.

In the Inner Creation, Intelligence, Energy, and Substance work together as a single expression as they do in the first three dimensions of the Outer Creation. The Father, Son/Daughter, and Mother frequencies work collectively together as a unified expression in everyone, and individually everyone expresses an additional particular frequency of the Father, Son/Daughter, or Mother according to their Dispensation and as tied to the dimension in which they reside.

In the Outer Creation, Intelligence, Energy, and Substance work collectively together as a unified expression in everyone. In both Creations, the Father, Son/Daughter, and Mother frequencies work additionally together through the square of consciousness as a unified expression in everyone regardless of Dispensation or Dimension.

In the Outer Creation your Soul Atom carries the seven frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together as your seven fold dimensionality of consciousness. And you are conditionally dependent. If you are dispensated as a Descendant Being you carry a full Intelligence, Energy, and Substance Christ Triune expression of Being. If you are an Ascendant, you are slowly learning it.

As a Descendant Being, your frequencies are conditional upon the dimension in which you are projected and your accumulated experience. If you are an Ascendant Being your frequencies are conditional upon your current dimension of achievement and your currently attained expression.

Descendant Beings fill the managerial roles of Creation. Ascendant Beings are their responsibility.

Descendant Beings are more on the Intelligence side of Beingness. Ascendant Beings are more on the Substance side. Just as Alpha and Omega see themselves as absolutely equal, they see their myriad Descendant and Ascendant Children in Creation as being absolutely equal for playing equally important parts in their ultimate goal of redeeming themselves from out of their original terminal existence as the original Great Even Pool of Darkness.

Regardless of your dimension of projection, in the Inner Creation you have a good working awareness of the dimensions of the Inner Creation. In the Outer Creation you have only a limited awareness of the other dimensions depending on your Dispensation, level of accomplishments, dimension of your projection, and state of consciousness you are in.

Because of the absolute differences in frequency, the persona and character frequencies of Soul Atoms when in the Inner Creation differ greatly from those when in the Outer. Even if you are the same Soul Atom traveling between. The eight dimension has the frequency orientations of both Creations. The eighth dimension effects the transmutation of your Soul Atom's frequencies from the one Creation to the other while passing through.

The persona frequencies of your Soul Atom self passing from the Inner Creation to the Outer and vice versa, are converted by work of the transitional frequencies of the eighth dimensional void from the Pure Christ Triune seven state absolute Father, Son and Daughter, and Mother frequencies of the the Inner Creation into the conditional seven dimensional Intelligence, Energy, and Substance frequencies tied together of the Outer Creation, and vice versa.

The passage through the eighth dimensional transformation is a long and passive process in which your Soul Atom self remains in a state of stasis so the process proceeds uneventfully. As the eighth dimension is not a dimension of materialization, only your Soul Atom circle and Starr of David component journeys through the eighth dimension while your frequencies undergo the transformation.

By a procedure of passive de-harmonization out of your one state of Being through the first part of the eight dimension, then a passive re-harmonization into the other through the second part, the respective frequencies of your Soul Atom self's frequencies are quietly transmuted from harmony with those of the one Creation into harmony with those of the other as you pass through. The same is true regardless of which direction you pass through.

Both the seventh and ninth dimensions are dimensions of materialization. At the end of your journey in either direction, your Soul Atom self will form an outer projection within the Substance frequencies of the dimension of landing. You typically do not exist un-incarnated in the dimensions of materialization unless residing temporarily inside the frequencies of a cosmic egg instead.

The eight dimension comprises only the vast transformational void existing between the frequencies of the Inner Universe and the great Outer Universe beyond. The vast distance through the eighth dimension is measured in frequency differentials not in miles.

In many aspects the Inner Creation is a reflective mirror of the Outer Creation across the void. The seventh dimension and ninth dimension see each as dimensions of materialization. The sixth mirrors the tenth, the fifth mirrors the eleventh, and the fourth the twelfth. The Intelligence, Energy, and Substance characteristics of the first three dimensions in combination mirror the pure Trinity aspects of the thirteenth dimension of Paradise itself.

Just as the Inner Creation reflects mostly the internalized Intelligence side of Creation wherein the overall plans of Creation are blueprinted, the Outer Creation reflects mostly the externalized Substance side of Creation whereby the creative plans are brought to fruition as manifestations.

In this respect the Inner Creation reflects your inner action which is your higher consciousness matrix and record of mandated responsibilities, while the Outer Creation mirrors your outer action which is your physical body and activities. Just as the fourteenth dimension is the interface between the higher internalized frequencies of the Creators as the Holy Trinity and frequencies above and lower externalized frequencies as Creation below, the eighth dimension is the interface between the higher internalized frequencies of the Inner Creation above and the lower externalized frequencies of the Outer Creation below.

Which also mirrors in principle how the inner and outer consciousness matrixes of your Soul Atom in projection works. Just as your inner higher consciousness matrix relates more to your responsibilities to bear through your Intelligence factor, your lower outer consciousness matrix relates more to your fruitions through your materialized factors of bodily Substance and works.

Just as Creation as a whole is a meld of both the Inner and Outer Creations together, your day to day Co-Creative Christ consciousness as you walk about is a meld of both the higher Triune Christ consciousness of your Inner self and the lower acquired consciousness of your outer materialized projection taken together.

Just as the Inner and Outer Creations together reflect the unifying Christ Energy principle in the middle through which the whole extenuating purpose of Creation is expressed, your Co-Creative Christ consciousness in the middle relates to your Soul Atom and Only Begotten Son/Daughter Christ principle as the unifying factor within your whole incarnated expression.

The Cube and Sphere was the progenitor living Soul Atom expression of Alpha and Omega. Their Inner Creation is as their upper or Inner consciousness matrix, upholding their spirituality. Their Outer Creation is as their lower or Outer consciousness matrix, upholding their materialization. Their Cube and Sphere is as their Soul Atom Self holding everything together in unification.

Just as the Inner and Outer Creations together uphold the outer projection of Alpha and Omega, your inner consciousness matrix and outer consciousness matrix together uphold your current outer projection. Just as your materialization in your current projection is your outer created body, Creation is the outer created body of Alpha and Omega.

Closely resembled therefore, whether great as all Creation or small as you walking about, is the nature of Intelligence, Energy and Substance within the fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. Whereby the Cube of Substance surrounds the Sphere of Intelligence as the Mother holding the Father in her bosom, and Energy is the begotten factor in the middle unifying the two together as one.

Whether of the greatest embodiment of the Intelligent Design, or of the smallest, in all its embodiments therefore, the rules of Creation are ever the same and the basic principles of the Creators are forever upheld. 'As above so below'.

In setting up the precepts of Creation, the Creators projected sixteenth dimensional versions of the three way crisscrossing lines of the Starr of David in great number in the sixteenth dimension such that no three of the respective lines intersected at the same point. At the beginning of Creation, a point and center of Energy was established in the fourteenth dimension in order to produce a single starting three way point and center intersection of staffs within the Greater Alpha and Omega Reality Pool of eighteen dimensions. From that stage forward, through their Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega and subsequent projections, center points for radiating staffs could always be created upon which a new projection or creative project could always be initiated.

The work of the Creators in creating their Cube and Sphere, followed by the first subsequent cubit, followed by the first expanded cubit called Paradise paved the way. After the original projected cubit, all subsequent new cubit mid points have been created as expansions by the Co-Creative endeavors of loving Soul Atoms in projection such as yourself. In effect drawing Crisscrossing lines down from out of their unaligned state within the sixteenth dimension and into the aligned harmony of co-creative endeavors in the thirteenth dimension and lower through all the channels. All serving to gradually work the originally chaotic Tiny Particles of Substance of their Great Even Pool of Darkness Self into harmonious lighted configurations as materializations within Creation.

In accordance with the Intelligent Design, all Soul Atoms follow the same basic cubistic principle when projecting into a dimension of visibility in order to do work or initiating a creative project. A set of three new Crisscrossing lines are extended down from the sixteenth dimension, respectively grouped within the Holy Trinity within the fifteenth, oriented within the Cube and Sphere within the fourteenth, and brought down into Creation to the dimensional cubit involved to create six new starting mid points for your incarnation or creative project as required by your consciousness involved.

Tiny Particles of purified Substance from the sixteenth dimension are ultimately precipitated into the container down the center induction staff as a manifestation to complete your new expression in harmony with your initiating circle of Intelligence and the balancing action of your Y Factors. Once your outer projection has been formed, feelings from your Substance side will begin to become present and your Omega side will have become complete.

Once your initial materialization process has been completed at birth, your Soul Atom Self energized your outer ego into self awareness, which is a combination of the frequencies of your Intelligent thoughts, Christ Energy factors, Substance feelings, and square of consciousness as your outer consciousness awareness. The you of whom you think as you.

If it is a creative idea which you are initiating instead of an incarnation, the same principles apply minus the precipitation of standing wave Particles down the induction line from the sixteenth dimension. The Substance container stands as a virtual materialization.

To meet the ever expanding needs of Creation, the Intelligence of the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy in the sixteenth dimension is constantly replenished by an unbreakable tether from the Breath in the eighteenth dimension, down through connection of Alpha alone in the seventeenth dimension and into the sixteenth as needed.

The Substance of the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy in the sixteenth dimension is constantly replenished by flow lines of Tiny Particles of Substance down from the eighteenth dimension through connection of Omega alone in the seventeenth dimension into the sixteenth as needed. The respective Crisscrossing lines of the sixteenth dimension and the Pillar of Substance are continuously replenished by Omega according to need within the sixteenth dimensional frequencies of Omega.

The ever increasing Energy needs for both the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy and Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy are drawn from the upward Upper and Lower Triangle lines of the ever expanding Christ Consciousness Starrs of David connectivity of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter below into the sixteenth dimension on an ever expanding basis as Creation ever expands.

By the gradual ongoing incorporating of the Crisscrossing lines and frequencies of Tiny Particles of Substance into materializations, the Creators are gradually converting the Darkness of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self into pure Triune light under their Will, Desire, and Action.

When undertaking your responsibilities in an incarnation, you usually project into a same dimension or downwards into a lower dimension. Your inner matrix materialization of any downward projection you make will be of the Substance of your Soul Atom's dimension of office. The Substance of your outer materialization will be taken from the frequencies of the dimension into which you have projected.

Once you form a projection in any dimension, the Intelligence factor of the Father in both your upper and lower consciousness matrixes will be present through the circles. Your Christ factor of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter will be present as your normally oriented Starr of David. Your outer consciousness awareness will be from a three way combination of your circle, your rotated Starr of David, and the feeling frequencies of your rotated Substance materialization.

In making or expanding a creative project, the same overall cubistic process applies A cubistic blueprint of the project is like an inner matrix. The finished result is like an outer. Your original idea and finished result is represented by the circle and Starr of David field lines upholding the plan. The planning and actual action taken is represented by the Y Factors. And both the intended and outer finished result is represented by the cube.

Every created project and every stage along the way is the result of the idea which preceded it. It is possible for many consciousnesses to collaborate together in harmony through arcs in consciousness towards a finished creative project. The very essence of Co-Creativity. You form an arc in consciousness with anyone with whom you make an agreement.

In your current condition on Earth, when you have an outer consciousness thought which has become sufficiently harmonized with a similar thought posted for your benefit within your upper consciousness matrix by your Reality Soul Atom self, the greater thought will pass on down through the common attunement of the circle to your outer consciousness matrix as that called illumination. The same is true for problem solving. If your purpose is pure, the answer will always be given and will appear in your consciousness as a spark of recognition. 'Ask and ye shall receive'.

When you are seeking an answer to a question or solution to a problem, the initial question pattern will be held in your outer consciousness matrix. The answer or solution pattern will be posted down from your Reality Soul Atom self as a new pattern. The first pattern relates to Intelligence for being at the start or idea end. The second relates to Substance as it looks towards the end result or materialized product.

A resulting pattern of light frequencies results from the fusing aspects of the Intelligence side and the Substance side merging together. Pushed up as a spark of recognition within your consciousness. The light alerts your consciousness to the newly posted answer side. It is then able to move freely down into your outer consciousness awareness as an understanding through the opened channel in order to implement it.

Some such sparks are intense enough that you consider the event a 'Light bulb' moment in which you are likely to exclaim 'Aha' or 'Eureka'.

Since a fusion within the Intelligence and Substance aspects is involved, the 'in the middle' spark of recognition is a Universal event, working the same in principle within all consciousnesses throughout all frequencies of all dimensions as it did originally within Alpha's discovery of Omega within the original Great Even Pool of Darkness as light created.

It was by coming to understand that a new found 'in the middle' event had occurred from their first ever original meeting between their frequencies and consciousnesses of Breath and Tiny Particles within their Great Even Pool of Darkness self that Alpha was eventually able to work out with Omega a way to elevate their newly discovered light into their Absolute Only Begotten Son/Daughter third aspect of themselves with attribute of Energy as the active ingredient in their cosmic family principle plan to end their causeless slide into oblivion forever.

If your question is about spiritual matters related to either yourself or others, the resulting answers are considered to be what you call epiphanies.

The principle of epiphany is how Ascendant Beings evolve. If you are an Ascendant, at the beginning of each incarnating projection your inner and outer matrixes are usually completely consciously distinct until your outer is brought into alignment with your inner by the harmonious conscious activity of your outer consciousness activities in your daily affairs and constant everyday spiritual epiphanations. Gradually building incarnation after incarnation towards a resulting full Christ Consciousness awareness.

The proper responsibility of all Ascendant Soul Atoms is to achieve that alignment. Proper alignment means that your rod and staff overlays are working in harmony, and that your outer consciousness matrix does not carry frequencies which are not in harmony with your inner or to Creation.

If your are a Descendant Being, in any higher dimensional projections, your inner and outer matrixes are well harmonized. When caught within an aberrant condition such as a third dimensional time line projection, your current responsibility is to get back into that alignment.

In the materialization processes of Creation, the Substance/Energy radiations of the staffs begin at the top of Creation in the sixteenth dimension and are passed on downwards through the staff continuities within the assorted dimensional cubistic matrixes in succession.

Staff lines are continuous throughout the dimensions and from domain to domain within a dimension, carrying their original cubit purpose plus the aggregate vibrational information accumulated from domain to domain and dimension to dimension as increasing materializations. Materializations of any frequency in any dimension are capitulated through this pipe. The pipe for any Soul Atom in any projection anywhere within Creation is called the Silver Chord.

The original chaotically oriented standing waves of the Tiny Particles of Substance in the Great Even Pool of Darkness are converted into ironed out harmonized light forged standing waves in the sixteenth dimension and moved down the pipe. Staffs can carry many independent Substance frequencies simultaneously. The Substances and Energies move up and down in both directions and do not necessarily interact or combine.

The staff Substances and Energies as started, begin from the top down in the sixteenth dimension. Such new frequencies as are started within a domain co-exist with the frequencies of all the others in which they are inter connected in the pipe as a common trunk.

The frequencies moving down the staffs carry information about the existing higher frequency cubits above into the newly created cubit structures below as part and parcel of the lower dimensional cubit's informational unity within the whole. Harmonious frequencies moving back up through the staffs carry purified information about a particular cubit's created expression back up into the Creative matrixes overhead making those overhead greater made.

Substance in the third and fourth dimensions are in the form of Matter Substance, unique to the lower dimensions. Substance in the fifth dimension is inertia free Morontia. Substance in the seventh dimension is in Architectural frequencies, homogeneous throughout a domain but differing from domain to domain. In similarity with the primary frequencies of Father, Mother, Son/Daughter characterizing the Inner Creation, Architectural Substance is in the form of an amalgam with Intelligence and Energy, yet keeping their individual attributional characteristics.

All upward moving Starr of David and staff frequencies are passed up through the Creative Son/Daughters, and through the Cube and Sphere to the Holy Trinity for their glorification. Then up into the sixteenth dimension for re-utilization and expansion.

As the net frequency of any new cube of Substance is from the net frequencies of the precipitations coming down from the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy on an ongoing basis, and the net frequency of the Pillar is ever changing on an ever ongoing basis by the new Tiny Particles moving in from the seventeenth dimension as continuous replenishment. And the Energies of the Lake and Pillar are always expanding by the ever upward expanding Christ consciousness of the Son/Daughter, and newly glorified Substance is always moving up from the creation below for continuous re-utilization. Consequently, the net frequencies of the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy and Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy can never be the same two clicks in a row.

Every down coming circle of Intelligence and precipitation of Substance carries the respective net vibrations of the Lake and Pillar of the instant. No two down coming circles and precipitations can ever be of the same exact net vibration anywhere in Creation, ever.

The net frequencies of every new expression in Creation is, and by very default of the Intelligent Design, unique. The assorted frequencies of Creation are ever unique and will always continue to be ever unique.

As well as necessarily required for expansion, rods create localized domains. The rod energies stem from a conversion of some of the staff frequencies at the midpoint intersection, continue by a conversion of some of the circle frequencies and Starr of David frequencies at the arms intersections, continue further by helping to establish some of the cube frequencies at the sides as the boundary of the domain, and finish as extensions of some of the originally converted staff frequencies out past the cube sufficient to allow new expansions to occur.

Rods contain frequencies of both polarities and are neutral within the laws of polarity. Once created within a cubit, rod energies radiate out from the mid point of the cubit as propagating frequencies within a domain akin to spokes of a wheel.

Rods are instrumental in expanding a cubit or in creating new cubits but do not readily co-exist with rod radiations from other domains. Rods cannot radiate completely out past the cubit because they meet the sides of the cube at ninety degrees and most of their frequencies become Substance utilized. Rods however do extend somewhat past the cube sides as partial radiations because of the converted staff Energy frequencies which help begin them at the mid points.

Most of the staff frequencies of rods are stopped at the outermost cube sides as a continuing part of the cubit's materialization process at the boundaries of the containers. Once having passed beyond the sides of the cube, when rods eventually meet oncoming rod frequencies from another domain there is nothing much to interact.

Fig. 63 serves as an example. The rod frequencies of one cubit do not connect consecutively to any other as do the staffs.

In any cubistic matrix the rule is the same, the radiating rod Energies allow rods to participate as mid point actors in expansion activity, and through lack of full continuation of the Intelligence and Substance aspects past cube sides the domains of issuance remain distinct.

One Planet is distinguished from another, a Local Universe is distinguished from another, the fifth dimension is distinct from the sixth. Within your current projection you are distinct from anyone else. Super Universes are distinct from each other.

Within Soul Atom projections in the third dimension the rods of one individual can influence those of another over a limited range at the auric level due to the overlap of the rods and staffs within their combined inner and outer matrixes. If your frequencies are mostly from your inner matrix, you are deemed Saintly. If they are mostly from your outer matrix and your outer is in disharmony with your inner, you are considered despotic.

Like staffs, the extending parallel lines of the Starr of David also connect from domain to domain and dimension to dimension. The downward increasing Energies carry the blueprinted plans and purposes of Creation. The varying frequencies of the smaller and smaller different Starr of David line segments aggregate within the larger and larger Starr of David lines of a matrix as ever increasing information about the matrixes below as the matrixes become more and more complex.

The smaller and smaller created Energies aggregate back up as part and parcel of the ever expanding Christ expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.

The vibratory rate of the Starrs of David are determined by consciousness through your original Alpha component of your Soul Atom self and through the power of the polarity between your Will and Desire within your motivations as reflected by the power of your Y Factors in your Co-Creative thoughts and responsibility taken.

The greater your Soul Atom's originating circle of Being and capacity of Will and Desire, the greater the power in the vibration and fields of your Starr of David and your consequent Y Factors. The greater the vibratory rate of your Y Factors, the greater your resultant incarnated projections and created manifestations.

Creator Son/Daughter Soul Atoms starting up whole Local Universes have very very large circles of Being. If you are an Ascending Soul Atom starting out evolution in the fifth dimension you have a very small circle of Being. The resident Soul Atoms of the Inner Creation all have great circles of Being. The seven Master Spirits of Creation upholding whole Super Universes within their consciousnesses have the largest originating circles of Being.

Just as the seven Master Spirits pairs started up the seven Super Universe bubbles within their consciousnesses, Creator Son/Daughters start up Local Universes within their consciousnesses.

In their higher frequencies, Starrs of David are responsible for that called Spiritual. In the fourth dimension, the lowest frequencies of the Starrs of David are that called gravity, electromagnetism, and magnetics.

The Spiritual expressions of love and light you experience as you walk about on Earth are from the presence of the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensional Starr of David frequencies present within your Upper consciousness matrixes. The physical Energies walking you about are from the Lower Triangle component of your Outer Consciousness matrix.

Throughout all of Creation, in the original animus set up by the Creators for expansion, like polarities attract and opposites repel. Though opposites, the opposing vibrations of the Upper and Lower triangles of the Starr of David are interwoven to lock them together. Whereby they emanate outward together as a combined power of attraction of both polarities.

The emanating attraction of the Upper triangle component is experienced in all frequencies in all dimensions as that thought of as Love. The emanating attraction of the Lower triangle is experienced in all frequencies of all dimensions as that felt as Love.

The Lower triangle emanations operate additionally within the Matter Substance frequencies of the third and fourth dimensions as the attraction power known as gravity. The lower frequency gravity attraction helps keep the Outer Creation together as function and form. The higher frequency Love attractions help keep the Outer Creation together as family and friends.

In the descending order of the dimensions, the downward outward moving frequencies of the staffs feed out through the bottom of each cubit into the inward downward moving staff frequencies of the next cubit below. The continuous Substance materializations from the sixteenth dimension to the lowest levels of Creation are brought down through this interconnection.

The outwardly radiating rod frequencies generating from the mid point of your outer matrix, superimpose on the staffs of your inner matrix and are converted into new staff frequencies which move back up the staffs independently of the normal downward and upward moving frequencies already present. Becoming part of the ever upward migrating whole.

From even the lowest levels of consciousness in Creation, the frequencies of all accomplished creative works are returned up the pipeline to Alpha and Omega for their glorification.

The continuously successful works of Soul Atoms in projection also glorify the Intelligence of the Creators by the ever increasing number of circles of Intelligence whose plans all creative purposes serve.

Through Co-Creative endeavors, more and more mid points are being created and more and more staff lines are becoming fixed in from out of the Crisscrossing lines in the sixteenth dimension. More and more Starrs of David are being emanated, more and more materializations are becoming completed in manifestation and more and more rods are being created in Co-Creative result. Allowing yet more and more circles of Intelligence to be brought down from the sixteenth dimension and yet more Starrs of David to be created enabling yet more and more expansion.

Creation is ever expanding according to the rules of the Intelligent Design. The ever expanding total Christ expression of the Only Begotten Son and Daughter is ever expanding under the guidance, direction, and protection of the Holy Trinity.

Energies of the ever expanding Christ Consciousness of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter pool upward into the Energy factors of the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy and Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy, ever increasing their capacity. As their capacities increase, more and more Breath and Tiny Particles are able to be brought down from Alpha and Omega's Great Even Pool of Darkness self into the sixteenth dimension in parity and converted into frequencies of light.

The upward returning frequencies of glorified Substance pool within the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy. As more and more of the Tiny Particles of Substance become harmonized into conscious cubistic structures within Creation at large, more and more of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self becomes converted out of darkness into light.

Through the expansions, Creation is gradually becoming a Beatific mirrored equivalent of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self, cast in the frequencies of pure light through the ongoing presence of Energy. By their order they work their darkness into light.

Eventually, sufficient animus will have become established to convert the remainder of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self into the pure Triune frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as a single last and final event.

The Seven Dimensions of the Outer Creation

The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega was the first projected outcome of the Holy Trinity self of Alpha and Omega. The cubit is the universal outer projected expression of their Cube and Sphere. Paradise was the first outer projection of Alpha and Omega by use of the cubit.

The Inner Creation is the first expanded projection of Alpha and Omega. The Outer Creation is the first expanding projection of Alpha and Omega. The Outer Creation comprises the seven Great Super Universe bubbles. The bubbles surround the Inner Creation like the petals of a flower.

Each Super Universe is seventh dimensional. Both the Super Universes and the dimensions are based on the seven permutations of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. The permutations are: 1. Intelligence, 2. Energy, 3. Substance, 4. Substance/Energy (Expansion), 5. Intelligence/Substance (Perfection), 6. Intelligence/Energy (Creation), and 7. Intelligence/Energy/Substance (Completion, pure Triune Being, the day of rest). Both the Super Universes and Outer dimensions are called the 'Seven Days of Creation'. In Genesis within your bible the 'Seven Days of Creation' actually refers to the seven dimensional permutations.

The dimensions are not parallel, rather they nest interactively according to frequency. The first three dimensions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance work together as an interactive unit.

The first dimension of Intelligence is a single cubit and is of the lowest frequency in Creation. Being the dimension of Intelligence does not mean that Substance and Energy are not present, just in reduced capacity. The single point charge states plying the chemistries and physics of the physical plane start from the Breath, comprising most of the first dimension.

The second dimension of Energy is by a single cubistic expansion of the first based on the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 6. Like the first, being the dimension of Energy does not mean that Substance and Intelligence are not present, just that they are present in reduced capacity.

The linear and angular Energy vectors plying the movements of the physical plane, plus thermal temperature statuses comprise much of the second dimension mirroring the line like characteristic of Energy.


Fig. 65 - The First, Second, and Third Dimensions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance - Collectively Called 'The Third Dimension'

The third dimension of Substance is by a similar single expansion of the second to the third. Like the first and second, being the dimension of Substance does not mean that Intelligence and Energy are not present, just that they are present in a reduced capacity.

Mirroring the cube like nature of Substance, the third dimension is both characterized by, and fully manifested by discreet stand alone three-directional bodily objects having the first two dimensionalities as background expressions embedded within them as part and parcel of their expression.

The Intelligence, Energy, and Substance frequencies of the first three dimensions work together as a singular triune set and are that which you call the Physical Plane. For simplicity it is called the 'Third Dimension'. (Fig 65).


Fig. 66 - Fourth Dimension, Intelligence is Diminished

In fig. 65, the first dimension of Intelligence is the small cubit in the middle characterized by a dominant circle of Intelligence. The second dimension of Energy is the middle cubit characterized by dominant radials of Energy. The third dimension of Substance is the large cubit characterized by a dominant cube of Substance.

The fourth dimension is a matter of frequency, not place. It is completely different than the third. Most of you do not believe in a Fourth Dimension. When your are lucid dreaming you are in it.


Fig. 67 - First Fourth Dimensional Expansion to a Core Cubit

The character of the fourth dimension is expansion. Its dimensional attribution is Substance/Energy where Intelligence is the diminished factor. (Fig. 66).

The fourth dimension is a conglomerate of the seven sub octaves tied together, mirroring the seven Super Universes of the Outer Creation.


Fig. 68 - Basic Cubistic Matrix of the Fourth Dimension

The expansion from the third dimension to the fourth is in two stages. The first is by a similar single expansion of the third to the fourth to establish a core fourth dimensional cubit in preparation for an expansion into the seven frequencies tied together. (Fig. 67).

The second expansion is of the basic fourth dimensional core cubit once more up into a main fourth dimensional cubit, then the main cubit sub expanded into the seven frequencies tied together as sub octaves. (Fig.68).

In the depiction, fig. 67 is the smaller cubit in the middle of the seventh octave cubit. The fourth dimension is very much larger than the third.


Fig. 69 - The Forty Nine Levels or Astral Planes of the Fourth Dimension

In reflection of the fact that each of the seven Super Universes is itself comprised of seven dimensions, each sub octave of the fourth dimension also has the other seven sub octaves within it as levels. Seven times seven equals forty nine, there are forty nine different frequency levels of the fourth dimension. You call the forty nine levels the astral planes, also called the astral states. Each astral state is higher in frequency than the one below.

To create the levels, each sub octave in fig. 68 is itself subdivided by the rule of seven as outlined in Starrgram 5. In a manner similar to fig. 63 in Starrgram 6, each subdivision is then provisioned with the frequencies of the seven tied together to comprise the forty nine cubits holding the frequencies of the forty nine levels comprising the fourth dimension. (Fig. 69).

In fig 69, the seven levels are shown in each of the seven sub octaves in mirror of the Outer Creation as a whole of seven Super Universes having seven dimensions in each. As you can see, all forty nine cubits are of the same size as fig. 67, which is now the main center of the center cubit of fig. 69.

The third dimension is depicted as the very small center cubit in the center of that.

For mirroring the Outer Creation at large, fig. 69 is nearly the same as fig. 63 in Starrgram 7, with only the center cubit different for depicting a differing fact of Reality.

The third and fourth dimensions are comprised of Matter Substance. Matter Substance is the lowest frequency of Substance in Creation. Under normal circumstances higher consciousnesses do not exist in either the third or fourth dimensions. Such populations as do live within the third and fourth dimensions are said to live within a temporary time line situation. Planet Earth has a temporary time line situation. Those living within time line situations such as Earth lead very illusionary existences which nonetheless seem very real to them.

In particular, that you think the third dimension is by itself within the Universe is a miscreant of the outer world Mentallized Illusion upon the fact that the third dimension can hold a materialization in visible light and you have become subject within one.

You are currently time line constrained in consciousness and have come to recognize only the testimony of your five outer senses. Which are attuned only to the frequencies of the first twenty one levels of the first three dimensions. Through seep from your higher dimensional presences you also have sensitivities to the frequencies of the twenty second level to twenty eight of the fourth. It is through these higher frequency sensitivities that you are aware of the consciousnesses of others and the spiritual potentials within yourself and Mankind in general.

The fourth dimension is in auric frequencies and not visible to your five outer senses. Many animals see very well in the auric frequencies. Having disavowed most of your other one hundred and five senses which are all attuned to fourth dimensional levels, to you, the first twenty eight astral levels have long since become the all of it.

Having created all of your instrumentations to work within the limits of your perceptibility, your interstellar searchings also fall far short of a true perspective. Accounting for your illusionary off-world conclusions of science which you consider to be the whole of Creation. You think the universe is fourteen billion years old, only fourteen billion light years across, and is ancient. In Reality it is over nine hundred trillion light years across and still within its infancy.

For most of you, the beginning of your normal state of consciousness is the twenty second level, the first level of the fourth sub octave. The twenty third level is where your higher conscious awareness begins. 'The Lord is my Shepherd'.

The upper limit for most of you is currently the twenty-eight level, being the end of the fourth sub octave which comprises the frequency counterparts of the fourth dimension within the fourth dimension.

The thirty-third state is the main stamp of the fifth dimensional frequency component upon the fourth dimension, being the fifth level of the fifth sub octave. Thirty-three is the level most in harmony with the frequencies of the fifth dimension within the fourth dimension and is the frequency of transfiguration. At the age of thirty-three Jesus transfigured on the mount in a strengthened exemplification of his embodiment. After his transfiguration Jesus was no longer subject to death.

The main effect of psychedelic drugs is to unplug your awareness from the five senses constraint into one or more of the one hundred and five other senses attuned to the higher levels above twenty-eight. The source of your many so called 'Cosmic experiences'. The so called 'White light' many of you experienced occurred through auric contact with your diamond white Soul Atom self sitting resident in your Pituitary gland through your enhanced higher sense awareness.

In most cases your consciousnesses were poorly prepared for the onslaught of new sense data and the result was a so called bad or frivolous reaction instead of true awakening.

In your current aberrant Earth plane consciousness state, your consciousness must be clear through all forty-nine levels of the astral planes in order to be in complete harmony with Creation. The forty-ninth level is Triune Triune, the state of completion.

Nearly all of you already experience the fourth dimension on a regular basis in that which you call lucid dream states. Lucid dreams are the first exposure of the frequencies of the fourth dimension to third dimensional consciousness.

As the frequencies of the planet have already increased rapidly through the cusp of late two thousand and twelve, your dream state experiences are already on a rapidly increasing course of expansion to nearly full time real-seeming adventures for some of you.

Eventually you will be able to experience the frequencies of the fourth dimension while fully awake as overlays over top of your normal awake state as you walk about. The effect is similar to daydreaming but with your eyes wide awake, not as hallucinations but as real time fourth dimensional experiences already starting to happen in some of you.

You are currently going through a rapid process of consciousness escalation. Since October tenth of nineteen sixty two, your consciousnesses have been expanding through a phase of introductory frequencies to the fourth dimensional octaves to the forty ninth level. At the end of two thousand and twelve the initial escalations were completed. You are beginning to be moved up into the frequencies of the fifth dimension. A few of you will lead, the rest will follow.


Fig. 70 - Fifth Dimension, Energy is Diminished

Your final Earth incarnation if you are worthy, will be into Earth's fifth dimension and not back into the third dimensional time line situation which will have been dimantled. The Mayan calendar foretold of this consciousness expansion which ended on December twenty first, two thousand and twelve when the end of the forty nine introductory levels of inductions had been reached. The next two thousand years will be a full phase learning of the frequencies of the octaves to the forty ninth level. At the end of the two thousand years most of you will be back within your original fifth dimensional levels of consciousness and back within the fifth dimension where you belong.

The fifth dimension is the bottom line of Creation. It is the dimension where the Ascendancy begins their evolution and the Descendancy works with lowest light. The character of the fifth dimension is perfection. The outer representation of fifth dimensional perfection is the five sided starr you call a pentagram, usurped by some of you working with lesser consciousnesses for the purposes of self.

The dimensional attribution is Intelligence/Substance where Energy is the diminished factor. (Fig. 70).

In the original frequencies of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self, original independent Intelligence and independent Substance existed and Energy had to be Created. In mirroring the Great Even Pool of Darkness self, in the fifth dimension the Ascendancy face a Substance and Intelligence environment where the true aspect of Energy has to be learned.

Just as the Creators, originally independent Intelligence and independent Substance had to learn about the fundamentals of themselves at their most basic level in order to learn about the third potential aspect of themselves at their highest level, the Ascendancy start off as Beings of mostly Intelligence and Substance in the fifth dimension in order to learn about the spiritual basics of themselves at the lowest level in order to learn about the Trinity aspect of themselves at the highest level as eventual Christ Co-Creators at the feet of the Creators in Paradise.

A seminal difference occurs between the nature of the first four dimensions and dimensions five, six, and seven.

Rather than just another simple expansion of a cubit into a larger cubit as per the first four dimensions, the expansion of the fourth dimension to the fifth is accomplished by yet another principle of cubistic expansion within the Intelligent Design whereby the new points and centers for new cubits result outside the originating cubit rather than inside.

Just as six equal sized cubits were centered around a seventh to form the seven tied together comprising the fourth dimension, where each new cubit had a completely different vibration, for the fifth dimension twelve new equal sized cubits end up surrounding the fourth dimensional matrix with each the same size as each of the fourth's original seven cubits. Each having a completely different net vibration. The twelve new cubits both defines the nature of the fifth dimension and imparts considerable new information about it.


Fig. 71 - Six New Staffs Through the Twelve Rods Plus Staffs intersections

Like fig. 54 in Starrgram 6, the expansion of the third dimension to the fourth was done from inside the original cubit. The expansion of the fourth dimension to the fifth is done by the expansion rule outside the cubit. The expansion is again quite simple to depict. Again, rods play a definitive role.

In the depictions, for ease of viewing fig. 68 is used as the starting point rather than fig. 69. Out along the staffs at each of the six main corners of the outer cube in fig. 68 exists an intersection with two extending rods. Out along the extended rods at the middle of each of the six sides of the outer cube exists an intersection with two extended staffs. Comprised altogether are twelve respective staff and rod intersections.


Fig. 72 - Six New Staffs Through the Side Staff and Rod Intersections

A set of six new Crisscrossing lines is depicted as having been brought down from the sixteenth dimension, processed into alignment with the directions of the staffs, and passed through the twelve respective staff and rod intersections around the cube. Again, for the sake of brevity only the seven main octaves of the fourth dimension are shown and not the levels. (Fig. 71).


Fig. 73 - Six New Staffs Through the Corner Staff and Two Rod Intersections

A second set of six new Crisscrossing lines are brought down from the sixteenth dimension, processed into alignment with the directions of the rods, and depicted through each adjacent pair of the six respective two staff and rod intersections out the centers of the cube sides. Likewise for clarity of viewing, the previous six new lines are not shown. (Fig. 72).


Fig. 74 - Twelve New Point and Centers of Energy around the Cube

Finally a third set of six new Crisscrossing lines are brought down from the sixteenth dimension, processed into alignment with the directions of the rods and depicted through the six respective staff and two rod intersections out the corners of the cubes. Also lying parallel to the six new lines of fig 72. Again for clarity of viewing, both previous sets of six new lines are not shown. (Fig. 73).


Fig. 75 - New Starrs of David on the Twelve New Point and Centers

The collective intersections of all three new sets of brought down staffs, combined with their collective intersections with the original staff and rods, creates twelve new complete point and centers of Energy around the cube. (Fig. 74).


Fig. 76 - Twelve New Circles

In conjunction with the original Starrs of David, a new Starr of David can be depicted around each new point and center mid point. (Fig. 75).


Fig. 77 - New Cube

Through the arms intersections of the new Starrs of David, twelve new circles can be depicted. (Fig. 76).

At each of the six intersections of the original radiating staffs and outermost points of the respective new Starrs of David, exist the six corners for a new cube. (Fig. 77).


Fig. 78 - Fifth Dimensional Component of the Outer Creation

At the end points of the new Starrs of David in conjunction with the new cube, new cubes can be depicted around each of the twelve new mid points. And finally, a fifth dimensional circle of Intelligence is depicted to complete the expansion of the fourth dimension to the fifth. (Fig. 78).

The outermost ring of twelve new cubits depicts the fifth dimension.

As seen in fig. 78, through the commonality of Substance the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions are tied together as a conglomerate. The third and fourth dimensional Substance portion of the conglomerate is called Matter Substance, the fifth dimensional Substance portion is called Morontia Substance.

The Morontia Substance portion of Planets and Starrs are also part and parcel of the Planets and Starrs you see but are outside of your vision and the scope of apparatuses because the frequencies are too high.

The twelve newly depicted cubits, all diminished in Energy, represent the cubistic expansion of the fourth dimension to the fifth. The twelve new cubits of themselves comprise the fifth dimensional portion out of a Super Universe's overall seven dimensionality.

In keeping with fig. 78, the Starrs and Planets you see are all third, fourth, and fifth dimensional Substance based.

What you see with your limited five outer world animal senses is only the lower Matter Substance frequencies comprising the third dimensional visible frequency of materialization sitting under the fourth dimensional center cubit. The only part of Creation your outer five senses are privy to. Ironically, your flat Earth proponents have it right just as much as they have it wrong. It is Earth's fifth dimension which is flat not its third.

Similarly, the less dense higher frequency auric Matter Substances of the fourth dimension have much less inertia than the crude Matter Substance of the third. Morontia Substance of the fifth dimension is distinguished from the Matter Substances of the third and fourth dimensions in that it has no inertia whatsoever. In Morontia Substance materializations, you move around by thought re-configurations, not by expending physical Energy against inertia.

The Matter Substances of the third and fourth dimensions are aggregates of cubistic matrixes held together by the magnetic attraction of the positive and negative end poles of the magnetic fields around the Starrs of David of their component parts. The modularized material object bodies are free to move around in any orientation with respect to each other.

To move any cubistic aggregation requires the expenditure of Energy to detach them from one magnetic cubistic setting into another as they move about. Having to detach and resettle them on an ongoing basis reflects as inertia, and their motion is reflected as momentum.

In Morontia Substance it is the materializing process itself and not the materialized bodily object per se' which moves around. When you move something around in Morontia Substance, the Morontia Substance shape constantly materializes in front of the motion by thought on an ongoing basis, even as it constantly dissolves again in back.

The process is seamless. The net effect is that the Morontia object appears to move seamlessly along similar to third dimensional motion, whereas in fact it is only the materializing process itself which is undergoing the constant ongoing relocations not the object itself.

Thoughts are the locomotor and not the mechanical expenditures of Energy as Energy is diminished. Similarly as you walk about in the Morontia worlds. Your cubistic environment self undergoes the changes on an ongoing basis under the influence of thought, accommodating your passage harmoniously along without the need of physical Energy.

By this method you are able to move freely about by the thought processes of levitation only. The process is the same when you move any formed Morontia materialization around.

You materialize the formation in front and de-materialize it in back on an ongoing basis as the materialization process itself moves along, constituting the equivalent of motion under the influence of your consciousness but inertia free.

As with the higher aspects of the fourth dimension, the fifth dimensional aspects are not visible to your lower five senses because the frequencies are too high.

Similarly, unlike to third dimensional eyes, to fifth dimensional eyes the Universe is rich and full. Vast fourth and fifth dimensional Substance containers and Energy links ply between the Solar Systems and Galaxies like the physical plane utility and transportation links of the third dimension. Solar Sectors and Solar Systems are likened to cities and towns.

To seventh dimensional eyes, a whole galaxy is like a great country with many cities, municipalities, and suburbs from its Starr and Planet parts. A Local Universe is like a single planet of many countries.


Fig. 79 - Sixth Dimension, Substance is Diminished

Similarly, the Garden of Eden was not a place. It is Earth's fifth dimension. More specifically it is your own fifth dimensional body which is a component part of the fifth, collectively referred to as the Garden of Eden in reflection of the fifth dimensional perfection of its expression. Also in reflection of the fact that the original Morontia floras of Earth's fifth dimension were upheld by frequency inductions from the Edentic worlds in the Cygnus the Swan constellation, just as Earth's current third dimensional floras are upheld under Edentic world influences by special dispensation.

The reality is that even in your third dimensional subjected state, the bodies you walk around in contain all due fourth, fifth, sixth, and even seventh dimensional vortices wrappings. You are all still Triune Celestial Christ Beings even though most of you at the moment are not aware of it.


Fig. 80 - Sixth Dimensional portion of Creation

The character of the sixth dimension is creativity. Its dimensional attribution is Intelligence/Energy where Substance is the diminished factor. (Fig. 79).

The rule depicting the dimensional expansion of the fifth dimension into the sixth follows the same pattern as did the expansion of the fourth to the fifth.

Using the assorted external staff and rod intersections as found in the fifth dimension depiction of fig. 86 as the new starting points, three new sets of six staffs each are brought down from the sixteenth dimension to create six new rows of point and center of Energy mid points around the outermost cube structure of the fifth. Eighteen new points and centers are now created instead of twelve.

The respective Energy, Intelligence, and Substance parameters are subsequently filled in to complete the set of eighteen new cubits comprising the sixth dimension. The eighteen new cubits of the sixth dimension are each the same size as the twelve new cubits of the fifth and the original seven of the fourth. (Fig. 80).

The outermost ring of cubits depicts the sixth dimension. As you can see in fig. 80, the sixth dimension is not as much a dimension of materiality, but of pure creative thought. The sixth dimension represents a decided break from the Substance continuity of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. It is the inter-phase between the mainly Dispensenary frequencies of the seventh dimension and mainly Evolutionary frequencies of the fifth.

As you can also see in fig. 80, the attunement from the sixth dimension to the fifth is harmonic through Intelligence. From the Creator Son/Daughters in the seventh dimension, the Creative intentions of the Creators are passed on down through the creative harmonizations of the sixth dimension to the board rooms of the fifth dimension as expansions to be undertaken by the respective inter-dimensional fifth dimensional Descendancy administrators in responsibility.

In you, the same principle applies in principle when manifesting complex expressions in Creativity. Following the two types of respective expansions, as fig. 56 of Starrgram 5 barely begins to imply the cubistic matrixes underlying even simple creative endeavors can be myriads of thousands of cubits in size and involve many many assorted cubistic expansions and all variances of cubit sizes and attributions in between.

Creative motivation stems from frequencies which are passed on down from your Triune Soul Atom self within your seventh dimensional aspect of your Inner consciousness matrix through the frequencies of your sixth. If your creative activities are in harmony with the Creative purposes of the Creators, it is directly through your sixth dimensional attunement to your seventh dimensional Christ Triune Atom in residence within your Pituitary.

All your creative works be they ever so little or ever so great, ever so elegant or ever so plain are from your Christ Soul Atom in attendance. Your outer consciousness component in and of itself cannot create, only react.

If it is a special responsibility you are been asked to undertake, it will be from the higher dimensional administrators above you, passed through from your Whole Soul Atom Self to your Ovarian Soul Atom Self in your pituitary. The three Revelatorium Revelations volumes are being produced from above on an ever expanding basis by this process.

If your are in tune with your inner action, it is with the creative influences from your higher inner action. If not, it is to the outer stimulations of your outer worldly existence with enough of a creative aspect from your higher getting through to get you by.

Under normal circumstances you would express your Christ Co-Creative responsibilities to the Creation from the harmonies of a fifth or seventh dimensional projection. Because you are currently bound within the un-harmonious limitations of a third dimensional materiality, an additional step has been incurred whereby a veil exists between your fifth dimensionality and your third within your consciousness. The veil blocks passage of most of your true Christ Creativity to your outer consciousness in most of you.

Consequently your attunement is to the mentallized illusion instead. Namely, the accumulated mentallized thought of Mankind over the last three and a half million years through errant loss of your original attunement to your higher Christ self through abject misadventure three and a half million years ago when you fell from Earth's fifth dimensional Garden of Eden to Earth's lower outer frequency third.

The condition persists until you start punching through the veil by starting to aspire to re-attune again to the Will and Desire of the Creators and away from the lesser pursuits and allurements of Mankind.


Fig. 81 - Seventh Dimension, No Diminished Attribute

The rule is simple. Sincerely wanting to aspire creates sufficient Desire through your square of consciousness to break through the third and fourth dimensional crystallizations in your Outer consciousness matrix and start a process of re-alignment again with your inner. Adherence to the spiritual laws Jesus Christ gave two thousand years ago assures it, the reason the laws were given.

You have to be sincere else only further crystallizations will result out of additional resulting mis-alignments. Once you start realigning, the process will expand faster and faster as long as you remain sincere. Similarly, your condition has been a long time in the making, do not expect it to clear up overnight.

The character of the seventh dimension is full Triune completion. Its dimensional attribution is Intelligence/Energy/Substance. There is no diminished attribute. (Fig. 81).

The seventh dimension is where the Ascendancy learns to work with full Triune expression and the Descendancy works with normal light.

If you are of the Ascendancy, you learn about Christ in the fifth dimension because Energy is diminished. By the end of your sojourn in the fifth dimension you will have taken on a full outer awareness of a Christed Son.

In the seventh dimension you begin to practice Christ expression because Energy is in full attribution. By the end of your sojourn in the seventh dimension you will have taken on the full inner awareness of a Christed Son. And be ready to move back up through the eighth dimensional portal into the frequencies of the Inner Creation on your ever upward progress towards the feet of the Creators in Paradise for eventual Trinitization as a fully anointed Christed Triune Celestial Being.


Fig. 82 - Seventh Dimensional Component of the Outer Creation

The reason for Ascendant Beings is that they produce ever expanding expressions of the Only Begotten step by step up with them on their eventual migration back to Paradise. The purpose of the Descendancy is to insure the migration. The ongoing harmonic relationship between the two is how Creation ever expands towards eventual completion.

The rule of expansion for the sixth dimension into the seventh follows the same rule as did the expansion of the fourth into the fifth and fifth into the sixth, by using the external staff and rod intersections as starting points for three more sets of staff lines brought down from the sixteenth dimension to create six new rows of points and centers of Energy around the outermost cube of the sixth.

The net number of new cubits increases from eighteen to twenty four, comprising the seventh dimensional component of the overall outer dimensional matrix of each Super Universe. (Fig. 82).

The outermost ring of cubits depicts the seventh dimension. Fig. 82 as a whole depicts the whole Outer Creation from the point of view of its seven dimensions rather than from its Super Universes and dimensions within each Super Universes as in fig. 63 of Starrgram 6.

The term Seventh Heaven is not just a turn of phrase. The seventh dimension is the mainstay of the Outer Creation, where the evolutions learns to put Christ expression into practice and the Descendancy works with normal light.

Because of its full stand alone Substance attribution, the seventh dimension has its own Substance characteristic. As fig. 82 clearly shows, the seventh dimension is materialized independently from the materialization of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. The seventh dimensional equivalents to Planets and Starrs are called Architectural Spheres. As the seventh dimension is the main stay of the Outer Creation far more Architectural material is present within the Galaxies than respective Morontia and Matter Substances. Your Scientists can't see it because of the high frequencies, but do see its influences so call it 'Dark Matter'.

As fig. 82 also shows, just as the first Super Universe of Intelligence is very small and the last Super Universe of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance very large, the first dimension of Intelligence is very small and the seventh dimension of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance is very large.

As also in the third dimension, seventh dimensional materialized objects stay materialized. As there is no inertia however, all movement in the Seventh Dimension is by the instantaneous process of tele-phasing under the direction of pure thought.

In the seventh dimension, areas are not specified as co-ordinate locations as in the third, but as different frequency allocations all in the same place.

Because of your current third dimensional constraints, you envision teleportation as traveling from point A to a different point B. In the seventh dimension all points are the same place, the difference is in their frequencies.

The same single place has myriads of different frequencies co-existing at it. The locational differences are in the vibrational make ups not in the locations. Unlike the levels of the fourth dimension, the frequencies are not higher or lower, just differing.

In analogy, a tiny drop of crude oil no matter how big or small contains all of the differing frequencies of all of its differing petroleum products evenly distributed within it. Earth has myriads of differing cities, towns, municipalities, and country domains discretely distributed around its surface at all points of the compass as places.

Envision instead, an environment where all the cities and towns are just different frequencies in the same place, like the different petroleum products evenly distributed throughout a drop of crude oil. Seventh dimensional teleporting from one point to another merely requires you seamlessly de-harmonizing your vibrations from those of the first frequency into re-harmonization with those of the second.

Without motion you basically phase out of the frequencies of the vibrational state of the first location into those of the second without actually going anywhere. Yet you still experience a complete change of place.

You do that a little when dreaming in the seventh astral sub-octave, which reflects somewhat the nature of the seventh dimension. You change scenes instantly with no sense of having traveled between.

The Inner Creation takes it even further. Everything is everywhere and also part of everything else. In any particular domain you are everywhere and also part of everyone else having your own particular frequency within it. Everyone else recognizes your particular frequency just as you recognize the particular frequency of everyone else.

In Paradise you are only one step below the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega and the Beatific levels are very high. In Paradise you are as one with the Creators and are aware of the oneness.

Whether done inside the cubit as in figs. 50 to 54 in Starrgram 5, or outside the cubit as in figs. 71 to 78 et al above, expansion of any creative project of any size in any frequency anywhere in Creation is the same. New Crisscrossing lines are brought down through the channels from the sixteenth dimension to set up and establish new points and centers of Energy as the case may be.

The respective cubits become filled in accordance with the nature of the project and consciousness frequencies of the party or parties involved in the undertaking. The eventual manifested result is produced in accordance with the original blueprint for the project, and Creation is expanded yet again.

Fig. 82 also shows from another perspective how the clumped seven frequencies tied together of the fourth dimension, plus the collective third dimension under that are of a completely different cubistic makeup than are the vibrations of the higher three dimensions which are each comprised of successive wrappings of similar sized cubits.

The sixth and seventh dimensions are tied together through Energy. The third, fourth, and fifth dimensions are tied together through Substance. The fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions are tied together through Intelligence. Energy is the only factor which is equally common on either side of the fifth as Intelligence is diminished in the fourth and Substance is diminished in the sixth.

The Energies of the third and fourth dimensions are different than the Energies of the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions respectively. Being mainly to the physical and auric. The Energies of the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions are mainly to the spiritual.

There are no counterparts to the auric frequencies of the fourth dimension in the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions as there are no expansionary sub octaves or levels within them.

As attribute of both Intelligence and Substance, the fifth dimension is the perfect stand alone common denominator between the Substance connectivity of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions and the Intelligence harmonizations of the sixth and seventh.

The six and seventh dimensions are Christ interactive frequencies. The fifth dimension is the starting point for the Evolutionary's Co-Creative activity, where the Spiritual truth about Energy is brought forward to them by learning. From their fifth dimensional Reality attunement to the seventh, the Evolution aspires to be Triune.

Through the attunement of Intelligence, material Co-Creative plans are passed on down from the seventh dimension through the sixth into the fifth. From the Substance alliances of the fifth they are passed on down into the fourth dimension and third dimension as implementations if and when called for as physical change.

The changes then take place accordingly, providing yet further frame-worked scaffolding in the lower Substance and Energy frequencies of the third and fourth dimension for yet more fifth dimensional evolutions to exist. Thus Creation ever expands.

The consciousness laws of Energy are projected through the Starrs of David. The formulative laws of Energy are projected through the staffs and rods. The bonds between the consciousness laws of Energy and formulative laws of Energy uphold the creative purposes of Creation.

The bonds between Intelligence and Energy upholds the creative plans of Creation. The bonds between Substance and Energy upholds their materializations.

The bonds between Intelligence and Energy also uphold your individualized Soul Atom endowments in Creation. The bonds between Substance and Energy upholds your productivity. The first reflects your Beingness in Creation, the second reflects the Creation which you lovingly help build according to plan.

Throughout all frequencies of all dimensions, a progressing record of your part in Creation is kept at every step along the way by the constant recording of the ever changing

akasic supra overrides within your net electromagnetic field.

The recordings are part and parcel of your Akasic record. As your recorded field lines are not substantive, Akasic records can be compressed almost infinitely small for storage purposes without degradation or loss of content.


Fig. 83 - Arbitrary Depiction of Creation Radiating in Parallel Lines at Ninety Degrees to the Creators

Cubistic expressions are expandable through the numbers six and seven but not through the number five. The number six relates to the twenty-four Families of Creation, the one hundred and forty four astrophysical facets of the throne, and the one hundred and forty four thousand principles of Galactic Law called the Chosen Ones.

The number seven relates to the Seven Days of Creation, the forty nine levels of the astral planes, and the fourteen dimensions under the Holy Trinity.


Fig. 84 - Creator Son and Daughter at the Center of Their Local Universe

The number five relates to perfection because it stands alone within the principles of Creation, reflecting the five dimensions of the Creators above Paradise which preceded the first expanded outer projection of the Creators as Paradise.

As you can see in Fig. 81, rods intersect Y Factors and cubes at ninety degrees. Starrs of David intersect Y Factors and Cubes at ninety degrees.

A very arbitrary depiction of an expansion around the Outer Creation, with a Cube and Sphere at the center to represent the Inner Creation and higher dimensions, suggests how the Outer Creation is radiated in parallel lines at ninety degrees to the Creators. (Fig. 83).

Also depicted by fig. 82, is the seven fold dimensionality of a Creator Son/Daughter's Local Universe. A Cube and Sphere is arbitrarily used to represent the presence of the Triune Living Soul Atom Paradisiacal Creator Son/Daughter Being at the center of their Creation. Creator Son/Daughters hold the overall Inner dimensional matrix of their Super Universes in their consciousnesses as their purpose of Being. (Fig. 84).

For being of the same principle of rule, fig. 84 is also an arbitrary representation of your own seventh dimensional Triune Christ Living Soul Atom self within your pituitary gland.

Fig. 84 also gives a good sense of your seven dimensions in consciousness. In the third dimension of Earth, your outer consciousness matrix is tied mainly to the third and fourth dimensional aspect and your higher inner consciousness matrix to the fifth, six, and seventh. In a proper fifth dimensional existence, your outer consciousness matrix would tie mainly to the fifth and your higher inner consciousness to the six and seventh. In a seventh dimensional existence, both would be tied to the seventh.

Currently on Earth, through your Intelligence you are tied to the Seventh Dimension. Through your Substance you are tied to the third. Through your Christ Reality Triune Soul Atom you are a living particle of the Creators who has formed an 'outer' bodily projection to be of love and service to the Creation for the Creators in Earth's third dimensional time line abnormality. 'Outer' means you have formed an outer bodily manifestation within a dimension of visibility as an incarnation in order to function within its frequencies as a Co-Creator to the Creation.

At the moment you are temporarily mired within the lower Substance frequencies of the third dimension by misadventure. Most of you are working very little in true Christ love and service to the Creation for the Creators and need to address your condition urgently in order to start becoming properly prepared for the higher frequency changes of Reality already starting to come in now. If not, you will become lost into repeated lower frequency incarnations for hundreds of thousands of years or more until you do.

Kathara grid

There are 10 sephirot plus Da'at plus source bringing it to a total of 12 key aspects of the tree of life, there are 12 physical and 12 spiritual making it actually become 24, you can stack these tree of lifes up to form the cosmic tree of life, the central axis is pure light and energy running up and down the middle piler, the true tree of life is multidimensional and has both spiritual and physical components. Looking at the 3D tree of life we have 4 pilers surroundng a central core now if we stack these tree of lifes within this structure we have the 24 aspects of God, 12 physical and 12 spiritual and if we look at this 3D tree of life from above it is a base 4 geometry that looks like the prime number cross which is a cross and as we know the cross can be folded up into a cube. When this 3D structure is twisted the sephirot form a spiral pattern that looks like the Fibonacci/Kathara grid spiral and it is also an octagonal shape like the I Ching which starts from a binary system which emerges from the oneness which are Yin and Yang which are positive and negative which are fount in particles and are dipicted by a broken line and a solid line this basic binary can then be formed into 4 combinations of yin and yang which are arainged in 3 which are called trigrams which can be paired up to form 64 combinations which can be used to form the 64 tetrahedron grid.

Tree of life RG

The following information if from Robert Edward Grant:


Artwork by RG

The expanded Tree of Life enabling 72° aspects fits perfectly inside the outer 60° aspects (re) discovered by Nassim Haramein. The combination forms the lattice you see at the upper left (60° Tree of Life (Hexagon form and in color Blue; 72° Tree Extension and ‘Root’ system in the color Orange). The 72° derives from the pentagonal association and merger in the Hexapentakis Truncated Icosahedron. The 72° insertion provides the ‘offset’ value that brings Art-Heart into the equation. It allows for the Phi (Golden Mean) relationship embedded and inherent to Metatron’s Cube and enables a higher dimensional perspective on all geometries. 72° and the Pentagram (and Hexagram) represents the integration of the Heart + Brain = One Mind.


The extended ‘Tree of Life’ is inherent to the geometry of the Hexapentakis Truncated Icosahedron otherwise known as the Fullerene.

The Tree of Life’s bottom point form each point to the central pentagram of the combined geometry shown here. The pentagram’s “5-ness” (Decimal system Base 10) brings the “6-ness” (Imperial system, Base 12) of the Cube Octahedron balanced equilibrium.


1.) 24 = 4x3x2x1 — Pythagoras’ Tetractys

2.) (((10^.5)/10)+1)^1/.24)-(((((4/π)/2)+1)*10^2)/360)*10^-3 = 3.1415926 (perfect π to six decimal places)

3.) 360°-(φ x 360°) = 2.4 Radians (137.51°—The Golden Angle), (One Radian = 57.296°)

4.) Fibonacci Numbers in Digital Root (Mod 9) analysis (reduction to single digit thru simple addition in Mod 9) PATTERN REPEATS every 24 numbers

5.) Musical scales possess 12 notes per Octave (sine wave) and an additional 12 notes for the next octave (cosine), there are 24 total Major and Minor Keys

6.) The Vector Equilibrium (Cube Octahedron) has 24 edges

7.) >3 All Prime Numbers (and Quasi Primes) are arranged in Mod 24 (spoke 1,5,7,11,13,17,19,23) without exception

8.) >3, All Prime^2 values are multiples of 24,+1 without exception

9.) The full Flower of Life has exactly 24 circles in its outermost perimeter

10.). (π^π)/(e^e) = 2.4

What is it about this number? Is it because it is the smallest of only three Prime and Quasi Prime number pairs (.571 (Ω) and 175 (1/Ω)/.731 (α) and 137 (1/α)) whose Reciprocal Value is equal to it’s Palindrome (24 has a Palindrome of 42 AND 1/24 = .042). Interestingly and even more enigmatically 137/57 = 2.4 AND 175/73 = 2.4 as well...

Also, we have 24 hours in one day, and the Sum of Interior Angles of a 24-sided polygon (Icositetragon) is 3960°....which also happens to be the exact Radius of the Earth in miles... Was Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy right after all in proposing that the ANSWER to the Universe really is 42 (and therefore it’s reciprocal value of 24)?

Extra information

Alpha and Omega and there constants

Elohim as aleph

137 equation

Equation of 137

Equation of 137 part 2

Cosmic Creation

The Evolution of Creation

Dodecahedron and the cubistsi matrix

Unifying Topology of Fractal Fields

Alot of this information including the information about the cubistic matrix and dodecahedron all links to my X and Y equation

The Diamond Body

Cubistic matrix geometry in QM

QCD Space Lattice as a Harmonic Medium

Phi in Quantum Mechanics

Sacred geometry of 6 and 5


