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45 and 15 as shown have a connection to the 137 equation of the name of God also known as the Tetractys/Tetragrammaton(I AM)

Seal of Saturn:

Seal of Saturn

As shown above, we have gone through some information encoded in the seal of Saturn and in the picture above it shows 13/31 encoded in the seal and we have gone through this information previously which is connected to the symbolism of Baphomet which is a symbol of the Female(Virgo) and Male(Ra) energies merging into one and this links into the next thing we will talk about because subatomic particles geometry(Spheres) can be fount in the flower of life and their vibration is shown in this video with some of the spheres moving up and some moving down repeatedly which symbolizes the 124875 and 369 energies and the male and female energies(some spheres can be male energy and some female). So now we will move onto a 3D form of the seal of Saturn and its connection to the flower of life. (Baphomet is formed from the trinity which is 111 and 111 is explained in Equation of 137 part 2)

First 3D structure: a cube of 3x3x3 spheres

3D Fruit of Life possible 3x3Cube

First three dimensional structure proposed for the Fruit of Life. You can click on the image to see a true 3D model that you can zoom, rotate and pan.

Fruit of Life Possible Grid Top

A natural growth process starting with the Egg of Life (a cube made of 2x2x2=8 spheres), going through the Fruit of Life as a cube made of 3x3x3=27 spheres, and ending up in Metatron's Cube containing 4x4x4=64 spheres.

The two 3D structures that I propose require the completion of the remaining six circles in the 2D representation of the Fruit of Life. At first sight, the projection can be extended to three dimensions as a cube of 3x3 spheres per side, totaling 27 spheres The final result would be similar to Metatron's cube, but with a sphere less per edge.

This structure of spheres is clearly contained in Metatron's Cube. Coming from the 3D structure of the Egg of Life as a cube made of 2x2x2 spheres, the next step in a fractal growth would be the Fruit of Life as a cube made of 3x3x3 spheres, and the final step a cube made of 4x4x4 spheres that I claim to be Metatron's Cube. This process can be illustrated using the same XY projection of the grid coordinates from Metatron's Cube.

The inner structue that supports the cube made of 3x3x3 spheres is not evident. You can obtain it by retaining any corner of size 3x3 from the inner grid of Metatron's Cube. The final result is the grid shown. You can see in that this grid has a big tetrahedron intersecting a set of four cuboctahedrons (actually vector equilibrium structures). These are distributed as one line made of two cuboctahedrons side by side, on top of another identical line rotated 90 degrees.

The 27 spheres that form the 3D structure of the Fruit of Life can be tought of the 26 facets of a cube, plus a central sphere: the 6 faces are represented by the 6 central spheres in each side; the 8 vertices would be the 8 corner spheres; and the 12 edges are the remaining 12 outer spheres joining each couple of vertices.

This cube made of 3x3x3=27 spheres admits an interpretation in terms of the trigrams. The trigrams are groups of three elements taken from three possible base essences: the Tao (a dot), the Yin (a line) and the Yang (a dotted line). This makes a total of 27 possible combinations. The trigrams can be assigned to these 26+1 facets of the cube in the form proposed by James Barton.

The central sphere would correspond to the Tao; the spheres in the faces, to the 6 trigrams with two Tao elements; the spheres in the edges to the 12 trigrams with one Tao element; and the corner spheres to the 8 trigrams with only Yin and Yang. It is worth noting at this point that the set of 27 trigrams can be linked to the set of 64 hexagrams, which in turn coincide with the number of spheres in Metatron's Cube.

Cube of creation

This cubic structure is related to the black cube of creation which is related to Saturn already and this cubic structure links into what we are going to talk about next which is Outer creation which is related to the Kathara grid and base 4 geometry.

Outer creation

2D Cuboctahedrons in Cube Full

The Expansion of the Cube in Outer Creation Depicted in 2D (The Flower of Life)

In 3 dimensional vector space, Outer Creation is comprised of infinite outer fractal expansions of Metatron’s Cube deriving from The Flower of Life as depicted in 2D by figure H. Each outer fractal expansion of the cube results in 6 adjacent cubes attached to each of the 6 faces of the original cube that form a cross along with an outer cube encapsulating the 7 inner cubes. The edges exhibited by the network of outer expansions of the cube that derive from the 3rd and 5th dimensional frequencies of Outer Creation form the grids in which the particles of Particum attach themselves to in groups existing at the same location that comprises each of the vertices of a polyhedron grid where the vector that exists between a pair of Particum across 2 adjacent vertices exhibits a magnetic field that allows for the effect of matter manifesting itself in a solid state. This grid known as a cubistic matrix encompasses the structural foundation behind Sacred Geometry.

Magic square

The constant that is the sum of any row, or column, or diagonal is called the magic constant or magic sum, M. Every normal magic square has a constant dependent on the order n, the magic constant of the magic square of Saturn is 15, Dividing each number of the magic square by the magic constant will yield a doubly stochastic matrix, whose row sums and column sums equal to unity, lets do the top row of the magic square of Saturn, (4/15)+(9/15)+(2/15)=1 and this means each row is equal to 1 so we get the trinity 111

Unicursal Hexagram

Unicursal hexagram tree of life

The Hexagram is used to join the numbers 3, 6 and 9  in vortex maths/sacred geometry but the hexagram is 2 triangles and there is one line that joins the 124875's so is there a shape that can join the 3, 6 and 9's through one line? yes there is and it is the Unicursal Hexagram which is an interesting sacred geometry and it encodes the seal of Saturn and what is interesting is if the side of a hexagon is 1 then the perimeter of the Unicursal Hexagram is 7.77 which shows there is a connection to 777(21=231, 777=CTOL(91)) and what is more amazing is that when the Unicursal Hexagram is doubled it forms the prime number cross which is formed by 24 numbers which is more interesting because the Unicursal Hexagram joines the 3, 6 and 9's in the 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers and 24 is the number of circles that make up the outer flower of life that encodes the fruit of life/Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid.

The number 28

1133 and 28 UH

If we make the sides of the hexagon 28(Rounded up) we get something interesting because the unicursal hexagram has an area of 1133 and a hexagon has 6 sides and 6×28=168 and as we know this is the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys and this geometry along with the number 1133 create the 64 tetrahedron grid also as we know 28 corresponds to the Kathara grid this means 6 Kathara grids are joined together and as we know the Kathara grid encodes the tree of life in the form of a hexagonal yod and 6 tree of life's joined together form a 2D 64 tetrahedron grid and as we know the unicursal hexagram join the 3, 6 and 9's in the 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers and these 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers add up to 108 which is the frequency that creates the Sri yantra sacred geometry and as we know the 64 tetrahedron grid is the Sri yantra.

Other Sacred geometries

  • Since the Kathara grid is based on the number 4 for its 4 fold geometry and it is also based on 15 dimensions we will turn the number 15 into base 4 and 15 in base 4 is 33, base 4 is interesting because 4 forms the tetractys.
  • From a diagram that i have seen the Kathara grid/12 tree grid has 15 pathways which links it to the 15 vibrational dimensions but this is if they are not joined to the 12 sephirot but if they are then there is 28 pathways(from what i have counted) and this is interesting because 28 ir related to the number 7 and 1/7=0.142857 and 142857 encodes the fingerprint of God which encodes the doubling sequence and when the Kathara grid is turned into a fractal it forms the doubling sequence and it also forms a spiral that looks like a Fibonacci spiral. Also the trinity 26 dimensions can be the trinity vibrational dimensions which are represented by 3 Kathara grids and are the 13, 14 and 15th vibrational dimensions and when we do this we form the 3:28 correspondence which creates 84 and the infinite tetrahedron grid which is the infinite tetractys which is formed by -1/12 and 12 being the Kathara grid! the 3 Kathara grids also form 45 if it is 15 pathways and have 33 Sephirot and share one sephirot. 4 also forms the 4th hexagonal number which is 28, the Kathara grid has 15 paths and each row and column of the seal of Saturn is equal to 15 showing the trinity Kathara grids are encoded in the seal of Saturn.
  • The Kathara grid has 6 extra paths then the normal tree of life and if we use 6 of the paths on the inside of the Kathara grid to form a hexagonal yod we can encode the tree of life into that hexagonal yod and as we know the 22 paths of the normal tree of life which are the 22 hebrew letters form the 231 gates. 11:33=44, 44 in base 4(444) is 230, 115 positive charges and 115 negative charges which symbolizes yin yang but it also has neutral charges which can be the line in the middle of the yin yang symbol which separates yin and yang and we create the 231 gates from the 115 positive charges lines+115 negative charges lines+Neutral(1) and yin and yang represent 3 and 6 whilst neutral is 9
  • The 72 roots of E8 encode 396, ●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°●●⊙°⊙°=44×9=396, This shows the 231 gates which are the 22 hebrew letters encoded in the star tetrahedron are the 72 roots of E8, 231 gates/E8 lie group/64 tetrahedron grid/Metatrons cube/fruit of life/Cosmic tetractys/Cosmic tree of life=18:22(star tetrahedron:Hebrew letters)=396=3311(11:33=693) and the other 168 roots can be the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys 693=3×231
  • As you should know if you spin the seed of life around you form a torus, if you spin the seed of life around 4 times to form a torus, Seed of life rotated 4 times=torus=24 circles, torus=4 seeds of life=7×4=28

Hexagram(Star tetrahedron)

Star tetrahedron tree of life elements

Kathara grid/12 tree grid a tree of life made out of 12 sephirot constructs the hexagram and the 10 sephirot of the normal tree of life correspond to the hexagonal yod!

As shown the Hexagram AKA the star tetrahedron is encoded in the seal of Saturn and the Hexagram can be constructed by the Kathara grid and the hexagonal yod which is formed by the star tetrahedron corresponds to the tree of life as shown in the picture at the side it also shows that the 4 elements are encoded in this geometry plus an extra element which is energy.

G2 lie group and Kathara grid

The 12 vector root system of G2 in 2 dimensions

The 12 vector root system of G2 in 2 dimensions

The multidimensional polygon of the E8 lie group is made out of hexagonal yods, In mathematics, the root system for the simple Lie group G2 is in the form of a hexagram, with six long roots and six short roots.

Hexagram/Hexagonal yod and Sephirot

Graph of G2 as a subgroup of F4 and E8 projected into the Coxeter plane

Graph of G2 as a subgroup of F4 and E8 projected into the Coxeter plane

In Hermetic Magic, the seven Traditional Planets correspond with the angles and the center of the Hexagram as follows, in the same patterns as they appear on the Sephiroth and on the Tree of Life. Saturn, although formally attributed to the Sephira of Binah, within this framework nonetheless occupies the position of Daath.

9 as a field of energy

Kathara grid base 4 geometry and E8 231 gates

If you know the secret of 3, 6, 9 and 12 you will have the keys to Harmonic Universe

The 64 tetrahedron grid as shown is related to 84 which is the number of tetrahedron in the 7 tetrahedral tetractys and is the number of yods in the cosmic tetractys which corresponds to the cosmic tree of life which is made up of 91 tree levels(tree of lifes) which explains where the 91 comes from in the 19:91 and as shown previously the 19 comes from 1:9=9 and 9 is the big star tetrahedron that the 8 star tetrahedron form and recently i have thought what if this 9 was actually a field then 9 would be a field of energy which is the zero point field and as shown the hexagon(Hexagonal yod)/Fingerprint of God is encoded in the seed of life and is 124875 but where is 369? Well the circles of the seed of life/flower of life are 369 which shows it is the field of energy and the seed of life can be turned into a torus which encodes 369

Kathara grid and 24

There are 10 sephirot plus Da'at plus source bringing it to a total of 12 key aspects of the tree of life, there are 12 physical and 12 spiritual making it actually become 24, you can stack these tree of lifes up to form the cosmic tree of life, the central axis is pure light and energy running up and down the middle piler, the true tree of life is multidimensional and has both spiritual and physical components. Looking at the 3D tree of life we have 4 pilers surroundng a central core now if we stack these tree of lifes within this structure we have the 24 aspects of God, 12 physical and 12 spiritual and if we look at this 3D tree of life from above it is a base 4 geometry that looks like the prime number cross which is a cross and as we know the cross can be folded up into a cube. When this 3D structure is twisted the sephirot form a spiral pattern that looks like the Fibonacci/Kathara grid spiral and it is also an octagonal shape like the I Ching which starts from a binary system which emerges from the oneness which are Yin and Yang which are positive and negative which are fount in particles and are dipicted by a broken line and a solid line this basic binary can then be formed into 4 combinations of yin and yang which are arainged in 3 which are called trigrams which can be paired up to form 64 combinations which can be used to form the 64 tetrahedron grid.

Keylontic science is wrong

Both the Tree of life and the Kathara grid originate from the same module but Keylontic science says that the tree of life with 10 sephirot represents 10 vibrational dimensions which is incorrect because it actually represents the 10 spacial dimensions in string theory and from what I have seen the Kathara grid's spiral is most likely the Fibonacci spiral!

Keylontic science is based off Partika which only uses the Kathara grid/12 tree grid which is what Partika is based on. The Particum module is based off the Flower of life and it is called inorganic by Keylontic science because it is incomplete because the Tree of life in this module only has 10/11 sephirot, unlike the Kathara grid which has 12 sephirot. When the tree of life is extended into the Cosmic tree of life(As shown in Stephen M. Philips research) the module is complete because it has more than 11 sephirot and fits into the Kathara grid/12 tree grid module. The top tree of life in the cosmic tree of life should be a Kathara grid.

More information

4-fold symmetry sacred geometry