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Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

The Doubling-Fibonacci circles looks like the torus cross section as I have mentioned before, and this structure (when complete) forms waves, and when its multiplied by 3 it forms the fruit of life(flower of life) which therefore is based on phi proportions and forms the fractaling star tetrahedron so it can be formed out of 6(12) Fibonacci spirals, which I have already shown with the Fibonacci spiral forming the triangle encoding harmonics(in the form of waves), this is the hexaflor/fractaling nesting hexagon and when this geometry is nested inside of itself it forms the (64) tetrahedron grid/flower of life, the hexaflor as you can see looks like a torus.



The hexaflor, as I said, is constructed out of 6-12 Fibonacci spirals, this structure forms and is formed out of nesting hexagons which forms the flower of life/64 tetrahedron grid and this structure is a torus and the torus forms and is formed out of the flower of life.

Growth rate[]


A part of a hexagon with 1cm sides contains a hexagon with sides roughly equal to 0.8cm

I wanted to calculate the growth rate of the hexaflor/fractaling hexagon, I measured six sides by zooming into the screen and using a ruler to measure them and I tried to get one of the side equal to 10cm, but I couldn't but I did get one side equal to 9. I then calculated the growth rate in two ways, the first way I used the six measured sides to calculate the growth as you can see in the picture and the second way I calculated the growth rate by simplifying the ratio 9:7.5 and I got 1.2 so the growth rate is or is around 1.2. The simplified ratio is interesting because I've come across 0.8333, 5/6 and 6/5 in my research into sacred geometry before and I've come across 0.8333 before in string theory in the form of (1+2+3+4+...=)-1/12. To get the numbers in the sequence you calculate 1.2^n, with n being any whole number.

An interesting number in this sequence is the 27th and -27th number:

  • 1.2^27=137
  • 1.2^-27=0.0072
  • 1/137=0.0072


13 sephirot kabbalistic tree of life(Hexatree) expands out of the hexaflor[]


When the Kabbalistic tree of life is doubled it forms the 13 middot which is basically the 13 sephirot kabbalistic tree of life, when I overlayed it over the hexaflor I noticed the center which lines up with the number 6 forms the hexagon and the hexaflor expands out of it so I recreated the 13 sephirot tree based on the 3D tree of life(16 sephirot) and it fit on the hexaflor so the 13 sephirot tree expands out of the hexaflor and when it fractals it forms the hexaflor/fractaling nesting hexagon so I named the 13 sephirot tree the hexatree.

The 3D view of the 10 spacetime dimension aspect of the 10/12 tree grid is the 16 sephirot(-dimension) tree of life, if we include Da'at we would have 17 sephirot and the hexatree(13 sephirot kabbalistic tree of life) when complete has 17 sephirot and, as can be seen, is based on this 3D structure showing the hexatree is the 3D tree of life also the fruit of life/metatrons cube has 13 circles and in 3D has 17 spheres showing a correlation.

Hexatree geometry[]


When the hexatree is tripled it forms the (nesting) hexagon and this can also be seen when the tree fractals forming the Fibonacci spiral-Hexaflor, the hexatree can be joined with two other hexatrees to form a triangular structure, the hexatree when joined to three other hexatrees forms a 4-fold structure which forms 4 expanding triangles which can be seen in the fractaling hexatree and when there overlayed it can be seen, this structure also forms the prime number cross.


This 4-fold hexatree structure is called the 4-hexatree and can be derived from the 12-hexatree a 12-fold hexatree which is contained within the hexatree.

Flower of life/64 tetrahedron grid[]


When the hexaflor/hexatree nests/fractals within itself it forms the 64 tetrahedron grid/flower of life because the hexagonal numbers are encoded in the hexaflor but as can be seen there are missing hexagons which are formed when the hexagons are doubled, rotated and nested and this also fits in the hexaflor/double hexaflor, which is a torus, which as you can see plots out the points of the flower of life which the torus is formed out of when it spins/doubles/nests/fractals which is all formed out of the Binary-Trinary sequence. Lets look at the cube(istic matrix) now, since the hexagon doubles and rotates we'll have to do the same with the cube but we can't but we can if we were to use its dual the octahedron which would form a fractaling cube octahedron nesting, within metatrons cube, forming the vector equilibrium/tetrahedron grid fractal which is also forms a torus and is formed within the hexatree fractal.

Golden angle(137.5)[]


The Fibonacci spiral/(double) hexaflor(torus) lines up with the golden angle 137.5(the fine structure constant)(?).



The Hexatree is base 13 but the geometry is entirely based on 12 and 6 so it has 12+1 dimensions, the geometry can be divided into 12-15 dimensions (and more).

Extra information[]

  • The spiral is formed out of cubes/the cubistic matrix and triangles/tetrahedrons, tetrahedrons are encoded in the cubes, so it can be formed out of the cubistic matrix/tetrahedron grid fractal, the Padovan-Fibonacci spiral forms the torus through Binary-Trinary because of the 3D fruit of life/metatrons cube/tree of life(16 spheres/sephirot)'s hypercube/torus structure which forms and encodes the flower of life/cubistic matrix/E8(torus) tetrahedron grid fractal, the Binary-Trinary sequence, 0=1(=3)=6=12, forms hexagons which fractals which forms the torus and the spiral, the hexagon appears everywhere in the universe because it's the most stable form, the hexagon also forms the torus because when the 10/12 tree grid doubles/rotates the cubistic matrix(flower of life) rotates forming the torus therefore proving the flower of life is the basis for the torus.
  • The 4×4×4 cube forms the 16 (higher) dimensional (hypercube) matrix containing a 16 dimensional E8 torus (tetrahedron grid fractal) as a ripple/wave, "waves are cube-bounded spheres" toroidal waves(superstring), E8 is manifested in spin 8, the principle of triality(relationship between 3 vector spaces), meaning it has a 3-fold(base 3) symmetrical geometry which can be seen in spatially entangled vertices(another way of visually representing particles and their respective matrices, vertex(vertices) can be represented by a vector)/tetryons(triangle-tetrahedron, tetryonics), the ripples are therefore rings(hexagons)/toruses of joined tetrahedrons(E8 tetrahedron grid) which are imaginary numbers(chaos theory and numbers) but with E8 being 8 dimensional they actually corresponds to octonions/base 8 which shows a connection between base 2-8 and base 3-9 which forms base(-dimension) 8-9 which is binary-trinary. Spacetime is a 4 dimensional manifold and each point of spacetime is a lie group torus and representation spaces of these lie group toruses, because spacetime is the fractaling (E8) tetrahedron grid, and the whole structure is a fiber bundle, particles are excitation/toroidal waves of this fiber bundle.


Hexatree part 1[]

Walter Russell Cosmogony[]

Kathara and vortexes[]

"As shown in the circular diagram the Fibonacci numbers contain each other and use the doubling fractal circles to grow so Fibonacci numbers have a connection to the doubling sequence/circles. The fracataling cube octahedron/vector equilibrium produces/forms both the Krystal and Fibonacci spiral... The Fibonacci spiral when placed on a polar graph forms a binary-trinary sequence so it forms the doubling sequence."

18 tree grid[]

The seed (of life), 6 as 1, 6 surrounding 1, the 7 sephirot of creation, when it expands forms 12 circles corresponding to the 12 tones in an octave and the tetractys, the hexagonal yod of the pascals triangle tetractys is equal to 12, the hexagonal yod is the 7/seed of life and in 3D it can either be a cube(istic matrix(flower of life)), which is formed out of the 10/12 tree grid, or the vector equilibrium which is the 12(12 tree grid) surrounding 1(the zero(0) point), the 12 circles surrounding the seed AKA 1, 12 as 1, the center of the seed, the central circle is 0 so 0=1=6=12, this to me looks like the beginning of a Binary-Trinary sequence, also 12 in 1=1/12 and 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12, the origin of the 5 and 6 connection is 10/12=5/6. The first circle being 0, the center, is where the fractal "starts" and the golden spiral("a perfect Fibonacci spiral") expands out of it forming the first 10/12 tree grid and the star tetrahedron, the tree of life can be represented as a double cube and this would form 12 sephirot out of the 10, the 3D (Auric) tree of life as I have shown before has 16 sephirot and looks like the double cube, due to its structure, with 4 central sephirot causing it to look like two hypercubes with two additional cubes so all the sephirot in the tree of life are cubes meaning the tree of life has 18 sephirot making it a 10/12 tree of life, this also means the entire cubistic matrix/flower of life is made up of sephirot, 18=6:6:6=star tetrahedron. One hypercube and one cube joined together, half of the tree, can encode a octahedron so two octahedron are in this tree and they can form the inner structure of two tetrahedrons, forming a star tetrahedron, encoded in a bigger cube which is this tree doubled(quadrupled since its 3D), 8 tetrahedrons are also encoded in each hypercube meaning we can form 8 star tetrahedrons out of both hypercubes meaning we can form the 64 tetrahedron grid out of the tree.

"Octave Doubling is found in the primary structure of the Aether. It is found in the isotropic vector matrix (tessellating tetrahedra & octahedra)(tetrahedron grid fractal) and the cosmic octave hierarchy. It is found in the structure of music and the electromagnetic spectrum. It is found in the 64-based (8-octave) nature of binary digital systems. It is also found in the octave-based growth of the chemical periodic table of elements."