Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

Each DNA strand corresponds to a Fire Letter or Fire Code built upon electromagnetic impulses of sound arranged in patterned sequences. Each Fire Letter corresponds to a dimensional frequency band of consciousness in the Universal Tree of Life or the 12 Tree Grid . Collectively all the Fire Letter Code sequences correspond to the 12 DNA strand matrix(Silicate Matrix) which is the original genetic construction code of the human species.


Fire letters are key codes at our DNA structural level, that will be re-keyed to have access into these newly accessed higher reality light fields (multidimensional Timelines) and this is starting to occur in our Sub-Atomic layers; starting to drill down into our molecules and into our physical cellular form. Our physical selves are being rewired now and our energetic template selves are to be re-encrypted with master key codes that access upgraded fire letter instruction sets. We are being introduced to the new elements from the New Earth that are specifically here to begin to assist in redesigning our current biology by the New Earth Elemental Command and Aurora Races.

12 Strands DNA

The original human DNA pattern is arranged into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the Blueprint for one DNA Strand.Each strand is composed of 12 base magnetic (Mion) female codes, and 12 base-electrical (Dion) male acceleration Codes. The 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes hold the mathematical program for each Double-Helix strand, which combine to form a set of 12 Vector Codes. One Base Code plus one Acceleration Code is equal to one Vector Code.The 12 Vector Codes of the human genome manifests as 12 nucleotides that form the Nucleotide Base Pairs which are the entire DNA Strands are composed. The foundations of human DNA is miniaturized crystallized frequency, that is, patterns of electromagnetic light that magnetically group into crystalline form. These multidimensional crystalline templates are referred to as DNA Seed Codes. The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand is composed of 12 magnetic particle units and 12 electrical anti-particle units. Each DNA strand is composed of the frequency patterns and light spectrum of one dimensional band. Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letters Code program sequence corresponding to one dimensional frequency band of Consciousness. (24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies that are accreted into the personal Morphogenetic Field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly that you posses. As a person pulls in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields , the personal frequency accretion level rises, and thus, more DNA codes can assemble and activate.


DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA.

(DNA) is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses. DNA is anucleic acid; alongside proteins and carbohydrates, nucleic acids compose the three major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.

The original human DNA imprint is referred to as the Silicate Matrix, and is a twelve strand DNA template.

DNA, RNA and Proteins

All living beings are reliant on three main molecules for essentially all of their biological functions. These molecules are DNA, RNA and Proteins. The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions to each other and are therefore adjacent to each other (anti-parallel). It is the sequence of these four nitrogen bases along the backbone that encodes biological information. Under the genetic code, RNA strands are translated to specify the sequence of amino acids within proteins. These RNA strands are initially created using DNA strands as a template in a process called transcription.

DNA Proteins

In DNA, the nitrogenous base is made up of nucleic acids; Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Adenine (A) and Thymine (T). Metaphysically, each of these nucleic acids is connected to the elemental substance of the planet as Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. When we pollute these four elements on the earth, we pollute the corresponding nucleic acid in our DNA. As a result of human DNA digression from the original Silicate Matrix, we are missing the proper amount of nucleic acids.

DNA Base Pairs (Male+Female)

The main biological function of a nitrogenous base in DNA is to bond nucleic acids together. Adenine is always paired with thymine, and guanine is always paired with cytosine. These are known as base pairs. Uracil is only present in RNA, replacing thymine and pairing with adenine. Both RNA and DNA use base pairs (male + female) as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth between the DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes. This male-female language or based paired structure provides a backup copy of all genetic information encoded within double-stranded DNA.

Original DNA is Silicate

The original instruction set (Blueprint) of our DNA is a lattice of pure liquid crystal, an ideal transmitter and receiver of energetic resonance, inter-communication and perceiving a variety of levels of consciousness. The original instruction set is what connects our consciousness to experience the God Source levels of our Personal Christ Consciousness.

12 Strands DNA

The original human DNA pattern is arranged into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the Blueprint for one DNA Strand. Each strand is composed of 12 base magnetic (Mion) female codes, and 12 base-electrical (Dion) male acceleration Codes. The 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes hold the mathematical program for each Double-Helix strand, which combine to form a set of 12 Vector Codes. One Base Code plus one Acceleration Code is equal to one Vector Code.The 12 Vector Codes of the human genome manifests as 12 nucleotides that form the Nucleotide Base Pairs which are the entire DNA Strands are composed. The foundations of human DNA is miniaturized crystallized frequency, that is, patterns of electromagnetic light that magnetically group into crystalline form. These multidimensional crystalline templates are referred to as DNA Seed Codes. The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand is composed of 12 magnetic particle units and 12 electrical anti-particle units. Each DNA strand is composed of the frequency patterns and light spectrum of one dimensional band. Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letters Code program sequence corresponding to one dimensional frequency band of Consciousness. (24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies that are accreted into the personal Morphogenetic Field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly that you posses. As a person pulls in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, the personal frequency accretion level rises, and thus, more DNA codes can assemble and activate.

Silicate Matrix

Original human genetic imprint designed to manifest 12 strings of DNA which would allow for inter-dimensional travel and existence without deterioration of the biological form.

The original angelic human 12 Strand DNA is called the Diamond Sun DNA. The Oraphim original prototype for angelic humans that was created by the Founders has a 24 Strand DNA and is called the Double Diamond Sun Body DNA. Further there is a 48 Strand DNA Founder race line called the Emerald Sun.

Diamond Sun Body

The Oraphim is a part of the Diamond Sun DNA Christos lineages, the original humans created from the Guardian Founder Races lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings. The Double Diamond Sun refers to the Original Founder Oraphim Christos design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time.

Diamond Sun Paliadorian Activation

In the process of shifting into the next harmonic universe, many in the Krystic family have been enduring an embodiment phase for the new mathematical proportions of the Diamond Sun 12 Tree Grid pattern for the into the fifth dimensional octave.


The subatomic level of our elemental-physical body blueprint commences at the first layer of our "core manifestation template" also called the 12 Tree Grid. This "template" is the 1st dimensional layer that consciousness utilizes to manifest in the physical worlds. Also, this first layer is at the 1st Dimensional level of the Earth plane and its energies (Chi) are synthesized and transmitted through our bodies via our Root Chakra or 1st Chakra .

Diamond Sun

The Oraphim is a part of the Diamond Sun DNA Christos lineages, the original humans created from the Guardian Founder Races lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix. The Double Diamond Sun refers to the Original Founder Oraphim Christos design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of Consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time.

Silicate Matrix

Original human genetic imprint is called the Silicate Matrix and is designed to manifest 12 strings of DNA which would allow for inter-dimensional travel and existence without deterioration of the biological form. The original angelic human 12 Strand DNA is called the Diamond Sun DNA. The Oraphim original prototype for angelic humans that was created by the Founders has a 24 Strand DNA and is called the Double Diamond Sun Body DNA. Further there is a 48 Strand DNA Founder race line called the Emerald Sun.

Double Diamond Sun Body

Mother and Father’s Sun, a Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma Eternal Light. The Double Diamond Sun Body is the Krystal Star matrix from the Seven Higher Heavens, the next Universe.

Krystal Diamond Sun Matrix

We are making a new residence for the Double Diamond Sun Body within our person and within this planet.... We are learning the new “Diamond Sun” sensory language, as this is a new level of energetic communication that has completely changed the way we process information.... Monadic attunement ... to this merkabic circulatory system that runs the Krystic Living Light throughout our body. This configuration is generating a completely different “spark current” set throughout the etheric-atomic body structure. This new spherical form is a “mirrored” ball of Plasma Waves generating throughout and around the Radial Body. These Plasma Waves are projected from a new “light” lens that moves in multiple complexities of Axiatonal Lines, nodes and transfiguration points throughout the merkabic circuitry.


The Oraphim is a part of the Diamond Sun DNA lineages, the original humans created from the Founder Race lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA Silicate Matrix in the personal 12 Tree Grid. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings. The Double Diamond Sun Body refers to the Original Founder Oraphim design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time.

Kryst Hala Tones

When the tones of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA (KRYSTAL) are woven into a complete pattern, they are an actual “Merkaba” Plasma Wave Spirit Body. This Spirit Body of Krystal Consciousness is phonetically (sounds like) spelled something like: CHRYSTHALLA or KRYST HALA (KA RA YA SA TA HA LA - emphasis on the H), which also describes and explains (means) the male and female merged as Risen Christos Double Diamond Sun Body. These KA RA YA SA TA AA LA (KRYSTAL) tones are a part of the Krystal Star and Krystal Diamond Sun Matrix of the Ascended Masters referred to as the Master Christos Collective located in the Omniverses of the higher God Worlds.

Diamond Heart

Diamond Heart refers to both the Crystal Lotus Heart in the Lightbody of a higher heart activated human, or the Crystal Heart network that acts as a central hub that directs the many tributaries of energetic current and frequency throughout the planetary grid network(consciousness grids).

The crystal diamond heart bodies in the earth grid network used to emanate life-giving pranic and spiritual force into the many layers of the human Collective Consciousness fields, giving energetic nourishment to all life forms. The Diamond Heart crystals are activated within a human's personal Lightbody when during the monadic initiation the inner spirit connects with the Permanent Seed Atom in the Thymus Gland. The planetary Diamond Heart's are systematically being reprogrammed with trinity wave coding to be able to transmit Cosmic Divine Mother frequencies back into the earth core, and circulate that on the surface grid and into human bodies.

Permanent Seed Atom

While embodied in the Ascension Cycle, Starseeds and Indigos are are attempting to embody as much of our Monadic Consciousness and activate the Permanent Seed Atom in our higher heart complex and Thymus Gland. As we activate the Permanent Seed Atom, we activate and change the pulse rhythm in the grid on the planet and help to build Diamond Heart networks for the planet.

Crystal Heart

Like a cross hatch pattern, there are vertical, horizontal and diagonal intersections of the planetary grid network. In some of the larger networks such as in Dragon Lines and Stargates there are massive spinning vortex fields that are directed by a crystal heart. The “crystal heart” is a crystalline network in the earth crust that gives the instruction set to direct the energetic frequencies through the planet’s energetic circulatory system. This works exactly like a human heart pumping blood into the veins and arterial system of the body. The Crystal Heart is also referred to as the Diamond Heart and is also the same as to refer to the Sophianic Body.

Diamond Sun DNA

The Oraphim are a part of the Diamond Sun DNA Christos lineages, the original humans created from the Guardian Founder Races lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix and the Diamond Heart is directly manifested from this Krystal architecture. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings. The Double Diamond Sun refers to the Original Founder Oraphim Christos design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of Consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time.

Soul, Spiritual atoms, DNA and higher dimensions

The soul is made out of spiritual atoms(which are made out of your xen energy(Consciousness)). Our consciousness is our soul the physical soul is our DNA. DNA activation makes our DNA turn into triple helix DNA(or higher strands) which makes our DNA vibrate more meaning our frequency changes into a higher frequency meaning you go into a higher dimension and a higher dimension consciousness and we move into a higher chakra because it sends more spiritual energy through the kundalini into the chakras.

DNA and its structure

DNA encodes spacetime(infinite multyvers) in the form of om because it is made out of xen energy.

DNA's structure is the double pentagram/Dodecahedron(Star tetrahedron/seed of life) which is encoded in PI which encodes the infinite multyvers. This shows it encodes spacetime because of its structure/because it is appart of spacetime. This also shows it encodes the seed of life(fingerprint of god) which is also the shape of DNA. The structure of spacetime encoded in DNA is connected the xen particles that make up the DNA.

The double pentagram is encoded in the infinite fractal fruit of life which is encoded in/encodes Om.

The structure of the body and aura

You are made out of your consciousness and your aura is made out of your consciousness The shape of the aura is your races multidimensional polygon and the infinite fractal fruit of life/infinite tetrahedron grid. Your aura expands from your DNA.

Morphogenetic Field

Your Morphogenetic field is your aura and body

Brain and the 11 dimensions

The brain is an 11-dimensional(superstring/shape/frequency dimension's) structure and these 11 dimensions correspond to the chakras and they are encoded in DNA. The chakras and dimensions correspond to genes these genes are found in the place where its chakra is.
