THE OCCULT NAME OF THE HEXAGRAM, "SOLOMON'S SEAL", MEANS SOL-OM-ON's SEAL, WHICH, IN TURN, MEANS "THE SEAL OF 6-6-6" or "THE MARK OF 6-6-6". In the occult world, the number of the sun is said to be 6 or 666. For example, in the book Magick In Theory and Practice, Aleister Crowely tells us:
"The sun being 6, a square 6 X 6 contains 36 squares, We arrange the numbers from 1 to 36 in a square, so that each line, file, and diagnol adds to the same number. This number is 111; the total of all is 666."
the name Solomon consists of three names for the solar sun god; namely, Sol, Om, and On, a fact which is plainly stated by Christian writer John Daniel, author of a three volume set of books on Freemasonry: "The name Sol-Om-On, we know, is the composite name of three sun-gods in Roman, Indian, and Egyptian mythology." Thus the name 'Solomon's Seal', used in the occult world to designate the hexagram, means Sol = 6, Om = 6, On = 6, or 6 thrice emphasized or repeated, i.e., the occult trinity, meaning that the term "Seal of Solomon" means "The Seal of 666". The Hexagram is an ancient symbol of the solor sun god.
The Six-Pointed Star or Hexagram, is called the Tetragrammaton and is the symbolic representation of the Jewish/Talmudic God of the Kabbala. The Sephirotic Tree of the Cabala taught that the sum of the numerical values of Aïn-Soph (166, absolute empty) and Kether (500, unity) gives 666, i.e., the Sun.

777 and the Cube of Saturn
The number 7 is very important it shows up in all the research i have done which is the bases of my website and this Wiki.

"6 sides of the cube, 6+1 = 7, 5+2 =7 and 4+3 =7 make the number 7 7 7. THAT MEANS THE 777 IS THE NUMBER OF SATURN'S CUBE!"
The cube of Saturn encodes 777 as shown in the picture above. 777 is the number of God. Ti!WaZz's discoveries in the numerical symbolism relating to 777 and other numbers related to the worship of Saturn are amazing in their mysterious logic.
This metaphor of the union of the two-dimensional hexagram and the three-dimensional cube presents a few gematrical connections that support his theory.
Cube and Pan:
- Cube in English Reduction = 13 (3+3+2+5)
- Cube in English Ordinal = 31 (3+21+2+5)
- Pan in English Reduction = 13 (7+1+5)
- Pan in English Ordinal = 31 (16+1+14)
Both of these words have the 13/31 reflective numbers in their gematria. 13 is the sixth prime number. Saturn is the sixth planet of the solar system. 31 is the 11th prime number, and in astrology, Saturn rules the 11th sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. As strong as these associations are, they don't stop there. In masonic symbolism, the half-goat-half man deity known as Pan is also a veiled reference to the planet Saturn. Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat. When you add 7+7+7 the answer is of course, 21. On a die, the numbers in each side go up 1 to 6. When you add those numbers, the result is 21.
Saturn in English Reduction = 21 (1+1+2+3+9+5)
When the sequence begins from 0, 13 and 21 are the 7th and 8th Fibonacci numbers. Adding them together yields the 9th Fibonacci number, 34. As it turns out, 34 reduces to 7, since 3 + 4 = 7. This layer of association brings us right back to TiWaZz's original observation of 7's role in Saturn's cube.
The hexagram or so-called Star of David is a six-pointed star, which also has gematria that ties in directly to this symbolic structure. Hexagram in English Reduction = 41 (8+5+6+1+7+9+1+4). 41 is the 13th prime number. With 13 as the gematria for cube and 41 as the gematria for hexagram. the associations become even more undeniable. Hexagram in English Ordinal = 77 (8+5+24+1+7+18+1+13). That's another solid lock with gematria, geometry, numerology and mythology all echoed in hexagram's 77 coding.
7 and other connections
There are 7 cubes in the Cubic matrix(cubistic matrix) there are 7 polygons in a Multidimensional polygon. The 7 cubes correspond to the 7 Emperess/Sisters/Daughters of Light.