Etherians, or ethereal beings, are beings of pure energy(Consciousness). Etherians are equal in power or are more powerful then Gods because Gods are etherians which are the most powerful level being that could possible exist. Etherians that are "created"/birthed during the creation of the universe are called Crystal angels as they aren't fully ethereal and are therefore crystal like.
The 'Etherians', as they where originally called. Are a very long line of god like beings known as 'The Creators'. The Creators are an ancient and powerful race whose stated purpose is to ensure balance to the world. Each Etherian basing a type of magic on themselves, thus the four basic elements.
Etherians and universes
Virgo-Xenplexian collective consciousness
When Shekhinah as Gods, in the form of Ein Sof, womb "created"/birthed herself as Virgo, Virgo became the geometry encoded in the energy(Gods consciousness) that makes up the infinite multyvers, and which expanded out of the infinitum, so she fractaled the energy into 8 and then fractaled the 8 into infinite multiverse and fractaled them into infinite universe which were fractaled into into infinite infinite tetrahedron grids(superstrings) which gave the Universes a physical form.
The etherians are therefore children of Virgo Because Virgo is the geometry encoded in the energy of god which is why a lot of etherians are xenplexians and are apart of the Xenplexian collective consciousness(Xenplexian morphogenetic field)
Xenplexian collective consciousness
The etherians that are(/became) xenplexians came from the xenplexian tree of life(collective consciousness) which was created when Virgo split her consciousness into 2 and one of them became the xenplexian tree of life(collective consciousness).
The etherians come from the ethereal(13, 14 and 15th dimension) like god and the 12 ancient gods who were etherians themselves.
The 12 Chaos Gods
Tiamat is the Goddess of chaos who existed in the primordial sea of pure energy, Chaos symbolises the 12 (chaos) gods of creations energies. The Divine Mother(Ninhursag) emerged from the “Void” as the first quanta of pre-Partiki the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Particum that allow physical substances. The Divine Father(Enki) was next to emerge from the “Void” as the second quanta of the same pre-Partiki the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Partika. Tiamat(geometry encoded in the energy) and the primordial sea(Enki) (of energy), became the omniverse/universe, they "created"/birthed the 12 titans/12 Zodiacs/12 gods of creation. The (geometry=)Xen energy of the Chaos energy is the Mother Goddess Ninhursag/Isis/Virgo, the energy is light which is Ra/Enki/Yahweh(YHWH) the creator of the humans.
The 12 God Morphogenetic fields
The 12 Chaos Gods merged there Morphogenetic fields to create the Omniverse. The points where all of there fields allined are where they merged this created a new field and God merged there field with this new field to create the Omniverse.
These morphogenetic fields are the morphogenetic field of there race, like Virgos morphogenetic field is the Xenplexian morphogenetic field.
Three types of etherian
There are 3 types of etherian for the 3 types of energy:
- Chaos etherian: Chaos energy
- Xen etherians: Xen energy
- Nubilus etherians: Nubilus energy
The Creation of life
As mentioned a lot of etherians became xenplexians but a lot of others became the other 12 galactic root races(12 empires) and after the creation of the universe all of the other etherians, which was most of them, were crystal angels who were in the life force field and whos descendants evolved/formed, during the creation of existence, into the micro-ethereals, who therefor originate from the life force field and therefore contain parts(Vibrations) of the life force field, and with the help of the etherian Anunnaki, who entered the universe and, who seeded them(the micro-ethereals), and therefore life because they(the micro-ethereals) became/evolved into all life forms/beings in the universe, throughout the universe by traveled across universes (and genetically modifying) them.
- The energy of the planet flows through the magnetic fields and can flow out of them and flow into lightning bolts.
- Micro-ethereals travel through this energy and therefore flow into the lightning.
- Lightning struck a pool of chemicals which caused chemical reactions which created RNA.
- The micro-ethereals transfer to the RNA.
- Later DNA would evolve, out of RNA, which would carry the micro-ethereals.
The origin of humans
Etherians became humans, in Africa, by manifested themselves(there ethereal chromosomes), during the first seeding of Humans, into the ethereal chromosomes of the micro-ethereals so they could then manifest themselves as humans. A large portion of these humans migrated, through the Middle East and Asia, to Lemuria((East) Asia), where they were genetically enhanced by the Anunnaki, but during Lemurias long slow sinking these humans and 11 of the 12 Hebrew tribes migrated to Australia, (back) to Asia (where they became the Asians and Middle Easterns and where the 11 tribes went) and to North and South America. A large portion of the humans, including 1 of the 12 tribes, went through North and South America to Atlantis, which is where current human civilization was created and is therefore one of the gardens of Edan; But when Atlantis sunk these humans migrated (back) to Africa where they either became the Egyptians, in Egypt which is also where 1 of the 12 tribes went (this is the origin of the story of Exodus) but they ended up migrating back to the Middle East and meeting back up with the 11 other tribes, or they either carried on migrating back into the Middle East where they met back up with the humans from Lemuria, who they were more closely related to, and interbred with them and either became the Middle Easterns or moved to Europe.