This post will be out in the future
What is light?
Xen energy(consciousness (electromagnetic) energy) vibrating at different frequencies is light and when it fractals it forms the universe(the universe is made out of xen energy) and as we know light is a photon which is the particle that carries the electromagnatism, electromagnatism has always existed so how can it be a superstring? Well energy=geometry as I have shown and the photon look like a prime number cross so they are a torus so the energy already took on a torus shape so its a 1-dimensional torus already, when this photon which is basically just a quanta of energy is condensed enough it forms a black hole so it can then form matter.
Flower of life and electromagnetism
The top view of a magnetic field under a magnetic layer (Ferrocell) reveals a 2D orthogonal perspective of the electromagnetic Torus Knot. When viewed in 3D, it reveals a full Torus. Electromagnetic Fields are Toroidal in nature. Inside the Toroidal Electromagnetic Field we can extract the 2D regular Flower of Life through the packing of metallic spheres.
The arrangement of metal spheres between two magnetic fields forms polygonal structures analogous to molecular geometry, like triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, etc, until it forms the regular 2D closest sphere packing also known as "Flower of Life" and the Vector Equilibrium, when 19 metal spheres are introduced. By superimposing a carbon molecule picture over the "Flower of Life" pattern formed by the magnetic packing of the metallic spheres, we can see it fits perfectly.
Closest circle packing can only form the "Flower of Life" pattern. This is a Law of Space. The same is real for spheres.
But this electromagnetic bonding process doesn't form only carbon. It forms all molecules. The electromagnetic force is responsible for most of the interactions we see in our environment. The EMF holds electrons in their orbit around the nucleus and enables molecular bonding to form visible matter.
One last thing: When you draw the "Seed of Life" (6 petal rosette) and multiply its circles, you can obtain the exact Torus Knot from the top view of an electromagnetic field." — Gabriel Lyrio
Torus geometry
These are geometrical structures formed by electromagnetism (light) and its Toroidal dynamics. The Tetrahedron Grid is the straight version of the Flower of Life. These forms aren't just geometric art, but actual spatial geometry inherent in Electromagnetic Fields.
Light (Electromagnetism) is the source of the vital energy of Earth, and for this reason it has been mystified by hundreds of cultures as "sacred" because of its life-giving properties.
Light has a structure (geometry) and dynamics which can be understood through the sciences of mathematics and physics, through the understanding of numbers and its relationship to frequencies. Light is electromagnetic, and electromagnetism is proven to be Toroidal in nature. This Torus (also known as "Flower of Life" pattern) is the source of all matter and motion, from micro to macro. The geometry of nature is a consequence of the universal toroidal dynamics of electromagnetic light fields.
This is Sacred Geometry: the Language of Light itself, the source of Mind, Matter and Motion — a science which has been known and occulted for ages.
Tachyonic field
the infinite tetrahedron grid fractal superstring/membrane curve is formed out of imaginary numbers this would mean that the infinite tetrahedron grid fractal/E8 lie group is like the Mandelbulb also as I have suggested superstrings are geometric torus-shaped waves and the center of them is a singularity which is a black (w)hole which is formed out of (electromagnetic/consciousness/xen) energy and these waves are a form of electromagnetic wave which construct matter.
Prime number cross torus UPA
The prime number cross(PNC) when you think about it is an outward spiraling positive number line which is shaped like a torus because it is a torus because it can be turned into a torus anyway we can extend the number line to also have the negative numbers and the negative numbers spiral inward with 0 being a barrier between the positive and negatives, the number line is 1-dimensional so lets extend the number line to make it 2D, the 2D number line contains the complex numbers so lets call it the complex number grid, it is made up of two number lines, both the negative number lines spiral inward whilst the positive number lines spiral outward and they squish the imaginary numbers inbetween, the 0 could be thought of as a circle and it contains the negative numbers so it is a circle with a negative area so it is actually a point so you could think of the (PNC) torus with a singularity in its center in an imaginary field.
The UPA geometric torus wave superstring is basically this PNC torus lets go over the UPA's structure: The 0 is the zero-point field and the 0 is the boundry of the negative volume point/singularity, the 0 is like an energy bubble point which is a wormhole, the negative numbers which are also negative mass can be accessed by squeezing the singularity which is the black (w)hole made out of light anyway the 0 could be seen as a mirror reflecting the PNC inward and the inner PNC which is comprised of negative numbers is -1 and as we know -1 forms the infinite tetrahedron grid since it forms -1/12 through the Riemann Zeta function which is talked about on the picture on the side. The torus superstring as we know expands out of the singularity since it is the actual singularity so the 0 is actually reflecting the PNC torus outward.
Tachyonic fields or particles which have imaginary mass (field) are important in my work because "One curious effect is that, unlike ordinary particles, the speed of a tachyon increases as its energy decreases." this is important because a decrease/loss of energy leads to something cooling and I suggested the energy in the zero-point field/singularity is a Bose-Einstein condensate and the cause of this is because it exists in an imaginary (number) field as shown above in the geometry. But where does the energy go when its lost? well it becomes the energy bubble which expands (like a sphere) to become the geometric torus wave in the infinite sea of energy, the central energy bubble is apart of the singularity/zero-point field and as I have said these singularities all merge to become the singularity/zero-point/god source and when these bubbles merge they become the membrane. The energy bubbles are the infinite tetrahedron grid negative volume singularity they are like the mandelbulb.
As we know the powers of 2 form pascals triangle and the tetrahedron grid fractal and the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the cosmic tree of life as the powers of 3 and the powers of 2 and 3 form Platos lambda so the tetrahedron grid fractal expands out of binary-trinary and as we know the cosmic tree of life forms the dimensions so each level that is formed in the tetrahedron grid fractal corresponds to a higher dimensional sphere(geometric torus wave).
When a photon fractals it condenses and squeezes itself and it becomes a black hole singularity and forms the superstring which matter is made up of.
Spherical wave(Torus) PSU Hypersphere
The 3D Flower of Life is the geometry of the overlapping spherical oscillating wave-forms of the quantum vacuum at the Planck-scale that make-up the proton, therefore all atoms, therefore all matter in the universe, "Haramein defines the fluctuation of the vacuum in terms of the Planck Spherical Unit.(PSU)" we could think of the spheres being spherical waves.
The 12 tree grid forms the cubistic matrix(2D) which can be formed out of circles to form the EFFI also known as the Eternal First Field Intelligence and this geometry can form the prime number cross(PNC) plus it can form the torus and as we know the prime number cross is the torus, this square geometry is a top view of the four 12 tree grids encoded in a cube two of the 12 tree grids in the cube form the cubistic matrix(2D) square geometry this shows the torus can be seen from the top of the cube also you can look at one of the points of the cube of the 3D cubistic matrix and see the 12 tree grid encoded in the flower of life. (Flower of Krystal)
The cubistic matrix is made up of overlapping spheres which forms the EFFI and the flower of life as shown on the image on the right which shows the prime number cross/cubistic matrix geometry encoded in the EFFI. The cubistic matrix EFFI geometry is based on doubling which can be seen in higher-dimensional cubes showing the higher dimensions fractal inward which is explained in the two images on the right.
The PNC is a lot like a polar graph and as we have seen the PNC geometry is formed out of the 10/12 tree grid cubistic matrix geometry which can be formed out of the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral so if we place the Kryatsl-Fibonacci spiral on the (PNC) polar graph we form a binary sequence which forms a triangle which encodes all harmonics/frequencies and forms the flower of life/metatrons cube/cubistic matrix/64 tetrahedron grid which can fractal to form the infinite fractal fruit of life which is formed out of a wheel-like diagram which is actually rays, the PNC is actually rays as well, the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral actually forms a binary-trinary sequence, the PNC when metatrons cube is overlayed on it forms a binary-trinary sequence so the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral when overlayed on the PNC forms the binary-trinary encoded in the PNC. These rays can also form wave geometry plus they form the "rows" of circles in the fruit of life in the form of the doubling circle(wave geometry) and this also forms the fractaling flower of life, we will go more into these rays below. Also the PNC as said can be turned into a torus so it encodes the 3, 6 and 9 geometry which actually line up with the rays and therefore line up with the binary-trinary.
The PNC as shown can be turned into a square geometry this would been it can basically become the cubistic matrix plus when we do this it will form the geometry The Theory of Everyone discovered with which is talked about here.
Torus(Flower of Krystal) AKA the (12) tree (grid) of knowledge
The tree of life is a widely recognizable sacred geometry shape with known connections to other sacred goemetry shapes. It has 10 points aligned in a specific geometrical configuration.
The silhouette of a tree in the pic is an ancient symbol for the tree of knowledge. We can see how the shape is represented as a torus with the roots and branches being as above, so below. So the toroidal shape symbolizes the tree of knowledge. The 12 point grid behind the tree silhouette, which is similar to that of the tree of life. This configuration is the same above as it is below and is perfectly symmetrical through a horizontal line of symmetry. I believe the 12 tree grid/Krystal Spiral is another sort of golden ratio, and represents a sacred geometry symbol for the tree of knowledge, as why the grid appears toroidal.
Some people have claimed that the 12 tree grid is the true tree of life, but I think this view is flawed for the reasons stated. Both shapes are valid and represent different "trees" of creation.
(As I have shown the Fibonacci spiral can be overlayed over the 12 tree grid perfectly showing the 12 tree grid also encodes the Fibonacci spiral)
The Krystal Spiral is another mathematical spiral of sequencing just as the Fibonacci and Padovan Sequence, but unlike those two sequences which create the same spiral, the spiral of the Krystal Sequence is it's own entity. The sequence is created following a pattern of doubling.
Just as the many other examples I have shared such as the prime number sequence, pi decimal, phi decimal, Fibonacci Sequence, Padovan Sequence, Euler decimal, and Avogadro decimal, prime 7 uses scale-symmetry to sustain the sequence in overlapping 6 digit or less multiples of 7. The first 3Ds create 6 directional movements based upon axes, and I have proposed the 4th dimension lies by overlapping all perspectives to a 7th direction within. In all of these mathematical principles prime 7 always appears within 6 digit or less multiples which shows how the patterns of arithmetic mirror geometry through using symmetry as well as higher dimensional behavior.
(Below I will go over the doubling sequence encoded in 1/7)
An infinitum is a God seed it is a "crystalized" Bose-Einstein condensate ("liquid") form of a Gods consciousness it is a geometric torus wave you could think of it as a superstring the singularity is the infinitum and the torus sphere wave/tetrahedron grid which expands from the infinitum is all of existence.
Extra information
7 points 7 rays
7 forms the hexagonal yod and the hexagonal yod is the cube and corresponds to the 7 circles of the seed of life and all multidimensional polygons are made up of hexagonal yods and the reason why there made up of yods is because multidimensional polygons correspond to one of the levels of the cubistic matrix(3D flower of life) therefore each level corresponds to a tetrahedron grid in the tetrahedron grid fractal which correspond to different tree levels in the cosmic tree of life so they correspond to a tree of life as well and if you add up all multidimensional polygons(all numbers) so all frequencies we get -1/12 which corresponds to the last level of the cubistic matrix which is the infinite tetrahedron grid/infinite fractal fruit of life and this also corresponds to the 10/12 tree of life fractal and therefore the Krystal Fibonacci spiral and phi showing phi forms this structure(Phi is also the length of each line making up the tetrahedrons in the tetrahedron grids) also this shows a correspondence between 10/12(5/6=0.83) and -1/12(=-0.083). (All of the frequencies added up is the singularity)
7 and 28 both form the 64 tetrahedron grid/E8 lie group therefore 7 forms the Fibonacci spiral which can be seen in the 7 pointed star and 7 forms the Tetragrammaton(tetractys which encodes the hexagonal yod) which forms the fine structure constant(137) which is the strength of the electromagnetic force between particles, therefore, it is the strength of the morphogenetic field which is the cubistic matrix also 137 has a relationship with 432:
- (13×(33.3))÷Π=137.7
- (13×(33.3))=432.9
This shows a correspondence between the 13 sephirot tree of life/fruit of life(Metatrons cube) and the tree of life 11 sephirot and 22 pathways and these 13 are rays(from God source), 12 coming out of a 13th(Zero-point God source) these rays(electromagnetic waves) fractal out of each other from the 13th, these rays form a wheel which forms the fruit of life so the rays form the structure of the fruit of life.
A 7 pointed star is crucially related to 432Hz consider a cymatic image of a frequency exactly 4 octaves below 432Hz appears as a 7 pointed star, 432Hz is the natural frequency of the universe. 432Hz=energy.
"When scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man."- Bearcloud
What I find interesting is that on the diagram 432Hz is 28 rays coming out of a center and 28 as shown is related to 7 and these 28 rays form the fruit of life and shows that 432Hz is the frequency of the infinite fractal fruit of life geometry.
Golden rays
I like to call these rays golden rays and these rays form star tetrahedrons and they are formed out of 3, 6 and 9 patterns and these 3, 6 and 9 patterns are formed out of the Fibonacci numbers, the 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers can correspond to the 24 outer circles of the flower of life which encodes the fruit of life which encodes Metatrons cube which encodes the platonic solids and the platonic solids can be formed out of phi through golden rectangles which form the Fibonacci spiral, therefore, corresponding the platonic solids to the 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers so these 24 numbers could correspond to 24 rays and these 24 rays expand out of the torus(explained below) and forms the prime number cross(PNC).
prime numbers and 1/7
All numbers are comprised of prime numbers and all numbers(other than numbers in the 3 times table) reduce to 1, 2, 4, 8, 7 and 5 which is equal to the doubling sequence which can then be reduced to the number 2 since it is the prime that all the numbers in the doubling sequence can be reduced to, the doubling sequence then corresponds to the (fractaling)tetrahedron/tetrahedron grid fractal and this corresponds it to different cubistic matrix levels which already corresponded it to the doubling sequence and the basic structure of the cubistic matrix is 4 and 2×2=4 is the first composite number and it corresponds to the faces of the cubistic matrix and this corresponds it to the 4 points of the prime number cross(PNC).
As shown above 7 forms the basic structure of the cubistic matrix(Hexagonal yod) in 2D and 7 is related to 1/7 and 1/7=0.142857 which is 1, 2, 4, 8, 7 and 5, therefore, encoding the doubling sequence and 1, 2, 4, 8, 7 and 5 also forms the torus as shown in vortex maths and new layers can be added to the torus making it bigger and at 24 layers it can then encode the PNC and 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers plus as we know the PNC can be turned into a torus. The torus which is the shape of (electro)magnetic fields forms out of the tetrahedron grid fractal, E8 is a torus and is made out of tetrahedron in 3D so it is apart of the tetrahedron grid fractal so it is the 64 tetrahedron grid. (more information above: Flower of life and electromagnetism)
We have now explained the hexagonal yod as 1/7 and now lets talk about pascals triangle tetractys. As we know the last line of pascals triangle tetractys forms the 64 tetrahedron grid/231 gates/E8 and each line in pascals triangle is equal to a number in the doubling sequence this shows a correspondence between pascals triangle and the tetrahedron grid fractal(This also shows another way the tetractys corresponds to the tetrahedron grid fractal) and as we know the tetrahedron grid fractal is made up of black holes(Negative volume ones which shows a connection between -1/12(infinite tetractys) and the infinite tetrahedron grid because this shows proof and that the infinite tetrahedron grid is a negative volume singularity/black hole) and this shows the numbers in pascals triangle are black holes so pascals triangle is the tetractys and this is also shown in my X and Y equation.
84, 168, 336 and 10/12 tree of life
Before I showed a connection between the 10/12 tree of life and the 72 and 168 roots of the E8 lie group and now I'm going to show more information about this. In my new picture I have created a double seed of life each circle containing one 10/12 tree of life and before if you remember I counted 28 lines in the 10/12 tree of life so 28×12(there are twelve 10/12 tree of lifes)=336 so here the number 336 shows up again. Since there are twelve 10/12 tree of lifes that means there is 144(12×12) sephirot also if we do 10×12 for the 10 sephirot in the kabbalistic tree of life we get 120 which as we know is produced by 15:
- 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15=120
When we double the 10/12 tree of life we form the cubistic matrix and we have doubled the 12 so we get 24 so 24 emerges out of the cubistic matrix also when we do this we double the number of lines in the 10/12 tree grid so we double 28 we get 56 and 56 is as we know forms the 64 tetrahedron grid(56 spheres of the 64 in metatrons cube) also when we think about it we have also doubled the 10 tree of life or the tetractys so we have formed 13 circles which forms the fruit of life/star tetrahedron and this star tetrahedron can be encoded/encased in the cubistic matrix.
When in 3D the 28 becomes 84(tetrahedral, 3:28, 3:84) and there are 84 Vesica piscis in the flower of life that encoded the 64 tetrahedron grid and when it is doubled it forms 168 and this also forms a double flower of life so it forms the torus whats interesting about this is there are 168 roots of the E8 lie group which is a torus and corresponds to the 64 tetrahedron grid in 3D. Whats interesting is the cubistic matrix/flower of life that encodes the 64 tetrahedron grid is 4×4×4 therefore each face is 16 squares(4×4) and 16=7 and 16×4=64 and 7×4=28 and four 4×4 faces form a 4×4×4 cube. If we form the 168 out of hexagonal yods we get 24:
- 168×(1/7)=24
The tetractys forms tetrahedrons so each tetrahedron contains a hexagonal yod(1/7) so the 168 tetrahedrons form 24. Also 24=6:6:6:6=4 cubes=64, 24=1+1+2+3+5+8+13(4)=33.
Prime 7
12, 21, 144 and 441
Zero-point field(fractaling wave)
Hypercube, Cubistic matrix, Time matrix and 10:12 tree of life
cosmic tree of life forms the powers of 3
Flower of life and electromagnetism(Extra information)
Each sphere in the flower of life is a torus, magnetic fields which are formed out of electromagnetism are torus shaped and contain the (64) tetrahedron grid fractal therefore the electromagnetic fields shape is the fractaling tetrahedron (grid) and this means all other fields in quantum field theory are fractaling tetrahedron (grid) shaped, each torus is like a loop so all fields are made up of "loops" and these loops can become ultimate physical atoms AKA superstrings(Vibrations in quantum fields form superstrings), this proves what I said about spacetime which is spacetime is a tetrahedron grid/tree of life fractal and space/void/vacuum/zero-point's (electromagnetic) energy which is apart of spacetime is tetrahedral shaped and this tetrahedral shaped (electromagnetic) energy forms matter.
Light and darkness form the universe
- Light in the darkness(void)=Light in void=electromagnetic waves in void=zero-point energy in void=zero-point energy(Video explaining this in detail and how the universe was formed)
Electric Universe
Walter Russell Cosmogony
Subquantum kinetics
Unifying Topology of Fractal Fields
Partiki grid Morphogenetic Field
Electromagnetic fractaling consciousness AKA Logos
The akashic records are electrically encoded into our DNA(Electromagnetically) through xen energy like a DNA hard drive that is also backed up in the field of energy through your morphogenetic field. Your consciousness/morphogenetic field is apart of the spiritual field called xen world, which is a sub-field(like structure fields and vibration fields for superstrings) which fractals and is made up of many fields, and your morphogenetic field is made up of little vibrations in the infinite sea of energy, that all of existence is made out of and these, and these little vibrations are called micro-ethereals. (The akashic records are encoded in all the multidimensional polygons added up)
Fractaling universe
"The entropy of the universe causes the universe to be random leading to chaos but chaos is not random it's transformation it is consciousness evolving to a higher state/level it is evolving to become an infinite fractal."
The entropy leads consciousness to evolve into more complex structures leading to more advance consciousness and the most advance consciousness in the universe is actually the universe because its structure is like a brain.