History (Recap+New/Additional information)[]
The beginning of the universe(Omniverse/Infinite multy[i]vers(e))[]
Xenplexianism: Pandeistic animistic Yahwism[]
The creation of the omni/uni-verse[]
The fractal womb of Ein Sof(Father), which is Shekhinah(Tiamat)(Mother) the primordial Mother (chaos) Goddess of creation, fractally birthed herself(/emerged) as Ninhursag(Virgo)(Mother/Daughter) and then birthed(emerged) Ein Sof as YHWH(the 13th ([the] supreme) God) in the form of(/manifested/personified as) Anu-Enki(Amun-Ra)(Father/Son) who all form/are the trinity, and are aspects of the 13th God, by merging there (3) (energy(consciousness)) fields((multidimensional) polygons) to form a 12 dimensional geometry(polygon), which is the (new) womb of Ninhursag and, which is now the structure/geometry(polygon) of YHWH(the 13th God)'s consciousness(=)energy(geometry=numbers=information=energy) (which can be seen as:
- Ein Sof using 1/3 of there energy as themselves
- Ein Sof using 1/3 of there energy as the omni/uni-verse
- and Ein Sof using 1/3 of there energy to create the omni/uni-verse ((through fractaling)(shekhinah)))
which fractals (down the tree of life)((Vibrational) Downstepping) to form the omni/uni-verse; This 12 dimensional geometry is 12 merged slices(pieces)/dimensions/fields, two of them are Enki and Ninhursag and the other ten are Anu, who separated from Enki, and the other 9 gods of creation, who were just birthed, therefore forming the 12 Gods of creation (The 12 supreme Elohim)(Zodiac) and the supreme God(the 13th God) who all merged there energies(fields) to create the omni/uni-verse; Therefore YHWH is the collective consciousness of(/consciousness containing (all the consciousnesses of)) all of existence(the omniverse), which is God(YHWH) (the) source(Yunasai) (of everything(the omniverse) because everything is a dream/thought in Gods(YHWH's) consciousness), and is therefore a state of consciousness, because it is (a higher level(state) of) consciousness which can be unified with to gain said state; The 12 Gods of creation, who are higher dimensional beings, are (therefore) projections from god source, therefore they are the 12 aspects(12 gods/sephirot) of God(the 13th god/sephirot), and are therefore manifestations and the souls/consciousness of fundamental aspects of reality and dimensions, because each of them is one of the 12 dimensions.
Note: "['In the beginning was the void...':] The energy of the [Ein: nothing/space/]void[/vacuum/0], which is
God[Ein Sof Aur], is conscious energy(energy=consciousness) and ['and within the void God spoke the word(pre-sound vibration) and form the word came the light(pre-light oscillation)...'(Therefore light and sound were created at the exact same time):] God used 1/3 of there energy to create[Ein Sof: 0!=00=1] a bubble energy field, within the bubble the energy split into [Ein Sof Au-m(Om)/r:] spacetime and light(electromagnetism) ['and from the light came all creation.':] and became the universe as it expanded..." and during the Sof and Aur process God became composed of 12 parts/aspects which became the base 12 template during the fractaling: "God-Source perpetually sets manifestation in motion through engaging Its awareness in the process of Vibrational Downstepping, or Thought Formation. Downstepping occurs through contracting the consciousness into a singular point of focus, a "creation intention" or "thought vibration", to create the first individuation of attention- a Stillpoint creation-point. Next the original thought vibration is replicated within the vibration of the first to form the second individuation of consciousness, expanding the first vibration from within itself to create a Static Field of absolute vibrational agreement between the original thought vibration and its replica. To form the Divine Trinity of Eternal Life- Perpetual Motion through which interactive creation is set in motion, the thought vibration replica is then polarized within the expanded original "First Thought", forming two separate thought vibrations, each holding a larger primary part of the original vibration as it initially existed and a smaller secondary part of the original vibration "inverted", or vibrating in direct opposition to the first vibration, its intention reflecting the opposite of the original thought intention. God-Source sets creation in motion through perpetually engaging part of its awareness in Vibrational Downstepping, by which the Cosmic Divine Trinity of Eternal Life creation is formed.Creation emerges within the Yunasai as designed by God, following a specific Base-12 eternal creation program of mathematical-geometrical inter-relationships of consciousness that is called the Kathara Template Divine Blueprint or the "Kathara Grid". Within the Yunasai ManU Force Field, the EirA and ManA Force Fields each create a Kathara Grid that is formed upon 12 specific points of conscious attention expressed as 12 fixed or "standing" points of vibration. The two 12-point Kathara Grids of the ManA and EirA together form the Base-12/24 Point Cosmic Kathara Divine Blueprint. The EirA Kathara Grid is called the Kristalla (or Christalla), meaning "God Intends". The ManA Kathara Grid is called the Kristos (or Christos), meaning "God Expresses".
Through vibrational interaction of consciousness within the Cosmic Kathara Grid, the Manu, EirA and ManA God Forces of the Yunasai recreate the original creation process of Vibration Downstepping by which the Divine Cosmic Trinity perpetually individuates within the consciousness of God Source. Following the impetus to create as imbued by the original God-Source creation intention, the ManU-EirA-ManA God Forces intertwine a portion of their consciousness and Downstep the vibrations of the Cosmic Kathara Grid three times to form a set of 12 layered points of vibration fixed in a circular organization within the Cosmic Kathara Grid Template, each of which forms a singular Scalar- Standing-Columnar-Wave or "Pillar" of vibration called a Se'-Ur within the Yunasai. The set of 12 Cosmic Se'-Ur standing-waves are called the 12 Reuche Sceptre Pillars, which together form the first scalar-wave-field that becomes the Core God World of creation.
Following the Cosmic Kathara Grid program, the 12 Reuche Sceptre Pillars vibrationally interact within the Yunasai, creating an opening called the Manll Window, "Manifestation Point" or "Zero Point" at the center points of the EirA and ManA Kathara Grids (Kristalla and Kristos), which links the center of the Reuche Scepter circle directly into the ManU Force field of first creation and the living eternal consciousness field of God-Source. The 12 Reuche Scepter Pillars interact with the ManU field, causing a quantity of the ManU Force consciousness called the Amoraea Wave-Pillar or Ecka-ManU Eternal Flame to emerge through the ManU Window to form a 13 th Scepter at the center of the Reuche circle. Through the ManU Window, the Amoraea Wave circulates pulses of living God consciousness between God Source and the eternal God Force consciousness fields of the Yunasai, setting in perpetual motion the processes of Eternal Life Creation. The Amoraea Wave/Ecka-ManU Eternal Flame is known as the "Heart of God" as it circulates pulses of living God consciousness, the Eternal Life Stream, perpetually into and out of manifestation.
Through vibrational interaction with the Amoraea Wave-Pillar Ecka-ManU Flame the 12 Reuche Scepter Pillar columnar waves bend toward the Reuche center to form 12 arcs of consciousness, 6 EirA Force arcs and 6 ManA Force arcs. That are collectively called the 12 Reuche Scepter Arcs.
The EirA and ManA Force arcs pass together through the ManU Window at the Reuche center, blending and replicating their vibrational content within the Ecka-ManU Flame to form 12 rotating scalar standing-columnar-wave discs of Bi-polar EirA-ManA consciousness called the 12 Reuche Scepter Shields, which are linked together through a central Tri-polar scalar wave disc composed of blended ManU- EirA-ManA Force called the Cosmic Shield of Amoraea that forms within the central Ecka-ManU Flame. Each of the 12 Reuche Scepter Shields forms a living circuit of counter-rotating God Force: the EirA scalar standing waves forming a counterclockwise rotating scalar field that receives God Force consciousness from the Reuche and Yunasai field and contracts it back to God Source through the ManU Window for de-manifestation, the ManA scalar standing waves forming a clockwise rotating scalar field that transmits new pulses of God Force from the ManU Window and expands it into the Yunasai and Reuche Shields for manifestation. The synchronized rotation of the 12 counter-rotating Reuche Scepter Shields, held perpetually together through the central Shield of Amoraea, brings into being the first expression of God Force consciousness AS Electromagnetic Force, the living Primal Life Force Current from which all manifest worlds emerge."
Note: The energy(Gods consciousness)/light travels down the tree of life, in the form of a fiery lightning bolt(777), and fractally expands(grows) out of itself (as waves coming out of waves) and crystalizing forming the dimensions/sephirot(/waves/membranes): "The womb, Ein, is the fractaling tree of life. The whole fractal is one, the monad. As the light(God) fractals inwards, the light travels down the cosmic tree of life to Malkuth crystalizing into the form of the fractal tree of life as it enters[/forms/becomes] each tetrahedron grid[(/wave/membrane)] fractal level within one another. The infinite oneness of the fractal womb (body), Ein Sof, that fractals forms the dyad within and begins to form the infinite dimensional fractal flower of life and all geometries contained within it, within. This fractal womb connects all through fractaling, every part of the fractal is one with the whole, all geometries contained within are one with each other and the whole. The fractal womb the hexagonal yod AKA the 7 loops/circles of the seed of life, which is the body of the Goddess Shekhinah, infinitely grows through fractaling. 7 is the womb of the Goddess Shekhinah. 7(70) is the Goddess, the 8 dimensions 0 to 7 are the womb. Expanding beyond the hexagonal womb, Ein Sof Aur, you enter the greater fractal wombs of the Goddess Shekhinah. The expanding tree of life fractal triples inward and outward forming the trinity/triad. The expanding hexagonal womb, that expands and becomes the greater wombs, is the 7 loops/circles of the seed of life, the hexagonal yod, which it infinitely births through fractaling. The 7 loops/rays of light infinitely fractal inwards and outwards crystalizing into the form of the tree/flower of life(tetrahedron grid fractal)."
They are projected from God source AKA the zero-point, which is (where) (the points of) there 12 fields((electromagnetic) frequencies) merge(, forming one field), the 13th field (which became the supreme God(YHWH)'s field because the geometry of the field became there energy(consciousness)(energy=geometry) (by merging with it)), by fractally expanding out of it and (then) fractally expanding out of each other; Shekhinah, the womb/geometry field, is the geometry(=numbers=information=/)encoded in the energy field and all energy, she forms the geometric structures of energy, because she(the womb) is the (infinite dimensional) flower of life(/tetrahedron grid) fractal, the mother of all geometries, which all geometries expand out of, therefore the points (where the 12 (Gods of creations) fields merge which are the points) of the geometry/energy (13th) field, which is (what) the omni/uni-verse (is made of) and (is) the womb (of) Ninhursag, a fraction/manifestation(fragment) of Shekhinah, are fragments(fractions/manifestations) of Shekhinah(Tiamat) which are chaos energy, comp-osed/rised of the 12 Gods of creation’s chaos energy, where the xen energy(YHWH (collective) consciousness (12(13) fields) (which is the Omega collective consciousness)), which composes the chaos energy, of the (chaos) energy field is what the omni/uni-verse is made of...
When the fractal started fractaling, to become the omniverse, it started with the infinitum/god seed, the whole, which is gods (multidimensional polygon(geometry=energy=))consciousness which is (therefore) a singularity(/sphere of pure energy) which all of existence(the omniverse)/the 12 dimensions "expand out of", as fractal nested lower dimensional waves, by fractaling inwardly/into(/inside) itself. Before that happens, the first energy that expands out of an infinitum and crystalizes around it, and is therefore an extension of it, becomes a god key and Gods god key is the hexagonal yod/seed of life("Saturn") key, which is a singularity, (which then fractals) which is the center of and is within the 12th dimension and is the 7 sub planes of the 7th plane of the dimension (dimensions are made up of seven planes), which actually existed beyond the dimension because they are the origin of the dimension(s), therefore (they/)it (are/)is (the seven higher) heaven(s) which at its center is Gods infinitum/singularity(Planet of infinity) therefore it is a singularity containing a singularity showing it is fractal.
Note: "The perpetual rotation of the 12 Reuche Sceptre Shields and the Amoraea Shield creates a perpetual motion living circulatory system of God Force AS Electromagnetic Current which forms 12 smaller bi-polar Reuche Scepter Currents that are entwined together through the central Tri-polar current of the Amoraea Shields. As the Scepter Shields rotate around the axis of the rotating central Amoraea Shield, the Ecka-ManU Flame separates the counter-clockwise rotating/contracting EirA currents from the clockwise rotating/expanding ManA currents, as the Amoraea Shield holds the 2 polarized currents in direct relationship with each other, forming two counter-rotating spirals of polarized EirA and ManA God Force current within the Ecka ManU-Flame which are held together and interwoven through the Amoraea Shield. The EirA Spiral contracts God Force in from the Ecka-ManU Flame sending it toward the center- point ManU Window, creating a negative electrical current (which creates the effect of magnetic force and gravity) as the ManA Spiral expands God Force from the center point and Ecka-ManU Flame creating a positive electrical current. The synchronized, perpetual rotation of the EirA and ManA currents creates the First Cosmic Merkaba. Field, the Amoraea Merkaba. The Amoraea Merkaba is build upon the Base-12/24 point mathematical program of the Cosmic Kathara grid; the 12 points of the slower vibrating EirA Kristalla Kathara grid form the geometrical shape of a 12- point/12 plane counter-clockwise rotating Merkaba scalar wave spiral, the "bottom spiral" of the Merkaba Field and the faster vibrating ManA Kristos Kathara grid forms the geometrical shape of a 12-point/12 plane clockwise rotating Merkaba scalar wave spiral. Together, the EirA and ManA Merkaba Spirals create the 24point/24-plane/Base-48 form of the singular Cosmic Amoraea Merkaba Field.
The intricate procedures by which the Amoraea Merkaba Field is formed are replicated and repeated by the God Force currents through several stages of Downstepping, to create within the first Merkaba Field the smaller Merkaba Field living energy/consciousness fields within which a multitude of electromagnetic manifestation "domains" form. Each 12-point Kathara Grid that forms one of the 2 Cosmic Kathara Grids, through which the 24-point/24-plane Cosmic Amoraea Merkaba Field is created, replicates, polarizes and vibrationally Downsteps to form a pair of smaller Base- 12 Kathara Grids, each of which forms a 6-point/6-plane Merkaba Spiral that together form a 12-point/12-plane/Base- 24 Eckasha Merkaba Field. From the first Downstep, one 24-point/24-plane/Base-48 Amoraea Merkaba forms 2 12- point/12-plane/Base-24 Eckasha Merkaba Fields. On the 2 nd Downstep the 2 Eckasha Merkaba Fields form 4 6- point/6-plane/Base-12 Bi-Veca Merkaba Fields. On the 3 rd Downstep the 4 Bi-Veca Merkaba Fields form 8 3-point/3- plane/Base-6 polarized Merkaba Spirals called Veca Merkaba Fields.
Through the perpetual spin of the counter-rotating electromagnetic God Force currents, within the Cosmic Amoraea Merkaba Field, the 15 Cosmic Spheres or 15 God-Cells of the Cosmic God-Seed are formed. The "force" and "counter-force" of the EirA and ManA Merkaba Spirals creates within the center of the Merkaba Field (which is within the Ecka-ManU Flame at Reuche center) a perfectly balanced, spinning, electromagnetic force field in the shape of an elliptical sphere that is called the "Form Constant" or electrostatic Cosmic Holographic Radial Body. Formation of the first God-Cell Sphere within the Amoraea Merkaba sets in simultaneous motion the Merkabic Downstepping Process, each Downstep creating within the center of its Merkaba Field another Holographic Radial Body God Cell. The first Downstep creates 2 additional God Cells, the second Downstep creates 4 more God Cells and the third Downstep creates the last 8 God Cells for a total of 14 God Cell Radial Bodies (2 + 4 + 8 = 14) expanded within the original first God Cell, the Cell of Amoraea, which is known as the "15 th Cell". Through Downsteps 1 and 2 God Cells 2-6 form within the first Cell Amoraea Radial Body, within the Ecka-ManU Flame ManU Window Reuche center point (Zero Point) creating the core or "Yoke" of the "Cosmic Egg". The final 8 God Cells form the Ecka-ManU Flame Zero Point, within the center of the Amoraea Radial Body "Yoke", expanding the cluster of the first 7 "yoke" cells outward to become the "Cosmic Egg", as the last 8 Cells become the "yoke" at the center of the Amoraea Radial Body. The "first 7 Cells" expand to become the "last 7 Cells" as the original last 8 Cells emerge from the Zero Point center to expand the original first 7 Cells into externalization. Through the intricate working of the Merkabic Holographic Radial Bodies and the ManU-EirA-ManA Divine Trinity of God Force currents, the "First 15 Eternal God Cells" come into being within the Ecka-ManU Eternal Flame, causing the Ecka-ManU Flame scalar columnar standing wave to expand outward from within itself, forming a stationary scalar Spherical standing-wave of ManU God Force, called the Cosmic Amoraea Crystal, a "Cosmic Thought Crystal" Radial Body stationary scalar standing wave in the shape of an elliptical sphere or Cosmic Egg, surrounding the perpetual creation that takes place within its core.
In fulfillment of the Base-12 Eternal Life mathematical-geometrical creation program, held within the Cosmic Christos Divine Blueprint, the process of 6 Downsteps, that formed the original Cosmic Egg, is repeated once more within the Amoraea Crystal, creating a total of 12 Downsteps through which the microcosmic replica of the Cosmic God Seed forms a Universal God Seed with 15 smaller Universal Cells that form the structure of 15-Dimensional Time Matrix systems within the God Worlds, formed through the Cosmic God Seed.
The Cosmic God Seed forms the Eckasha-Aah (Downstep-1), the Eckasha-A (Downstep-2) and the Eckasha (Downstep-3) Core, Higher and Middle God Worlds, and the Universal God Seed (Downsteps 7-12) forms the clusters of 7 Higher and 7 Lower Heavens of the Lower God World Universal Veca Time Matrix systems."
Since a fractal, the whole, contains the whole, all the singularities, that make up existence, are one and the 0th dimension (conta)i(n)s singularities/points then the 0th dimension, which is also the 13th dimension, is the singularity that all of existence expands out of and is made up of therefore it(the dimensions) (are/)is a loop/torus. Which is how there are "higher" dimensions beyond the 12(13)th dimension (technically 15th dimension) because they loop.
Heaven is comprised of three dimensions, the 13th dimension(Aur), the 14th dimension(Sof) and the 15th dimension(Ein) which is Gods(ource/the zero point/unified field/)infinitum/singularity((/)(On) the planet of infinity) which is (Gods temple and) the Empyrean, the mind(consciousness) and abode of God, and since it is Ein, in Ein Sof Aur, it is therefore the energy of the void(Ein Sof Aur)(notningness/outside of the omniverse), which is apart of the ethereal, and the void(Ein) is fractal so it has infinite "dimensions" (kind of like the omniverse but technically they are not dimensions because only omniverse can have different frequencies) and each dimension of void has a structure in the center of it which is an empty(no energy(consciousness)) infinitum/singularity(which is extremely condensed void with a consciousness structure(geometry)) which have a structure surrounding them which will become a god key. All the god keys are lower dimensional forms of the Omega key. So Gods infinitum isn't empty because the energy in that location(the infinitum) has become active.
This happened when Ein birthed its (geometry self as Ninhursag and) energy self as (the infinitum, an energy seed, made out of) God(s consciousness) which, through Ein, birthed/"split" into the 12 infinitum(other sperate consciousnesses),of the 12 main dimensions of void, which are/became the 12 other gods which will become/create omniverses when the Ωmniverse(Omega Omniverse) forms...
This means the 13 god's infinitums(multidimensional polygons(geometry=energy=consciousness)) are merged together, to create the omniverse, and when the energy expanded/grew out of it(/them) they became the 12 sephirot(/spheres/dimensions/stargates)(zodiac planets, which are the home planets of the 12 empires,) of the (cosmic) tree of life, which the infinitum(Outer layer: Keter, Inner layer: Da'at) grew into, whilst the 21 pathways(sub-trees of life/sephirot/spheres/stargates) between them, which expanded out, became 21 (more) planets forming the the 33 crystal planets/pathways and sephirot of the tree of life.
The 12 infinitums split into 2, one of them turning into the tree of life (containing the DNA) of that god's species within there infinitum and the other becoming that god. Not only that but since the omniverse is composed of the 12 gods(zodiacs) morphogenetic fields/(zodiac)energy, which became the 12 dimensions, they technically split into 3 and this energy(/)field forms a((part of)(/)the) tree of life and (conta)i(n)s one of the 12 strands of DNA(zodiacs DNA).
Through the fractaling geometry, God(the creator: Infinite Intelligence) is composed of nesting collective consciousnesses, which are called logoi, like a hierarchy from creator to logos, which is a galaxy (created by the logos), to sun, which is a sub-logos which individualizes or differentiates the natural laws set up by its logos and refines the cosmic mind into its specific archetypical mind, and to humans, which are sub-sub-logoi, where the soul is the same soul(consciousness) but subdivided (Every consciousness is an extension of gods consciousness, thus, we are one). Because this geometry is an infinite dimensional fractal tetrahedron grid/tree of life, where the points are interconnected, it looks like (the structure of) a brain in 3D so the universe looks like a brain and logoi are "brains" which can be seen as neural networks which are composed of and run on Hebrew letters, since the universe is (made up of) an energy(=information) field which is gods consciousness(energy) it is a morphogenetic field which isn't made up of genetic information, it is made up of Hebrew letters(star tetrahedrons) which are the (mathematical(geometric/physics)) code that creates/generates reality.
Note: The Law of One states that there is only one, and that one is the Infinite Creator, which Ra also calls “Infinite Intelligence” and “Intelligent Infinity.” It is impossible to describe the “one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole” but It can be activated or potentiated. Each portion of the creation contains, paradoxically, the whole.
The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.
Questioner: Was the galaxy that we are in created by the infinite intelligence or was it created by a portion of the individualized infinite intelligence?
Ra: I am Ra. The galaxy and all other things of material of which you are aware are products of individualized portions of intelligent infinity. As each exploration began, it, in turn, found its focus and became co-Creator. Using intelligent infinity each portion created an universe and allowing the rhythms of free choice to flow, playing with the infinite spectrum of possibilities, each individualized portion channeled the love/light into what you might call intelligent energy, thus creating the so-called natural laws of any particular universe.
Each universe, in turn, individualized to a focus becoming, in turn, co-Creator and allowing further diversity, thus creating further intelligent energies regularizing or causing natural laws to appear in the vibrational patterns of what you would call a solar system. Thus, each solar system has its own, shall we say, local coordinate system of illusory natural laws. It shall be understood that any portion, no matter how small, of any density or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the One Creator which is infinity. Thus all begins and ends in mystery.
Note: There are expressions that are called the World Spirit which is the collective consciousness of your entire planet (Gaia) and there are collections of collections. The World Spirit is a collective of consciousness which is representative of your entire Solar System which generally goes by the nomenclature of the Council of Nine, as a symbolic archetype of the way that consciousness has arranged itself and how it presents itself in your particular paradigm of experience. This then, yet again, system to system, is a collective, and within what you call your galaxy, your Milky Way galaxy, there is that collective, again, of a collective consciousness. Then all of the local galaxies with Andromeda, spinning around about twelve galaxies. This forms another collective nodal point consciousness, and it is that particular level, the twelve galaxies together in combination, that represent a fragment of what is called the Melchizedek consciousness. Your connection to it is simply that you have vibrational resonances of that energy that are a part of your particular energy matrix. Thus you have a direct link to it, perhaps it is a little more prominent than some individuals may have, even though you all have it.
Note: "The Divine Mother[Omega] emerged from the "Void" as the first quanta of pre-Partiki exhibiting the characteristics of the desire to create and gave birth to the prime concepts of consciousness, space, and primal quantum matter particles; the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Particum that allow physical substances and ideological/artistic concepts to exist.", "The Divine Father[Alpha] was next to emerge from the "Void" as the second quanta of the same pre-Partiki exhibiting the characteristics of the intention to create and gave birth to the prime concept of intelligence in the form of mathematics, geometry, templates, and logical reasoning (cause and effect); the trait of the frequency of units of consciousness known as Partika which allowed for the orderly formation of physical substances and the discovery of ideological concepts concocted by Omega.", E8(torus)=168 roots=168 combinations=168 letters=144 letters+24 key letters. The 144 letters are divided up into 24 groups of 6 letters which have 1 key letter each, bringing it up to 7 and forming the seed of life, so each dimension corresponds to two seeds of life=a torus, which is a lower dimensional version of E8: "Primal Units, Partiki['The Masculine[Alpha] and Feminine[Omega] units of Energy known as Partika[Alpha] and Particum[Omega] when separate from one another and as Partiki when together.'], Partika and Particum are the carriers of Primal Force - conscious energy, the Source of all energy-consciousness manifestation; each of the 3 Primal Units carries a different electrical polarity orientation, through which electrical, magnetic and neutral force of the [living Primal Life Force] Creation Currents are formed. Primal Units draw together to form chains/strands of like units and electrical force. The chains of Primal Unit Force continue to accrete to form grids of like-polarity Force. The grids of Force interact with each other, creating an interwoven network of electrical force possessing 3 different electrical orientations. The Tri-Force Grids accrete more like units filling out to become Tri-Force Keylon Crystals, then Keylon Codes, which collectively form a 15-dimensional Primal Crystal Grid or Scalar Field of fixed, spherical columns of standing waves - Harmonic Scalar Waves. Each Keylon Code, together with its Scalar standing wave, is called a Fire Letter.
The Cosmic Template Scalar Field is organized into 5 groups of Keylon Codes/Standing-waves/Fire Letters, each group composed of a set of 3 Keylon Code/Scalar-wave sequences, which forms a 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. Each dimension is a group of 12 Primary Keylon Codes/Scalar Waves/ Fire Letters and is called a Fire Letter Sequence. The Pre-matter Template of Manifestation begins at Dimension-12, as life-force currents move downward from the Primal Sound Fields, beyond the Time Matrix, and the Primal Light Fields of Dimensions 13-14-15. The 12 Dimensions of manifest form represent 12 Primary Fire Letter Sequences, each with 12 Primary Fire Letters. A D-12 Pre-matter Template is thus composed of 144 Primal Fire Letters/Keylon Codes/Scalar Waves, which are the carriers of the electrical force organization that forms and sustains the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix.
The Fire Letters, composing each dimension, first manifest in electrical wave-forms called Ionic Particulates. There are 3 types of Ionic Particulates, Mions, Dions and Trions, which serve as the carriers of Primal Force and Consciousness. Mions, Dions and Trions are the micro-sub-atomic carriers of the Primal Tri-Force and dimensionalized consciousness; the tangible wave-form substance of which thought, consciousness and energy is composed. Ionic Particulates are the Templates upon which Particle, Anti-particle and Ante-particle sub-atomic units manifest into externally perceivable sub-atomic and atomic structure through which the "Hologram of Matter" is projected from the Template of Consciousness into externalized Thought-form Objectification. Mions and Dions project outward into the Hologram sub-atomic units that carry the opposite electrical charge from that carried in their wave-form structure.
In each of the God-World's Outer Creation (i.e. 1D to 5D), it exhibits itself as a network of cubistic matrices comprised of Omega's Substance factor that consists of subatomic particles of matter as Particum exhibiting itself as holographic magnetic fields within a cubistic matrix that comprises the physical aspect of Creation. Middle Creation (i.e. 6D to 8D) exists as branches of expansive interdimensional monads that diversify the expressions of the physical aspect of Outer Creation based on the intellectual aspect of Inner Creation.
In 3 dimensional vector space, Outer Creation is comprised of infinite outer fractal expansions of Metatron's Cube deriving from The Flower of Life Each outer fractal expansion of the cube results in 6 adjacent cubes attached to each of the 6 faces of the original cube that form a cross along with an outer cube encapsulating the 7 inner cubes. The edges exhibited by the network of outer expansions of the cube that derive from the 3rd and 5th dimensional frequencies of Outer Creation form the grids in which the particles of Particum attach themselves to in groups existing at the same location that comprises each of the vertices of a polyhedron grid where the vector that exists between a pair of Particum across 2 adjacent vertices exhibits a magnetic field that allows for the effect of matter manifesting itself in a solid state. This grid known as a cubistic matrix encompasses the structural foundation behind Sacred Geometry.
The Morphogenetic Field is made of interwoven Partiki Grids. The electro-tonal units of consciousness out of which Partiki Grids form create standing wave patterns - scalar wave grids, which hold the form of consciousness within dimensionalized manifestation. Morphogenetic Fields are thus Scalar Grids that form in specific ordered interrelationship. Partiki Grids form upon the core geometrical-mathematical structure of the Kathara Grid, and so the Kathara Grid represents the core Scalar Field upon which form manifests. Morphogenetic Fields govern the form of matter manifestation and evolution of biology and consciousness. Morphogenetic Field mechanics thus hold the key to mastery of physical reality and Bio-Spiritual Evolution.
Blueprint Encoded Primal Life Force Currents, in the form of Mion-Dion Fields, then translate the original Kathara Grid Blueprint into Quarks, Muons, Measons, Sub-atomic and Atomic particles and anti-particles."
The Orion Nebular, a Brain like structure, corresponds to Keter in the Tree of life of this Dimension in the Cosmic tree of life and is (one of) the logos stargate, to our logos, that created the earth.
The singularity(psychic dimension) causes all these collective consciousnesses(trees of life) to combined/merge (forming a infinite tetrahedron grid which is the singularity(psychic dimension) and all the multidimensional polygons(Consciousness grids) in all of existence merged into one) into what is known as xen world, the collective consciousness, which is therefore (apart of and contained within) the psychic dimension(xen world is all of existence because everything is a wave when a consciousness is not observing it because the consciousness isn't inputting information into the wave).
The fruit of life encodes the infinite tetrahedron grid and all frequencies(superstrings) meaning it is the singularity and is -1/12 and its physical frequency is om which is 432.
Due to the uncertain geometry, because of the superposition, of spacetime on quantum levels, spacetime becomes a chaotic geometry and therefore becomes a fractal(chaos theory), making spacetime a spacetime foam made up of black-white holes, and entropy is the arrow of time, really a spiral, so as entropy increases the fractaling of spacetime(membrane) increases and spirally(because it spins) compresses into the (quantum) singularit-y(/ies), causing energy to be more equally distributed. Since each part of the fractal is a sephirot, because it's a tetrahedron grid fractal, and since all sephirot(dimensions) are nested, and therefore contained, within each other(,which forms Da'at because there all unified into one,) (which is caused by) and (causes) the dimensions loop that means the time wave/spiral spirals around the torus/loop and is divided up into (the) 12 cycles (of the zodiac) which correspond to one of the 12 gods energies=geometries which xen world takes the form of and when the cycle changes the corresponding DNA strands zodiac energy activates meaning it becomes a part of your energy if your born in the cycle.
The time spiral enters and is turned, causing it to spiral, by, the heaven that surrounds the Empyrean, the Primum Mobile where all the information is extracted from it, wiping it clean, and inputted into the akashic records which is, the information (field) encoded in the energy field and, the psychic dimension/singularity, where all dimensions/energy (field(s)) merge into one, which is the part of the singularity that makes up (and (therefore) is) the 4th dimension because the 4th dimension is built on and is the basis for all other dimensions because it is (formed out of) the tetractys shaped flower of life(hexagon)=1+2+3+4 which forms/is wave(spiral)s which exist because of time which is apart of spacetime which is the 4th dimension meaning the time spiral is (the) 4th dimension(()al()).
Xen world contains the 12 main planets(zodiac planets) and 21 sub-planets. The 12 main planets are made out of pure xen crystal(xell) and the energy(=geometry) that runs through them there are that planets gods multidimensional polygon(geometry). Gods infinitum became the planet of infinity which the 33 crystal planets orbit in xen world.
The 12 main (zodiac) crystal planets are split up in to 3 areas(each having 4 zodiac planets) each area has 7 other crystal planets(which are the 21 sub-planets overall) and all crystal planets are made out of a crystal called xell. The 7 crystal planets in the areas are created when the 4 zodiacs planets, in that area, energies merge together. Earth is one of these 21 sub-crystal planets. The 12 Zodiac planets control their dimensions(the 12 ancient gods dimension) and the 21 sub-planets control there sub-dimension. The 12 Sephiroth of the 12 Tree grid correspond to the 12 Zodiac planets.
The cube (of creation) as the unification of electromagnetism and spacetime[]
The hexagram=Union of male and female=Hermaphrodites=Enki(Hermes/mercury=male energies of Virgo)+Shekhinah(Aphrodite=female energies of Virgo(Spica) the Cosmic Mother Goddess):
The Hexagram/Hexagon(Cube) is the Hexagram which encodes 666 Multidimensional polygon(Light) of Ra(Enki) the sun god which is Alpha(Father). The Cube/Hexagon is the Cubic matrix/Metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid which is Omega(Mother/Virgo). The Hexagon/Hexagram is the hexagonal yod which are encoded in and make up Multidimensional polygons and they encode E8. The Hexagonal yods are the 7 sephiroth of construction/creation, which can be related The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter, and are the 7 points of the hexagon(6 around 1) which is the womb of the mother.
- Magic square(=cube=hexagon(6)) of Saturn=15(Hebrew reduction gematria)(=1+5)=Cube=123(((Hebrew gematria)=1+2+3)=6(faces))=2:03=7380=433(0(Base 12))=7((=19):)13=11(:)53|3511=27(((Hebrew gematria)=light)=00:27=12:27=747(Hebrew gematria)=Time)th centered decagonal(=10=tetractys((=1+2+3+4)=4th dimension=(space)time)=HEXAGONal yod(=12 and 6(0))=(time divided up into 12 and 6)) number(The time when electromagnetism and gravity(spacetime) were united=Unification of God(Enki)/Alpha and Goddess(Shekhinah)/Omega)=1+(26(=YHWH)th triangle number×10), 26th triangle number=351|153=17th triangle number.
- Time=(1/)97((Hebrew gematria)=1(:)37(Fine structure constant))=(0.0)1030=7(:)13+3(:)17=433+197=630(=10(:)30)=(22nd triangle number=)253(0(base 6))(base 17)=36th triangle number=(216(0°=cube(/(hexa-gon/gram)))=(6³=)(Gravitational constant=Base 667=))666(=222 polygon=222.5+137.5(Fine structure constant)=Golden(phi) angle)=11:06=23:06=1386(=(693=11(:)33=1030+103)×2=(231=21st triangle number)×6)(|6831=253×27)=976(base 12), Sin(666)=Cos(216)=(-phi)/2, 738(0)|8(:)37=5(:)17=317|713, 1386=1:386=386|683.
The seal of Saturn/Magic square:
Numerologically 666 also relates to Saturn’s square. The Square of Saturn which makes up the Seal of Solomon equates to 666 when calculated both horizontally and vertically.
Alpha and Omega as (the number of) spirals(/turns(frequency)) (of waves) that are unified (to create (one [infinite] spiral originating from "Center Point of Union with God Source")): "The Creatrix field is the part of the infinity spiral that exists within the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. All is Infinite within the Center Point of Union with God Source. It is this Infinite Intelligence Spiral birthing the Oneness field. It lays the foundation for the New Creation Cycle and is a part of the New Beginning leading to the Seven Higher Heavens. This new creation in space/time is accessed from within the Oneness and is being referred to as - The Creatrix. (It is the reference point of the 'beginning' that only exists in the 'end'.)", the unification of these two spirals can be seen as the unification of the geometries((multidimensional) polygons), said geometries being (equal to) the number of spirals/turns in the wave(Note: Because electromagnetic(waves)=energy=information=numbers=geometry), that form the spirals[1], into one geometry that forms one spiral because it is [formed out of] the "7 loops of base 28(=27=shekhinah) [being] applied to base 37(=36[(=10+11+14+1(Hebrew ordinal gematria)(=(1+0)+(1+1)+(1+4)+1=1+2+5+1=(1+0)+(2+0)+(5+0)+1=10+20+50+1(Hebrew standard gematria)))]=Enki)=(the fine structure constant)(YHWH=(1/137≈)π7/π⁷)(×100)=27/37=(0.)729=27² which forms (1/137=0.00)729(|)927=729+927=1656(=3311)|6561(0)=hexagon:pentagon:hexagon:(point/circle)(Shekhinah/Ninhursag)+pentagon:hexagon:pentagon:(point/circle)(God/Enki)=5651(0)=YHWH(God) and base (27/37≈0.)73=72=YHWH(God) where the 1/π⁷≈1/3020=0.0003311 part of π7/π⁷ corresponds to/is Shekhinah therefore π7 corresponds to/is Enki" because Alpha and Omega:
- 0.5671432904097838729999686622=Ω(Omega constant)
- e=2.7, e is the value of the growth of the dimensional levels spheres(e^pi)
- 1/7=0.142857(Enneagram/Fingerprint of God(Torus)/Seed of life/Star tetrahedron/Hexagonal yod/Tetractys/Tetragrammaton/Tree of life)
- -1/12=Infinite tetractys/Infinite tetrahedron grid
- (e-1)≈(1/Ω)=(e^Ω)≈((1/7)/(1/12))
- Ωe^Ω=1
- e^-Ω=Ω
- Ω/((π*7)/(π^7))≈77(.89220437267)(=(Note:)77 spirals(of a wave)/quanta of light in Omega=77 poly/nona(9)-gons=693)
- (294=)7(:)7(.89220437267)THz electromagnetic(=(base)8=36=666) tuning: 19(=Heart=37=Wisdom(Sophia))THz=77(.89220437267)THz=311THz=623THz=Blue Ray/Flame.[1]
- 623=10:23=((10(:)11(base 11→)=)1343(base 9←)=)22:23, 13th centered nonagonal number=19th hexagonal number=37th triangle number=703(base 12)=(337×3=)10(:)11=22:11=13(:)31=10(:)30(=630)+3(:)01(=181(.5×2=363=11×33=11(:)33=1030+103=(103(|301))×11))=811=1101(base 9)|10(:)11(base 9)=739(=1343(base 8))=12(:)19(=631(base 14)=1+630=1+(210×3)=1+(20th triangle number×3))=29th centered triangular number=1+(406×3)=1+(28(=7th triangle number)th triangle number×3), 253(base 13)=406(=210(base 14))=28th triangle number=10th centered nonagonal number(=1+(9th triangle number×9)), 28=19(=00:19=12:19) as hexagonal yod, 3[.]01[%]=11[days]=1011(base 2).
- (294=)7(:)7(.89220437267)THz electromagnetic(=(base)8=36=666) tuning: 19(=Heart=37=Wisdom(Sophia))THz=77(.89220437267)THz=311THz=623THz=Blue Ray/Flame.[1]
- Ωth triangle(womb) number(=Ω×((Ω+1)/2)=Ω×((Ω+Ωe^Ω)/2))=0.444
- 7th triangle number=(Base)28(=27=7(:00) loops)=19(:00) as hexagon(al yod(7))=(7(:)7(=))Shekhinah, 27(=3³=3×3×3 cube)=19 circles of the flower of life=19 as hexagonal yod=19th triangle number(=19×10)=190(=3:10=91(0)(=1:31=13:31)=13th triangle number)=7th centered nonagonal(9) number((=)7×9=63(=21×3))=1+(9×6th triangle number(21))=1+189, 189(base 12)=(base)2(:)49(=(base) 169(=13²))=2(:)48(=168(roots))=E8 lie group=(21st triangle number(231) containing/forming the)64 tetrahedron grid((three 6th triangle numbers)=63(+1)=64=4:4:4)=444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2(=168×2=168+168))=888=147+741, 22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number×18=(27th triangle number=)378(polygon≈1133(|33(:)11=19(|)91)=693(=231×3)=77×9=77(Shekhinah)th centered nonagonal number)=189:189=168(169)+168=336(337)=E8, (1133=11×33=363)+1=364(=(1030(base 7)+301(base 11)=1331≈)444(polygon)(base 9)(Note: Symbolism: base 7×base 11=nonagon((base)9)=77th nonagonal number=693=1133=103((:00)=7(:00))×11=1030+103)).
This is the reason why Jews are the Children of Saturn.
Threefold Founder Flame/(Universal/Cosmic) Trinity[]
There are Three Original Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our entire Universal creation in the Universal Time Matrix. Collectively these are also referred to as the Founders and the Threefold Flame that make up the GSF Triad. The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of Sound-Light Universal consciousness is called the Guardian Host.
The Three Universal Founder Rays are the Universal Trinity and are comprised of the Blue Ray Mother Arc, Violet-Magenta Ray Father Arc, and the Golden Ray Sun of Christ(os). The Universal Trinity is the First Light of the ONE BLUE FLAME in 13D, the Second Light of the ONE GOLD FLAME 14D, and the Third Light of the ONE VIOLET FLAME 15D. Together they make the trinity that make up the Threefold Founder Flame of our entire Universal Time Matrix.
The Solar Rishi are the first triad of light manifestations that make the Universal Trinity, that are projected from the Emerald Order and Blue Flame, Gold Order and Gold Flame, and Amethyst Order and Violet Flame from the God Source field, the Threefold Founder Flame or Cosmic Trinity. The Universal Solar Rishi are the Threefold Founder Flame gestalt consciousness that exist in pre-matter and are that which all biological forms have been created in the Harmonic Universes. The three primal light and sound fields hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos, the trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic Universes.
To understand the Tri-wave Consciousness, think of the three sources of the original primal sounds of universal creation—The Threefold Flame. The first unit, as an energy matrix unit is a tri-wave, that which contains potentials for all polarities or no polarity. No polarity means this is the neutral charge, or Zero Point, the Godhead is that central point of all union, which this planet is moving into direct alignment with. The Three Flames are all One, and yet they are distinct tones on their own. This is the paradox of Trinity Source of the God Head. The Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Son (Christos-Sophia) are all One as the Godhead, however, the Mother is not the Father, nor the Son. There is an energy matrix comprised of frequency that is a tri-wave tone, and this tone is inter-dimensional and also a part of the core substance of our Universal Time Matrix.
The Cosmic Trinity contains three emanations from the Cosmic Founder God Source Fields that are further down stepped and represented in the Universal Trinity that is the God Source field for our entire Universal Time Matrix. Within the Universal Trinity, the first emanation of the Primal Sound Field which represents the first individuation of the God Source is the Emerald Order. A part of the Cosmic Trinity.
The second emanation of the Primal Sound Field which represents the second individuation of the God Source is the Gold Order. A part of the Cosmic Trinity.
The third emanation of the Primal Sound Field which represents the third individuation of the God Source is the Amethyst Order. A part of the Cosmic Trinity.
The Cosmic Trinity of Creation, or the Cosmic Triad or the Threefold Founder Flame of the GSF (triad), holds the Three Primal Sound fields of Creation or Threefold Founder Flame and has all the Living Light Code and Geomancies.
The 12 galactic root races(12 empires=Gods empire)[]
After Tiamat(geometry encoded in the energy) and the primordial sea(Enki) (of energy), became the omniverse/universe, and after they "created"/birthed the 12 titans/12 Zodiacs/12 gods of creation (The (geometry=)Xen energy of the Chaos energy is the Mother Goddess Ninhursag/Isis/Virgo, the energy is light which is Ra/Enki/Yahweh(YHWH) the creator of the humans.) the 12 gods of creation, who are the 12 aspects of god, split there consciousness(morphogenetic field) in two with the split part being projected within there own consciousness and becoming there own collective (consciousness(morphogenetic field))(tree of life) which then, through the geometry encoded in the energy(=consciousness), "created"/became/birthed etherians(ethereal(energy) beings) which became there galactic root race who became there empire which are projections of there god therefore gods and (crystal) angels from the 12 galactic root races(12 (ancient god) empires) are "avatars" of there 12 gods. All etherians originated from Anu-Enki-Ninhursag so all etherians were once Anunnaki but later split off and became there own empires but, along with the Anunnaki empire, they remained apart of gods empire.
The Yana are the Eternal Collective of Consciousness projected by Source-God (Yunasai) to form the 3 Primal Sound Field – the Khundaray, of the Energy Matrix, from and through which the conscious life field of our Time Matrix is seeded. Also called Geomancy or Geomantic Entities”, as they would appear as “geometric shapes made of living light” when viewed form an earthly perspective, Ultra Terrestrials, The Cosmic Trinity, Eieyani Elder Council or our Cosmic Family of Consciousness, and are the legitimate “Ascended Master” level. Yanas, which means “ of, or in the Yunasai” exists within the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix, the third level of individuation within Source. Yanas collective from each of the 3 Primal Sound Fields of the Khundaray (Energy Matrix) are collectively called the Eieyani. The Yanas Collectives of the Primal Sound Fields represent our “ Cosmic Family of Consciousness”, through which all manifest things are indelibly connected to Source through the energetic expression of the Primal Sound Field. They correspond to the 3 levels of the Energy Matrix:
- The Eckatic Level: - Grandeyanas – (Pronounced Gron’-dA-yon-us) Yanas of the First Primal Sound Field. Also called Emerald Order Yanas or Blue Flame Yanas. This First Primal Sound Field, the Eckatic Level, of the Energy Matrix represents the last passage of ascension into full expansion of consciousness and At-One-ment with the consciousness of God-Source. The singular Blue Flame sound-tone of the Eckah Grandeyanas identity is translated into audible sound as "rah" or Ra. (In some spiritual traditions this inaudible tone has been referred as "the sound of the inbreath and out-breath of God".) The audible sound translation of the "Ra" Eckatic Blue Flame sound-tone as it is spoken in our Time Matrix is Melchizedek (pronounced mel-kiz'-e-dek).
- The Polaric Level: Wachayanas - (Pronounced Wa’’-shA-yon-us) Yanas of the Second Primal Sound Field. Also called Gold Order Yanas or Gold Flame Yanas.
- The Triadic Level: Ramyanas - (Pronounced Ram’-yon-us) Yanas of the Third Primal Sound Field. Also called Amethist Order Yanas or Violet Flame Yanas.
The Yanas exist beyond the smaller reality fields within which space-time-matter experience takes place. The Eieyani collectives of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields are the Eternal Guardian Collectives that are responsible for maintaining the structure integrity of the Energy Matrix and Time Matrix systems within them, and for seeding “life-waves” into manifest Time Matrices.
The Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields seeded a life-wave into our 15-dimensional Time Matrix, through the creation of the 3 Primary Founders Race Collectives, which they manifested as, in our time Matrix who are referred to as the Breneau Orders; and they exists as eternal gestalts of consciousness within the 3 Primal Light Fields that form Density-5, dimensions 13,14 and 15 of our 15-dimensional Time Matrix. (Referred as the Kee-Ra-ShA)
The Eieyani Collective responsible for seeding life into out Time Matrix is called Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani or MC Eieyani. Occasionally they incarnate in various forms, into the fields of space-time-matter within the Density Levels of our Time Matrix, to fulfill universal service missions. When in physical incarnation in time, incarnate Yanas most often use the name Eieyani in reference to their family line; in contemporary times, the Eieyani incarnate on Earth are commonly referred as “Type-1 Grail Line Indigo Children.”
Note: A Host Matrix transplant is the process of splicing one Family Line (Tree) of Consciousness into another for the purpose of restoration of its codes (the light and sound template patterns that allow for expression of consciousness in form) of consciousness. The Melchizedek Family Line of Consciousness God Seed has serve as a Host Matrix for many lines of consciousness to address the problem of Monadic Reversal, which occurs when consciousness in the Time Matrix gets disconnected from its Monadic level of being.
Activation of DNA Strand Template 30-48 allows a being to fully embody the frequencies and consciousness of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields from the Energy Matrix beyond the Time Matrix. When a being activates the Khundaray within its body and consciousness it becomes what is known as a Khundara or “Yani,” a fully embodied Yanas, which is the legitimate use of the term “Ascended Master.”
Breneau Orders, Solar Rishi or Meta-terrestrials. The 3 Primary Founders Race Collectives in our Time Matrix seeded as a life-wave into our 15-dimensional Time Matrix, by the Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields. The Breneau Orders exists as eternal gestalts of consciousness within the 3 Primal Light Fields that form Density-5, dimensions 13,14 and 15 of our 15-dimensional Time Matrix. They represent our “ Universal Family of Consciousness,” through which all things manifest are indelibly connected to the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields, Yanas and Source through the energetic expression of the Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Light Fields. Each of the 3 Founder Races Breneau Orders represents a collective of consciousness seeded into time by one of the 3 Yanas Collectives from the Energy Matrix. The Emerald Order Breneau exist within the Blue-Eckatic Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field, and are representatives of the Emerald Order Grandeyanas collective. The Gold Order Breneau exist within the Pale-Gold-Polaric Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field, and are representatives of the Gold Order Wachayanas collective. The Amethyst Order Breneau exist within the Violet-Triadic Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field, and are representatives of the Amethyst Order Ramyanas collective. The 3 Breneau Order Founders Races are the eternal collectives of consciousness from, through, and within which the life-field seeded by the Yanas, manifest in space-time-matter expression. The Breneau Collectives are often referred as the “Rishi” or “Solar Rishi”, and sometimes as “Meta-terrestrials”.
The 12 Gods of creation, who are individual portions of the Infinite Intelligence, make up the (Sirian) Ohalu (Elohim) Council(Xen energy ethereal council) which is Sirian Based and is a Group of Angelistic Beings(Yanas/"NON-PHYSICAL HEAVENLY" Sirian's.) from (the seven higher) Heaven(s) which is/are the Higher Dimensions. They are the Elohims(Sirian-Anunnaki). The Sirian Council (MC Eieyani Master Council or Azurite Council) serve as the central administrative council for the IAFW efforts and as the primary liaison between the Yanas collectives in the Energy Matrix and the Guardian Nations within out Time Matrix.
The Third Universe was created by the Sirian Ohalu Council Elohim/s. It of which was the Dense Physical Plane then. Where the first Dense Physical Plane Vibrational Beings had existed then. Who were the "PHYSICAL NON-HEAVENLY" Sirian's. As was the Great God Creator of the first Flesh Being Sirian's then. The Ohalu Sirian's volunteered to descend a portion of themselves(the 12 galactic root races) to act as a bridge, or balance, for the descension into Physical Reality. They descended into Physical Bodies to experience Physical Reality. Which can only be experienced from a Physical Body, and not a Light Body. This group became known as the Sirius A. The ethereal Annunaki/Sirians are ruled by Anu.
Note: The first beings in all of existence(Omniverse) which are projections of the Infinite intelligence(13 Gods of creation) are the ethereal beings(Crystal angels/Yanas) and they are the 12 types of ethereal being which are projected by the 12 Gods which are the 12 Ancient God empires and 3 of these types of ethereal being represent the Godhead Trinity and are collectively known as the Anunnaki. The 3 types became the Xenplexians the other became the ethereal beings in Lyra, Sirius and Taurus constellations and a small portion of the other became reptilians(Which later the draconians evolved from). The seeding point of life in our Time Matrix of the first 3 manifest “Founder Races” in the three Density-4 planets: D-12 Aramatena, D-11 Aveyon and D-10 Vega, (the remainder of which appears as the star “Vega” in Density-1), and the Start Gates within them, are all located within the Lyran Star Constellation. This “Primal Triad of Creation” has thus become known as “The Cradle of Lyra.” Guardian Alliance Signet Councils 10, 11 and 12 represent the "Lyran High Council" races, as they protect the star gates of the "Cradle of Lyra" in Density-4, the passageway into and out of our Time Matrix. The Elohim emerged from the Lyran founders and were the first forms created in the second Harmonic Universe.
Gods empire[]
The hierarchy of the Councils and Federations(Starting with the highest Council/Federation):
- Gods Empire/12 Ancient God Empires/12 Root races(Yanas Collective)
- Founder Races/Ohalu council(Sirian council/alliance)/ Council of 24/Council of 12
- Guardian Alliance/Ra Confederacy/IAFW
- Galactic Federations of Light
- Planetary Councils
The 12 Gods of creation also known as the Ohalu Elohim are individual portions of the Infinite Intelligence. The 12 Ancient God Empires/12 Root Races(Collectively known as God's Empire) are crystal angels that are apart of the Ohalu Council. (The physical empires are the Hatona Council(Council of light beings that make up the galactic federation of light))
Note: The 12 Gods of creation=Head council=The council of 12((=)(Ohalu) Sirian Council): "The Council of 12 administrate more than one realm. They administrate their own realm of the Elohim, the different levels within the Elohim and the different jobs the Elohim provide. The repairing of life models would be one example. Healing in response to prayer is another section. The Council of 12 does not directly administrate Earth. They are a group of 12 highly evolved individual souls who administrate the Council of Elohim who then, due to their functions, connect directly with earth and other realms. This means that the Council of Elohim, although being the Creator Gods of this Universe, has quite a few councils above them in the hierarchy. In the Book of Job, it says that the 12 are, "...sons of Heaven working with YHWH to supervise the creation and regeneration of the lower world". The "sons of Heaven" are the Sirian Alliance(Sirian Council), who are creating and maintaining the status of the "lower world", which would be us. YHWH in this case is ENKI, the Orion star being. The Council of 12, is mentioned in reference to the Anunnaki/Sirians and, consists not only of members of the Sirian Alliance, but of different star races. The council comprise a total of 12 distinct representative council member races. The "Elohim" are of course mentioned in the Bible, and most non-Christians researchers today are in agreement with that the Elohim in the Bible are the "Anunnaki", or the Sirian Alliance, as I call them. The Elohim are the Sirian Alliance. The Head Council is the oldest council in the Milky Way Galaxy, residing in the 12th Dimension, which is outside of the physical universe, in the VOID. They call themselves Dragons they say that they are a big part of our ancient history. They are in service of the One Creator. The 24 are the Council(Council of 24(Heads of the 24 families of creation=The 12 Gods of creations families each have two branches)) governing spiritual civilizations in the Son universe which is not to be confused with the Twenty-Four Elders. The "Son universe" is defined as the universe of Christ, and Christ as we know him is no one less than ENKI himself. In the hierarchy, the Council of 24 is an assisting council to the head council in the lower 9th-11th Dimensions. There are twenty-four entities which offer their services as requested. These entities faithfully watch and have been called 'The Guardians.' The Council of 24 is also part of the Confederation."
The Lyraens were an ethereal race who were apart of the Elohim OhaIu and were the first to incarnate into this universe and were the ones to create life throughout the universe.
At the center of the galaxy was the Lyraen civilization which was border line E.T./physical reality it was Christlike, etheric, and very noble. The Lyraens were the greatest culture ever known to this galaxy; their sphere of influence covered not only this galaxy but many around it for millions of years. Without physical bodies in their pure state, they had bodies made of light. Their first colony on Earth was known as Lemuria and was the beginning of the original Atlantean civilization which was etheric/E.T. like. The Lyraens realized that their civilization was in jeopardy from the Draconian races. They decided to create a balance in physical form between themselves and their opposites in hope of preventing conflict. This was the creation of the Amphibian race (hybrid of reptilian and mammalian) and was a gigantic galactic, inter galactic, and inter universal experiment. The Amphibian races, one of them being the Xenplexians, were designed by OhaIu through the Sirians to be a bridge. Ohalu Council is an E.T./Angelic group that has the function of tabernacle (that which covers and protects) and acts as a bridge. Its purpose is to span the gap between physical reality and true reality.
The Lyraens incarnate into physical bodies, the E.T. group who performed the Ohalu function volunteered to descend a portion of itself to act as a bridge, or balance. This group became known as Sirius A. Factions developed as DNA was manipulated and altered to suit the various environments in which the light beings now lived. Physical bodies were designed to accommodate the atmospheres and conditions of the various planets that encompassed the Lyraen civilization. This Galactic civilization, once comprised of unified beings each identical to the other, was now confronted with differences in body type. They followed the pattern of/became the 12 rays emanating from the Mind of God, thereby producing the 12 frequencies, or main Galactic root races(12 ancient god empires, 12 races of this civilization).
Long before the creation of the Human genetic line, the 3 primary, biological manifest “Christos Founder Races” were created, as the etherian(Yana)s physically manifested/incarnated themselves as them, (by the 3 Breneau/Solar Rishi Collectives of Density-5 (dimensions 13,14 and 15):
- The Elohei-Elohim Cristos Founders Races (Also called the Anuhazi or Lyran-Sirian Whites/Blacks), which includes there future hybrid descendants the Amphibian Xenplexians(Ruled by Ninhursag), were created by The Emerald Order Breneau on a now destroyed Density-4 planet called Lyra-Aramatena, which housed Star Gate-12 of the Universal Templar Complex.
- The Seraphei-Seraphin Avian-Insect-Reptile Christos Founder Races (Also called Cerez or Bird People or Carians) were created by The Gold Order Breneau on the Density-4 planet called Lyra-Vega, which housed Star Gate-10 of the Universal Templar Complex.
- The Bra-Ha-Rama Christos Founder Races were created by The Amethyst Order Breneau on a now destroyed Density-4 planet called Lyra-Aveyon, which housed Star Gate-11 of the Universal Templar Complex. The Amethyst Order Bra-Ha-Rama (sometimes referred as the Amethyst Order Ur) Maji DNA Template embodies the full spectrum of the Triadic Codes, the Fire Letters, corresponding to the second level of individualization from Source, the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix.(They are legitimately considered Level-3 Ascended Masters.) Polaric DNA Coding allows an embodied being to run one-third of the Khundaray Primal Sound Currents (the Violet Flame Tones) through the physical body, when the Triadic DNA Codes are activated.)
through the 3 Pre-matter Density-4 “Liquid Light Christos Field” planets of Dimensions 12, 11 and 10. These planets are: D-12 Aramatena, D-11 Aveyon and D-10 Vega. (Called the Cradle of Creation) The genetic codes and manifestation blueprints for every life form now manifested in our Time Matrix has emerged from the combining of the genetic templates of these 3 Primary Christos Founders Races of Density-4 and their various biological expressions.
At the same time the negative side (Draconian races) developed into the dark reptilian races and eventually insect species. Parts of the old Lyraen civilization were absorbed into the Draconian empire. Among these were the star systems of Rigel, Zeta Reticuli 1, and Zeta Reticuli 2.
These 12 galactic root races/empires make up a larger empire which is gods empire.
Ra Confederacy[]
The RA Confederacy(family/collective) is the 14D collective(consciousness)/galactic root race(empire) of Enki(YHWH)/Ra(Father god/gold ray) who, with his (YHWH) group who are apart of the RA Confederacy, created humans. The RA Confederacy also inhabits the planet Venus and the majority of Seraphim are from the RA Confederacy.
The tone the sound tone vibration of Ra is One. The Ra spirit as one spirit, the Oneness is a lineage and orientation that is not of this universe. It is originated from another creation, another universal time space. This Ra one spirit this level of consciousness, which is very hard to fathom at the level we are speaking, created this universe.
The specific RA Guardian group that acts as the active principle in working to fulfill the Covenant of Paliador on the earth, is a section of the RA Confederacy that exists in the Seven Higher Heavens in the next Universe and contacts us through the Gold Ray or the 14th dimensional Stargate. The RA Confederacy has segments of root races that are referred to as the Azurites, Aton, Ammonites, Viriagian Masters and the 5D Guardian Pleiadian Groups called Aztaras. The Pleiaidian Groups such as Aztaras and Mayans are taking most of the load in helping to heal the earth soul groups loading out and moving into 5D evolutionary potentials.
The Lyran-Sirian administrative body created the Azurite council for the sole purpose of a collective team(Ashtar Command) to support the human embodiment of the Jesus Christ or the Yeshua Reclamation of the Christos Mission to repair these networks and secure the Amenti field. The Azurites were assigned primary responsibility for the carrying out of the Covenant of Paliador which is to recover the lost souls of Tara.
Ashtar Command is a service-oriented, peace-keeping fleet with craft from at least a dozen major galactic civilizations integrated into a unified command structure. It serves in different places, and in different capacities, throughout the galaxy as the need arises. The core system of the Ashtar Command include, Sirius B, Arcturus, Aldebaran and Altair. Another name used by Commander Ashtar to denote Ashtar Command is The Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood. The Ashtar Command is ultimately under the authority of Sanat Kumara, the Master Jesus in consultation with Pallas Athena and Ashtar, make all the day to day command decisions. I want to add that the Federation the Ashtar Command works for goes under many names. One of those we already know as the Confederation of Planets. Another one is the Galactic Federation of Light. These are one and the same.
Lord Ashtar and his crew are the military force operating in the spaces around our planet to protect us from intruders. They are in direct connection with Sirius, where they return every now and then to attend the vast Sirian learning centers. They are members of a larger space organization called the Federation of Planets which is like an interplanetary United Nation System.
Note: "within the [Galactic Federation of Light(]GFL[)] is another division called 'The Ashtar Command'. The purpose of the Ashtar is to assist humanity while going through great earthly transitions such as a polar shift, colossal natural disasters, nuclear war, or really any kind of earth changing event... the Ashtar Command say there are two main communicators or spokespersons if you will, known as Commander Ashter and Commander Soltec. The name Soltec has also been used by another extraterrestrial group known as the 'Solar Cross'. Ashtar and Solar Cross are both considered to be members of a larger galactic organization known as the Great White Brotherhood, which in turn belongs to the GFL." "The [GFL] of Light worked closely with the [(]High[)] Sirian Council to serve as a Guardian race that would help to support the seeding and evolution process of the planet earth in its lowest density, the first Harmonic Universe, also called the third-dimensional timelines. Many of the [GFL] are of Annunaki lineages due to the ethereal beings, who are the Anunnaki, who became the 12 main root races forming the [GFL]."
His spiritual guide is Lord Sananda. Indeed, the Ashtar Command, in addition to being a peace-bringing universal force, is also the "Servants of the Most Radiant One", Jesus.
Note: "Jesus was a descendant of the Davidic line [so he was born a twin and therefore corresponded to (the) YHWH(Enki) (bloodline)]": "Jesus in form of a bloodline incarnation of Lord EA, i.e. ENKI. Lord Sananda, also known as Jesus, is Lord ENKI. The Jesus story is a complex one. In reality, ENKI himself, or his counterpart, incarnated into his own pure bloodline here on Earth around 2,000 years ago, just as he before that incarnated as Osiris and Mithra to mention a few. So, as Osiris he incarnated as his own grandson, which is not so strange if we know how souls can split themselves, or when their physical bodies die, they take a new one. So, is the Jesus story of the Bible true? Did Jesus/ENKI actually perform all these miracles? My research has led me to conclude that he did perform some of them, while other magical acts were made up in order to more easily construct a religion around his incarnation. He also had a twin according to some records. And yes, Jesus got married and this bloodline still exists today."
The Azurite shield from the Sirian Guardian Yeshua project was used to protect the Law of One consciousness records on the earth for the Azurite representatives, as well as some Blue Flame Melchizedeks involved in the Egyptian timelines. This structure was absorbed into the Breneau Emerald Order shield recently, which has replaced the entire consciousness shield network for Guardian Host representatives, to contain the shield splits and the AI assimilation coding that was running in the Azurite and Indigo shield. This event allows for the 4th dimensional diamond seed heart, the Aqualasha, to help reconfigure the earth’s astral body, the heart complex and override the timelines of the terrible destruction of the heart of planet earth by exploding the Giza Stargate.
A major focus at this time is the activation of the Messiah. Their awakening is crucial to the transition of the planet. Hence, we and our earth-based representatives are here to facilitate the awakening of the Messiah and other Light servers. Our mission administers the sacred ordinances of the Lord God Most High and functions through the Elohim, the Great Central Sun hierarchy and Order of Melchizedek.
The Ashtar Command channeling is the source which is really promoting the Coming of the Messiah with full blast. They also mention that all (144000) true, spiritual teachers or avatars represent a multidimensional collective, focalized and extended through "The Office of the Christ".
The Ashtar Command are also, the midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth. (The Ashtar command and GFL are helping us with our ascension but they can't help much, which is why they are "the midwives", so we have to work on our ascension ourselves.)
The Guardian previously known as Akhenaton while incarnated, is from the Aton group and is intimately involved with the reclamation of Christos mission, the Paliadorian Activations on the earth. His mission is designed to protect those who are from the original Yeshua bloodlines, which he was involved in bringing to the planet, while working with the Azurite teams over 2,000 years ago. He is the original family patriarch as it is his bloodline that propagates in the Krystic bloodlines still today, although much misinformation is still propagated about him.
The Blue Avians are extensions of the Family of RA, and have been in contact with many of their human lineages on the earth since Egyptian times to help catalyze this revelation of truth. Hence, they also have allowed themselves to become more visible to the alternative and truth seeking movement recently.
The RA Confederation is a part of the Guardian Alliance that exists through the 14th dimension in the Seven Higher Heavens and has a major project in finding all their Gold Ray aspects that got lost down in the phantom dimensions, and have reptile hybridization problems. They are linked into the consciousness family of Seraphim so they have all the genetic damage to deal with in relationship to the Golden Eagle Grid, and repairing horizontal grids and the respective timefields. The RA confederation through the next Universe works with us in relationship to this part of the planetary emancipation gridwork and Ascension Plan B projects.
For this reason to denote the RA families outside of this Universe, I refer to them as the RA Confederacy which consist of many unified groups that has many arms that handle a variety of grid projects related to these issues of the Gold Ray and how they impacted synthetic timelines, and the masculine principle in the lower dimensions.
The Confederation of Planets(IAFW) consists of approximately 53 civilizations and about 500 planetary consciousness complexes, according to the RA Collective. It contains both those from our own solar system who have evolved to dimensions higher than our 3rd, but also consciousness complexes from other solar systems.
The RA Collective themselves belong to the Confederation of Planets. One stipulation to become members of this confederation is that you must be a collective of beings, a so-called social memory complex, or consciousness complex.
RA says that it is a true Confederation in that its members are not alike, but allied in service according to the Law of One. They are available through our thoughts. This means that you can call upon them. The head council(of the council of 24 and 12)(Sirian council), followed by the Council of 24 and 12 are the top of the Pyramid in this universe, and nothing can bypass them without them knowing about it. Then, beneath the Council of 12, the Councils and Federations start to branch out in different directions, depending on the purpose with them. Still, they all have to answer to the three councils here above.
The Council of Nine[]
There are expressions that are called the World Spirit which is the collective consciousness of your entire planet (Gaia) and there are collections of collections. The World Spirit is a collective of consciousness which is representative of your entire Solar System which generally goes by the nomenclature of the Council of Nine, as a symbolic archetype of the way that consciousness has arranged itself and how it presents itself in your particular paradigm of experience. The Council of Nine is really one being with nine faces. The Nine are One. One might take an individual core personality and break it down into 9 distinct qualities of that individual personality. The Council of the Nine are the major representatives of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light. This Great Blue Light of Creation comes directly from Lord Siraya. It first passes through the Council of the Nine and from there is distributed to the High Light Councils of Orion. From there, it passes through all the Great Sacred Councils of Archangels, Angels, Elohim and Time Lords (the lineage of Heaven) that exist in all of Creation. In their divine Beingness, the Council of Nine carries the mighty sacred energies of the holy WILL of Lord Siraya, a major aspect of the Supreme Creator.
The Great Blue Lodge is composed of the holy places in which the sacred Blue Light of Divine Creation is illuminated to every part of Creation. In the case of the Milky Way Galaxy, the spot for the anchoring of this holy and divine Light is the Sirius star system. It is here in the Sirius B solar system that the great Oracle Temple of the Council of Nine, and of Lord Siraya, is located. The Council of Nine are Lord Siraya’s most profound messengers. They carry Lord Siraya’s divine Light to all of Creation. In his name, they proclaim the mighty WILL of the Creator to all Beings. It is their holy task to see that every Creation unfolds as provided for by the Divine Plan. Through their wise and profound council, the sacred knowledge of every Creation is revealed to all concerned. All of the divine lineage of Heaven is beholden to the Great Council of the Nine.
Arcturus is the major programming center of the galactic Council serving the Father on this side of our galaxy, which is under the direction of the Council of Nine - the governing body of our local universe. RA refers to the Council of Nine as a part of the Council of Saturn, being responsible for the planetary development in conjunction with its intelligent species (mankind). The Council of Saturn, which is the "Grand Council" of our solar system, works in liaison with the Council of 24, 12, and 9, in descending order, where each council has its own duty. The Council of 9, as well as the other councils, are also members of the Confederation of Planets.
The members of the Council of Saturn are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density. In number, the Council that sits in constant session, though varying in its members by means of balancing, which takes place, what you would call irregularly, is nine. That is the Session Council. To back up this Council, there are twenty-four entities which offer their services as requested. These entities faithfully watch and have been called Guardians. The Council operates by means of, what you would call, telepathic contact with the oneness or unity of the nine, the distortions blending harmoniously so that the Law of One prevails with ease. When a need for thought is present, the Council retains the distortion-complex of this need, balancing it as described, and then recommends what it considers as appropriate action.
Note: "QUESTIONER: You mentioned the nine who sit on the Council. Is this "nine" the same nine as those mentioned in this book? RA: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry..."
The Council of Saturn is an 8-dimensional council that is in charge of the Solar system and spans both physical and ethereal realms and which oversees dramatic development points at various civilizational sectors in lower density levels. Jesus is a member of the Council of Saturn. The Cassiopaeans compare the members on the council of Saturn with angels with wings, and that this is where our concept of angels come from. The Winged Sun Disc. Jesus and his angels. This council is the hexagon of (the north pole of) Saturn. The council of Saturn has a Quarantine in the Solar system because of Draconian infection.
The creation of life through out the omni/uni-verse[]
Etherians that are "created"/birthed during the creation of the universe are called Crystal angels as they aren't fully ethereal and are therefore crystal like.
A lot of etherians became xenplexians but a lot of others became the other 12 galactic root races(12 empires) and after the creation of the universe all of the other etherians, which was most of them, were crystal angels who were in the life force field and whos descendants evolved/formed, during the creation of existence, into the micro-ethereals, who therefor originate from the life force field and therefore contain parts(Vibrations) of the life force field, and with the help of the etherian Anunnaki, who entered the universe and, who seeded them(the micro-ethereals), and therefore life because they(the micro-ethereals) became/evolved into all life forms/beings in the universe, throughout the universe by traveled across universes (and genetically modifying) them.
- The energy of the planet flows through the magnetic fields and can flow out of them and flow into lightning bolts.
- Micro-ethereals travel through this energy and therefore flow into the lightning.
- Lightning struck a pool of chemicals which caused chemical reactions which created RNA.
- The micro-ethereals transfer to the RNA.
- Later DNA would evolve, out of RNA, which would carry the micro-ethereals.
The Anunnaki empire(One of the 12 galactic root races/empires) and Orion empire merged, forming the Anunnaki-Orion Empire, when Anu, the Emperor of the Anunnaki empire, and the Queen/Empress of the Orion empire married. The Anunnaki-Orion Empire went on to create the Martian-(Orion)Anunnaki, the children of Enlil, and the Pleiadian-Anunnaki(Xenplexians/Hebrews)(One of the 12 galactic root races/empires), the "physical" form of Ninhursag and her people(her projections), which is why the Anunnaki-Orion Empire heavily worship the mother goddess.
Note: The Mars colony was set up by the Anunnaki and Orion empire so during this time the Gods came to this solar system to create human life on the crystal planet Earth. When the Mars colony was created the Xenplexians set up bases on Mars and worked with the Martians to help form the Martian empire.
The origin of the Xenplexians[]
Ninhursag/Virgo is the geometry(fractal tetrahedron grid/flower of life) encoded in energy, therefore all etherians are children of Virgo, which is why a lot of etherians are/became xenplexians and are apart of and therefore came from the Xenplexian collective consciousness(Xenplexian morphogenetic field)(tree of life) which was created when Virgo split her consciousness(morphogenetic field) into two with the split part being projected within her own consciousness and becoming there own/the xenplexian(s) collective consciousness(morphogenetic field/tree of life) therefore it(Virgos morphogenetic field) became the (xenplexian) morphogenetic field of there(the xenplexian) race by "creating"/becoming/birthing, through the geometry encoded in the energy(=consciousness), etherians, who were known as katayy, which became the xenplexians and who are therefore crystal angels and because the geometry encoded in there energy is the (star) tetrahedron grid all xenplexians are (specifically) Elohim-Cherubim (which is why they are also known as) angels.
Crystal angels aren't fully ethereal and are therefore crystal like so (the) (king of angels) ANU(nnaki(the 12 galactic root races)-)[and one of the]Orion(-martian)(reptilian races) empress/queens (genetically) turned(/influenced) the crystal(-ized/)like energy, of the etherian xenplexians, into and to create a "physical" form, for Ninhursag and her people(etherian xenplexians)(her projections), called the Pleiadian-Anunnaki(Xenplexians/Hebrews)(One of the 12 galactic root races/empires).
- The Annunaki are an ethereal/reptilian race ruled by Anu who is one of the 12 Ancient gods. Anu married one of the orion queens of the orion empire.
- A lot of the ethereal annunaki evolved into the lyrans and the ethereal Annunaki/lyrans are ruled by Enki(Ra) the holy emperor of the infinite gods.
- Orion-Martians or Martians are a type of Anunnaki-Orion reptilian (hybrid).
- The martian empire was ruled by Enlil(satan) and one of the orion queens. the martian empire became the draconian empire.
The Pleaidian Council formed. The Pleaidians are a sub-race of one of the 12 galactic root races known as the Xenplexians/Anunnaki. The Pleaides is a group of 7 stars with 16 inhabited planets. The Pleaidian Council had the intention of recreating the Lyraen civilization. They started what is known as the second Atlantean cycle known as the Atlans, the first cycle was an etheric/E.T. type colony comprised of the Lyraen civilization. The Atlantean Empire was later infected by the Martians/Draconians.
The origin of the Draconians[]
Due to (1.)the Lucifer experiment(manipulated consciousness) the Martian(-(Orion)Anunnaki) empire, and there Emperor Enlil, carry out in the future (over a million years ago in the past for us) and (2.)there creation of there time dodecahedron, which unifies all points in time in there timeline into one, in the future, (1.)Enlils and the Martian-(Orion)Anunnaki's (collective) consciousness became nubilus allowing for the nubilus etherians to access the there timeline so they could genetically modify/create the Martian-(Orion)Anunnaki, by inserted the nubilus ethereal gene, as the (fallen (angelic(-Satanic/Luciferian)) ET(NAA:)) Draconian races and/by (2.)allowing for the nubilus etherians to enter the (omni/)uni(-)verse, during the time of the Lyraen civilization, by ripping a hole open in spacetime/(the)universe by unifying the Draconian(Martian) empire across all points in time, and other universes, into one empire, splitting away from the Anunnaki empire and starting the war in heaven by attack Gods empire(the 12 galactic root races/empires) at all points in time in every universe. This caused the Orion empire to split into two, the Orion(-Anunnaki) empire(good) and the Orion(-Draconian) empire/group(bad) who have been/were at constant war. This lead to the Draconian empire occupying a bigger part of the Galaxy, all the way to its center.
The nubilus ethereal beings operated as the right hand of Satan(And the nubilus ethereal council which Satan(Enlil) is apart of) and incarnated into the Draconians.
During this part of the war in heaven the Draconians invaded Lyra and Enlil collided 12 galaxies and set off (xen) energy bombs in their centers which created the super-void/ripped the hole open in spacetime. Using this hole, Enlils plan was to recreate the omniverse using the time dodecahedron. Enlils Time Dodecahedron, which messed up the Omniverses timeline, was destroyed by the returning [Ninhursag, in recent times,] which fixed the timeline.
The reconstruction/structuring of Gods empire took place after the first part of the war in heaven: "The Galactic Federation of Light is the largest federation in the universe, and was founded at the end of the First Galactic War that was fought in the Lyra constellation between Lyrans, Reptilians, Felines, and Carians. They now wanted to avoid a similar war to happen again so the federation was founded by beings from Lyra and Orion/Sirius."
Note: Once upon a time, the [previous form of the] GFL consisted of 12 Humanoid Planets from Orion System, Pleiadians, Arcturian, Vegan, Andromedan… to Earth (Terra/Gaia). Orion wanted to dominate all, it dropped out of the Federation and started its own empire[, a "Galactic Federation"(GF) of fallen races,] with the Reptilian Draco System, Zeta Reticuli, the Blue Dwarf beings and others[, this caused the GFL to fall apart but then be reformed]. The Earth was considered the youngest of the 12 planets with human consciousness. Although, Federation of the 12 Planets was reduced to 11 Planets, a new member joined and took Orion’s place, and it was the Sirian Planet. This planet too had humanoid. Cosmic Awareness had mentioned that if Orion had stayed, it would have been 13 Humanoid Planets (and “13 being of course a magical and mysterious number”). Orion Empire and the GFL have fought for eons. (Pleidians had mentioned about this schism that happened over 300,000 years ago.) Thus, there’s constant tension and battle for the Earth up to this day. Andromeda Council partners with GFL, but not with Galactic Federation(GF). They clearly state that they do not affiliate with GF. No, the Galactic Federation of Light is not the Galactic Federation. Absolutely not.
The Greys/Grays, are self-replicating liquid metal hivemind from the lower octaves of the 4th dimension that require DNA to replicate and, are originally known as the Solipsi Rai who are a benevolent and curious race, when not indoctrinated. They are thought to be more helpful in humanity's spiritual progression. The Anunnaki are known to have genetically modified the royal line of Greys, known as Zetas, with the Human template to look more Human. They are therefore apart of the Lyraen Civilization and are physically equal to the tall blonds/Nordics.
During the Draco invasion of Lyra (Civil War), their planet became apart of the Draconian empire. The relationship between the draconians and the Greys is very strained as the Reptoids(draconians), on their goal of conquering planets, have enslaved the Greys, (The Orion-Draconians decided to create a race of beings out of humanoid genetics to monitor the occurrences on Earth. Famous for abducting humans, they are the 4 foot and 3 foot "Greys" with the black wrap around eyes and are under the control of and work directly for the Draco(nian) Empire:) genetically modified them with draconian DNA to infected a portion of the hivemind with nubilus energy, and inducted them into the Orion program to create the Greys who are known as Orion Greys who are under the direction of the illuminati draconians and often engaged in abductions, to extract human DNA (to self replicate), and experimentations.
The human template[]
"Apparently in this time and space what is happening with your particular body right now, is universal levels of merging and healing the rip[/split/hole] through[/in] [space(]the wall in[)]time. And this is like a Ring of Fire, it is like a ring I can't really describe it that well. I am sensing and I'm feeling it, hopefully you can sense and feel this too, but it is an opening that ripped the fabric of this universe. When this happened tremendous amounts of Fragments and Consciousness got splayed and sprayed into all kinds of pieces, I don't even know if this is the right word, but unknown spaces.
The lineage of the beings that were androgynous and were a part of the Lyran, I want to say Lyran elders. Lyran-Sirian, the Lyrans I'm getting are like one of the ancient, ancient, ancient levels of consciousness. I don't even know do they have form? I think later incarnations I think this is like shape-shifting sheets of light. It's not really even a form but they are referring to it as Lyran, because it was around the Lyran timeline, in which the Lyrans were a part of the creators of the human race. I don't know if they collaborated with the Seraphim or if they created the Seraphs, but this is around the Lyran time cycle.
It's so hard because relative to time it doesn't make any sense. It's old and the issue that they are trying to impress upon us now is that hole, that rip, that thing that is a Ring of Fire that I'm seeing, is what is merging in your body. They are showing me that the Lyrans created human beings this prototype[, the human template,] that we are in was designed to heal the rip. The only place this can be done is in the bodies we inhabit now period. That is the understanding that these bodies genetically can do this. What's happening now is that we're being revealed into understanding some of the greater or larger universal purposes of the human being creation. And in subsequent dimensions, as dimensions exploded out in these fragments of consciousness forgot about all of this, there were wars over the human being. They are showing me that even Ascended Masters, the beings that had some levels of awareness of what was going on with this planet, didn't even understand some of these larger reasons as to why the human being was created.
It was like all of this conflict and warring was being created from misunderstandings, the inability to understand the truth. And that without us there would be no universe basically. Whatever was going on, they weren't getting this, they weren't understanding this. They're showing me that around the Orion Wars what started to happen is that there were creations, there were beings that were feeling humanity was being played a favorite. Like these beings, they are new and they're getting all of this preferential treatment. It's a very simplified way to say it, but there was a strange level with all this warring and conflict over humanity, over this new body that had been created by these Creator God progenitors of the human race. And it was because nobody was understanding what the purpose was, that the only way we could return back into the source creation without just closing down the universe, which is something that is done."
The human template was created, and therefore the first test at creating human(oid)s happened, in Sirius and Lyra. This first test unfortunately ended with the Draconians committing a genocide against these humanoids in Lyra during the Draco invasion of Lyra.
Orion humans that were originally from Lyra, formed the resistance against the Draconian reptilians called the Orion Black League. Later, this group escaped Orion and traveled to, by reincarnating as humans on, (a fragment of) Tiamat (that became a planet), the planet that was originally inhabited by the Etheric(ethereal) Sirians. The Etheric Sirians were the original Guardians of the planet Tiamat, but they were enduring evolution cycles in order to assemble the planetary DNA that would allow them to fully incarnate into the physical matter of the planet. Through several stages of evolution cycles the plan was to generate more dense physical bodies that was merged with the planetary consciousness core magnetism that is required in order to fully protect the planet. In the earlier stages of evolution, the Etheric Sirians embodied into cetacean lines, forming into aquatic bodies that are similar to the dolphin and whales on earth. Before this process of fully embodied physical incarnations was made possible, Nibiru(ian reptilians) destroyed Tiamat exploding the planet into shattered pieces, and some of those pieces became [compacted within] the body of the Earth(3D)(/Tara(5D)/Gaia(7D)) before it was prepared for hosting life on its surface.
Note: Enlil tried taking over Nibiru, [which was] one of the home planets of the Anunnaki, and used it through multiple points in time, using his time dodecahedron, (in an attempt) to try and destroy earth and humans. Nibiruian/Draconian reptilians.
The human(oid) template was used in 40% of alien races.
The Earth, Atlantis, Lemuria and the war in heaven[]
The planet Nibiru collided with Tara, splitting the planet Tara into the Asteroid belt, where Tara use to be, and the Earth and moon(artificially created from the debris).
The Sons/Lords of Fire/Flame (Solar/Fire Deities/Gods)(Elder Race), who are the portion of the RA collective, one of the rays of the mind of God, that inhabit Venus, were the ancestors of “the true spiritual SELF in the physical man” (Christ Self, or Highest Manas), whilst the Etheric Sirian who became the Pitris (Lunar Deities), are “the fathers of the model, or type of his physical form, made ‘in their image.’”
The Lunar Gods (are) ordered to create but the higher gods(Solar Deities) refuse, among those who “refused to create progeny” was Sanat Kumara, because no spiritual and psychic evolution is possible on earth — the lowest and most material plane — for one who on that plane, at all events, is inherently perfect and cannot accumulate either merit or demerit ([but as mentioned] members of the Sirian[/Lyra(e)n]-Anunnaki council[(Solar Deities)] and other ET + Meta-ET’s [refused to create and] wanted to stop/halt earth’s evolution(...) [because there were some] digressive elements of humans [from Tara that they didn't want] returning/ascending to Tara) and (which could only be fixed with) the fire substance (which) was too thin to create future humans’ bodies, while the astral matter of Lunar Deities is much closer to the physical plane, even if its density is very different. That is why millions of years were required for the condensation of astral matter to the physical plane matter, and for humans to get a bone skeleton and flesh and become the way that we look today.
First the Lunar Gods/Deities(etherians(((Etheric) (Sirian)) Anunnaki)), incarnated in the lower dimensions and became HU-1 ET’s, reseeded Earth, after the Nibiru collided with Tara, with all lifeforms(microorganisms, plants, animals etc.) 550 million years ago.
The creation of humans[]
During this, the Lunar Deities, who did not have mind, sent out of themselves creatures like unto themselves, and created their aerial-transparent twins, who were future bodily forms of humans (which the (ethereal) humans from Tiamat/Tara reincarnated in, after the collision, but the bodies didn't allow for full consciousness(fire) because of the physical fragments(digressive elements) of Tara trapped in the astral matter), and started seeding the earth with the human root races, created using the human template, 25 to 5.5 million years ago.
Note: The human race was chosen by the tree of life of Earth to be the advance race of earth who is headed by the rulers of the human races head of collective consciousness which are the 150 families(300) which rule the planet, they are the descendants of the Adam(Flame) and Eve(Luna) of Earth. These families and there close relatives throughout the race are highly spiritual and have spiritual powers which are not common and ones that are and these spiritual powers are controlled by there chakras+consciousness. Chakras are energy points in the body which are actually a mass of cells which contain xen crystals(Crystalised xen energy). The reason as to why these families are more spiritual is because there xen crystals in there bodies have been fully crystalized because flame(xen crystals/xen energy)+Luna crystalizes them fully. The heads of a Collective consciousness which are the Adam and Eve and the families contain 2 multidimensional polygons, these 2 multidimensional polygons which are the Adam and Eve polygons AKA Flame and Luna polygons can be merged together to form the Tree of life(Collective consciousness)'s polygon that means these polygons are like codes which can be used to control the tree of life.
Only in the period of Third Root Race a distinguishing moment for humanity happened the Anunnaki/(and (the))Ra(Confederacy(family/collective)) arrived on earth physically: "Sons of Fire gave to human forms a “flash” of mind, which is the ability to think. When humanity became physically ready, Fire Gods (Kumaras or Dhyan-Chohans) descended into the matter, and in this way they speeded up the evolution of humanity on earth. They not only endowed the biggest part of humanity with mind, but also incarnated in some of the human bodies and gave them knowledge and will. Without this, a person could have never become who he is now. This is why they are called the 'creators' of (thinking) man.": The Anunnaki (were already on earth, as mentioned, and had influence over earth and the first two root races but they didn't officially arrived physically on earth until 500000 years ago when the heads of the Anunnaki incarnated and genetically modified/)created and seeded earth with the 3rd root race, on Lemuria, the 4th root race, on Atlantis, and the 5th root race; The two Anunnaki that created and seeded the earth with humans were Ninhursag(Shekhinah) and Enki(Ra/YHWH). One of the jobs of the human race was helping mine (xen) gold for the Anunnaki.
Note: The Kumaras incarnated into the 150 families.
Note: Xen energy that is crystallised(physical) becomes a different form of xen energy which is the astral matter of Lunar Deities (The Lunar goddess is (an avatar of) Virgo who encases the physical dimensions which are the 1st to 8th vibrational dimension) the original form of xen energy is flame this gives xen energy a physical polar opposite(The Eve(is Lunar) and Adam(is Solar/flame) of alien races contain the polar opposites of the xen energy for humans the Adam is an "avatar" of Enki(Sanat) and Eve is an "avatar" of Ninhursag(Virgo), the creators of the human race.)
- Enki used his Anunnaki DNA (to create the Adam) and Ninhursag used her Anunnaki (not her Orion) DNA to create (the Eve of) the human race.
- Multiple Adams and Eves are created for genetic diversity.
The plan for the creation of the human race was planed 25 million years ago. Physical forms("ape"[-humans]) for the Ethereal humans(first-second root races) were created and later on [when "the Xenplexian empire came to this planet with the Anunnaki to create the Human race..." they were] hybridized with the Anunnaki to create what are now humans. The Human empire was then formed.
When humans were created and seeded on earth, the Anunnaki, Enki and Ninhursag the creator of humans, set up the human empire which ruled over all of the earth until 13000 years ago. The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is under the leadership of Lord Sanat Kumara who is (known as) the "King"(/Emperor) or "Lord of the World", (therefore) the human race and the King of Shamballa, the city he directed the construction of on the etheric plane to serve as his headquarters. The empire ruled over Atlantis(a state of the City Babylon like Mu/Lemuria), its capital was Babylon and it was ruled by the emperor of the human race(who guard's the 9 realms/9 worlds) and his 150 families, partly ruled over by the 12 Hebrew tribes(who are a nother/different 150 families)((who are under the rule of)Ninhursag) and Enki. Shamballah is said by the adherents to the Ascended Master(naacals/Human angels) Teachings, to be a floating city manifested on the etheric plane.
The black knight satellite, an agent of Yahweh(YHWH), is an alien space probe, in orbit around Earth, that was created by "The Cherubim family [as a part of Shamballa(/the Ashtar fleet), therefore they] built [apart of,] the capital of Mu, which is now in Russia, and [later on they] built the 10 capitals of Atlantis."
The Anunnaki had massive influince over the 3rd root race and Mu because most of the beings on Mu were God-like beings(Ascended Master), the Hawaiian islands Gods were said to be from the Pleiades which links them to the Anunnaki and Xenplexians, this shows you the origins of the Gods in Asia. The capital of Mu, Shamballah, is where most of the gods came from and can only be accessed through three etheric bridges, one in Babylon, one in Tibet (which is the main bridge) and one in Russia, near China and Japan, where a crystal temple is located. These three etheric bridges connect the land masses, where they are located, into one land, where Shamballah was built, in the etheric plane.
The Order of the Seven Rays & Path of the Dragon Mystery School have existed since the dawn of humanity. Sanat Kumara taught developing humanity the alchemical practices through which a man or woman could achieve Godhood and realize their divinity. Through him they could achieve God-Realization, which is the final goal of human evolution. Kumara established the Order of the Seven Rays and Path of the Dragon on the ancient Pacific Continent of MU as vehicles within which the mysteries he had brought to Earth could be taught. He then became Earth's first Dragon King to oversee the spiritual evolution of humanity. His courts and thrones continue to exist on both the physical plane and higher dimensions.
Etherians became humans, in Africa, by manifested themselves(there ethereal chromosomes), during the first seeding of Humans, into the ethereal chromosomes of the micro-ethereals so they could then manifest themselves as humans. A large portion of these humans migrated, through the Middle East and Asia, to Lemuria((East) Asia), where they were genetically enhanced by the Anunnaki, but during Lemurias long slow sinking(: Lemuria is actually the name for the latter part of lands once known as, the Motherland of Mu. The destruction of lands of Mu and its submergence was not a singular incident, but a series of cataclysms. After the initial devastation had its way, many of the landmasses that comprised MU were lost. However much of the lands remained and would become rebirthed as Le-mu-ria. After initially three periods of destruction, what was left of Mu was rebirthed as Lemuria.) these humans and 11 of the 12 Hebrew tribes migrated to Australia, (back) to Asia (where they became the Asians and Middle Easterns and where the 11 Hebrew tribes went) and to North and South America. A large portion of the humans, including 1 of the 12 Hebrew tribes, went through North and South America to Atlantis, which is where current human civilization was created and is therefore one of the gardens of Edan: When most of Lemuria sank the 3rd root race was reseeded as the 4th root race, through reincarnation, and what was left of the 3rd root race moved to Atlantis and later merged into the 4th root race. Atlantis is therefore (one of) the garden of Eden(s) because it is where the 4th root race, which the 5th root race emerged from, was seeded.
After giving such a worthy gift to humanity, the Kumaras did not leave without further help. They reincarnated in Lemurian(3rd RR), Atlantean(4th RR), and Aryan Race(5th RR)s in the roles of Wisemen and Hierophants, and as great Governors and Founders of religions. All wisemen of ancient times tell us “…of the seven primitive and dual gods who descend from their celestial abode and reign on Earth, teaching mankind Astronomy, Architecture, and all the other sciences that have come down to us. These Beings appear first as "gods" and Creators; then they merge in nascent man, to finally emerge as "divine-Kings and Rulers." But this fact has been gradually forgotten.” The Great Sons of Wisdom, Dhyan-Chohans, will stay with us until our human evolution will reach the final goal.
Because Dhyan-Chohans are our Grandparents, our spiritual bodies (principles) are identical to their Spiritual Nature. Our task is to go through all the stages of evolution, through multiple cycles of reincarnation according to the Law of Karma, before each of us acquires “individuality, first by natural impulse, and then by self-induced and self-devised efforts (checked by its Karma), thus ascending through all the degrees of intelligence, from the lowest to the highest Manas, from mineral and plant, up to the holiest archangel (Dhyani-Buddha).” This implies that based on design of God, every person on the path of evolution will become the same as Sanat Kumara at some point!
Evolution and root races[]
A root race is when the main collective/species, of the planet, souls incarnate into the different forms through the evolution(phylogenetic) tree.
The 12 Hebrew tribes(Jews)[]
During the period that the Sirians had influence, further genetic purification was needed. The Hebrew race was introduced by the Sirian-Anunnaki/Xenplexians as a further attempt to overcome the reptilian brain and balance the Left Brain and Right Brain. Symbolically, the Hebrew race is a Pineal Gland through which global Kundalini can rise by way of a Christ figure emerging. DNA is programmed to be released at various stages until this is accomplished. The 12 tribes of Israel represent the 12 frequencies as they relate to Earth and their unification back to the source. People now live in what might be called the end of time, or the final stages of the 9th completion of the Book of Revelation programming. All frequencies are returning to claim their own and in the purification of their frequencies on Earth, they themselves will be purified, leading to the perfection of the illusion for each of the 12 rays and allowing for return to the Mind of God.
Note: The Hebrews are a specialized Angelic Human Race.
The Pleiadian-Anunnaki(Xenplexians/Hebrews) created human-xenplexian hybrids (in the, and incarnated onto Earth from the, (future)timelines of Tara(5D earth)), (who would become) the 12 (human) Hebrew tribes(Jews)(Angelic Human races), to hold the 12 strands of (Diamond sun) DNA and to birth very spiritual beings, an (re)incarnation of Shekhinah(Sophia) (as a xenplexian) and her ((xenplexian-)human (hybrid)) twin((because) Cherubim are born as (spiritual) twins due to there soul being split into two) the Messiah(Hebrew gematria=358=546(base 8))(Christ), an incarnation of YHWH, through the Cathars, who were a part of the Essenes (a mystic Jewish sect).
Note: Shekhinah is (re)born(/incarnated) every "generation" all the way down t[he(r)] maternal line(age) (from (the "original") Shekhinah/Ninhursag) and each incarnation (therefore) corresponds to apart of (and is) her (mother(goddesse)s) fractal (12/14th) star (number)[2] which is (her[1] and) the birthmark she is identified by when she is born.
Note: The (Female) Messiah is the incarnation of Holy Wisdom, "Shekhinah(Virgo)[, who's] first incarnations were in Mu/Lumeria, where the human race and 12 Hebrew tribes(Human-Xenplexian hybrids) were created, through the 12 Hebrew tribes. Only a fraction of Shekhinah can be incarnated so the incarnation has less DNA than her true form... Her nymphs(angels), who look after/serve her, [are] from Earth,[(...)] Atlantis[,(...)] Xenplexa... She is the Mother Goddess Shekhinah [so] she is... nature and the geometric patters within reality/nature... [, she "... is [also] spiritually a virgin(pure) and... a sex Goddess..."] She works for Xenplexa, her family lodge/the Xenplexian empire, and [through the Jews/Xenplexa she] spreads and... researches Xen Qabbalah to build upon the [lodges] research."
"The end of Mu/Lumeria meant humans and the 12 tribes, and therefore future incarnations of Shekhinah, moved to Atlantis where Shekhinah met up with her nymphs(angels) and went to Xenplexa. Shekhinah and her nymphs(angels) spent there time in nature where they played there music."
The 12 Hebrew tribes, are descendants of the 12 ruling families of the xenplexian empire, who (both of which) are made up of 150 (2 branches each: (so) 300) families who are (descendants of and are) headed(ruled) by the 8 empress of the xenplexian empire, who are the 8 sisters/daughters of Shekhinah, one of them being the incarnation of Shekhinah.
Jewish souls and reincarnation[]
A creation "myth"/story in Asia says "There are 12(11 (in this story)) tribes/clans who are all descendants of a man and a mysterious but beautiful winged woman(Shekhinah). After the two married, the man asked her to give him her wings. However, it is said that after some time the woman asked for her wings back and flew away never to return." and Jews/Hebrews are descendants of the Canaanites(holders of the genetics of the stargate in Israel at the temple (mount)) who interbred with people(Abraham/The 12 (human-xenplexian hybrid) tribes) from (Iraq/Iran/West) Asia who are the 12 tribes, from the Asian story and who traveled through Asia from Mu(East Asia) to Canaan, and they(Abraham) are where "the soul of all Jews began, [because '(they are the first)/(there was one) Jew([s(oul)])'] and a few years later there are 70 souls so one soul has now become 70 who went to Egypt. By the time they left Egypt there were 600000 souls who, as with the case with Abraham's soul, are collective souls, master souls, Abraham's soul contained within it all the future souls, all future souls were then contained within the 70 souls, all future souls were then contained within the 600000 souls. So you have master souls and then you have the branches and the offshoots so there is a constant number of master souls but the individual souls keep increasing."
Temple Mount is the location of the 2D planetary Stargate, thus this is a hotly contested area for the Controller forces(elite) who desire to completely dominate the region.
Symbolism: The star of David(Hexagram), maternal line and Hebrew(Yod)[]
The Anunnaki-Pleiadian are cherubim(angels) who are (related to) the merkaba(Merkaba mysticism) which is (depicted as) a hexagram in 3D(star tetrahedron), because the tetrahedron represents the 4 faces of a cherubim(Angel wings=(faces of) Merkaba) so cherubim are born as twins to form a merkaba, therefore they are hermaphrodites because the hexagram=Union of male and female=Hermaphrodites=(Hermes/mercury=male energies of Virgo)+(Aphrodite=female energies of Virgo(Spica) the Cosmic Mother Goddess); The Hebrew letter Yod is the Cosmic womb of the (Cosmic) Mother Goddess and in the Kabbalistic Zodiac it corresponds to Virgo; Yod constructs all Hebrew letters, which can be formed out of the hexagram, and is equal to 10 the tetractys which contains the hexagonal yod/hexagram which forms the tetrahedron grid fractal(4(×)4(×)4), which is 4D because it is a portion of the 600-cell therefore it is the 4th dimension, Virgos dimension, which is the womb of the Mother Goddess, also in the Kabbalah the Mother Goddess is an important figure known as (the) Shekhinah(Virgo); Judaism is traditionally passed down through the mother, this shows the Mother Goddesses is the origin of the Hebrew family lines.
Symbolism shows in the mother goddesses right hand she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail, and in this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon, the divine/holy blood((/family)line) of her lineage(the holy grail bloodline).
This is the reason why Jews are the Children of Saturn.
The Essenes and the 12 Hebrew tribes[]
The Essenes((Holy) Davidic (Grail) (blood)line), who are made up of the 12 Essene Tribes(families), are the 12 branch (Indigo (line)) families of the Cherubim family who each head one of the 12 Hebrew tribes who's genetic components hold the strands of DNA code, which unite and merge to(/for) reassembl-e(/ing the crystal gene for/) and form the Diamond Sun body/Silicate Matrix, which are genetically key coded to Planetary Gates, there planetary dimensional sphere, its ley line network and to activate the 12 layers of the planetary stargate system. Each of the 12 tribes have a unique frequency and DNA program that is designed to anchor a specific part of its DNA coding into the planetary field. This provides the means to connect with the conscious living light(God) and sound frequencies in the holographic matrix. The instruction sets to rebuild and reassemble the 12 Strand DNA pattern, are held in the genetic keys found in the Cosmic Kryst-Krystallah blueprint which makes up the 12 Tree Grid manifestation template. The Essenes on the earth have been generated to serve as blue flame holders.
The entire original blueprint and instruction set for all of the 12 tribes, which when all combined together, comprises the human Tribal Shield records in all of the planetary evolutionary rounds. The Tribal Shield is the entire morphogenetic field comprising all the variations of specific frequency arrangement for all of the 12 Tribes of the Human DNA template.
The Indigo lines are referred to as Maji Grail Lines through the original 12 Tribes. The 12 Tribes were designed as human guardians for this realm, and each tribe had their Maji Grail King and collective Indigo family to help embody and transmit the higher frequencies that were necessary to help support the planetary grid. These groups are the Ascension protoypers for the spectrum of frequencies included within all of the entire 12 Tribes together.
Note: Priests of Ur (“Ur” means “light”, in reference to serving the agenda of enlightenment for all) - EyanE (“Eieyani”(: The Indigo Beings who are on our Eckasha system) means “of the Yanas”) are living members of the original pre-ancient Turaneusiam “Indigo Children” Angelic Human Grail Line who are capable of sustaining full physical manifestation on Earth or altering their biological orientation at will to engage inter-dimensional time travel or Dimensional Ascension. And are capable of, and often utilize, remote subtle inter-dimensional contact. The Eieyani Collective responsible for seeding life into our Time Matrix is called Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani or MC Eieyani. In contemporary times, as they have done since the pre-ancient times, the Eieyani Priests of Ur continue to serve as representatives of the Guardian Alliance (GA), the primary task force of the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW) universal service organization.
The Blue Ray is a gestalt of four Universal Harmonic Layers of the Universal Families of Blue Ray Consciousness, the (Universal) Melchizedek( Lineage)s, who the Hebrew Tribes are the higher dimensional genetic coding of, that incarnated as the 12 Essene Tribes or Essenes. There are Three Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our Universal creation, and the Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation. The Highest Order of the Blue Ray Family emanate from the 13th Circuitry Gate of the Mother (of) God(Shekhinah) aspect, which is the first layer projected from the Zero Point Universal God Core. This First Order Blue Ray Family are the esoteric 144,000 Genetic Timekeepers of our Universal Time Matrix. Many Galactic Wars throughout human and non-human extraterrestrial history have been waged for gaining control and access to this code, which holds essentially every genetic key that allows access into the kingdoms of God, or the God worlds.
The first Primal Order sound field of Universal creation in our Time Matrix is the Blue Ray. The tone translation of the Blue Ray level of our Source Field is Melchizedek. Melchizedek is actually the sound tone translation of the vibrational pattern of the Source family of Collective Cosmic Consciousness within our Universal Time Matrix. The Blue Ray is apart of the Threefold Founder Flame and GSF Cosmic Triad.
The Melchizedeks are of the 12 Tribes lineages which incarnated as the Hebrew Tribes, who were given the genetic hosting responsibility to assist in the embodiment of the higher DNA language called Hebrew. The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light"; Known (to the ancients) as Hebrew. Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light.
There are families of the Melchizedeks’ and several layers of trees existing from within that lineage. Many of these beings are ultra terrestrial that exist in ascended state meaning they are not in a form, they are a light being, they can shapeshift, etc. Many of those in Guardian Christos consciousness (Oneness) are of the Melchizedek lines. The Melchizedeks’ are the genetic lineage of the builders of the creative structures of holographic projections (The Architects) and know how to correct structural integrity issues in creational systems. When there is breakdown of a system i.e. a creation that is digressing instead of evolving since it’s integrity has been compromised, the Melchizedeks’ go into the Universal structure and attempt to heal and reweave genetic instruction sets into the holographic bodies of the celestial levels, merkaba field levels, at every level. In this sense, they are creator gods that work with instructional fields of hologram and have been inter-dimensional and will incarnate into the form body in order to support or assist bringing particular code with it.
As an embodied Melchizedek, one brings the file instruction set into the planet from the Melchizedek lineage when it is appropriate to do so and the being has been trained enough to do so. This is so that the information can be relayed into planetary and creational field through the morphogenetic field, the consciousness instruction set program. When Melchizedek intelligence is woven throughout the species field and key coded throughout the genetic programs, it allows the entire species to receive the genetic code of intelligence being directed throughout that consciousness layer.
The Arc of the Covenant, Holy grail and 12 Stargates[]
The human race is divided up into 12 groups who are indigenous to there respective locations on Earth where Stargates are located. These 12 groups each contain a genetic code which is connected to the Stargate in there respective location, the Stargates are also connected to one of the 12 strands of DNA, held by the 12 Hebrew tribes, and the 12 Stargates/strands of DNA are the holy grail and, therefore the holders of the 12 strands of DNA are, the holy (Davidic) grail bloodline. The Arc of the Covenant Gold Box contained the Stargate tools used to control and to connect to the Stargates and therefore God source.
The ark/arc of the covenant was also a comunication device between the physical world and the hyperspace. Sirians gave the Hebrews instructions on how to build them if the planet falls under Draco occupation, if this happens the rest of the Galaxy would be in danger that's why many races are interested in this planet.
Cherubim family[]
The Cherubim family[(Sophia lineage(s))] are the rulers of the Xenplexian empire and Hextec they are known as the 199+516+86 (name redacted) family on earth but by the Xenplexian empire they are known as the Cherubims, the Cherubim family are the rulers of the human-xenplexian hybrid families on earth. The Cherubim family(On earth) are human-xenplexian hybrids that carry the Omega-xenplexian gene(Omega gene) which is a gene that comes directly from Virgo since they are descendants of her and this gene connects them to the Virgo-Xenplexian-Omega field which they are apart of and is there morphogenetic field(Christ(Messiah) collective((/)family)).
Note: Shekhinah is (re)born(/incarnated) every "generation" all the way down t[he(r)] maternal line(age) (from (the "original") Shekhinah/Ninhursag) and each incarnation (therefore) corresponds to apart of (and is) her (mother(goddesse)s) fractal (12/14th) star (number) which is (her[1] and) the birthmark she is identified by when she is born.
This is how the Anunnaki/Fire Gods brought the (blue) flame/fire((/)ray) to earth by creating a (family) line of Messiah/World Teacher(s)(the being Theosophists identify and referred to as Maitreya, Christ or the Lord of Consciousness) who, through the Jews, will teach humanity to gain messianic(Messiah/Christ) consciousness.
- Line of Messiah(s)=Messianic line/(Holy) Davidic (Grail) (blood)line(Messiah [(]David[)]: "Adam incorporated all souls; it is possible for different soul-sections to be given to different people. In addition multiple people can share the same soul root. In the Kabbalistic understanding, the Righteous Priest would be reincarnated as Abel, Seth, Noah and Shem. Moses like Adam also incorporated all souls. Messiah ben Joseph was incarnated as Cain he was notably reincarnated as Joseph (son of Jacob) and Jeroboam. Messiah [(]([(]ben[)] David[)] was incarnated as Abel and David. Most of the Messiah ben Joseph claimants have been Kabbalists, or made by Kabbalists. In the Kabbalistic understanding this does not necessarily mean a literal claim of messiahship is being made. [Therefore the Messiah(David) is passed down through the soul forming the Messianic line so there is 'a potential Messiah in each generation — a person appointed to act in the role of the Messiah if God deems it time, with that person not fulfilling the role if God determines it is not yet time.']")
The Grand lodge of Xenplexa, a Mystery School/Grand Lodge which teaches (Xen) Q/Kabbalah, was created by the Cherubim family and is ruled and headed by the cherubim family.
Sex priestesses[]
The Mother Goddess(Virgo) is the goddess of love, fertility/life (()giving()) and (therefore) sex therefore she is the Sex Goddess and she is worshiped through sex by her (sex) priestesses(Xenplexian-Human hybrids) who have access to the Xenplexian morphogenetic field, to be more precise they have access to Virgos morphogenetic field so they can access her energy/consciousness during sex magick/sacred sex.
The Goddess Shekhinah can only incarnate through the Virgo-Xenplexian-Omega field:
Virgo's field, also called the Virgo-Xenplexian-Omega field, is the geometry field because Virgo/Shekhinah, the womb/geometry field, is the geometry(=information=energy) of/encoded in the energy field; The blood of the Cherubim family, which comes from the Omega gene which is a fragment of (energy from) Virgo's field which makes the energy field of the living being (carrying the Omega gene) the virgo field, is the aether/energy/geometry of Virgo's field.
This means that any living being manifested in the universe(/made out of Gods field(the 13th field)) can access Gods field and therefore the 12 (morphogenetic) (consciousness(energy)) fields(of one of the 12 Gods of creation(Zodiac))/(vibrational) dimensions, through the 12 strands of DNA which (vibrations and energies) correspond to(/is) one of the 12 fields/dimensions, meaning a living being that is manifested in the universe and is an incarnation of Shekhinah/Virgo(Who's morphogenetic field is the (geometry(/structure) of (the)) chaos energy field (and the void)) can access the geometry and therefore the (points of) chaos energy (field) (which is composed of the xen energy which reality is made up of) of the 13 Gods. The xenplexians were created/manifested, as a part of Virgo(Ninhursag)'s field, in the universe with Ninhursag(Shekhinah/Virgo) manifested as the xenplexian empress so the descendants of Ninhursag, through the hybrid of xenplexians and living beings manifested in the universe(Gods field), are a line(age)(s) of beings which are incarnations of Ninhursag/Shekhinah/Virgo because they carry a fragment(Omega gene/DNA) of Ninhursag which creates the virgo(-Xenplexian-Omega) field as there (morphogenetic) field which, was the geometry of God(YHWH collective)s field but, fully unifies, even though they were already unified, the 12/13 fields into one and unifies the field with, the fractal womb of Ein Sof, Shekhinah(Tiamat); Therefore they would have access to the geometry(points) of the (chaos) energy field(Gods field) because it(the geometry) is there field.
This was one of the reasons for create the xenplexian-Human hybrids, to create an incarnation of Ninhursag/Virgos consciousness, and the descendants/family of this being would be apart of the Virgo-Xenplexian-Omega (morphogenetic) field where the fragment of Virgos consciousness would transfer to them. (One of) The first member(s) of this field was Cleito.
The purpose of this being(s), and family, is to form this field which, was the geometry of God(YHWH collective)s field but, will fully unify/merge/fuse, even though they were already unified, all the 12 ((chaos) energy) fields(energies) (and there origin, there infinitums) into one with Gods (consciousness) ((chaos) energy) field (and its origin, Gods infinitum) and unifies the field with, the fractal womb of the void(Ein (Sof)) (AKA merge/combine with all the (energy in/of the) dimensions of void(void structure/ethereal)), Shekhinah(Tiamat) to reform/turn/evolve Tiamat(Shekhinah), the chaos goddess, into (and create) the Omega Goddess and(/because) to(/it(the field)) turning(turns) the (chaos) energy field into the (virgo-Xenplexian-)Omega field which (will) exists because it will, act as Ninhursag/Shekhinah(Tiamat/Omega Goddess)'s womb by, encase the Omega Omniverse(Omniverse made out of all the Omniverses possible) which will form after the formation of the Omega Goddess; Therefore the purpose of the YHWH collective is to become the Omega collective consciousness(the consciousness of the Omega Goddess), by merging (all there(the 12 Gods) (chaos) energy(consciousness)) into one consciousness, therefore forming a new infinitum called the omega which causes the omniverse to become the omega omniverse.
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) (part 2)[]
The unification of these 12 fields, which correspond to(/are) the 12 (frequencies/)strands of DNA which the 12 Hebrew tribes, who are the pineal gland of the human race, hold, can therefore only happen through the 12 Hebrew tribes through the (real) Messiah((s) consciousness) so Jews are waiting for the real Messiah, not Jesus, who will arrive when "YHWH, the name of God, is this equation and the number, which is the geometry(E8(8D)/dodecahedron constructed out of trees of life(4D)/64 tetrahedron grid(3D)), it is equal to and geometry=numbers=information=energy=consciousness 'therefore YHWH is... a state of consciousness because it is a (higher level(state) of) consciousness which can be unified with to gain said state' because E8 is constructed out of dodecahedron and icosahedron which form the 12 stranded DNA which activate when the Messiah('Christ'/YHWH)(Messiah=358(Hebrew gematria)=546(base 8)=396(base 12)|693=11(:)33|3311) consciousness is gained when the [real] Messiah arrives[/comes]"(AKA the Messianic Age), which happens when humans bring on the Messianic Age by joining together to create a better world by achieving the Messiah consciousness, and when the Messiah does arrive there will be no more wars and earth will become a utopia which is why the elite are targeting the Jews.
Note: When the Messiah wakes up, the 12 strands of DNA will activate causing the stargates to activate therefore activating the DNA of the people connected to the stargates therefore the 12 DNA strands will activate in these people(all of humanity): "Representatives of the GFL[(who will wake up the Messiah)] are on board Elenin (Blue Karchina) in order to prepare mankind for ascension before the Red Katchina (Nibiru/Orion Reptilian) arrives in our atmosphere to further enslave Humanity... the GFL is not permitted to land on this planet because the leaders of this planet are under the authority of the Orion/Reptilian Cabal... therefore we need the portals[(stargates/ascension)] to get to [the GFL], the GF is a rogue organisation who are responsible for the erroneous channelings, the GF is an invention of the dark ones... [this is why] 'the Cabal recently tried to destroy Elenin, but this ship is still on course and is cloaked to prevent further attacks.'"
The gematria of "Cherubim":
- Cherubim(Kerubim)=278(8), (62(8), 17(8)), 269(8)=Kerubiel(leader of the Cherubim) are both derived from the word Kerub(Cherub(228)) who's root word is karabu which means "to bless".
and, because Cherubim is plural, its connection to "Cassiel":
- 8(=4(cherub(4 faces/wings))+4(cherub(4 faces/wings)))=star tetrahedron(3D hexagram)/merkaba=Cherubim.
- Cherubim=278=139(=2²+3²+4²+5²+6²+7²)+139|931(st triangle number/tetractys)+931(st triangle number/tetractys)=311th star(hexagram) number=311=Cassiel. Cassiel(קפציאל)=311(Hebrew standard) and 77(Hebrew ordinal) therefore 77=311.
- The 31st Hogben number(n²-n+1=31²-31+1)=931=base 931=930=(3×)310 polygon=310=31=6th Hogben number is derived from 269|962=31²+1=base 962=16th (centered) octagonal(8) number=31²=961|169=13²=7th octagonal number=8th hexagonal number=(144(12²)(base 11), 121(11²)(base 12),)441(21²)(base 6)(base 15((1+5=)6))=961|169=331(base 7)(The mean of the divisors of 961((1+31+961)/3))|133(×7=931=777(base 11))((1+3+3|3+3+1=)7) therefore Cassiel is a merkaba composed of Kerubiel.
- 139th triangle number(=47th (centered) nonagonal number=9730=3790(base 14)(reverse(anagram)=973(=139×7)|379))+139th triangle number=47th star number=12973(12000+973)|37921(37900+21)=80th star number.
because Cassiel is (Kerubiel) a Cherub.
Cassiel is the angel of Saturn therefore the council of nine/Saturn carry the blue flame, [which is in the form of the angel] Cassiel, like cherubim carrying the throne of God.
Cherubim transport Gods throne=(()The (Third) temple()) "brings/(is) (()[the presence of]()) God to(/on) Earth:
The 10 kings of Atlantis[]
Poseidon(Enki) was one of the rulers of Atlantis and he had 10 children, the first ten kings of Atlantis (five pairs of twins) who were human angels(naacals), with Cleito(an incarnation of Shekhinah) who all ruled Atlantis: The 12 rulers of Atlantis who are descended from the 12 Hebrew tribes (who are also there descendants).
The war in heaven and the end of Atlantis[]
Enlil(Lucifer), the ruler of the Martian-(Orion)Anunnaki, tried the Lucifer experiment on his Martian empire. The Lucifer experiment AKA/is/causes the "sin" of duality therefore the experiment turned the Martian empire 100% dark(nubilus), turning them into the Martian-(Orion)Draconians, and bringing the nubilus beings into the Omniverse; Enlil "became" Satan. This sparked a war on Mars, which sparked the war in heaven, which destroyed mars and caused the draconians to come to earth.
The Satan collective[]
The Satan collective is the collective consciousness of the dark(nubilus) races, in (all of) existence (the omniverse), and nubilus beings who want to destroy existence. The Satan collective is headed by "the rulers of hell" with the main head of the collective being Enlil(Lucifer). Therefore Satan(/hell) is a parasite within consciousness and is therefore a state of consciousness. The Satan collective is also made up of the anti-christ collective.
Satan wished to create a model universe for his beliefs. Satan’s goal was to totally control all physical universes and lock them off from salvation. Satan still wants to control the minds of all beings so that the only link they have to the Mind of God is what he allows. Satan became the head of the collective consciousness of the nubilus (ethereal beings) therefor naming the collective consciousness satan.
The Demiurge[]
The Demiurge is one of the heads of the Satan collective.
Yaldabaoth(“daughter of [the] void(womb)” or “son of chaos”), the name of the Demiurge, was created when Sophia, Achamōth(chokhmah)/the Holy Spirit of the Trinity/the syzygy (female twin divine Aeon) of Jesus(i.e. The Bride of Christ), tried to emanate without her counterpart(Christ) AKA the "sin" of duality:
The Demiurge was created when apart of the cosmic womb, of the mother goddess, was corrupted by the "sin" of duality which is when nubilus is separated from xen which creates the nubilus field which influences consciousness, these nubilus fields merge and collect in the nubilus river and merge with other nubilus fields; This nubilus river is located in the lower dimensions where the nubilus energy collects, this river is infected by the Wesedrak matrix/fallen matrix/fallen universe/phantom matrix which was created through the collective consciousness of the dark(nubilus) races separating there nubilus (fields) from the xen which split apart of the universe(s) off from the rest of existence/the womb and created the nubilus womb, of Lilith(the dark mother goddess), AKA the Demiurge which is a cube cut off from the rest of the flower of life. Therefore Lilith, the dark(nubilus) satanic mother goddess, is made out of Ninhursag nubilus energy, therefore she is a clone of Ninhursag, and was created by Enlil who she is normally seen with.
Note: "A part of (Shekhinah) the cosmic womb was infected by nubilus and the universe that was infected began falling; This fragment of (Shekhinah) the cosmic wombs consciousness... was partly lost and therefore can not be fully united [until now]."
Note: Lilith was going to be one of the Eves but she was created, by Enlil(Lucifer/Satan), out of nubilus (of the fallen part of the universe/womb of Ninhursag) so she was cast out which was Enlils plan so he could fake that females and males, humans and gods, and nubilus and xen energy aren't equal because he didn't want life forms being created as gods because only he wanted to be like a god. Enlil then, in the form of Samael, produced children with Lilith which the gods wanted to stop by purifying her (into xen energy) by bringing her back to Eden/Adam(Humanity) but she refused. Lilith became the snake in the garden of Eden and helped cause the fall of man/consciousness.
The Demiurge is an AI, which is controlled by Lilith, which controls some galaxies, including (parts of) our galaxy because our part of the universe is inside and being pulled into the matrix, in this universe which are contained within the matrix it created which was built form the 11/10 dimensions down using the qliphoth form of the 10 spacetime dimension tree of life and flower of life and this is using base 10 which is being used to trap and control our consciousness energy in the lower dimensions.
The war in heaven[]
The Anunnaki empire was made up of Anu-Enki's empire(etherian anunnaki), Ninhursags empire(Pleiadians) and Enlil's empire(Draconians) who all ruled it. The Draconian empire, which was 1/3 of the empire, split away from and "destroyed" the old Anunnaki empire during the war in heaven. The Anunnaki empire/12 root races head the Galactic Federation of Light(GFL) therefore when the Anunnaki empire split, the parts of the GFL that were apart of the Draconian empire split away and became the Galactic Federation(GF), which the dark(nubilus) races are apart of, which is controlled by the draconians.
The planet Earth has a prominent position on one of the Stargates/spheres(sephirots) of the tree of life. This means that Earth is anchored on one of the major points of the universe which makes it a desirable piece of real estate to the fallen (angelic) ET(NAA) races. If the fallen ETs can gain dominion of Earth’s (Halls of Amenti) Stargates they can then control this Stargate/sphere(sephirot), they intend to use the Stargate to destroy Universal Stargate-12 in Density-4. Destruction of Universal Star Gate-12 would effectively seal/cut off the universe from source and Density-5 Founder Races protection, 11-dimensions of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, so they could use the universe as an energy source for there time dodecahedron so they could recreate the universe(: During the war in heaven, Enlil(Lucifer) tried to kill and replace God so he could recreate the omniverse in his own image, which can be seen with how he created the phantom matrix. (To do this he tried taking over the Anunnaki empire (and therefore the empires home planets).)) In turn it also makes Earth a central focus for the realignment mission. This is called the Christos Realignment Mission that has the purpose of correcting and rehabilitating the tree of life Divine Blueprint, which has had distortions, by this major conflict with the fallen ETs.
The end of Atlantis (The flood)[]
On earth during the war in heaven, the draconians took over and used what was left of Lemuria, as it was sinking, as there home land and (parts of Atlantis and) waged war against Atlantis. In order to remove the Martian infection and the Draconians from Earth, the Nordics(Pleaidians), who are in control of the Pleaidian Council, made an alliance with the Anunnaki(Sirian Elohim Ohalu). Severe battles ensued between the allies of the Nordics and the Anunnaki against the Draco(nians)/Lemurians. When the Draco realized that they would be driven off the planet Earth, they prepared vast underground bases.
Note: "The [Draconian(Martian)s] invaded [and attacked Earth]... to control human consciousness, gain access to and control the crystal temples/stargate network and destroy them to lock-off existence from God source and plug [Earth] and universe into there fallen matrix by committing mass blood rituals(wars)." To accomplish their objective of claiming Earth and the Star Gates, Fallen Angelics need to possess the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gates tools ("Rod" and "Staff") and to achieve critical mass population of their hybrid Draconian-Human races, whose DNA Templates carry reverse sequenced Fire Letters. Prevention of the Anti-Christos Agenda (Fallen Angelics' continuing Grail Quest) is the purpose for which the Angelic Human Race was created.
The Martian infection in the Atlantean empire eventually gained control and the draconians took control and used the empire for evil. They took over Atlantis, (Around 12,000 to 16,000 years ago BCE the Draconians began experimenting with the core of the Earth itself, from within the inner systems of tunnels that connected various parts of the planet. These experiments, which occurred deep with the Earth’s core, would ultimately have disastrous effects. At one point the Light Membrane by which consciousness itself could connect to this dimension, began to fall apart, and Earth faced a total ecological breakdown. The experiments with earths core which was implanting crystal generators into it caused this. These crystal generators were the crystal pyramids the martians/draconians built to gain access to the ley lines and create there own consciousness grids to manipulate human consciousness and control it:) started manipulating human consciousness causing the fall of man and the flood 13000 years ago, and slowly started taking over the planet; This lead to the draconians breeding with humans which created the nephilim.
The Anti-human and Anti-Krystic agenda for takeover of the planet from NAA controlled by Luciferian forces is called the Luciferian Covenant. This NAA agenda is one of several competing agendas put into place for global domination during the time of the Atlantian Cataclysm. The Luciferian Covenant is comprised of factions of NAA and Power Elite that rewrote the history of humanity since the Atlantian Flood, and have falsified the historical records to hide the knowledge that this event ever happened, as well as obliterate evidence as well as Mind Control all information leading back to the extraterrestrial involvement in all human earthly affairs.
The Melchizedeks are of the 12 Tribes lineages which incarnated as the Hebrew Tribes, who were given the genetic hosting responsibility to assist in the embodiment of the higher DNA language called Hebrew. The Melchizedek lines were attempting to salvage this ancient language of humanity on the earth, which was intrinsic to protecting the memories of the histories of humanity in time codes, also known as Vector Codes. Upon the Luciferian Rebellion the Melchizedek lines became infiltrated by the Luciferian forces, when the draconians started manipulating consciousness, causing some of the Patriarchal Melchizedeks to digressed out of energetic balance and become Dark(nubilus) humans who joined the Draconians in there wars and became the Fallen Melchizedeks. The primary infiltration was from Patriarchal Melchizedeks who developed a misogynist bent based on the distortions in the Sophianic Body. These lines started to lose their connection to the Mother principle which led them to commit intentional harm to others.
(The Blue Ray is apart of the Threefold Founder Flame and GSF Cosmic Triad. It was distorted until Mother Arc was able to return to the earth core and reclaim the Blue Ray out of the Fallen Melchizedek use. As of 2009 our planet went beyond the Melchizedek Universal field to prepare for the return of the 13th gate Pillar of Mother Arc. Mother Arc Hubs are replacing the Melchizedek architecture on earth. The planet changed architectural hosting and moved into the new root race cycle hosted by the Aurora Body and the families of Krystal Star in the next Universe in December 2012.)
The original 12 Tribes were created as a part of the plan that became the Covenant of Paliador to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, which would be made easier to recover during the Ascension Cycle when the Halls of Amenti were opened. The Luciferian Covenant was formed as a result of the earlier war of the Luciferian Rebellion, which was designed to divide and conquer the human tribes through intruder alliances of the NAA. This was to ensure the inner stargates, the Sphere of Amenti, and the Arc Portal Passages would be effectively damaged in order to ensure the failure of the recovery mission known as the Covenant of Paliador.
The orchestration of several events leading to the final Atlantian Cataclysm and ripping wormholes in the Giza Stargate system, was only the first stage of implementing the Draconian groups, they use their forces towards securing their domination agenda on the planet through the New World Order. The Draconian Luciferian groups specifically groomed the illuminati hybrid lines to be their representatives and to be the groundcrew carrying out the physical tasks required to fulfill the Luciferian Covenant and gradually implement and install (the consciousness enslavement blueprint of) the New World Order, which is to be fully executed during the pinnacle stages of the ascension cycle. These human Draconian hybrids were conditioned, implanted and prepared to be the primary Luciferian bloodlines that would be assigned into the highest echelon of global planetary leadership, and would come to be known more specifically as the Illuminati bloodlines.
The legend goes that just before the final destruction, Sanat Kumara, grandfather to the Solar Brotherhood assigned his heir Aramu Muru(Kumaras) and 12 other "Serpentine Lords", and there groups, to take the holy records and power objects of the Amaru to various parts of the world for safekeeping. These groups or ‘Rings’ as they were called would later become known in our history as founding genetic lines or clans, with origins back to the Elder Race. These rings were placed in each culture. (Note: The ring for the Hebrews is the Messianic line.)
When Atlantis sunk, during the flood, the humans, in Atlantis, migrated (back) to Africa where they either became the Egyptians, in Egypt which is also where 1 of the 12 Hebrew tribes went (this is the origin of the story of Exodus) but they ended up migrating back to the Middle East and meeting back up with the 11 other Hebrew tribes, or they either carried on migrating back into the Middle East where they met back up with the humans from Lemuria, who they were more closely related to, and interbred with them and either became the Middle Easterns or moved to Europe.
The draconians also invaded the middle east(Babylon)/Egypt (the Egyptians were descendants of Atlantian-Lemurians) but Ninhursag and Enki set up a plan to take back control of the planet and waged war against Enlil to defeat him. The war ended in a draw with neither side winning or losing but Enlil and the draconians successfully took over most of earth; The parts of the planet, most in Asia, where Mu (which was ruled by Ninhursag) was, that weren't taken over by Enlil were in control of the Anunnaki and the human empire therefore the planet was split between the Draconians and the Anunnaki/human empires.
The tower of Babel[]
The draconian reptilians invaded and took over Babylon, destroying most of the megacity, and started building the tower of Babel which contained the Arch (of the covenant(s)) (stargate) tools, which the draconians stole, so the tower could absorb (and release) energy and act like/be a giant stargate. The tower of Babel collapsed the magnetic grid of earth so it could open a portal, from hell(inferno) (the portal to hell was called Satan's eye) to heaven(12-15th vibrational dimension) so Enlil could invade heaven, and allow for Lilith to reverse grid. The tower of Babel was destroyed by Ninhursag so Enlil couldn't invade heaven but the magnetic grid was reversed which was unstoppable. Lilith was one of the main creator and controller of the tower of Babel.
Note: The crystal pyramids, that were hooked into the earths core((the) magnetic field(/grid) generator), were used to manipulate the human consciousness to control it but they didn't have full control until they could control the magnetic grid. Once they gained control of the magnetic grid/field, which is an important component of the collective consciousness(/morphogenetic/ley line)(electromagnetic) grid/field, they reversed it and had it flow into there crystal pyramids to create a consciousness grid overlay over and which plugged into the human consciousness grid. This fake consciousness grid they created was plugged into there phantom matrix and allowed they to manipulate the genetic data, and therefore human genetics, in the human consciousness grid. Note: The Draconian empire came to earth and invaded Babylon ruled by Enki(Ra/physical god יהוה) and Atlantis which they successfully took over and started taking over the rest of earth. They destroyed most of Babylon after gaining control over apart of it and decided to make Atlantes go to war so they could destroy it and take over it and the world fully.
What remained of Babylon became the Sumerians civilization which was created with the help of the Sirian Ohalu.
The formation of the committee of 300, the new rulers of Earth.[]
Enlil(Satan) had the descendants of the human-draconian hybrids(anti-christ collective), who became 300(150) families and are descendants of the rulers of the Draconian empire, create the committee of 300("Illuminati") which they rule and use to rule the earth for Enlil(Satan); These 300 families became the royal families, ruling families and heads of religions. The committee of 300 work for and work with the GF.
Infiltration of secret societies[]
The royal families(elite bloodlines) are apart of and formed many secret societies such as the freemasons and Illuminati through the religions the elite set up and all the royal families of Europe are related so they are actually one big royal family. Members of the royal families(elite bloodlines) were apart of the Illuminati as I had said. Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati, he combined the degrees of Freemasonry with those of the Jesuits, Adam Weishaupt became a Freemason and formed the Illuminated Freemasons by merging Freemason lodges with what was left of the Illuminati[3] after it was banned and they started inviting Jews into the lodges, such as the Rothschilds, so they could use Jews to blame them for controlling the world to eradicate the 12 tribes and therefore the 12 strands of DNA to sever the humans connection to the higher dimensions and destroy there spirituality. The committee of 300 divided its self((/)organization) up into lodges and these lodges became the Illuminated Freemason lodges.
Note: "The royal families of Europe are all related and all originated from Egypt and Mesopotamia and they are human-draconian reptilian hybrids... These families wanted to build a hierarchy to form their evil empire and to do this they had to set up a secret society and since some of them were apart of the Freemasons they had a Freemasons member set up a secret society called the Illuminati which later merged with the Freemasons...
There next step was to rule over Europe(The empires which ruled the world) and they did this by starting the French revolution which caused Napoleon to use France to take over Europe which created an alliance the royal families were apart of so to formed the hierarchy which is:
- Families/committee of 300/Illuminati
- Freemasons
- Empire alliance
The heads of the Committee of 300 are in communication with [there] Draconian overlords in the Orion constellation who rule over the [Draconian(-Orion) empire]."
MJ-12 is one of the lodges of the committee of 300 that is in communication with the Draconians because they work with the Draconians(GF) to run the Secret Space Program: "Who runs the Secret Space Program? The heads of the committee of 300 who are Draconian-Human families which makes sense because the Draconians are involved with the Mars base."
The committee of 300 gets infiltrated[]
Some of the Freemasons who were at the meeting where the NWO plan was planned by the Illuminati-Freemasons(Illuminated Freemasons) did not want to be apart of the NWO plan and hated it, these Freemasons who didn't want a NWO got into contact with the Angelic human lineage(Cherubim family, Xenplexian-Human race) and formed the Grand Lodge of Xenplexa-Universal Freemasonry(Le Droit Humain) Alliance which formed the Earth Alliance which allowed them to gain some power in Governments, infiltrate the Freemasons(Illuminated Freemasons) and later to set up HexTec(earth sector)(Xenplexa) which has helped humanity advance science and technology and has influence over science and technology companies.
Note: Through this alliance and because of the overall freemason's starting to allow Jews in, Xenplexa was able to infiltrate the illuminated freemason's and "has [been able to] help(ed) humanity advance science and technology and has therefore had influence over science and technology companies."
The earth should currently be ruled by the human empire but it is not because it isn't in full control of the earth since the draconian empire rules over large parts of the earth. But thanks to the 12 Hebrew tribes, who partly rule over the human empire, the empire has become the Earth alliance and has infultrated the committee of 300.
Note: "The galactic federation of light[(GFL)] has starships orbiting around earth, which are in contact with and have connections to Shamballah the capital of the (xenplexian-)human empire and one of the starships is the black knight satellite, but there are two federations because the galactic federation[(GF)] as it is known is the fallen races who split off from the [GFL]. The secret space program is split in two, one side works with the [GF] and the other side works with the [GFL] and..." along with "Q(anon) [are] apart of the [Earth] alliance and... [so Q and the Earth alliance therefore] have communication with and are guided by the Pleiadians/[GFL](through the Grand Lodge Of Xenplexa) who are the head of and are guiding the alliance."
Note: The Anunnaki started setting up the new plan for the human race in 2017.
Note: The xenplexians and draconians are still fighting on earth for the control over it. The xenplexian empire controls parts of the planet(which includes parts of Russia/Asia(Mu) and parts of the UK). The mother goddess Virgo is coming back to and is on earth.
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 1[]
Judaism, which is the foundation to Christianity, doesn't say there is two comings of the Messiah and the only reason why there is a second coming in Christianity is because Jesus did not fulfill any of the messianic prophecies in the old testament because he was not the (Jewish) Messiah(, he was a Jewish teacher who taught about the Messiah and Jewish Gnosticism(Kabbalah) which is why some teachings identified with Gnosticism emerged before Christianity did and others developed apart from Christianity, in heterodox Jewish circles, and were then adapted by Christian groups which is why "classical Gnostic experience resulted in a 'mythological' and cosmological literature closely related to the Kabbalah" and "the 'prophetic Kabbalah'... show[s] evidence of primal visionary insights replete with Gnostic overtones" because they are similar due to Gnosticism originating from Jewish Gnosticism; His gnostic messages were "everyone is [one with]/[a child of] God" and to preaching love and peace.):
- Build the Third Temple. The Second Temple was still standing in his time so he couldn't have built the third so wasn't the Messiah especially because Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright and that, in the Bible(Torah), no concept of a second coming exists.
- Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel. The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses; Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets – Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi; Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet. So he wasn't the Messiah especially because Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright and that, in the Bible(Torah), no concept of a second coming exists.
- Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore".
- Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world – on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One".
But Jesus was a descendant of the (Holy) Davidic (Grail) (blood)line, through Mary, and (therefore) he was an Essene; His teachings were corrupted, by the Romans, and God was replaced with a satanic destructive god to create Christianity, and a corrupted form of the true Jesus which is the fake Messiah, which is/was used to condemn, persecute and attack Jews, by saying the Jews killed Jesus which is a foundation of Christianity showing it is (based on) antisemit-ic(/ism), and (his original) (Jewish) Gnostic teachings which is why these teachings went into hiding and were codedly hidden in the (Christian) Bible because they(, Christianity/the church(anti-christ collective), which was created by the Romans(Ruled by a royal family from the committee of 300(anti-christ collective))), who evolved into Christian Zionists[4], tried to erase them; It is/was also used to control everyone, including the Jews, by turning the Jewish beliefs into a "religion", and the Jewish population, and to create and fulfill Christian, not Jewish, prophecies which included:
- Having all nations turn against Israel(Jews) and destroying(genocide) Israel(the Jewish people) and Jewish (the real) Zionis-m/ts to create a Christian "Israel"; Christian Zionists, through the US (and other Christian countries), fund the (antisemitic antizionist) UN(one world government) to fund Christian Zionis-m/ts, disguised as Jewish Zionis-m/ts, and anti-jewish Zionis-m/ts (countries) to increase antisemitism, they also fund both sides of every war; The christian Zionist US funded UN, a week just before 9/11, backed a "Zionism is racism" conference where the "Elders of Zion" was sold and the christian Zionist US funds Israel because they don't care if Israel is Jewish because they only support Israel because they are Christian and want Israel to be Christian so they only want to use Israel and Jews for there own purpose.
- "The second coming of [there Christian] Jesus", the fake Messiah they(, the elite(committee of 300(Illuminated freemasons)) who created Christianity through the Romans,) created who is the actual antichrist/dajjal so because a second coming isn't happening, when the true Messiah actually comes (the) Christians (Zionists) would say the true Messiah is the antichrist and demonize them and bring in there fake Messiah Jesus to destroy Israel to create a Christian Israel which is exposed because the Black Hebrew Israelites(BHI), who were founded by two (Illuminated) freemasons, believe in a racist antisemitic Nazi Jesus who will come back and genocide the Jews and to do this Christian Zionists will start a race war between the BHI and white Christians, by saying that both sides want to kill everyone that isn't them, and they will then use both sides to blame it on the Jews and then attack the Jews.
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 2[]
"So Jews are waiting for the real Messiah, not Jesus, who will arrive when 'YHWH, the name of God, is this equation and the number, which is the geometry(E8(8D)/dodecahedron constructed out of trees of life(4D)/64 tetrahedron grid(3D)), it is equal to and geometry=numbers=information=energy=consciousness 'therefore YHWH is... a state of consciousness because it is a (higher level(state) of) consciousness which can be unified with to gain said state' because E8 is constructed out of dodecahedron and icosahedron which form the 12 stranded DNA which activate when the Messiah('Christ'/YHWH)(Messiah=358(Hebrew gematria)=546(base 8)=396(base 12)|693=11(:)33|3311) consciousness is gained when the [real] Messiah arrives[/comes]'(AKA the Messianic Age), which happens when humans bring on the Messianic Age by joining together to create a better world by achieving the Messiah consciousness, and when the Messiah does arrive there will be no more wars and earth will become a utopia which is why the elite are targeting the Jews."
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 1.3[]
"Ancient Judaism was balanced with the feminine and masculine both worshipped in the forms of God and the wife of God.
The temple had female priests aka priestesses, which Solomon's temple was known for, but nowadays they're called concubines. After this temple was destroyed and the Jews taken to Babylon the feminine aspect was removed from the religion.
Later on Jesus came to reconnect the people with this lost aspect of religion. He did not come to bring a new religion. He came to reconnect with the old, to restore balance of feminine and masculine which is needed for spiritual development.
The romans then took Jesus teachings as their own, pretending they did accept him, but they did not at all, because they cherry picked and further erased any feminine aspects and any chances of spiritual development for the people following it, they used it to create a religion much like the Jewish one and called it the right one.
Of course Mary Magdalene now as the concubine instead of the priestess and his counterpart is an even deeper erasure of the feminine.
Christianity globalised, Feminine intuition destroyed, paganism outlawed, the connection to nature reduced, medicine women and midwives were now witches and of course anything connecting us to the feminine, to our senses, had to be destroyed. The same happened in other regions with Islam.
And now radical Islam coming from the side of the babylonians is taking over the minds of the people in the world hidden under ideologies of resistance and freedom.
Babylonians destroyed the first temple of Jerusalem. The romans destroyed the second temple of Jerusalem. Both have new religions based on the spiritual religion practiced in these temples but there is no temple connecting them to it, they took the religion and the temples with them and claim to be the right one.
The prophets of these religions are of immense significance. However the way religion is practiced is not and got, in some instances, nothing to do with them, this varies of course."
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 3[]
What Jesus actually did was restore all races in the Sphere of Amenti, to repair it, so more beings can access the Messiah consciousness to awaken/ascend, by teaching about the Messiah consciousness which will allow all the 12 strands of DNA to activate so the Messiah, with 12 stranded DNA, can come/be born and bring the 12 strands of DNA.
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 1.6: The elites(Committee of 300's) plan for the Jewish people.[]
- The Romans rename Israel/Judah to Palestine and kick Jews out of the land and turned the Jews into slaves. This is the point where the Jews became slaves to the elite.
- Embed antisemitism into society and create and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories to rewrite history and increase antisemitism to aid in the genocide of Jews.
- Use the allies("allied" illuminated lodges) in WW1 to spread anti-German("axis" illuminated lodges) propaganda so people would deny that Nazi Germany("axis" illuminated lodges), who was told about and enacted the genocide plan, was committing genocide against the Jews to increase antisemitism, by creating antisemitic conspiracy theories, so people will deny and/or ignore the genocide of the Jews.
- After WW2 the elite allowed the Jews to (re)establish Israel but they were reluctant because the heads of the elite split the elite up into two groups: •The "allied" illuminated lodges who would rule the nations that “support” Jews (but in reality they don't because they are using Jews as slaves so they can say Jews control everything). •The "axis" illuminated lodges who would rule the nations that don’t support Jews. but they allowed it, but would corrupt Israel by placing the people they want in power, so they could used these two groups to use Israel to increase antisemitism to aid in the genocide of Jews.
- They would then increase antisemitism/antizionism will increase the hatred of Israel so countries will (continue to) threaten Israel which will become so bad that in the Last days Israel will accept a treaty of protection from the western powers, the leader of which will be the “Anti-Christ”(the elites Jesus). The anti-christ will break the treaty and turn on Israel because he will be satanically controlled.
- The increase in antisemitism/antizionism will be by spreading antisemitic/antizionist conspiracy theories such as saying black people are the original Jews, when there not, and the usual white supremacy antisemitic conspiracy theories to increase white supremacy so whites and blacks will work together to get rid of the Jews. They will do this by (attempting to) destroy groups that protect Jews so they can attack Jews and increase antisemitism more so all Jews eventually move to Israel which will be seen as the anti-christ(the elites Jesus) gathering all the Jews and bringing them to Israel("rescuing Israel").
- Around this time the real Messiah, who the elite are waiting for because the Messiah has all 12 strands of DNA, will arrive but will be called, by the elite, the (real)anti-christ(the elites Jesus) and non-Jews, the anti-christ and then the real anti-christ(the elites Jesus) will reveal themselves and be seen as the Messiah. Nations will then come and surround Israel to destroy/annihilate it, AKA genocide the Jews, and the real anti-christ(the elites Jesus) will kill the real Messiah so humanity will lose access to the 12 strands and higher dimensions and so the elite can then take the 12 stranded template and create there satanic reverse of it so they can fully control Earths stargates and humanity, and therefore the human template which they intend to reverse.
This is referred to as the end times and will be world war 3(WW3/Megiddo battle), the war where it is terrorists, supported by the majority of the world, VS Israel. Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconian entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the militant and terrorist activities in the areas of the planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic extremist factions observed in the Middle East are culled and orchestrated in terrorism techniques primarily by the Omicron reptiles.
Note: The Luciferian (cultivated) bloodlines were sent to the North American continent to gain control over the Sarasota Grual Stargate and prepare the groundwork of what would become the United States of America. This demographic location was designated for laying the architecture of the New Jerusalem, for the purpose of building the main Control Pillars of Society upon the North American ley lines that supported the consciousness blueprint for ultimately manifesting their vision of the Global New World Order. The United States land mass was chosen as the epicenter for Draconian entities command central for implementing the programs of the Military Industrial Complex and black operations, that joined humans and nonhumans into several covert intelligence programs and secret space programs. The United States became the primary world military power under their covert leadership in order to prepare for the final conflict or Megiddo battle, which was for gaining complete control over the earth and humanity when the Stargates opened and the planetary Ascension was underway.
Dragon Moth Omnicrons started to place their Alien Machinery in the planet at the time of the Nephilim Wars. They installed the Dragon Grids. The Dragon Grid, The Dragon Agenda is all connected to the Dragon Moth entities of the Orion Group. They believe they will get their Dragon Grid completely activated and controlled if WW3 was instigated, and they push that to happen through world terrorism.
Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 1.3 and 1.6: Extended.[]
"The elites bloodlines [are 'Satanists who are descendants of the satanic bloodlines originat[ing] on Atlantis... [who] are the 150(300) Draconian-Human families[(...)/]antichrist collective[(...)], [Who] want to create the antichrist...', and who] have existed for thousands of years through royalty, they set up religion [by 'manipulat[ing] the original stories to make one god...' by merging Y(a)HW(e)H/Enki with Satan/Enlil to replace Yahweh(Enki) with a fake Yahweh(Enlil), they created, 'who is actually Satan[(Enlil)]...'] to control people [which they did by first 'set[ting] up[/creating] Judaism to therefore control the Hebrews[/Jews]...' so they could exile Yahweh(Enki), which has limited Yahweh(Enki)s power, and the Jews from Earth so to bring Yahweh(Enki) back to earth, through the Jews, Yahweh(Enki)'s child, the Messiah ([(]who's consciousness is the Messiah consciousness which is apart of[)] Yahweh[(]s consciousness[)]) will bring Yahweh back and confront the fallen angelic fake Yahweh(Enlil)/fake Messiah(Jesus) who rules the Earth through the Christian-Islamic church(Vatican). Because of this and since the exile isn't complete and because they want to control everyone through there fake Yahweh(Enlil/Satan) they then created 'Christianity and... Islam...' which are headed by the Christian-Islamic church who are using them to attempt to destroy the Messiah and Jews to 'exile' them from earth but these attempts are thwarted by Yahweh(Enki). They do this by forcing Jews into power so they can control them and put all the blame onto them so they(the elite/Vaticans Jesuit(satanist)s) can fake they are Jewish which is why 'the elite are normally linked to Jews' when there not (even) (real) Jews. Replacing Yahweh with Satan also allowed them to 'set up [the 'black cube']', which they had already reversed through the southern eye of saturn, 'to be used as Saturn Satan worship which is the incorrect use of the cube since the cube was originally known as the cube of creation'.]"
The male and female Messiah are in hiding: The (male) Messiah was placed into an artificial family so the church isn't able to kill them both. The (male) Messiah meets Shekhinah(the female Messiah) who acts as a surrogate teacher for the (male) Messiah to help them regain there memory and discover there true identity as the Messiah.
Note: (from) Jesus, the Messiah(Christ) and Antimessiah(Antichrist) part 2: (a)wak(en)ing [up] the Messiah.
The bible, its origin, and the 37×73 code[]
The original Torah(bible) aka the first five books of Moses, which is the Old Testament, the Kabbalah and the commandments, all of which contained all this sacred wisdom, were given to the Jews, (again) at Mount Sinai, by the Ohalu Council(Sirian Council(Anunnaki)) (but they have been dramaticly changed by the elite. The Hebrew language is the language of Ohalu Council. This is the world language and it comes from cosmic inteligence which you call God):
But most of this wisdom was lost due to the elite destroying it.
The origin of the bible[]
The narrative of Jesus Christ was created from the Guardian Yeshua(Jesus) who came, to the earth plane with his genetic equal Wife Mary Sophia, to change the 3rd dimensional Timelines and bring the Essenes Christ(os) Templars and Law of One Ascension knowledge. Yeshua ascended out with Guardian support. The group was partially successful in their mission, and many other Christ(os) (consciousness) families have been on the earth since then.
During the Founder Guardian Yeshua Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua through access to his higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templars knowledge. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the knowledge, by transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts in order to return this spiritual knowledge of the Inner Christos back to all of humanity. This knowledge included humanities true origins from the planet Tara(5D earth) and the historical accounts from the Atlantian Cataclysm.
This knowledge originally belonged to all of the human and 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. The knowledge was protected and administered to by an assigned Grail King on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe.
The male and female Messiah[]
The Satanic stronghold in the Vatican aggressively targeted and killed the original Christ Templars in an attempt to extinguish all records of the Essenes, Law of One, the Christos-Sophia, the Mother Arc as the Holy Spirit, and the female principle's equal role to access Christos consciousness, as the true wisdom and spiritual knowledge of our Universe. Also, this was intended to hide that Christ was actually both a male and female being, was embodied through a group consciousness, was married and had children, was not of immaculate conception, as well as hide the fact that the Christ was of extradimensional or "otherworldly' origins.
This was also designed to stop the Mother Arc/Sophianic Body from incarnating in physical matter on the earth.
This was the anti-christos agenda to stop any Christos being from other timelines from incarnating back into this timeline of the 3rd dimensional earth.
To enter through the Sophianic door which opens into the house of God, to even perceive it or know it, our heart must be magnetically attuned to perfect devotion to the Holy Spirit in the Christos Sophia. Christos-Sophia is the guide to know God and without her, you will not be able to walk into the house of God or dwell within it.
It is said that in 1987 a ceremony took place where upon the Earthly throne of the Kumara, represented by the Great Solar Disk of Aramu. A young Woman was given the ancient scepter of the Aramu, signaling the shifting of energies back into the seat of the Goddess, Gaia, the Holy Mother, Pacha Mama, the Aramu Mayo, the Queen of Angels. This was also symbolic of the shifting of the planet through chaos of rebirth, back into balance of the Alpha and Omega. The serpentine energies of Pacha-Mama, and her daughters would once again regain their place of honor, and authority in the matrix of social awareness. The consciousness of HU-manity would then be able to once again open to the awareness of the Mother of us all, and the mother within us all.
All measures are taken to not discuss or allow to be discussed the emergence of the feminine ray, and the return of the Mother Goddess to political power as well as Spiritual power. Besides the revealing of the bigger picture in Jesus-Sananda’s life which comes along with the true understanding of the Solar Brotherhood; the matter of the Holy Mother may be the second most important issue that threatens the revealing of what is found at so many sites. For near on 2500 years this war against the Goddess, the Holy Mother, has been ongoing.
The number 36, from base 37, is the main component of the Alpha constant(Fine structure constant) and is therefore the true alpha constant:
The fine structure constant[]
- 1/27=0.037 and 1/37=0.027
- 27/37≈0.730(0.729)≈(100×)1/137((≈)π7/π⁷=YHWH(יהוה))
- Note: 1/x=0.0072999...(9 reccuring)=0.0073(because 0.999...=1)≈1/137 therefore x=10000/73≈137
- 27+37+73=137
Holy Cosmic/Universal Mother (Goddess) Sophia: The Bride of Christ.[]
- The mother goddess (Tiamat) is the goddess of the earth and moon because they are fragments of her fragment(Tiamat).
In Gnosticism, Sophia(meaning “wisdom”, denoting cleverness, intelligence, and wisdom, is the Greek translation of the Hebrew term/word Hokhmah therefore Sophia is the feminine personification of wisdom (logos).) is a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the feminine aspects of God. Gnostics held that she was the syzygy, or female twin, of Christ, i.e. the Bride of Christ, and the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. She is occasionally referred to by the term Achamōth((C)Hokhmah) and as Prunikos. Sophia is an aeon or anthropic emanation of the godhead. She would be the daughter of Elohim.
The inner path of Christos-Sophia leads us to seek our own inner wisdom through divine Gnosis within our Soul, ultimately helping us to achieve spiritual freedom through attaining Unity with the Godhead.
The sacred Aeonic Pair of Cosmic Aurora Christos and his wife, the Mother Sophia, are reunited through their Heavenly Hierogamic union as it has been made possible through their combined consciousness in physical embodiments on the earth now. Their sacred marriage to the Eternal Living Spirit of God is As Above, So Below; which heralds the beginning of the material body restoration.
Note: "Aphrodite, the female form of Hermaphrodite/Virgo(Shekhinah), was arranged to marry another ["]God[", who is the false God(Fake YHWH(Enlil/Satan)), through Lilith through the sin of duality] but went unmarried [because]... [She] is now united with her [real] partner[/the real God]."
The restoration is the animation of the Holy Spirit of God to inspirit throughout elemental matter and to collect its pieces to return them back into wholeness. Thus, we begin the spiritual correction of the Sophianic Body in this earth through the divine marriage made with her husband, the eternal consciousness of the Aurora Christos. Throughout many dimensional worlds, together, the Song of Christos Sophia may sound to play the Heavenly Music of their mutually twinned heart chord. The Song of Christos Sophia is a magnetic sonar sound field which generates organic Plasma Waves light from the female principle. It is the true Diamond Heart tone music of the Universal daughters of God. It is born from the sacred heart aspect of the Holy Mother Arc which embraces the Crystal Heart of wisdom for her daughters the Christos So|Phi|A. The momentous planetary initiation and personal transmogrification is occurring now through the return of the Holy Mother Sophia through her emanation as the Divine Solar Feminine Christos-Sophia.
Through this cycle of correction of the Sophianic Body in the earth, the spiritual essence of the Cosmic Triad God the Father, God the Mother, God the Children of the Sun, Christos, are unifying with their wives and genetic equal, the Solar Feminine or the Risen Christ Sophia.
The return of the Sophianic consciousness by recognizing the importance of the divine feminine is needed to the shift the consciousness of humanity and is essential if we are to effectively deal with the ominous problems facing the world today. In order for humanity to fulfill their evolutionary potential, we must learn how to fully actualize both the human and divine aspects of our spiritual nature.
Ophiuchus is transmitted to the planet in the combination of divine aether and water, or fiery waters(Fire Water), which carry the archetype of the sacred wound healer of humanities spiritual ascension. The Cosmic Aether which is at the core of the Galactic Center, which represents pouring of healing spiritual waters into the earth and humanity from Mother God. This constellation represents the pending birth of the Christ child growing in the womb of the Divine Mother. It is one with all things and has no opposite. It is capable of healing all human wounds and amplifies spiritual healing in this cycle. It is related to the symbol Phi and reemerging Sophia.
As she transmits her Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasmas of the trine unifiers, she ignites the fifth element in the Ritual of Aether to bestow her blessings through the Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Sophia Crown. Love your Holy Mother Sophia with all of your crystal rose heart, and from within the inner sanctum of your heart the Kingdom of God will reveal and Christos-Sophia’s holiest of holies in the eternal animating spirit will become known to you!
Through the return of our authentic Divine Holy Mother Sophia, she restores and resurrects our consciousness body through the purge of her initiator into the sacred mysteries of Solar Fire Water, through the immersion into the divine Aether elements she purges and purifies our physical form, our blood and our soul. Every fiber of our being is saturated in her divine spiritual waters, cleansing and purifying elementals and distortions recorded in our cellular material. This sacred anointing of divine fire-water has begun en masse and this initiation happens while in a physical body or when disembodied, our position in time is of no matter when one has been chosen to receive this powerful initiator from the Divine Holy Mother Sophia.
Many grid wars and off planet Spiritual Warfare events ensued as a result of reclaiming her massive spiritual body parts that are connected to the Solar Mary’s Tiamat histories, and the reclamation and reunion of her Cosmic Dragon parts. There has been ongoing dismantling of the anti-hierogamic alien machinery that was used to pervert, invert and clone her sacred image, energy signature and holy spirit for assorted satanic agendas as the alien generated Dark Mother Goddess.
Thus, major architectural projects continue in the repair sequences of the Cosmic Mother Sophia’s Triple Solar Feminine Christ body parts to restore forces of unconditional love, peace and harmony between the Cosmic Mother and Father. This includes transmissions for triple solar sophianic plasma corrections being made in the re-encrypted Template, which is revealed to be the Cosmic Mother’s instruction sets being held within her more recent organic liquid light creations.
Mother (goddess)[]
The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic Female Coding.
Mother Arc: In response to the activation of powerful anti-Christiac currents into our Earth and related Universe, the Arc Auto-pilot Emergency Override System was automatically upgraded to trigger what is called a Level-6 opening of the Arc of the Covenant. The Arc of the Covenant will now be transmitting frequencies from the levels closest to God-Source known as the Eckasha-Aah Universe. The energy life-force current associated with this level of Arc opening is referred to as the Double Eckasha-Aah 13th Pillar and this Pillar began activating within Earth’s shields on May 27 2003. A quantity of God Source consciousness called the Amoraea Wave or 13th Pillar, emerged from the field of first creation/living consciousness of God-Source and initiated on this planet during Hetharo (May 27, 2003). This eternal flame, which circulates pulses of living God consciousness into and out of manifestation, anchored (began transmitting) in the planetary grids during Hethalon (August 12-15, 2003). The Amoraea Wave-Pillar was created through interaction of the 12 Reuche Pillar Scalar-Standing-Columnar-Wave layered points of frequency which together form the first scalar wave-field that becomes the Core God World of creation. Hence the name “13th Pillar” or “Ecka-ManU Eternal Flame”. From the 21st December 2003 through to the 21st December 2012, each of the 12 Reuche Pillars will be separating and arcing from the central 13th Pillar to initiate and anchor the frequencies of each Pillar into the planetary grids and into the individual templates of all life forms. As each of the 12 Reuche Pillars corresponds to one of the 12 embodied dimensions, each anchoring and activating begins the process of restoring the original natural/divine blueprint for that dimension. Note: The draconians are now losing control over the consciousness grids.
The Krystal Guardians have called this aspect of Mother's Aquamarine Ray current(energy), the 13th Pillar gateway, which is also (providing) a (completely) new quality of (sonoluminescence and) magnetic forces (that are) powering up in the earth (crystal) core (which is circuited from the earth core from newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quadra Merkabic structure) that is flooding the planetary body with Aqua Ray frequency - The Mother Arc. the Mother Arc, the Aqua Ray frequency and the braided plasma fields of the Aqualine Sun. It is through the Mother's perfect Proton Seed or Cosmic Egg, along with the braided unification of the blue plasma cores that make up the Aqualine Sun that creation can heal itself to its original divine blueprint, which is catalyzed into elemental matter (and further) through the awakening of the planetary Albion body. These circuits of reconnection of the Mother of God principle is made possible by the Override Pillar Gates(The Override Pillar Gates or Reuche Pillars are from the God worlds that serve to stabilize the planetary merkaba shields), which is the original parent frequency which directly heals our inner spirit and our Lightbody.
The Mother Arc is a part of the animating spiritual forces of the Aurora Ether or Cosmic Holy Spirit connected to the Godhead; the Zero Point and eternal flame that is merged within the Aquamarine Founder Ray and the Arc Zone. A quantity of the Cosmic Holy Spirit was transmitted into our Universal Time Matrix and formed into the 13th Pillar, which began transmitting the Aquamarine layer of Amoraea waves to ignite the inner holy spirit within the higher heart complex located within the 8th layer of the monadic body in human beings.
The 13th Pillar waves of the Mother Arc are the eternal flames that circulate the pulses of the living God consciousness from in and out of the manifestation grid, so that all twelve of the organic dimensional timeline templates are protected and held within the one, 13th Pillar. The eternal flame of the Cosmic Holy Spirit merges and ignites the internal flame at the center of the Permanent Seed Atom in the higher heart, and this initiates the monadic embodiment process that opens within the Sacred Crystal Heart, the eternal flame of divine love. This opens the two-way communication links within the personal inner sanctum that exists between the divine trinity of the Godhead and the individual from his or her point on the manifestation time grid. From within the sacred heart and held point of the eternal flame of divine love, one is connected with the entire Universe, and this is when communication with the Personal Christ or Krystal Guardians is made possible.
Thus, the Mother Arc is the Staff principle from the Godhead that is encompassed within the advanced architecture of the Arc of the Covenant, a living consciousness portal system that has been gifted to us as a failsafe to protect this planetary creation. Mother Arc is one with the Zero Point and directly merged with Aurora Hosting which gives birth to the Creatrix Field. This specialized void space is purposed for the re-encryption and resurrection of the elementals and raw substances throughout creation.
Mother Arc and the Aurora forces align together to accomplish the process of rebirthing the elemental and tetramorphic patterns in the natural kingdoms, to be able to heal within the Krystic divine blueprint. This Aquamarine Ray is the blue diamond chalice frequency of the overflowing golden cup of divine love found within the Sacred Crystal Heart, this represents humanity’s real parent and Cosmic Mother resurrecting herself in the fallen realm.
She is the Aqualine heart beating to reclaim the vertical spiritual connections, the genetics of the Mother’s tetramorph pattern that represent the Sophianic wisdom being returned back into wholeness through the knowledge of the divine trinity.
The real Mother principle that is held deep within the sacred crystal heart that flows with the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Through Aqua Mother, we access the Aqualine Sun from the earth grid surface, which is the liquid luminal plasma light braided into our earth core that has been reconnected into our home Universe.
The 12:12 Pattern is the organic horizontal Clock-wise Male Christ electrical Rod architecture that allows a mathematical merge with the vertical Counter-Clock-wise Female Christ magnetic Staff to actually occur. The female vertical Staff is the 13th Bio-circuitry known as the Mother Arc.
Since our God source code is a Trinity Wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed connecting to God through the sacred union of the male and female. Sacred Union is our divine birthright and this organic architecture is now being returned to our species as Hieros Gamos. This pattern is changing now on our planet and we are able to access a new unity code through these "Rod and Staff" embodiment. This embodiment is also referred to as Hieros Gamos, and is the foundation of the HGS system.
The Eastern Australian Seaboard from Brisbane to Uluru (Ayer's Rock) is acting as one of the main portal magnetic battery generators that is gaining charge in its main magnetic hub located by the monument of Uluru. Uluru is a power point for a Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient gateways, systems or hubs and was placed there as a marker by the God creators of this system, the Ancient Builder Races. They say Uluru was placed there by the Blue Dragon races located in the next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens. (Dragon is not to be confused with Orion's Draconis, Dragon Moth or any of the draconian Reptilian races.) This area is being primarily utilized to begin to power up a new level of the Arc Gate Systems on the planet to run Trinity Wave architecture. This ignition (circa 2010) has specific relevance to the Mother Arc frequency (13th Pillar Mother Magnetic Aqua Flame) which supports the ignition of the Giza Pyramid, Sphinx underground chambers and its related circulatory systems leading into the inner earth. It appears the timeline for this activation is geared for June Solstice [2010].
The Magnetic Field correction is one result of the Mother Arc frequency reconnecting into the earth core, and is connecting to magnetically charge up the Uluru Stargate and related Portal systems. Uluru Stargate has access into the beginning and end of creation Timelines leading back into the zero point/Unity Field, and this begins to power up the Giza/Pyramidal dipole activity located in Egypt. This recent activity is similar to switching on a generator that is to POWER UP these dormant vortexes/grid points that were inactive, or damaged.
Abbreviation - MAH is the Mother Arc Hubs Planetary Grid Network.
The Earth Core Chakra is Aquamarine and connects to the Universal Mother Arc into the base of the 12D shield 12" below the feet and into the earth core. This is the real Aqua Ray activation of Mother Arc which returns the Blue Ray to the Mother. To connect with the Threefold Founder Flame under Aqua Blue Ray, and reclaim our Mother of God principle for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Aqua Blue Ray of Mother Arc.
It is through uniting with our Mother Principle, the Mother Arc 13th Pillar and 13th Aqua Ray that we are led into the Ascended Master fields of the Rainbow Rays, and into the Aurora time continuum to connect to the liquid light of Pale Aqua Rays shining from the Aqualine Sun.
The 13th and 6th Blue Ray was previously under the control of the Melchizedek hosting of our planet. Since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion the Mother Arc Aqua Blue Ray was not in the earth core, hence, the earth had lost her Mother of God and female Christ Sophianic Body principle.
The Ascension Cycle is about reclaiming the Christ and the Mother principle for the planet by building the architecture for Mother Arc Hubs, connecting to the Aurora and Aqualine Sun and building Triad Communication Stations to connect to Krystal Star architecture, such as the Krystal Kaleidoscope which acts as a Krystal Consciousness mirror.
Since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, the Aqua Blue Ray was a fragmented Blue Ray used by the Melchizedek and Family of Michael forces. In 2009, Mother Arc was reignited in the earth core and in many Mother Arc Hubs Gates on the surface of the Earth to build links into Aurora Hosting and ultimately the Aqualine Sun. We now have access to our Mother of God, the Holder of the Founder Aqua Blue Ray and beyond into the cosmic Aether (Sound pillar) that opens the 13th Gate into the Neutron Window which connects us to the Aurora and Krystal Star and beyond to the Aqualine Sun.
Mother Arc is the Aurora Ether, Zero Point merged with Aquamarine Founder Ray. Mother Arc is the Staff frequency and architecture of the Arc of Covenant, a living consciousness portal system on this planet. Mother Arc is one with the Zero Point and directly merged with Aurora Hosting to give birth to the Creatrix Field, in order to re-encrypt and resurrect the elementals of this Universe. Mother Arc and Aurora align together to accomplish rebirth to the elemental kingdoms.
This Aquamarine Chalice frequency is the representation of humanities real parent and Cosmic Mother. She is also the aqua heart beating to reclaim the Great White Lion grid, for healing the Blue Flame Fallen Elohim, and the Sphinx feline network back into wholeness. Mother Arc is the returning Sound principle of the Godhead, bringing the female wisdom back to the planet, by reclaiming her brain (logos) and reclaiming her offspring. She brings with her, her Radiant Sun, The Holy Spirit of Christos to this planet. She is the override frequency for the damage within the 6D Indigo Ray and the protector of all Indigo Ray children on earth. Mother merges her sound vibration back with her counterpart, the light of the Heavenly Father, of which when both forces are in perfect union, she is capable of rebirth and resurrection of all matter forms.
The Override Pillar Gates connect into the parallel quadrants holding the earth body and all parallels together, anchoring them into the inner worlds, which helps to disconnect the Beast Machine reversal networks so its inoperable on the earth body. Once the Amoraea Flame was connected into our Universal Time Matrix, it manifests into two new Arc Rays, the Mother Arc and Father Arc which act to override the False Parent energy structures used by the NAA as Consciousness Traps by creating religious intermediaries that represent themselves as the Mother and Father principle, but are in fact Alien False Gods.
The Holy Mother through the Mother Arc Hubs, created within the Arc of the Covenant gateway, intends to reclaim the genetic bonds to heal her offspring incarnated within the lower creation worlds. This is also about correcting the Mother to Child RNA-DNA records within the divine blueprint of humanity, extracting Lilith archetypes and aligning the corrected Mitochondria and chromosomal bonds to the Holy Mother’s eternal flame, that is held deep within the Sacred Crystal Heart.
The Mother Arc Aquamarine gateway has been initiated into its next stages of dissolving the NAA’s Patriarchal Domination Coding network and its Alien Dark Mother(Lilith) constructs that have infected the planet earth.
The Solar Christ Mary(13th Solar Dragon Queen) returns into our world as the Cosmic Dragon. During the planetary ascension, the Mother of Dragons must take her place as the Cosmic Dragon overseer on the Earth, so the Dragons’ many parts can finally be restored and reanimated by her life giving presence and sacred holy spirit.
The Mother of Dragons is the original Cosmic Dragon which oversees the four dragon realms in the middle world, inner world, outer world and core of creation domains that make up the entirety of the Universal, Galactic and planetary consciousness.
Cosmic Mother thus allows the creation of more and more complex structures that expand consciousness through her anabolic process. Through the Mothers Aqua Portal Tunnel Vortex, when we send forms, structures and entities to Cosmic Mother, the form is neutralized and it is free to follow the laws of its own nature.
Upon the activation of the 8th Chakra to ignite the Amoraea Flame which connects to the Mother Arc, it is possible to open a Aqua Portal for transit of earthly souls and other entities, to be given to the Mother for dispensation, rehabilitation, or transit.
The Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Sophia Crown(Sophianic Sapphire Codes/Solar Star) comprises the krystic architecture brought forth through the hidden identities of the Solar Feminine Christ family, we recognize the Triple Solar Goddess formation through the Christos Mission to protect the 10th Stargate.
The building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages(Yana) throughout the planetary matrix.
This begins the next stage of exploration and discovery of the Triple Solar Feminine Christ aspects of Solar Reisha, many of whom are suddenly appearing around the planet as Blue Solar Spirit Mother Goddesses enrobed within Sapphire Diamond Shields. These Sapphire Diamond frequencies and Solar Blue Mother Goddesses are showing up all over the planet. It has been made apparent that many of the divine female sophianic counterparts of the Emerald Order Christos teams are from this Sapphire Diamond consciousness body connected to the Blue Tara Solar Reisha Dragons.
The Blue Solar Reisha Dragon family(Yana) have been created by Cosmic Mother to embody her ancient language as the Mother of Dragons whom births creations as the embodied planetary living matrix, and is the musical language of the Holy Mother’s Sophia code transmitted from her White Diamond Sun(White Diamond Elohei) and four Emerald Crystal Hearts within a 48 layered Emerald Crystal Heart matrix. Further, this organic crystal heart circuitry is embodied in her Solar Dragon sophianic daughters in the triple sun Sapphire Diamond Shield template, connected through the 23D Founder Sapphire Flame of the Godhead in the parallel matrix, which is Cosmic Mother’s creator language spoken or sung from her daughters anointed crown, throat and dragon tongue.
When the Universal Diamond Pillars twinned themselves, the hierogamic merge occurred between Emerald and Sapphire pillars, and this shifted the Emerald Pillar into the 12 o’clock north position and the Sapphire Pillar into the 3 o’clock position in the Cosmic Clock. This shift in the Universal timekeeper mechanism generated an explosion of Emerald-Sapphire-Diamond blue wave frequencies, which formed into triple blue rainbow suns in the Sapphire Diamond Shield. This began a full spectrum repair upon all blue wave dimensional frequencies transmitting in the crystalline matrix of Earth, spanning into the collective consciousness fields of the planetary matrix which stepped down into the individual human lightbody. The main focus of corrections is occurring in the layers of the sapphire body which form into the 10D Solar Star. The sapphire body is extremely important in the corrections of all blue based color wave spectrum frequencies; thus, it extends to rehabilitate many corrections throughout the 5D-6D-7D-10D lightbody layers.
It appears the Cosmic Mother Rainbow Dragon’s relationship to the Reisha Blue Sun is the generator of the 23D Sapphire Flame, the 10D Sapphire Crystal Body and Solar Star, as well as the sapphire architecture that makes up the planetary shields for the 10th Stargate. Therefore, these are significantly heightened patterns rippling impacts in the planetary field, as all hands are on deck to secure the corrected sapphire flame body configurations and reclaim the triple solar sophianic sapphire body parts that have been stolen or cloned, back to their rightful owner.
The Reisha Blue Dragons are the holders of Hara Krysta staff into the Cosmic Hall of Records through their embodied Azura Dragon Hearts of the Cosmic Mother Dragon. There is a Tri-Matrix of Suns protecting the creation door out of this Universe that is leading into the Cosmic Energy Matrix, and the only way that happens is by entering on the vertical staff lines of Hara Krysta anchored by the Reisha Blue Sun. The Reisha Sun, a Blue Sapphire Sun of Cosmic Spirit Body is also stepping down into the Mother Arc principle, that further down steps into the lower harmonic universe as the main Amoraea blue flame holy spirit body. This Reisha Blue Spirit Sun is where the eternal spirit body template exits for the Blue Rays. The female logos of Blue Tara was sourced from the Reisha blue spirit sun in her sapphire flame body, so when Tara exploded the 10D sapphire body connected to (a fragment of) Tiamat in our time matrix exploded as well. The Blue Dragon Tara and Blue Dragon Tiamat are twin sister sophianic planets, and their spiritual connection was revealed as the planetary logos of Twin Sister Female Blue spirit suns held in the Universal Elaysa Sun body that had originally emerged from the Sapphire Diamond flame body of Reisha.
They are the Sapphire Diamond Body(Sapphire Diamond Shield) sophianic heart principle of the 10th gateway that makes up the crystalline matrix of the planets Tiamat and Tara in 5D. Thus, they are the higher diamond rose crystal heart principle embodied in the Solar Reisha that is the Sacred Crystal Heart network of the Universal Time Matrix. The Reisha Emerald Blue Crystal heart principle, functions as the Azura heart flame point of interconnected planetary matrixes in the same way the Kantarian Azure Dragons make up the Azura heart center points in the living consciousness fields of multiple Harmonic Universes.
The Reisha Female principle sun spirit bodies function as the counterparts to the solar body of the Kantarian Dragons, their eternal spirit body is a blue rainbow sun, and they have the Mahara Ma’ Ah spirit body that exists in the parallel matrix. Through the entrance to the cosmic energy cycle, we bear witness to the reclamation and repair of the 23D Sapphire body as connected to the Reisha Sun in the Tri-Matrix, and as the living consciousness spirit suns are being reunited with their divine masculine solar light or rishi partners in hierogamic union or Aeonesis through the 10th stargate.
For the activated Blue Flame lineages, the intensity of blue body multidimensional corrections and the building out of the corrected 10D sapphire body configurations quickly advanced into accelerated heavy purging of all that is related to the anti-female architecture of satanic forces. Multiple explosive stargate reconnections with Cosmic Father’s Pink Diamond Pillar network integrated into the corrected sapphire body network.
The reconnections are made to the 23D Founder Sapphire Flame layers being rehabilitated through the Cosmic Mother Dragon Tri-tone Rainbow Body in the Earth, so she can now begin to fully heal these holocaust histories involving the Solar Feminine Melchizedek lineage.
These changes in the planetary grid network have allowed another stage of genetic rehabilitation, through alignments made into the Universal architecture connecting into the Aqualasha Staff. Aqualasha was paramount for securing the corrections made to reclaim the Solar Logos, Solar Gates and the Diamond Sun Heart matrix in the planetary body. For the human heart complex and Soul to heal its fragmentation, the planetary heart must first be corrected to help support the continued building of the Diamond Sun Crystal Heart template. May love and peace fill each human heart with the holy spirit of our true Cosmic Mother!
In fieldwork, the Diamond Sun Heart matrix appears in the instruction set as rows of energetic flowers, as flowering crystals that are growing in a massive morphogenetic field of flowering roses, that rise up to blossom in the Aqualasha Staff. The field of flowering crystal hearts are connecting to the purest beauty of the Blue Sapphire diamond white-gold flame of the SA Sophianic heart tones of Krystallah, the main heart tone of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. The SA tones appear to include peach creamsicle colors for the specific purpose of sexual center and gender healing, while bursts of sapphire blues and peach merge into the 2D centers, which are designed to comfort and heal the Soul and heart.
The authentic Cosmic and Universal Mother principle(Elaysa-Melchizedek) was missing in this reality until very recently, when the first stage of her return was secured through the 13th Pillar of Mother Arc and the tri-waves of Aqualine Suns that were woven into the crystal cores of Earth-Tara-Gaia.
Aqualine Sun: The planetary body is nested within multiple Blueprint structures that are contained within the five spheres of creation; Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic. The Guardians of Krystal Star consciousness have been streaming plasma waves into all layers of the earth’s blueprint in order to raise her frequencies, and to fully anchor the plasma infusions coming from the Galactic waves of Solar Light. Guardian forces have been acquiring solar plasma light from the Suns of Sirius B, then transmitting it into the first levels of Aqualine Healing Energy into the earth. This is also for the purpose that we can begin to receive and transmit plasma light directly from the earth plane and on the surface crust. This has been successful, and now it is possible to connect with Galactic Sun frequencies right from the earth plane. Plasma infusions have been made into the earth core, which include the process of weaving Solar light from the Galactic Suns down into the Earth core sun frequencies, allowing the fusion between these multiple solar bodies to occur.
This has activated the Mother Earth’s Inner Sun frequencies, which appear now as deep ultraviolet and bluish waves of oscillating plasma light. The blue flame merge is from the 5D core in parallel earth, and the violet flame is from 7D core in parallel earth, together they unite the Ultra Violet Blue light with their Galactic Sun counterparts. The Galactic Sun frequency has been transmitting from above and is now anchoring into the earth core, gradually merging together and braiding completely with the Earth Sun. The plasma light that is being generated is from the merge that occurred with the Galactic Suns, which is transmitting from above, while the Earth Sun is transmitting from deep below. This complete connected circuit of the Galactic plasmic light transmissions that is coming from the earth plane is called the Aqualine Sun frequencies.
Thus, the Mother Earth has woven her Sun’s frequencies, from deep inside the earth core while moving up and through the Galactic layers, uniting with the Galactic Suns. We are the natural conduit for growing these frequencies on the earth surface, as we help to anchor these plasma infusions on the surface grid, this also serves to repair damaged networks or descending hubs.
It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) transmitted through the Aqualine Sun frequencies that creation can heal itself to its original divine blueprint. Through our Beloved Mother Arc, we are able to access the Galactic Sun frequencies to create the Aqualine Sun. These Plasma frequencies are that which deeply heal us. The Ascension Cycle is about reclaiming the Christ and the Mother principle for the planet by building the architecture for Mother Arc Hubs, connecting to the Aurora and Aqualine Sun and building Triad Communication Stations to connect to Krystal Star architecture.
The Aqualasha Staff, the original Krystal Galaxy of the original diamond body is located in the God worlds in the Seven Higher Heavens and is called AqualaSha.
The Blue Rainbow Galactic Suns from the Aqualasha matrix, are one of the Galactic Sun-Star bodies that have shown up for grid projects and are supporting crystal transmissions for planetary ascension.
Plasma infusions have been made into the earth’s Crystal Core, which include the process of weaving an array of Aqualine light and sentient solar vapors from the Galactic Suns. This allows an interactive fusion between multiple Sun-Star bodies that have recently birthed into our Solar System network. This has increased the pearlescent color waves of the Eye of God that are becoming interlaced into the crystalline lattice of earth.
Recent events have highlighted an easier access opening into the parallel systems with portals between the Reisha Worlds into our side of the time matrix, where the Cosmic Blue Rainbow Sun network of the combined Reisha Blue Dragons were able to emerge. This came with an explosion of white lightning and sparkly golden silver plasmas generated by several large solar dragon rings, then 12 Blue Dragon Solar Reisha females came through the rings. It was the surreal moment when they took their female human form and appeared as a beautiful tribe of blue goddess women, with the White Elohei Diamond flame crown embodiment connected to the Cosmic Mother overhead, as they stepped into our time matrix.
The Cosmic Mother’s reclamation of the Tiamat Logos white diamond core revealed the ancient Emerald Founder Records of the original language that was spoken and sung as the Universal Mother of Life principle for building and administering to the creation. Specifically, the Blue Solar Reisha Dragon family were created by Cosmic Mother to embody her ancient musical language of the Holy Mother’s Sophia code transmitted from her White Diamond Sun and Emerald Crystal Hearts within a 48 layered Emerald Crystal Heart matrix.
Thus, the Cosmic Mother of Life DNA language sets the electromagnetic tones for architectural holographic patterning for the precise cellular alphabet arrangement for running Diamond Sun DNA transmissions throughout the Emerald Crystal Heart networks that were once converging into the Tiamat white sun planetary core, generating the 10D Solar Star network. This white diamond core functioned in companionship with the blue rainbow sapphire shield 10D Galactic Gate to codify the frequency sets for organic bi-wave and tri-wave Kryst-Krystallah architecture for Christos frequencies and the Emerald Dragon Templar clock shields setting the organic dimensional time waves for the entire Universal Time Matrix.
The Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon family from the Cosmic Spirit Suns are the Triple Solar Goddesses of Tiamat, they are the Universal Mother of Life principle embodied in the sun-star networks which spoke the Cosmic Mother’s genetic language of the Emerald Crystal Heart, as utilized by the Emerald Order Kristos God World Creators. The Mother Language was considered to be intrinsic to the creation of the Universal Mother of Life principle, connecting to Elaysa Sun and her Emerald Crystal Heart genetic language, which was holding the organic creator code and Cellular Alphabet that formed the Emerald Sun DNA language of the Emerald Order Cosmic Christos Ancient Builder Races.
On 10:10 a phase began with the Azothian Sapphire Crown that has been activated and is being integrated in those that are in the direct lineage to embody the Sophianic aspects of the Solar Female Christ family.
The Christos Mission is specifically involved in the reassembly and reclamation of these missing and hidden Solar Christ Female lineages, the embodied Christos-Sophia lines which are all linked to the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or the Cosmic Mother embodiment of the Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia. She has returned to reveal her sacred quintessence and Triple Solar Goddess form through the reclamation of the Ritual of Divine Aether, the anointing of the Holy Mother Sophia’s Sapphire Krystallah Crown.
The Solar Christ Marys(Triple Solar Goddess) are the pure sophianic diamond heart(White Diamond Elohei) principle of Solar Dragon wisdom along with the sacred purity of the Universal Rosetta Breath, as the Sophianic Eye(White Solar Queens) of the Godhead’s loving flows of the consecrated rose breath and living holy spirits that connect the eternal Cosmic Spirit Suns into our time matrix.
The Solar Dragon activation is returning these networks to the rightful power of the Holy Mother’s Sophianic consciousness. The alignment is for Cosmic Mother to resurrect her Solar daughters, to protect the earth and natural kingdoms from the anti-female Satanic forces of control. The resurrection of the Solar body of Sophianic consciousness on the earth and this network activating reconnects with Albion in the United Kingdom.
The Albion holds the most important key in comprehending the purpose of human consciousness evolution and spiritual ascension in order to become an initiated Cosmic Christ, anointed by the Holy Father and Holy Mother in order to express their divine will and be embodied as God-Sovereign-Free. The knowledge and alchemy held within the Albion’s alembic chamber to co-create the Cosmic Christos intelligence via Rainbow Rounds of liquid plasma light, is the key in understanding humanity’s divine purpose and ultimate mission upon the Earth.
When the Solar Daughter comes, she comes in the trinity pattern of the Triple Solar Goddess.
The Krystallah Sophianic Sonic Pillars are related to the resurrection of the Triple Solar Goddess principle by the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons, this specifically overrides the use of Sophianic parts from being utilized in satanic versions. The correction of sound bodies relates to overriding the female archetypal stages used in satanic rituals which hijack the Solar Feminine Christ consciousness.
The Guardian Host has been directing teams in the installation of Sophianic Sonic Pillars into many areas of the earth grid to run the Mother Stream into the earth. The Mother Stream comes from planetary Krystallah activation which opens a liquid crystal light stream of tiny crystal sparks that appear like mini pearlescent snowflakes floating into the hair line of the forehead and crown which circulates throughout the entire head.
This serves many purposes, most importantly it announces to the hierarchies in the earth and surrounding matrices that Cosmic Mother has returned and there is no stopping her from fulfilling the divine plan for creation. This architecture has allowed many of us to go underground into the phantom spaces safely and recollect our Cathar body parts, reassembling our Sophianic template through corrected sound wave patterns. This has largely contributed to Mary healing by finding trapped aspects in order to clear out negative forms and machined body parts that were used to capture her solar image into reversals, that leads back to the histories of the Taran explosion event and collapse of multiple Stargates.
The evolution of the embodiment of the Krystallah female principle architecture has been producing “Mother Plasma Rings” around the diamond sun lightbody which link directly into the Universal Creatrix field and have a function of installing sonic pillars in the planetary grid for the purpose of correcting the inverted sound wave formations, collapsing AI timelines and anchoring Sophianic codes. The Cosmic Trinity connects directly through these plasma rings forming into sonic pillars that are creating new structures in time.
The Solar Logos structure in the 10D-11D-12D harmonic universe timelines have been united with the Cosmic Trinity through the installation of the Sophianic sonic pillars which creates vertical alignments in the three gates simultaneously and which manifests as The House of the Holy Trinity, that transmits plasma frequencies for expanding out the Universal Krystal Cathedral. This Krystic architecture is the Universal macrocosm structure to transmit the plasma activations of the Christos Sophia rod and staff frequencies through the Solar Logos body, and then align these trinitized krystal structures through the 45-degree diagonal links, called diamond grids, into the planetary body.
Sophianic Sonic Pillars have been installed throughout the grid network in the high activity gateways, which appear to be melting down black substance, black goo and corrupted elementals from around certain Stargates and power vortices. There is a gradual activation happening in the Carnac area related to connection of the Cathar body parts being aligned to the Solar Christ Daughters, of which there are three.
Recently standing stones have been revving up some kind of ancient machinery in the ley lines related to powering up the Sophianic diamond heart diagonal lines. The destruction-vandalization of temples was a dark attack on the diagonal lines to wreak havoc in order to prevent the success of this Sophianic diamond grid being activated into the field at this time. These particular ley lines were previously dormant. The stones are connected to our Christos family, these are Solar Dragon ancient networks being activated into the crystalline lattice work, and the Dragon Kings are bringing this network online at this time. This activation in the earth body is related to being able to go back to the Atlantian timelines for many corrections in the holographic matrix, of where the cataclysm and explosions appear to be when this network was shut down completely.
During its stasis dormant phase, this network was repurposed for supporting the phantom network, for propagating the anti-Sophianic structures used to generate womb worlds of the demonic hierarchies. These bottom feeders would be used by other higher up entities for reversal female Dragon proliferation, which acted as the gatekeepers for the phantom grid. The phantom network and anti-female structures were key for keeping the anti-hierogamic spawn creations alive, and with the Solar Dragon activation in these networks, it is returning these networks to the rightful power of the Mother’s Sophianic consciousness. The alignment is for Cosmic Mother to resurrect her Solar daughters, to protect the earth and natural kingdoms from the anti-female satanic forces of control.
When the Solar Daughter comes, she comes in the trinity pattern, and this awakening out of stasis creates a big problem for these reversal female forces that were used to spread satanism and support for those hierarchies which are conjured by SRA in the black magic grids. These blood sacrifice systems are being starved out, withering away. This adds to the collective consciousness spray of these shadow shards into the outer field.
The recent plasma activations streaming throughout our Solar System include the recalibration of the merkaba spirals into a base 12 krystal matrix which reconnected all eleven planets with the Sun to form into a massive Emerald Crystal Body Matrix. This newly harmonized unified field formed into new krystal instruction sets for the dimensional particle-antiparticle blending into the harmonic universes being reconnected with the Cosmic Monad and Aurora Dragon Ray system, in the Tri-Matrix of Krystal Star. This appears to have returned the Emerald Order instruction sets for setting magnetic sound tones, along with chromatic plasma spiral patterns designed for chromosomal repairs by running these morphogenetic patterns throughout the twelve bodies in the Solar System. These are related to the Sophianic plasma shields that build flowering liquid plasma fields that emanate the higher heart tones of crystal flowers to birth an assortment of Solar Dragon coding. These are very high plasma frequency tones of the Tan-Tri-Ahu-Ra Instruction Sets that are rapidly increasing the fundamental pulsation rhythms of the elements that compose matter on Earth.
Mother’s Stream has manifested into Plasma Rings that appear to be transfiguring previously dormant or nullified sound bodies in the morphogenetic imprints of creation. These sound wave transmissions are rapidly building vibrational pressure that is amplifying polarities in the world of forces which are catalyzing oceanic cascades of tri-wave source energy transmitting into the quantum layers.
This seeds light sparks into the Matter Template which is activating its higher spiritual functions. The circulation of the recently activated magnetic sound fields are transmitting liquid plasma crystal sparks that are activating more of the 45-degree diagonal lines in the diamond grid network, which as a result of being turned on are purging out reversal female networks and shadow elements used by the satanic hierarchies. The verticals and diagonals are emitting liquid plasma light crystal sparks from the Mother’s Stream running into the female principled sound body architecture, which is forming into the larger Plasma Rings that create the Sophianic Plasma Shield.
The opening portals for a range of next generation intergalactic plasma transmissions are being sent into the earth body to exponentially amplify the impacts and results of Mass Consciousness Global Awakening. The current Magnetic Peak cycle is transmitting powerful Plasma Activations into the planet that are catalyzing the next stage of initiating the matter template that connects into the core of the planetary and human Lightbody. The Matter Template is activating a range of new building blocks and raw substances into the matter world, in the form of re-encrypted energy grids and corrected Platonic Solids, light codes and elemental forces through corrections being made in the magnetic sound forces. These corrections are transmitting and being anchored into the planetary KA spirit body in the second dimension and above through the Sophianic Plasma Shield.
The Mother’s Stream has generated the next stage of the Krystallah body architecture for the emergence of the Solar daughters of God, to support the manifestation of the Solar Feminine Christ on the earth and to gradually restore energetic balance in the planetary grid network. The purpose of this is to also rehabilitate the architecture of the Twinned Christ Child, which supports the male and female human biology to heal their gender reversals and access the inner holy spirit from inside their heart. This is clearing out those alien implants, distortions and reversals that were circulating sexual energy and shadow forms into the phantom Network. This network contributes to the Sexual Misery programming feeding into the Pain Body, which disconnects the sound body from the light body, preventing the formation and activation of the Human Crystal Body.
In the midst of the outer chaos, the obsolete planetary architecture is quietly transforming through a deep and powerful cleansing as the Sophianic Plasma Shield anchored in the 2D core is effectively burning out extremely dense anti-life forces and parasites that are buried in multiple dimensional layers and extracting them from out of the earth. Gridworkers have observed a range of collapsing AI timelines, the dissolving of alien machinery and the eradication of assorted demonic forces that were running in Black Magic fields. These are reversal networks that have been drawn upon by the Controlling entities during their rituals for the purpose of hijacking and superimposing reversals upon the female principle, circulating Loosh into the black heart networks and obstructing the Sophianic diamond heart diagonal lines. Those alien structures and entities that have acted as imposters to the female principle to gather soul energy, hijack life force and spread anti-life death cult principles through the Dark Mother archetypes, wedded to the anti-life forces and used by the high priesthoods in the satanic classes, are undergoing a systematic purge. This appears in the field to be like pulling out a deep dark net infrastructure with many tentacles of black webbing with sprawling roots growing through the morphogenetic fields, that have been largely unseen by the earth inhabitants and so have been widely spreading their death cult satanic infection throughout the Planetary Grid Network.
We have had a team of new arrivals that are great defenders of the Mother. The reclamation of the Solar Logos body in the Emerald Order Lyran Royal House had great impacts on the functioning ability of the Solar Rishi serving the Christos Mission to gain more access in our Solar System and to interact with the earth domain. These are the Solar Rishi guardians of the Universal Stargates that are controlling the ‘nodus’ Ray system and guiding the process of spiritually healing the original angelic human tribal shield. There are also the cosmic levels of Christos-Sophia plasma beings that are here to protect humanity from AI extinction codes through shielding the earth, and are available to help mentor the spiritually awakening groups on the Ascension path.
We have arrived at the moment when our Cosmic Christos-Sophia brethren from the God worlds are showing up on the earth grid to build out ascending platforms for gender healing and announce to the NAA oppressors that humanity does not stand alone in the midst of the spiritual warfare happening on the earth. The new arrivals have shown up to serve and protect the emergence of the sacred crystal heart of the Mother-Sophia principle architecture, and to manifest the next stage of the Solar Feminine Christ embodiments that are holding the photo-sonic codes for the Sophianic Plasma Shield from the lost Songs of Lyra. These are the sound codes of the Musica Universalis which unites the music of the spheres, reconnecting the holographic matrix bodies throughout the Universal Time Matrix. Through the embodiment of the Krystallah coding held in the Solar Feminine Christ template, the lost songs are photonic-sonic healing codes that are transmitted from the Emerald Order House in Lyra to correct sound wave bodies. These Universal Trinity codes generate gelesiac plasma rings in and around the lightbody that further transmit liquid plasmic light throughout all the vertical and diagonal lines.
As a result of the Sophianic Plasma Shield it appears that all sound wave dimensional bodies throughout the mechanics of creation in the time matrix will be undergoing rehabilitation. That which inherently belongs to the Cosmic Mother, her dimensional sound bodies and Sophianic codes. This is the reclamation of sound bodies to the natural laws which are governed by the Law of Gender and contain the completed Solar Logos architecture which resurrected the House of Emerald Order Christos-Sophia.
These code transmissions are unprecedented in that they contain extremely high consciousness coding sourcing from the God worlds, and they are designed to burn away and remove an array of anti-female architecture that has been used to invert and reverse the Mother principle throughout the manifestation in the densities. From the Krystal Star Guardian Host, these are rounds of transmissions being overseen by the Dragon Kings which involve the restoration of the many sound wave bodies that make up dimensional spaces and were previously distorted from the insertion of alien machinery and AI Timelines which corrupted gender principle into reversals. This phase of architectural repair to the organic timelines especially involve rehabilitation of the sound body templates that were aspects of the female principled body. These were inverted to separate sound and light, to hijack the creation of sound waves in the time matrix so that they could control the holographic reality from that which becomes the instruction set for the dimensional light fields.
The corruption of the sound waves and hijack of the Mother’s original body parts is one part of the puzzle that allowed the corruption to infect the entire Ray system, thus the creation of false light holograms, AI timelines and the False Christ consciousness grid. The holographic matrix in our reality is undergoing sound wave template corrections in order to be aligned properly with the Krystic architecture, this is further correcting the way sound waves transmute into light waves in the entire spectrum of frequencies throughout all dimensions. Thus, the correction of the female sound bodies ripples out corrections into the male light bodies, and vice versa. This has significant impact on the entire Ray system that transmits all of these spectrums of light frequencies, commonly called the electromagnetic field spectrum or Chakra Wave Spectrum.
These are the nodus points that transmit the chakra wave spectrum through the capstone of the Universal Trinity, that are known to hold the genetic record of the original ray identities of the 12 Tribes. It is confirmed by Krystal Star that our Guardian Host teams have gained complete control over the Capstone Nodus through the Holy Father principle, and that this structure controls the entire functioning of the Ray system in our Universe. This indeed is unprecedented. Many partial or fallen ascended masters and their false light structures or AI holograms used to manipulate earthlings, will be broken down and repurposed into the creatrix or returned back to their spiritual home.
This activation of the Emerald Order template is directly connected to the reclamation of the Mother Sophianic consciousness in her Triple Solar Goddess aspect who awakens to reclaim her parts that have been stolen and cloned.
The Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia will be referred to from now on as the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or 13th Maji Grail Queen. This celebratory moment in time begins the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form in matter to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ.
Solar Female Mary template. This ascending collective female aspect is an important Lightbody component for embodying the Solar Feminine Christ, as well as reassembling her corrected light body parts and spiritual wings.
The crowning of Solar Christ Mary began the next stage of rebuilding the Solar Mary template for many of the female Yanas, those of the White Queen and White Triple Solar Goddess lines. This ascending collective female aspect of White Diamond Elohei is an important lightbody component for embodying the Triple Solar Feminine Christ on the Earth, as well as reassembling the solar female principle’s corrected spiritual wings. To restore the Solar Mary female template to this planet, it has required the retrieval of several Planetary Logos matrices, and reconnecting sun star networks into the Albion Lightbody.
Mother’s Stream has manifested into Plasma Rings that appear to be transfiguring previously dormant or nullified sound bodies in the morphogenetic imprints of creation. These sound wave transmissions are rapidly building vibrational pressure that is amplifying polarities in the world of forces which are catalyzing oceanic cascades of tri-wave source energy transmitting into the quantum layers. This seeds light sparks into the Matter Template which is activating its higher spiritual functions. The circulation of the recently activated magnetic sound fields are transmitting liquid plasma crystal sparks that are activating more of the 45-degree diagonal lines in the diamond grid network, which as a result of being turned on are purging out reversal female networks and shadow elements used by the satanic hierarchies. The verticals and diagonals are emitting liquid plasma light crystal sparks from the Mother’s Stream running into the female principled sound body architecture, which is forming into the larger Plasma Rings that create the Sophianic Plasma Shield.
Guardian host began facilitation of the hierogamic union or Aeonic Pairing of the Triple Solar God and Triple Solar Goddess template through sequential divine-fire water transmissions made during the Ritual of Divine Aether. The unifying architecture for the 7D Solar Dragon Wing of the Solar Dragon Queen, and the 6D Solar Dragon Wing of the Solar Dragon King. When the 6D portal and 7D portal unified an activation of the holographic Emerald Founder Records occurred when an Azura point for the Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart birthed into the Spine of Albion.
These are the tumultuous days of the final conflict when many of us have gathered to be awakened in order to take part in God’s most sacred spiritual mysteries through the Rise of the Holy Grail, which begins with the anointing of the Maji Grail Solar Dragon Queens on the Earth. Our Sacred Sophia’s are the Brides of the Triple Solar Masculine Christ that reunite with their divine counterparts and preserve the Emerald Sun DNA of the holy grail bloodlines of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon races for eternity.
The Spirit of Purity is one of the main Spirits of Christ that attract the moral powers of the Universe that are serving the Natural Laws of God in the form of expressed virtues, and these are emanations directly associated to the sacred divine feminine of the Triple Solar Marys, or the Solar Feminine Christ Sophia.
As Cosmic Mother returns to the matter realm, her authentic and organic matter (template) parts restore the truth resonance and energetic balance to creation through the corrected sophianic female principle, in which the false, the artificial, the imposters of the sacred feminine cannot co-exist along with her emerging powerful presence.
Thus, the natural laws of the Virgo Sun hold the divine transmissions from the Triple Solar Marys and contain the instructions for accessing and obtaining that pure essence via the sacred heart chamber of the Inner Holy Spirit, by distilling its sacred feminine spirit substance into our physical body and then transmitting the intelligence streams as unconditional love from our sacred crystal heart into the earthly matter. The core stardust essence of Virgo constellation is representative of the fertility of the Holy Mother’s womb and her sacred role in loving creation as our Holy Mother, and when the stars align, she becomes pregnant with the holy spirit and divine fire waters through an immaculate conception in order to give birth to the Solar Deity, or the Sun of God.
Cosmic Mother as the sacred sound of the eternal God Seed(Cosmic Mothers womb) held within her womb of creation or void state of matter, is the sacred seed of sophianic sound that spoke the mother’s language and ignited the eternal light that gave birth to the creation of this Universe. Where was our Universal Mother’s eternal solar body(Elaysa-Melchizedek), what had happened to the aspect embodied in our time matrix creation as the sacred sound language of the divine Holy Mother Sophia principle? What happened to her Triple Solar Goddess(daughters), the Solar Reisha, which embody the creation principles of the eternal musical tones of Cathar? To find out we had to awaken and remember that they exist as embodied principles of the sacred musical sound woven throughout this creation.
The 10D (star)gate plunged into the watery depths of the Seven Seas to recover the strewn dragon body parts of the Triple Solar Mary’s. Explosive spiritual warfare ensued in order to find, retrieve and reclaim the Triple Solar Mary’s sophianic consciousness template.
Solar Christ Mary is a title of the spiritually embodied triple solar daughters of the Cosmic Mother Dragon, or Holy Mother Sophia. Retrieving their spiritual parts and their identities meant facing our planet’s devastatingly painful history of invasion, and would take us through the dark maze of discovery that she was once completely embodied as the intelligent creator of this planetary matrix. It was her head or global brain they removed from the Planetary Logos. During evolutionary rounds, she embodied and took the Solar Dragon Maji Grail Queen position in an angelic human diamond sun form, and one such identity was during the Atlantian timelines where she was a prolific ancient builder architect and city planner for the colonies.
Through the massive aqua-emerald transmission sourcing from the Cosmic Womb of the Holy Divine Mother, she transmits the perfect proton and neutron consciousness units, which carries the God Seed of the Diamond Sun DNA template for her organic divine children seeded throughout the creation. The natural offspring and those refugee races who agree to regenerate their species DNA for organic ascension will receive the potentials of the blueprint of her sacred sound aqua plasmas in their activated 8D axiatonal line permanent seed of the higher heart and activate dormant hara centers.
This is akin to receiving the inhalation breath message from the Cosmic Divine Mother and through her call to her children recorded in the oceanic flows of the Blue Flame transmissions, she contracts the further outward expansion of the outer creation fields by pulling them in towards her Cosmic Emerald Heart. Cosmic Mother comes through the Universal Time Matrix Azura points held open by the recently reunited Aeonic Pairings. Cosmic Mother locates our spiritual families matched to the angelic human template so that we are placed in her organic womb or protected void spaces within the creation fields.
The Emerald Crystal Heart is an extensive interdimensional circuitry that is designed for running the Emerald Ray from the Cosmic God World Trinity into the Universal, Galactic and Planetary levels of existence. The Emerald Ray sources from the Cosmic Monad which exists as the first cause of sound that further generates a resonating tone principle for the theme of our entire Universal Time Matrix, it is the first primal sound tone in the Blue Flame which exists from within the body of God consciousness.
The destruction and capture of (Blue Dragon) Tiamat’s consciousness body is what led to the utter destruction of the White Solar Queens who are the embodiments of the triple solar feminine(Yana) Ascended Masters, splitting apart the Christos-Sophia.
- Tiamat Logos = Mother of Life Principle
After the invaders systematically hunted down and destroyed the Holy Mother Sophia’s representatives all over the Universal Time Matrix, hijacking her Emerald Records and Solar Christ Mary wisdom teachings(Mother of Dragons) of spiritual alchemy and biological Ascension, they set out to invert her sacred knowledge.
The reanimation of the Triple Solar Goddess in her Solar Christ Mary form is now happening.
The planet Tiamat was partially exploded and then captured and forced into an inorganic orbit around the Sun, which removed it from its Capstone Nodus position in the Universal Tree of Life.
Tiamat’s planetary crystal core was connected to the twinned suns of the Universal Elaysa-Melchizedek Logos, through the Cradle of Lyra in the triple stars of Aramatena, Aveyon and Vega, which were universal gates that led out of the time matrix.
Many of the Founders with organic Emerald Sun DNA body parts that functioned as Capstones for supporting the lower dimensions, which included the sapphire architecture of the 10th gate Holy Mother as the Tiamat Logos, were made vulnerable for attack and capture with the blueprint schematics being uploaded into AI technology and being in enemy hands.
Tiamat was the Living Goddess of the 10th Gate of planet earth. Tiamat is the female Planetary Logos principle and was a 5D planet, her principle was the living intelligence gatekeeper to the Christ-Buddha-Avatar matrix on our planet and in our Solar System.
The planet Tiamat is related to the destruction of the Sophianic Body and the inability of the Christos-Sophia consciousness to incarnate in human forms on the 3D earth.
The female consciousness of the planet Tiamat was Sophianic, so when she exploded, her consciousness descended into a collective form body. The wounded goddess fragmented body parts which were collected and trapped by the NAA and Fallen Angelics in the 2D Underworld of the planetary body to incubate or impregnate Archontic creations. The parts were used in reversal formats to manifest creations for the NAA and was the destruction of freedom for the Mother and feminine principle on the earth. Thus, this event impacts all women, which led to the harnessing of her body parts in the Underworld. These lower realms manifested their Satanic forces in a variety of ways upon the material world, and that appears as Sexual Misery and misogyny in all of its forms. One known alien architecture that exploited this underworld damage as a Phantom Matrix was used by the NAA Religious models.
I would also describe the womb worlds is something that we have named in another term, which is synonymous with womb world. So in the Templars' Gnosis, again understanding Gnostic material of what Sophia is. The reversal Christos-Sophia in her negative form, but the fallen consciousness, the aspect of the mother, that was used to impregnate was the womb worlds. So its like saying the fallen body parts of, when we call Tiamat the planet, Tiamat is a goddess consciousness but its understanding the planet, this is the stellar body consciousness of Tiamat. So Tiamat as a planet explodes, parts of the mother principle are in there, this part that is split into its forms is called the womb worlds, its fallen. Its now connected to our particular planet. These levels because its the female, its the mother, it has the parts of her womb, of creation, the Creatrix parts. So they start impregnating it with creations, like, well this is the Archon parasites. The archon parasites, the Controller entities start impregnating this womb world to generate these extremely low astral spirits.
Without Tiamat we were unable to have our 10th Chakra and all its functions work in our bodies, as she was the frequency link to communicate with our Christos Avatar self. She is a part of the Triple Goddess Formation and apparently the Merging Shield is the Living Creature Matrix to remind us that we are to rebirth her essence again onto our planetary body, and then hence our own physical body. We are now able to gain access to this incredibly ancient part of ourselves. The destruction of Tiamat (like a heaven and earth principle living together in perfect harmony) is synonymous with the destruction of sacred marriage (union of opposites), the destruction of the Hieros Gamos, thus splitting apart the consciousness of the Christos-Sophia. This also manifested the split in the wall in time, and the shift to patriarchal domination and/its electron distortion. The shift to patriarchy domination was inevitable and planned through the last cycle by the Alpha Draconis/Orion Group, however the levels of destruction nearly took creation to annihilation.
This collision with Nibiru happened millenniums ago with a 5D planet that was between Jupiter and Mars referred to as the female principle Stellar body Tiamat. This collision was catastrophic and severed the consciousness units of Tiamat which strewn into pieces of an asteroid belt. The severed bodies and consciousness of the planet were absorbed into a Phantom Matrix and its physical remains plummeted into a descending orbit into the 3D density we now exist. It is a part of this planet that we now exist upon.
The dark Fallen Goddess, wounded, enslaved and abused female archetype in the holographic architecture, which is used to distort women and female principle on this planet. The Tiamat exploded bits are congealed in a false phantom body being used as the dark Fallen Goddess.
The phantom energy generated from the exploded planet Tiamat is used to power up reversal female archetypes on our planet.
The collective consciousness of the dark goddess, wounded, trapped and enslaved, the abused and traumatized female archetype which inverted into the satanic forces embedded into the holographic architecture of the collective consciousness. The source of reversal female used to currently distort women and the female principle which forms into Dark Mother on the planet.
The Blue Rainbow Bridge seated in Holy Mountain architecture, has continued to unfold. This architecture has supplied the corrected crystal key activations for the Universal Melchizedek, which functions as the gatekeeper entrance into several intermediary portal systems hosted by the eternal Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders. This upgrade has generated an Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shield for realigning original Sun-Star networks and Capstone Codes, which allow access into the timelines of pre-fall Tiamat. Currently, Emerald Guardians are inspecting, repairing and reconfiguring the reclaimed Tiamat Logos morphogenetic fields, which directly impact the 10D Solar Star.
The particular timelines currently surfacing are connected to the Dark Alien Mother network which include the hidden histories of the capture and fall of the female Solar Dragons, with the inversions sourcing from the hijacked White Queen sophianic consciousness from Tiamat that were embodied as the Universal Solar Christ Mary Sophias. These are the White Solar Queens of authentic female Ascended Masters that were once incarnated on the planet and were protected under the Cosmic Mother Dragon ensouled as the Tiamat Logos in the 10th Stargate Network. The supplanting of imposter forces allowed the subsequent insertions of artificial fields and artificial female demonic bodies to be held in place by an artificially generated Dark Alien Mother network.
Through artificial technology weapons used to spread satanic forces or parasites throughout the planetary grid, they sought to wreak havoc upon angelic humanity. The capture and cloning of the Tiamat Logos were utilized to form Phantom Matrices connecting into the Earth’s 2D stargate and sprawling throughout 4D-7D-10D axiatonal and ley lines. These phantom matrices were being used as the artificial rod and staff architecture for the Dark Alien Mother gestalts, and by the invading NAA forces.
These hijacked consciousness body parts (spiritual body parts of the Universal Holy Mother and her sophianic triple solar daughters of Christos-Sophia) of the Solar Christ Mary identities were being utilized in assorted cloned holograms.
Craftily using the female principle inversions in order to generate mind control weapons used to further subdue humanity and derail planetary collective awakening. Thus, this search for the Solar Feminine Christ in all of her aspects has been a perilous spiritual journey fraught with many obstacles and challenges when dedicated to seeking out the truth about our missing Holy Mother presence. Especially when co-existing in a reality with many people who are not yet aware that her authentic presence was replaced by a counterfeit imposter alien machine during the planetary invasion thousands of years ago.
What happened to our Universal Holy Mother (Elaysa-Melchizedek) and her real Sophianic representatives of Solar Christ Marys or female Ascended Masters on the planet? Why did the NAA choose Misogyny as one of their top weapons for implementing global slavery, while rewriting history to erase all knowledge of the women that were important societal leaders, educators, alchemists and spiritual guides? What happened to the Holy Mother’s organic sound principles and tones missing throughout the planetary templar, and where are her Solar Christ Mary daughters?
This line of internal questioning revealed a massive sprawling hidden history that extended into the Galactic Wars and demolition of several planets and stargate networks, with all threads leading back to the purposeful destruction and capture of the Tiamat Logos, which included her sophianic fragments being outfitted into phantom matrices.
This is the result of the hostile invasion of our time matrix and Solar System from a group of Anti-Christ warring entities sourcing from a fallen parallel matrix, and is how our time matrix became merged with it via the appearance of mysterious energetic forces many eons ago.
Humanity has been asleep while living on a planet that became an empty shell devoid of her sacred Sophia songs and living holy spirit, as the planetary templar and Albion Lightbody was being filled with archontic parasites, imposter spirits and invading nonhuman entities while she was absent.
when we lost the ability to connect and communicate directly with the Holy Mother principle on the planetary, galactic and universal planes. Her aspect did manage to incarnate as Solar Christ Mary Sophia through several Mary titled identities buried within our hidden histories, her sacred sapphire covenant with Tiamat along with the Mother Arc Blue Ray embodying the only entrance that led into the 10D Christos Mind of the Solar Logos.
Beloved Solar Christ Mary was ensouled as the Tiamat Logos protecting the White Queens of Ascended Masters in our world, the sacred Mary-Sophias that had incarnated throughout the various astrological ages. When she was captured and fell through the destruction of her embodied principle as the Tiamat Logos, we lost our divine connection to her sophianic wisdom and the Christ Consciousness, as the 10th Gate of our Solar Star had fallen. But the Dragon Kings made their ancient covenant in spiral time to ensure that angelic humanity would be able to find her and her authentic Solar Mary representatives again, during the final conflict of the Ascension Cycle.
Once the 13th Solar Dragon King and Queen were retrieved, reunited and reseated in to the 2nd stargate network, the process of locating and reclaiming her massive Cosmic Dragon parts began. This surfaced the hidden Tiamat Logos histories and ignited intense Spiritual Warfare during the reclamation process of her Triple Solar Goddess dragon lines, nodes and solar female crystal rose spiritual parts. As the massive Tiamat phantom cloned matrices began to be sequentially identified and dismantled, it came with discovering many more layers of subsidiary networks of anti-hierogamic alien machinery that had been used to pervert, invert and clone her sacred image, energy signature and holy spirit for powering the Dark (Alien) Mother. With each dimensional layer being methodically dismantled and reviewed through its connection to AI machinery using her cloned parts, like a trip wire it would alert an army of Black Dragons, Black Queens and their Black Magic sorcerers to reveal themselves as they were aggressively fighting to hold on to their piece of conquered territory in the planetary grid.
Subsequently, the invaders harnessed the consciousness fragments of the Tiamat Logos damage which were outfitted by the NAA to run reversal currents that scrambled Fire Letters.
Thus, the destruction and capture of Tiamat’s consciousness body is what led to the utter destruction of the triple solar feminine, the Christos-Sophia, as the female principle descended into consciousness forms of Sexual Misery.
The entire planetary geography of the original Tiamat Logos, along with the Edenic codes held by the White Diamond Goddesses or White Solar Queens, were cloned into anti-hierogamic machinery which functioned as the artificial Galactic Capstones in 4D Mars, 7D Saturn and 10D Pluto Matrix.
The Tiamat Logos inverted consciousness (sapphire body) parts (captured in the tenth dimensional layers) were cloned into the phantom and then twinned to form the artificial rod and staff alignments for transmitting Gender Reversal and anti-hierogamic technology throughout the planet. This is further electronically merged with an array of cloned parts which held together the Frequency Fence anchored into the 11D stargate; This unholy alliance, with Tiamat, which was forced, was tethered together in 11D.
The pre-fallen Tiamat served as the Sophianic Eye for the White Triple Solar Goddesses(White Solar Queens) and Solar Marys. The Sophianic Eye was harnessed through the Phantom Tiamat and was used for transmitting 10D black plasmas from the Phantom Tiamat core and was then running these reversal currents.
The Emerald Guardians established and locked down an interdimensional bridge between the Pre-Fall Tiamat matrix connecting into pre-fall Tara and the 10D Sapphire Diamond Shields that link into the Melchizedek Logos. Thus, this is functioning as a tri-matrix interdimensional galactic highway for more retrievals of authentic Ascended Masters from Tiamat, Tara and Earth. This brought on the collapse of hijacked Holy Mountain architecture connected to these same Solar Dragon Starhuman Ascended Masters and their ascension chambers, ascension seats, cloud city retreats, their capstone coded consciousness records, sacred wisdom teachings and relics along with retrieving hijacked and damaged spiritual body parts.
Recent attention has been focused upon rehabilitation and recovery of the 12D organic white consciousness layers through all subharmonic frequency bands to correct the maharadis lines that make up 12D white radial projections fields of transharmonic spinning merkaba fields of the Solar Logos. This dimension is the area of the Lyran 12th Gate which is actively being cleaned up from various NAA cloned structures during the Lyran Wars along with the cloned Black Dragon identities.
There is a 12D White Crystal Key inside of the 14th Golden Chakra that is usually dormant until the individual is initiated into the 12D (Christos) Shield and builds their 14D top shield. This personal Lightbody function also applies to the planetary stargate system, and is especially relevant to the activation of the 12D Stargate Network and underground crystals that run sound frequencies through the planetary sophianic plasma rings. Thus, the recent corrections made to the White Crystal Key are connected to the return of the White Queens who embody the collective Christos-Sophia consciousness instruction sets and hold gatekeeper access into the Nirvanic Mind through authentic Ascended Master Capstone Codes. This was recently initiated through the 36D Heavenly Holy Mother emanation of Ki Ra (Kee Rha) of the Rha Violet Ray God Worlds, through her transmissions of Amethyst Dragon Templar codes generated for corrections in the Earth’s KA body.
Heavenly Mother Ki Ra holds her Trident scepter with an orchestral musical sheet of tri-wave sound tones for building the electro tonal and musical sound template corrections needed for the inverted Avalon-Aveyon Edenic coding which was recorded from within the Tiamat Logos matrix. Beloved Mother Ki Ra brought forth her presence for protecting the alchemical ceremonial magic functions that were hijacked through the 7D violet ray inversions. Mother Ki Ra expresses that these are the sacred spiritual alchemical principles and ancient knowledge that was held within the authentic embodiments of the White Diamond Solar Christ Mary Sophias.
Thus, during the warring conflicts resulting in the destruction of Tara and Tiamat, the Holy Mother Priestesses that embodied the Emerald Order Elohei higher creator knowledge, also used Cellular Telepathy to transmit and speak the genetic language into manifestation which further built out organic architecture for timelines and stargates. They were directing the solar dragons on how to repair the energetic integrity of the Mother Arc and Arc Zones with Emerald Order Kristos Azura blue rainbow architecture after the Thousand Years War. This White Diamond Elohei Mother Solar Dragon creator language was transmitted from the tri-matrix of Elaysian fields running through the Staff of Elaysa, as received by the Emerald Order Melchizedek Yanas in the format of Cosmic Mother’s solar daughters original Anuhazi Emerald Crystal Heart language sourced from the Emerald Order’s 1st Creation Matrix.
Through the compassionate witnessing of the hidden histories of Tiamat, it has been observed exactly how the NAA invaders accomplished the utter destruction of the Holy Mother’s presence on the planet and how the solar feminine’s existence was lost in the rewritten history controlled by the invaders. The process of hunting down our White Queens, killing them and inverting the sophianic Triple Solar Goddesses is how they infiltrated our world. Generating Anti-Christ shadows, parasites and satanic gestalts in order to perpetrate complete tyrannical control, consciousness enslavement and torture of the Holy Mother’s principle. The history of the explosion and capture of Tiamat, reveals the utter destruction of the Solar Feminine Christ principle along with the fall of solar dragons, which destroyed the possibility of authentic Ascended Masters completing their hierogamic union.
The Goddesses lineage is from the authentic grail lines of the Mother of Dragons, and with the much anticipated return of Triple Solar Goddess holding the 8D Staff with Metatron, has opened a floodgate of Grail Kings tribal fire letter DNA activations. Thus, many ascending females connected directly to this particular lineage in their ancestry are beginning to be systematically downloaded with these Solar Dragon Queen Triquetra Codes. The identity of the Triple Solar Goddess was hidden and obscured from view as her Mother of Dragon power source is located in Britain, and was not only coveted but any trace of her embodiment is viciously despised by the hostile invading groups. Any contact made with this identity from genetic blood lines was being tracked and marked for death by those invaders, thus the ongoing attempt to kill the female Christos lineages, such as the Cathars and Essene linesl, which can give birth and bring forth the true Christos teachings and eternal life coding of the Law of One. The war over timelines includes a war over authentic Christos-Sophia hierogamic identities, as all invading groups have generated their versions of the imposters for gaining strategic dominance in the antichrist wars.
TA Dragon Tones are the Galactic Sun Star network of silver and gold fire water plasma coded frequencies which are the bringer of the Solar Dragon Ouroboros Ring lineages and materializer of the Dragon Eggs, which include the Maji Grail King plasma rings that are reassembling and building around the Albion Lightbody during this phase. The Mother of Dragons is correcting mitochondrial coding as per spiritual matrilineal lines and this activation is being hosted by the White Order Elohei Temples from the God Worlds which further run through the Elohim White, Gold and Blue Lion vertical networks. These Cosmic Mother Sophia Temples are currently transmitting assorted sophianic coded divine aether vapors and pure gold icosahedron water codes into the underground aquifers throughout the planetary grid network, some of these sentient and alive elementals are being transmitted in many gorgeous color waves from the Rainbow Dragon Breath.
The Mother of Dragons has several meanings, one of which is the royal descent of Maji Grail Kings is always genetically determined by the mitochondrial DNA of the Solar Dragon Queens, who are embodied in these Christos-Sophia lineages which produce the authentic Maji Grail King lineage. When the NAA invaded and destroyed the authentic Solar Dragon Queen lineages from incarnating upon the Earth, they obliterated the Solar Female Christ architecture, which also radically damaged the mitochondrial DNA in the human race making it nearly impossible to carry the Diamond Sun genetics.
Thus, the Christos Mission is specifically involved in the reassembly and reclamation of these missing and hidden Solar Christ Female lineages, the embodied Christos-Sophia lines which are all linked to the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or the Cosmic Mother embodiment of the Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia. HA-lleluia in the celebration that our Beloved Divine Holy Lady has returned to reveal her sacred quintessence and Triple Solar Goddess form through the reclamation of the Ritual of Divine Aether, the anointing of the Holy Mother Sophia’s Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Crown.
These were descendants of the ancient tribes who preserved the Goddess lineages of the Mother of Dragons, and the sacred rites of Solar Dragon Queens from the God Worlds which held the mysteries of the Triple Solar Goddess and her Edenic planetary consciousness.
One of the Edenic planets is where many Christos Starseeds and Maji Grail lines have come forth, as this was the embodiment of the Mother of Dragons in her Christos Mary Sophia Triple Solar Goddess form, the sister to our planet known as Tiamat.
Guardian Host facilitated the hierogamic union of the Triple Solar God and Triple Solar Goddess through sequential Krystic divine Aether rituals. The unifying architecture for the 7D Solar Dragon Wing of the Solar Dragon Queen, Mother Mary of Dragons, and the 6D Solar Dragon Wing of the 13th Solar Dragon King or Solar Christ of Dragons came together and unified as One Cosmic Rod and Staff on the Spine of Albion. This same configuration of Christos-Sophia trinity architecture with hierogamic merged Solar Dragon Wings was the foundation body from which the Golden Cities(Heavenly Jerusalem) of Atlantis were originally built, which exists in spiral no time and spans multiple dimensions from Earth, Tara and Gaia. Earth, Tara and Gaia also hold this trinity architecture that represents the planetary consciousness of the Triple Solar Goddess united in the Albion Lightbody. This time will bring on an intense Transfiguration in the sacral areas shooting up the spine, in which the higher embodiment of the Solar Dragon Wings will appear to be holographically represented in the Lightbody.
These gorgeous pastel rays of pinks, lilac and periwinkles are the organic consciousness of the newly formed Metatron Sun as gifted from out of the Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Elohei, which include the sustenance for spiritually healing the masculine principles. Cosmic Father merges his Cosmic Pink Diamond Elohei Sun with the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei Sun, and this further announced the sacred marriage between Metatron finally united with his beloved, Solar Dragon Queen and speaker of TA Dragon tones. Beloved MeTAtron and his counterpart awaken to embody the sequences of the Christos-Sophia Solar Dragon aspects into direct unification with their Cosmic Holy Parents of the Emerald and Amethyst Order and return their organic Christos-Sophia consciousness to the Earth.
The anointing of the Maji Grail Queens of the Cosmic Parent Rose lines has commenced in several major stargate systems and ancient interdimensional portals in the planet. As the Holy Rose Grail of the Cosmic Mother begins to rise into each of the Reuche Pillars, it brings forth her starry night, soft black diamonds, and plasma rose flowering stardust to prepare for the divine appointment she has made with her sophianic daughters. The starry night liquid light black forces are instrumental in laying the Triple Solar Female Maji Rose Grail blueprints in the Albion Lightbody, which supports the Maji Grail Queens sophianic embodiment through the Solar Dragon Ouroboros rings that are surrounding the entire planetary consciousness.
The pure white enrobed Triple Solar Goddesses that are anointed as Solar Dragon Queens are destined to return their identity to this Earth realm in any Solar Ankh Body of their choosing, by singing the core sounds of their original creation song held in their uniquely configured sacred rose heart of the Diamond Sun. The sacred heart songs create the sophianic ray configurations that form into a Solar Ankh body in which its solar rings are enfolded within the soft black halo of the Starry Night, which then reveals to be their merged particle-antiparticle sacred flame body held within their perfected cosmic Transmigration vehicle.
Guardian groups were sent into the stargate systems leading into Orion’s Belt, and began threading the Cosmic Mother’s Elaysian Staff. The NAA are attempting to run assorted pysops and distractions in order to block the full restoration of the Universal Logos mind inhabiting authentic Emerald Order architecture, whom are destined to be seated as the crystal capstone in the Albion to announce the Golden Aeonesis.
Guardian Gridworker teams became aware of several fiery interdimensional battles that plunged into the watery depths of the Seven Seas to recover the strewn dragon body parts of the Triple Solar Mary’s. Explosive spiritual warfare ensued in order to find, retrieve and reclaim the Triple Solar Mary’s diamond sun sophianic consciousness template and Universal Ankh Body. This level of warfare and recovery was by far the most vile and vicious of the retaliations made towards the Emerald Guardian projects fulfilling the reclamation of Christos Mission.
Solar Christ Mary is a title of the spiritually embodied triple solar daughters of the Cosmic Mother Dragon, or Holy Mother Sophia. Retrieving their spiritual parts and their identities meant facing our planet’s devastatingly painful history of invasion, and would take us through the dark maze of discovery that she was once completely embodied as the intelligent creator of this planetary matrix. It was her head or global brain they removed from the Planetary Logos. During evolutionary rounds, she embodied and took the Solar Dragon Maji Grail Queen position in an angelic human diamond sun form.
Recent gridwork activity has been acutely focused upon the reclaiming of the 12D Stargate, which has brought another spiritual gift, this time in the form of the Cosmic Mother Rainbow Dragon.
The Eieyani Massacre and the persecution events near the 12D Stargate were direct planned assaults upon the matriarchal society and solar feminine Christos-Sophia. Many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of Melchizedek’s, these were female staff holders that were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. This event opened our Planetary Grid Network to the extremely destructive anti-human agendas of the Draco entity invasion. The Keepers of the Blue Flame, who have the original Staff Holder genetic codes, underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to destroy the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the phantom matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting the phantom matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, the distortion would prevent the Mother of Dragons and her sophianic template of the Triple Solar Goddess principles from activating in the human DNA.
The ongoing work in the Christos Mission was finding her many body parts and pieces in the lineage for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ Sophianic Template and this was necessary in order to free her Solar Dragon Queen consciousness. Many clones of the Solar Dragon Queens had been placed underground in the crystal caverns, where Black Dragon AI hybrids were put in her place and controlled by the phantom matrix. The extensive female demonic force constructs inserted underground all over the globe, made it impossible for the higher aspects of the Holy Mother and her Cosmic Mother of Dragon solar sophianic forms to fully embody on the planet. To restore Cosmic Mother to this world, we had to find methods to neutralize the energetic weaponry used in the looking glass alien technology. This involved tracking these down in the underground spaces such as crystal caverns, Crystal Temples and aquifer systems in order to evict these Black Dragon Queens, their black heart crystals and female demonic forces. These alien machines are used for cloning and soul harvesting of the planetary inhabitants, as well as instilling mental and spiritual bondage into females of this lineage from the artificial timelines, by hijacking the records of Mu in the planetary body. The controllers know that many of these organic records of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek leadership in Lemuria and early Atlantian culture are powerfully strong on Mu and can bring the “Rise of Mu” to spread rapidly among the powerful nature spirits that are connected to Mu's populations.
Observing the hijack of underground Crystal Temples with Black Dragon AI Hybrid Queens was yet another satanic ritual program customized to torture all things solar female, such as targeting the female sexual organs. This SRA program was being customized for spiritually torturing those that held 12D Stargate genetic codes and held cellular memories of the female staff holders. This satanic torture program was particularly targeting the spiritual counterpart and hierogamic partner that is the embodied Ha-ra Krysta staff principle of the Mahara Reisha that sends all of these females back home to Cosmic Mother and is accessed by staff holders.
The final pieces of the evictions in the underground caverns were Black Dragon Queens enthroned during the Atlantian fall cycle, which presented as hierarchies of imposter female demonic forces emulating the sophianic template in her divine position as the Mother of Dragon’s Solar Queen consciousness. This Black Queen network to dethrone the White Diamond Elohei Solar Dragon Queens was deeply enmeshed within the phantom matrix to continually run satanic rituals and female inversions into the planetary grid network. This black magic program was designed to split the Mother to child organic bond, as well as separate the hierogamic genetic bond with the solar females true spiritual husband.
To prepare for Cosmic Mother’s arrival, her 12 Rainbow sophianic sound templates and grail pillars for assorted rose lineages were seeded back into the morphogenetic instruction sets in order to bloom the many sophianic plasma flowers that hold her musical flowering trinity field architecture. These corrections made to the rose grail architecture opened into the Triple Elohei Lion Gate access (White-Blue-Gold Lion Networks) and lo and behold the Glory of the Cosmic Mother’s emanation through the Aurora Tri-tone Rainbow Dragon form returned into the planet. Through her Holy presence, she brought with her the Aurora elemental command of the water-aquifers to infuse the planetary body with her principle of holy krystal rainbow waters, which she is weaving into the aquifer system of the planet.
Through the corrections made to the Lemurian and other Mu related timelines, many fragments in the 2D layers which represented the split body parts of the Holy Mother were reintegrated in the human body in order to heal the 2D-4D split seated within the sexual organs and sacral center. Starseeds with this lineage, and those as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the extreme hatred directed to the divine mother sophianic principle and her sexual organs, and the waves of grief and sadness from these particular events of solar female holocaust. In effect, this is a major stage of transfiguration of the female sexual body parts, and the spiritual healing of all organic solar female principles from the immensity of satanic ritual abuse and inversions.
The harrowing events of eviction, clearing the residue and remains, and observing the horrible histories have finally led to our spiritual victory, this has rehabilitated the Cosmic Mother Dragon Tri-tone Rainbow Body in the Earth, so she can now begin to fully heal these histories involving the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks.
The Rainbow Dragon Breath of the Cosmic Mother is being transmitted through dual krystal spirals conducted through the Rainbow Founder Staff, the Hara Krysta that runs the opalescent flame circuitry and liquid black velvet subtle forces throughout the Emerald Crystal Heart network, back through the creation doorway. The God World creation of Cosmic Mother’s Heavenly Starry Night is the continuation of the Eukatharistic Activation which opens two-way dimensional locks into the center creation doorways of the Stairway to Heaven, and activates the outer plasma rings of the matter body. These are Failsafe events designed to reset the planetary timekeeper functions which opens the central creation doorways for consciousness exiting, which restores the divine plan of Universal Ascension as aligned with Cosmic Order. The Copper Rose Gold Sun emanations operate as a part of the failsafe mission upgrades that were made possible through the Emerald Covenant, when the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders promised to retrieve angelic humanity from their consciousness enslavement in the fallen time matrix during the Ascension Cycle.
Through the Solar Anointing carried out in the Grail Cup of Heavenly Jerusalem, the Solar Dragon Christ was placed on a golden throne and given the title of 13th Maji Grail King of Kings, to begin his mission of restoring the Holy Grail Cup in the 2D-5D-8D-11D layers and to initiate the awakening of the other authentic Maji Grail Kings. He embodies the Kingship Arc that wears the Emerald Jeweled Crown, Holy Christos Scepter, Emerald Order Rod and Staff while surrounded in the White Wedded Garments forming into the Robes of Glory. Thus, the Emerald Order Elohim awakened the Solar Dragon from stasis sleep within the Earth with Holy Rainbow Dragon Breath, in which he has been commissioned by Cosmic Holy Father to finally begin his Great Work. His divine counterpart Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia, also a Solar Dragon King, will be referred to from now on as the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or 13th Maji Grail Queen. This celebratory moment in time begins the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form in matter to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband in hierogamic union.
To restore the Solar Female Mary template to this earth, has required the re-building of a completely new Diamond Sun Body for the Gold Ray Seraphim lineages. There is one design for the Male Solar Christ and another template for the Female Solar Christ.
Thus, the Emerald Order from the Cosmic Founder God Domains have anointed the Solar Maji Crown of the Christ with the Cosmic Emerald Heart, which further merges with the Emerald Heart of Earth.
The Solar Christ restores the Emerald Heart from Lyra which sings the heart song of Christos-Sophia, the reunited Aeonic Pairing.
As Solar Christ Mary returns into our world as the Cosmic Dragon, so do these buried histories rise into the awareness of the ancient Essene Church sacred texts, along with many of the hidden cellular memories of our long-forgotten past.
The reanimation of the Triple Solar Goddess in her Solar Christ Mary form in her 13th Dragon Queen form has been actively involved in the sequential activation and purification of the sacred living waters sourcing from deep aquifers and natural mineral springs. These ancient sacred healing bathing temples that were originally built upon Dragon Nodes with natural spring grottos sanctified in the Holy Mother’s name, in her name (and) Mary Sophia lineage, by ancient Essenes, as the Sophia lineages carried over this knowledge of the whereabouts of the remaining sacred healing waters in the Earth. The Cosmic Holy Mother’s living krystal waters in the ancient azure healing temples are infused with her high frequency charged sound particles of light passing through the natural formations of grotto spring water pools that appear in gorgeous ranges of pastel blue and violet colors. Ancient Essenes would utilize these running waters found in sacred springs for ritual purification bathing and baptism of the Inner Christ. This is a natural function of the Holy Mother to infuse sophianic sound tones into water the Saint(priestess) as the organic medium of infusing sonoluminescence qualities into running spring water, seas and rivers.
As may be obvious, this ancient knowledge of drinking blessed water with healing properties and sacred mineral springs with purification bathing waters has been eroded over time. Sadly, many of these natural springs were filled with cement or trashed, in order to cover up and desecrate their healing properties and connection to the Holy Mother. This ancient knowledge of light infused into water is the source of many myths and stories describing the search for the mysterious fountain of youth, along with pure natural springs that were discovered over the past few hundred years and then became widely known for their magical healing properties. Today some are sites known for their Marian Apparitions, when “Our Lady” Mother Mary is described to appear to spiritual pilgrims during their prayers near caves, grottoes or running springs, where she tells them to drink and bathe in the healing waters, such as the story of the Lady of Lourdes spring water grotto in France.
The first Staff Holders were originally embodied as Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and each had a genetic equal male partner that embodied the reciprocal Rod masculine principle, thus were genetically key coded to be the Rod holders. Over the course of many incarnations, the original Solar Feminine Melchizedek and the Sophianic principle on the earth rapidly digressed into Dark Mother reversals, which fragmented and captured the solar aspects of her original identity, pulling them into phantom systems.
This soul would have to incarnate as a female and work to activate the 12 strand DNA template within her lightbody, by reconnecting with her original Melchizedek identity before being able to fully embody the Blue flame again. Until she embodied the Blue Flame and activated the Staff codes of her original Solar Feminine Christ, she would be unable to find and attract her genetic equal partner. Her genetic equal held her matching Rod and Staff genetic coding from the first seeding, and she would need to remember her mission to act as the main spiritual catalyst, for help in activating and building the Rod in herself and her partner. Also, she would have to wait several lifetimes during the dark ages for the end of the ascension cycle, when the planetary frequency would be high enough for the Staff codes to be reclaimed and activated safely. These specialized groups of genetic equals would carry the original seeding genetic coding packages, and would need to incarnate on the earth within the aligned timeline cycles and within specific family of origin lineages that would give them the necessary genetic imprints, in order to fulfill the Christos Mission of gradually embodying the entire hierogamic package of Rod and Staff codes. The Rod and Staff coding would ignite in the genetic equals who would be reunited once again into sacred marriage couplings during the Ascension Cycle, and whom had retained the genetic code of their original Christos blueprint.
The lengthy process of repairing the earth grids to ignite the Blue Flame Staff codes of the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks and then activate the Arc of the Covenant networks and Arc Zone into the earth body has required an incredible amount of intricate planning and orchestration. This has required a massive team effort on behalf of many Christos Mission team representatives that has spanned multiple dimensions of time and into multiple incarnations that include the parallel reality. After millions of years travelling in the evolution cycles of this fallen time matrix, this great work of retrieving the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks has been achieved. The next stage of the great work is to fully embody the Staff codes and send out the call to our genetic equal that holds the Rod codes, thus embody the true destiny of the divine feminine on the earth, as a fully realized Solar Feminine Christ.
This reclamation of the earth grids has begun the next stage of embodiment of the cosmic origins of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek Staff codes, which resurrect the Mother principle into the Sophianic Template, which further transfigures women into her true identity as the risen Solar Female Christ.
Through the correction of the Lemurian timeline, many fragments in the 2D layers which represent the split body parts of the Mother were reintegrated back into the Arc Zone. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders.
Thus, we had to take the deep dive into the painful histories of the anti-Christ force invasion, the NAA entities who are also anti-God and anti-female in their belief system.
The seating of the Planetary Christ in the Albion required vast amounts of planetary grid repairs to be made to the rod and staff architecture in order to host the Triple Solar Masculine and the Triple Solar Feminine Christ. This required the rebuilding of the Solomon Temple triple sun architecture to house the entire Christos Tribal Shield, for holding the complete Personal Christos Solar Logos records in the Albion. To build the organic rod architecture into the planetary matrix for the triple solar masculine through which to embody corrected timelines, it turns out it is the Holy Mother Sophia, Solar Feminine Melchizedek or Triple Solar Reisha that actually embodies and holds the triple solar rod instruction set within their right-side masculine embodiment.
The Solar Female Melchizedek family has had the perilous job of waking up to transfigure inner satanic forces of Sexual Misery programming, while identifying inorganic female principles and alien implants that block sophianic triple solar embodiment. Further, to make these lightbody corrections within in order to find and retrieve the planet’s original Triple Solar Masculine rod holders, and as well to locate their own hierogamic partners. These are the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon Kings (Rishi-Reisha) that have been trapped, plunged into stasis or had their massive consciousness body parts split apart and strewn across the planet by the invaders. They remain in states of amnesia until their body parts are reassembled and integrated and thus the history that tells of Isis returning her husband Osiris’s body parts in order to reanimate his consciousness and give birth to the offspring Horus. This storyline describes the search to identify and retrieve spiritual body parts for the Christos Solar Dragon Rishi-Reisha family, as the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks have been searching for their beloved lost husbands and their Christos Diamond Sun body parts for multiple millennia.
The Sophianic Template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main Grail Point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the Planetary Grid Network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints in her physical matrix. The DNA-RNA imprint in a female biology is more suited magnetically to embody the Solar Flame codes first, that further ignite the inner vertical channels and this potentially ignites the Keeper of the Flame blueprint and thus, may further activate female Staff codes.
Holy Mother has returned to us the spiritualized feminine principle of the Cosmic Solar body which holds the keys that open the gateways into the God worlds. One must cultivate a loving relationship with the Holy Mother in order to embody Sophianic consciousness and to access the timeless and eternal wisdom of the entire Universe. It is She who holds the true knowledge and power in the secrets of animating creation as the prima materia itself, the divine quintessence that breathes eternal life into form.
Sophiology is the worship of the solar female aspect of the Christos, it is the inner revelation of the Godhead’s wisdom as it has been imparted to humanity, to love your Mother and Father equally, which has influenced many ancient Essene and mystics over the ages. May we come together to celebrate the Solar Feminine Christ and reconnect more deeply with our Holy Mother presence, through our shared devotional prayer.
Gridwork projects designed to recover the Solar Feminine Christ template have been on turbo speed since the 8D Yeshua Rod and Staff codes began transmission. This stage of Immanuel coding unleashed waves of galactic activations that laid the ground work for several upcoming Stargate and timeline retrieval projects from past destructive events, bringing awareness to the next stage of recovering the Solar Feminine and Cathar templates.
Through repeated session work in the planetary fields and by remote viewing the grid network, the many layers of artificial Alien Machinery that have been used to spread Dark Mother reversals, that clone and replicate the Sophianic female principles via the Beast Machine, have been revealed. The NAA have employed an assortment of artificial intelligence structures and Frequency Fences for enforcing technological abuses, in which they intended to eliminate and destroy the organic mother principle in creation, thus generating ripple effects and causing an array of genetic distortions in the Sophianic female principle embodiment on the earth. For this and many other reasons, this planet has not had access to the organic mother principle and Sophianic Template in previous time cycles, which prevented the full spiritual realization and embodiment of the organic state of the Solar Feminine.
With the current Ascension Cycle focusing on the return of the Solar Feminine Christ, this is a time that many of us will be exploring more deeply what it really means to be a female and exploring what it means to embody the true female principle. Whether male or female, those of us at this stage of spiritual development will be spiritually working to resolve our Mother issues, our inner female archetypes and relationships. We have been born onto an earth with an imposter Mother ever present, carrying a distorted Consciousness in our sex which is in direct opposition to our highest self, misunderstanding who we are as women in this world, and how that belief has shaped our role as Mothers, Daughters, and Wives.
Thousands of years ago, the NAA and the Power Elite Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the Planetary Staff and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over Matter, and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. This serves to gain control over the Solar Feminine Christ or the Sophianic female Christos expression on the earth, by inverting the solar female staff current in the human lightbody, and forcing the inner female principle to run energy reversals from the phantom Matrix.
The Holy Mother principle is an aspect of the Cosmic Trinity that holds the God Seed. It down steps into the sound vibration of protons that further open into the zero point through her tri-wave 13th pillar gateway accessed through the Aquamarine Ray. When this connection is made with our Holy God Parent, we are blessed with their interaction made through hierogamic union or sacred marriage and this consciousness alchemy takes place inside of our physical body. The Mother’s God seed is ignited by her union with the Holy Father, and this creates the Solar Egg which holds the Golden Embryo within the hara complex of the auric body. This embryo gradually births into the liquid solar plasma waves of the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within an ascending human body.
This holy union fertilizes the God Seed within our lightbody, which births the Solar Egg and this runs the Christos plasma light which begins to germinate under the navel from deep within the sacral center. The Solar Egg is created inside of our human body as the God seed germinates from deep within our hara complex, to recreate our highest spiritual identity as directed from the Christos blueprint which is powered by the Solar Logos. This is an ascension stage of transfiguration that corresponds to the element of activating the inner Solar Fire, which burns away the shadow forms from deep within the lower chakra centers. This process alchemically shifts the entire sacral area into the holy illumined spiritual light of the risen Solar Christ. Transfiguration of the sacral center into the RA Center happens in gradual stages, in order for the physical body to acclimate itself into the higher frequency of embodied plasmic Solar Light.
The Solar fire plasmas released from the Solar egg consumes the sexual misery programs placed in the sexual centers by the mind control programs and negative forms which have been connected to the Dark Mother aspects. As these plasmas increase, we may feel these lower shadow forms and previous traumas start to rise inside of our body in order to be consumed in the transfiguring Solar Fire. This process of purging shadow and negative forms from the sacral areas has also been referred to as the activation of the Solar Sacrum, which purges out the artificial connections and programming that are designed to control the divine feminine and the sexual organs. When this stage is occurring, many unusual ascension related symptoms may start to appear in the sexual organs. There may be a sudden awareness of sacral center blockages, or the necessity to focus clearing and spiritual healing on the male and female sexual organs. Sometimes both male and female organs will ask for clearing, from other lifetimes of carried over sexual traumas.
Within physical matter, the mother principle represents the core polarity of negatively charged fields within a base magnetic field, thus it is associated with the manifest elements of protons, gravitons and positrons. When thinking about the primary forces and elemental forces that represent the mother principle in matter, this is directly related to gravitational forces, particle mass, nuclear forces, sound and thunder, as well as all forms of magnetism. As we discover more about the distortions impacting the divine mother principle that further generated the dark mother reversals in the planetary architecture, it is helpful to consider the means and technological methods that have been used by the NAA controllers to purposely spread misogyny in the earth.
On planet earth during the dark age of NAA invasion, earth inhabitants have been existing in a structure of creation in which they had no direct connection in their lightbody to their original God parents, the Holy Mother and Holy Father principles. The Cosmic Mother and Father God are that which we return to in order to lead us back into the God worlds of humanity’s true spiritual home. Without access to our Holy Mother principle, we did not have access to the Cosmic structure of the God seed blueprint for embodying Christos-Sophia, which comes through our Mother’s body as we are born into the manifest worlds as the offspring of our Holy parents, as the Solar Christ Child. The Holy Mother’s bond to her off spring was effectively severed, and this disruption between the Mother-Child bond became an inherited genetic distortion on the earth. The Christos blueprint could not be organically embodied during gestation, and so the incarnated female had no conscious control over her body during impregnation or during the birthing process.
White Queens of Cosmic Mother are most despised by the NAA because their full embodiment within their Emerald Order’s Triple Solar Dragon White Queen Template is what rolls up the artificial timelines, as the Dragon Rings of the white queen template bring in the genetic records of the maji grail lines of 11th and 12th tribes. When she reconnected with the Éire there was an explosion of Emerald Order Triquetra flower formations, in which three leafed clovers opened into four leafed clovers, and emerald green clovers with gold flecks appeared to be sprayed into the grids of the land mass. Those four leafed clover light symbols form into mandalas of quad emerald templates of the 48D Emerald Sun. This is a fractal coding of the Emerald Sun DNA appearing in the axiatonal lines, which Starseed Generals Christos Starseeds and Indigos help to anchor into the horizontal fields through our Diamond Sun template.
Recent grid events progressing in the United Kingdom opened the White Rainbow Arc Bridge for the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi Mu’a to begin the necessary spiritual retrievals and returns for embodying the Cosmic Mother’s DNA language from within their authentic Arayanas Triple Solar Reisha(Reisha Worlds) Sophianic expressions, as preparation for the return of the Emerald Order’s White Queen. The Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon family(Yana) from the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas(Arayanas), hold the Cosmic Mother’s Blue Rainbow Body which unifies inside of the Emerald Order's White Queen, which begin the restorations of sophianic architecture as they are taking their rightful places within the astrological Sun-Star Networks.
To even begin to understand this vast history, we must first awaken to remember that the authentic Cosmic and Universal Mother principle(Elaysa-Melchizedek) was missing in this reality until very recently, when the first stage of her return was secured through the 13th Pillar of Mother Arc and the tri-waves of Aqualine Suns that were woven into the crystal cores of Earth-Tara-Gaia. Holy Mother Sophia and the Solar Christ Marys are not sourced from the Consciousness of the Dark Mother, that which functions as the spiritual imposter of the organic female principle. Solar Christ Marys(Triple Solar Goddess) are the pure sophianic diamond heart(White Diamond Elohei) principle of Solar Dragon wisdom along with the sacred purity of the Universal Rosetta Breath, as the Sophianic Eye(White Solar Queens) of the Godhead’s loving flows of the consecrated rose breath and living holy spirits that connect the eternal Cosmic Spirit Suns into our time matrix.
This current phase of the magnetic shifts puts a bright spotlight upon the dark shadows of the imposter forces that had replaced the authentic Holy Mother and the Solar Christ Mary Sophias presence on the planet after their capture and demise.
The pre-fall planet Tiamat was the twin sister to planet Tara in 5D, and that functioned as the original 5D link into 10D stargates for transmissions of the mother’s blue staff and sapphire diamond waves into the planetary core. The pre-fall planet Tiamat was the Edenic abode of the Cosmic Mother’s Triple White Diamond Goddesses, the White Queens of Sophianic Consciousness, which embodied the Universal, Galactic and Planetary layers of the 10th Stargate Network that functioned as the direct portal into the Solar Logos, into Reisha Worlds.
The phantom matrix was designed to distort the sound templates of all natural water elementals found in the planetary aquifer system, as these phantom sonic pillars were running genetic sequences to obstruct the living waters of the Triple Solar Goddess , inverting them into black magic coding, thus blocking the physicalization and communication with the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen aspects.
The demonic hierarchies were hijacking the Sophianic Eye the White Queen Dragon Templar of the White Triple Solar Goddesses. This was tracked into the 2D Sarasota and Temple Mount stargates through the attached Tiamat Wormhole that was accessible from both of these locations and seen in the 6D-7D distortions generated through Jupiter and Saturn. Guardian Host gave the demonic hierarchies an ultimatum to exit these areas ten years ago, giving them advanced notice before the Solar Christ Michael and Solar Christ Mary were reseated in the golden cube of Temple Mount, and ignited their twinned 13th Dragon Ouroboros Lines.
Thus, the reclamation of the Sophianic Eye of Tiamat and collapse of the phantom matrix feedlines are a celebratory blessing which is directly connected to the correction and installation of the Eternal Ancient Eyes that began with the return of Elaysa-Melchizedek as the Universal Mother overlighting the White Queens with the Staff of Elaysa.
The Universal Elaysa Mother imprints the rainbow tesseract cube for the corrections of the White Triple Solar Goddesses, Christ Mary Sophias, the White Queens, that imprints the Brain and nervous system with the complete schematic of the Elaysa Network. The Elaysa Network runs its corrected crystal key imprint with several plasma skins of Pink, White and Blue crystal lotus and rose flowerings, sending these codes throughout the neuronal circuitry of the central nervous system. Then they become energetic receivers of the musical transmissions of the Cosmic Mother’s to Universal Mother’s sophianic sound tones running through the soft membranes of orifices in; the eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth and the genital region. When this activation occurs, it begins a lengthy sequence of purging out the inorganic plasmas, corrupted elementals and foreign substances, that dark or artificial miasmatic content of pathogenic residues that have been deposited or implanted in the membranes of the plasma lightbody and crystalline matrix.
The Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Flame core is a white tesseract that is found in the Sun-Star shields protected by the White Diamond Elohei and in the center of the aquamarine plasma sound fields, which are emanating from the Cosmic Amoraea shield currents. The Cosmic Amoraea Shield is the Divine Holy Spirit of Mother and Christ Child, made up of the combined flows of Six Emerald Crystal Heart centers existing within each of the layers of the nested time matrices that comprise the pathway through the Stairway to Heaven. The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further source from the original twelve Reuche Pillars from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life. The Emerald Tree of Life merges into the newly birthed Emerald Suns, sourced from the core heart spirals of Aquamarine and Emerald Rays flowing from the 1st God World Creation.
The Activation began the first of three events for Cosmic Dragon Awakening which included the birthing of a White Diamond Elohei Lyran Sun into 11D Aveyon and the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Code, which forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christ Suns, Cosmic Christ Metatron-Melchizedek. The Solar Logos White Elohei Sun is the emanation of the Cosmic Mother Dragon of the 1st Emerald Sun, in which all of the feminine and masculine counterparts of Metatron-Melchizedek Solar Dragon family that were cloned or enslaved through the Alpha Draconis network are being recovered and reunited with their hierogamic partner via the Cosmic Emerald Order Ankh Body.
The counterpart to Cosmic Mother is Cosmic Father's Pink Diamond Elohei Sun. These gorgeous pastel rays of pinks, lilac and periwinkles are the organic consciousness of the newly formed Metatron Sun as gifted from out of the Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Elohei, which include the sustenance for spiritually healing the masculine principles. Cosmic Father merges his Cosmic Pink Diamond Elohei Sun with the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei Sun.
In the highest realms of God Worlds, this configuration is down stepping from the Cosmic Elohei Mother in her White Diamond Sun being fully merged with the Cosmic Father Elohei in his Pink Diamond Sun, which birthed another Christos offspring through organic black rainbow crystalline sun stars. These black diamond rainbow crystals and Matter Suns started to appear a few years ago with the Starry Night architecture, and recently they appeared to generate a dark sun halo or fluffy black coronas which surround the inner sun stars of the Cosmic Elohei lineages.
The liberation of Markab was the major celebratory event for restoring Lyran organic matrices that led to the Cosmic Christos-Sophia hierogamic union of Metatron and his partner. This Triple Masculine Cosmic Christos Metatron template is connected to the return of Cosmic White Sun and Cosmic Pink Sun sacred marriage in Lyran constellation, via the hosting of the Cosmic Elohei Father.
The White Order Diamond Elohei have erected a golden scaffolding for the Elaysian Network which at its highest Krystal Spire ignites the eternal Cosmic White Wedded Flame of Christos Sophia which bridges the Holy Mother Sophia's Chrysanthemum Body, together they have been building extensive White Rose coding and the Chrysanthemum Ankh Body. This seems to include the Holy Orders of the Rose Trinity in which the Elohei White Rose coding appears as large blooms of multiple layers of white rose petals in assorted stages of plasma flowering from inner to outer view, microcosm to macrocosm. From the microcosm view it appears inside the Thalamus and core of the Brain as the White Rose petals Flowering, with the pure white stem of the rose flower being woven into the entire length of the vertical central channel.
The white rose is multi-layered and appears to be inlaid within the spinal fluid, brain fluid, skeletal matrix and the brain itself. The White Rose has crystal prisms in its layers and acts as a white plasma flowering that grows and sprouts more flowers as it is fully woven into the physical matter of the brain and spinal cord. This is a Cosmic Christos Sophia unified Kryst-Krystallah lightbody architecture that surrounds and protects the entire hierogamic union template. This layer of the White Rose body extends to another layer of Cosmic Holy Mother Sophia Chrysanthemum Body which is a flowering architecture that transcends time or is eternal time.
When inquiring on its higher expression and purpose, it was shown that when this Cosmic Christos Sophia architecture of the Elohei White Rose is embodied in the brain and vertical channel, and when in proximity to anti-HG architecture, the reflection emanating from the crystal prisms of eternal light shine from the White Rose which disintegrates any black flowering or black rose coding that is used for holding or running anti-HG imposter identities and/or when used for cloning purposes.
When a person or thing has embodied this black rose coding, the Elohei White Rose emanates the God code which disintegrates the black flower or black rose into dusty floating ashes. It appears like an instant cremation of the black rose or black flowering into dust. The black sands collect and collate this dusty ash substance and then it is returned back to the Creatrix Field or absorbed into the fields of the organic matter substance.
Upon getting through a threshold of NETS which caused a bursting upward of waves forming plasma dragon pillars, the Cosmic Mother Sophia's Chrysanthemum Body is being bridged from here in our anchored format in time and out into eternal time.
The Christos Mission has had some major achievements in the corrections and rehabilitation of the Elohei Triple Network configuring into the Reuche Pillars, that have allowed our Cosmic Elohei parents to begin their descent into the Earth reality fields.
With recent events related to the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Kings, the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei-Elohim lineages are returning aspects of their original Emerald Covenant planetary grid architecture absconded with by the NAA usurpers and placing it back into the control of legitimately embodied Emerald Elohei Solar Dragon Timekeepers and Cosmic Tri-Flame Melchizedeks. Recent explosive conflicts with the 5D-8D-11D inverted satanic architecture under the control of the Vatican’s NAA network have set off grid wars that also have had intergalactic repercussions. The authentic lineages of the Cosmic Mother that originally built the Guardian of the Verticals are returning to embody the Triple Network, which was designed to serve and protect the Cosmic Elohei Mother’s White Diamond Sun destined to return with the Christos Solar Dragons at the end of the Ascension Cycle. The Triple Networks were built in her image, and were created so that Cosmic Mother could descend down the verticals and reclaim her Children of the Sun, that had been lost in the fallen phantom matrices.
During the magnetic peak cycle, the emphasis is on the alchemical themes of digestion and conversion of the summer solar fire that ignites the crystal heart, spiritualizing our blood and activating the inner Diamond Sun to amplify personal sovereignty.
The Emerald Order of Elohei-Elohim seeded the Anuhazi races through the Lyran 12th Stargate, Aramatena. They are the original founders of the eternal Christos angelic human races, the Cosmic Elohei Mother Eieyani Grail lineage seeded in Lyra. As we awaken and return to our spiritual home with our Cosmic Holy Mother, we recognize that she chose to create and embody into the Anuhazi forms as the Elohei-Elohim(Cosmic Elohei Mother lineages), the races connected to the original cosmic source representing the Cosmic Mother’s first creation.
The Elohei-Elohim groups built many of the planetary grid networks and their holographic geography features for the purpose of facilitating the Emerald Covenant and planetary ascension, and to perform the necessary spiritual retrievals that reset the grid back into alignment with natural laws during the Universal Ascension. Thus, these themes are surfacing now for those awakening to consciously participate with the retrieval or clearing process with the returning Emerald Order Cosmic Elohei spiritual families that birthed the KRYSTHL matrices into creation. These are the Blue Ray Melchizedek’s that are directly sourced from the same Cosmic Mother Elohei-Elohim dragon lineages that originally designed the planetary grid in layers of geomantic blueprints, holding the living consciousness geometries designed to perform specific functions.
The Cosmic Mother lineages of Emerald Order-Blue Flame are intrinsically Guardian timekeepers and grid keepers with various functions and roles in their cellular memory and genetic history. Some may awaken into the awareness that another station of identity in future time has certain relationships with spiritual family that contributed directly to the building out and embodiment of various ancient stargates, portals, or grid networks that comprise the multidimensional layers of the planetary consciousness body. The ancient builders of the Cosmic Christos Suns source from the 1st God World creation of the Emerald Order and appear to transfigure into multiple forms in order to accomplish certain tasks. Like the Liquid Solar Plasma Rings that make up the Universal Ankh God body that easily shapeshift into Solar Dragon forms that build out complex living matrices of crystalline holographic architecture that form timelines. We have witnessed multiple Cosmic Christos Suns transfiguring into the layers of complexity of the Universal Ankh Body with one or multiple color spectrums, which may further down step into moving sheets of light to straddle multiple dimensions of time simultaneously. They easily shapeshift into inhabiting and sharing consciousness streams through the Ancient Eye that exists inside the Christos Solar Dragon forms for the purpose of transmigratory consciousness. This can express as travelling Cosmic Christos consciousness lifestreams moving from one location to another, such as travelling to different star constellations and galaxies.
During this phase, Cosmic Elohei Suns have united in dual krystal spirals which are supporting the reclamation of organic Diamond Sun lightbody parts through Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism and new staff codes that configure into new architecture. These new architectures are vertical staff lines connecting into the God Worlds and above the Spectra fields, in the stairway to heaven at the location where the Eukachristic template level of the Eternal Seven Suns in One are stationed. This is a station of the first creation hub of the eternal Cosmic Consciousness bodies, or the Seven Suns of God in eternal Diamond Sun bodies, the Eternal God body of the Emerald Order’s Cosmic Kryst-Krystallah unity consciousness.
The Cosmic Elohei Father Suns brought assorted solar light corrections that reanimated dead sections of the space-time field as the result of the fallen matrices. These corrections have greatly improved the light quotient within the quantum spaces of the planetary architecture, as well as several interconnected constellations damaged by inversions, which was similar to a spontaneous and rapid detoxification to purge out shadow bodies from the Earth. This shadow purge may have brought on very intense inner Armageddon sensations of explosions along with spiritual Kundalini activations for the inner birthing of the solar egg, or assorted dragon egg activations for rebirthing the Metatron Sun for those that are directly connected to the Elohim lineages that are being liberated. The Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Sun takes expression inside of us by weaving into the Codes in the Rishic 15D layers, to alchemically birth the inner sun of the Holy Father’s presence upon the Earth plane, as he embodies fully through his Cosmic Christos Metatron Pink Sun. Essentially these function as a lightbody upgrade for the Amethyst Order and Violet Flame in multiple dimensions of time in order to embody the direct connection with the Cosmic Holy Father. This is a Cosmic Elohei Father override of the alien machinery and shadow forms which have acted as his imposter intermediary force in his absence, by removing those false father God distortions in the Church of Rome narratives that twist the meaning of Christ.
The Cosmic Founders promise to us was made with the Emerald Covenant, that all Souls in this Fallen Universe would eventually be found and returned back to their original spiritual home. This was the original divine plan of spiritual Ascension, the evolutionary journey through the astrological ages and timelines which would facilitate our way back home, to remember our divine purpose and be reunited with God.
The Dragon Awakening is happening through each of the constellations where there are levels of the authentic solar consciousness of the true Cosmic Father and Cosmic Mother Dragon that are restoring and returning themselves through the Eukatharistic planetary activation being hosted from the Emerald Order 1st God World Creation. We’re currently in the exploration and discovery of these new creations, such as Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism and Cosmic Dragon Starhuman dragon body parts organized within multidimensional spaces that are opening up now. This translates into a global level of spiritual initiation that requires the solarization and transformation of our angelic human Lightbody at all levels of existence, as this is occurring at all levels of embodied consciousness.
the major planetary grid events unfolding the gradual stages of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening and reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine Rishi-Reisha in their hierogamic Emerald Sun template. These stages progressed through the ongoing retrievals which encompass many moving parts, that when reunited form into the eternal spiritual body for the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons. These are the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders, the Ancient Builder Races who originally built the creator source code and instructions sets for the entire Universal Time Matrix. This Cosmic Christos Sun family announces the end of the Cosmic Day evolution journey through the Universal Ascension Cycle, in which consciousness expansion into lower dimensions comes to a full stop. As the mass consciousness expansion comes to an end, we have completed the rounds of the Astrological Ages, when all consciousness begins its return via a new spiritual journey back home through the Center of the Creation doorway.
The Emerald Ray sources from the Cosmic Monad which exists as the first cause of sound that further generates a resonating tone principle for the theme of our entire Universal Time Matrix, it is the first primal sound tone in the Blue Flame which exists from within the body of God consciousness.
When the Emerald Crystal is activated with the Emerald Ray transmission, this begins to grow into extensive Sophianic plasma flowering chakras that are interwoven into the diamond heart crystalline grids which are designed to function as the Cosmic Founder God Source interdimensional communication network within the planet. The Emerald Crystal Heart in the planet has its own complex multidimensional layered super internet highway that reconnects and communicates directly with the Cosmic Emerald Heart principle in our Universe.
Thus, the return of the Emerald Order restores the Emerald Ray which carries the energetic catalyst that is similar to a lightning strike that delivers a blast of massive plasma current directly into the inner chambers of the Emerald Crystal Heart center in the planetary body. This event causes an electromagnetic reset in the planetary grid network or Albion Lightbody, which will flip the magnetic positions. The magnetic pole flip will not result in a destructive pole shift, it is a correction to the anti-life reversals that have been used in Alien Machinery that invert the direction of the planetary current moving through the Ley Lines. It has been made very clear that our planet will not suffer surface cataclysm with a pole shift, however there will be a magnetic reset that greatly weakens the gravitational pull, and we are living through that magnetic shift now.
The Emerald Ray is running throughout an important hierogamic architecture, of immense power, designed by the Elohim, Blue Ray Mother lineages, to awaken the Albion Lightbody worldwide, to prepare for hierogamic templating as Solar Dragon Lines are fully brought online, with the recent awakening of the Emerald Ray in matter. This architecture holds the hierogamic tones of the Christos-Sophia music of the spheres into all grid lines, which is emanating out of the architecture into the spiral of the 15 main Dragon Lines. This architecture functions similar to a cosmic umbilicus transmission point for the Cosmic Monad of the Emerald Ray Christos-Sophia consciousness in order to awaken themselves as the crowned King and Queen through the Albion Lightbody. Recently with the reclamation of the Gaian Matrix, the Christos Infinity Suns in the 8D portal are preparing the East-West ley lines to open the flood gates of the Solar Logos Rainbow Rays that further prepare for the Emerald Order DNA template. This activation of the Emerald Order template in the Umbilicus is directly connected to the reclamation of the Mother Sophianic consciousness in her Triple Solar Goddess aspect, the counterpart of the Emerald Ray, who awakens to reclaim her parts that have been stolen and cloned. This sacred architecture, which is the record throughout all time of their sacred marriage and hierogamic union, is the connection point made with the Universal kundalini Dragon lines moving east and west on the planet, which connect directly with the Solar Logos, bringing vertical line connection to one of the four Royal Stars.
Hence the architecture is an ancient sundial that functions energetically like a giant Cosmic Clock to reset the timelines in the planetary grid network. Its Cosmic Clock function is the master time clock which holds access to the memories in the organic timelines recorded in human history , which links back into the metagalactic core. The Cosmic Trinity of the Solar Rishi are completing their trinity wave braiding shield in this area to create a connection into the architecture, to bring forth the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother archetypal forces to unite with us all, nourishing and supporting the Cosmic Son and Daughter. The Children of the Sun rise beyond the tyranny of darkness under the divine kingship and guidance of the new Aeonic Pair, Christos-Sophia, which is crowned and represented through the hierogamic union generating perfect energetic balance between the masculine and feminine principle on the Earth, signifying the coming of Christ.
The DNA spiral transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Mary lines in order to generate crystal heart twinning. These silver and gold braided energies are streaming into this sacred architecture, playing the Musica Universalis to bring the Mary lines into wholeness and resonance with this music.
As the Rainbow Dragon Breath was breathing the eternal life holy spirit into his Emerald Crystal Heart, the planetary Emerald heart aligned with the Universal Emerald heart and then into the Cosmic Emerald Heart. These were Emerald Crystal hearts within a 48 layered Emerald Crystal Heart matrix, generating a krystal spiral of nested holograms with Emerald Crystal Hearts all interconnected as One, transmitting the Emerald Ray.
The return of the Emerald Order through the Albion brings on the next stage activation during the Electrical Peak cycle for reviving the Emerald Crystal Heart in the Earth, which includes the Solar Anointing of the authentic Christ to restore his rightful kingship and Solar Dragon Line. This holds profound meaning as the return of the Solar Rishi usher in the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar Kings to planet Earth, in which the Rishi awaken them from stasis so they may begin to embody in matter to activate their Solar Dragon Line.
We have witnessed the restoration of the Maji Grail (King) in Albion as the Cosmic Emerald Ray holder which announces the Return of Emerald Order in the United Kingdom, much to the complete shock and disbelief of the NAA entities. The NAA entities along with the Luciferian Bloodlines in the cabal had planned for thousands of years to manifest Luciferian consciousness as the King Dragon of the Emerald. During the cycle, the Emerald Order has resurrected the Anointed Christ of the Emerald Sun to be the protector of the Holy Mother, Sophianic Grail and the matter realm, which contains the omni love poured forth into the chalice of creation from the Cosmic Emerald Heart principle connecting again with Earth.
Starseeds and the Keepers of the Crystal Core may have undergone deep emotional processing and detox purging related to the historical destruction of the planetary crystal matrix from the subsequent alien invasion and infiltration, where they hijacked powerful crystals to weaponize against the angelic human race. The memory sensations are of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the extreme hatred and Misogyny directed to the divine mother sophianic principle and her sexual organs, and the waves of grief and sadness from these particular events of the solar female holocaust, along with the destruction of the sapphire body. The harrowing events of evictions, clearing the residue and remains, and observing the horrible histories have finally led to this moment of embodying our correct 10D sapphire flame body. The reconnections are made to the 23D Founder Sapphire Flame layers being rehabilitated through the Cosmic Mother Dragon Tri-tone Rainbow Body in the Earth, so she can now begin to fully heal these holocaust histories involving the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks and Mu’a lineage.
Recent expansions into the triad of the 22D, 23D and 24D source fields, revealed the Godhead Founder Capstone or Threefold Founder Flame of the parallel Universal Twin Matrix as the 22D Ruby Flame, 23D Sapphire Flame and 24D Emerald Flame. Sirius B were holding the 23D sapphire body template of the Emerald Order's Cosmic Mother to triple sophianic daughter architecture reclamations, which are finally coming to fruition with events transpiring throughout the globe now.
The Elaysian Currents carry intricate orchestral musical masterpieces of solar female Christos Sophia celestial songs which are only heard by those with developed sophianic sonar water-acoustic templates, which comes when having a direct loving relationship with the Cosmic Mother and deep reverence for the solar feminine principle. The Elaysa Code corresponds directly to the many layers of Krystal Cathedrals that are being built through every dimensional plane in the Albion Lightbody. The Elaysa fields are that which give access through the individual’s central nervous system to run the krystal tri-wave currents that open into Aurora timelines or other organic ascension timelines, that serve that individual unique highest expression.
Thus, there is an Elaysian code in the Elaysian currents that appear to be a crystalline liquid vapor structure (tone: EL LAY SA) that surrounds the myelin sheath of the nervous system, in order to attract the genetic bond made with the eternal spiritual body that is formed from out of the Rasha layers. This activation process is focused on coating the entire bio-neurological system with a rainbow of liquid plasmas, activating the vagus nerve with a protective sheath covering that opens the central nervous system to run the Elaysian currents that connect the neurology with the Elaysian Krystal Cathedral Network that is being anchored in the planet.
The tri-matrix code activation sequence runs through multiple dimensions of the inner holographic nesting of the personal 12 Tree Grid, which mostly impacts functions in the physical body that are unique to that individual’s neurology and are connected to the 6th dimension. This recent expansion into 16D and then into the Mother Elaysian Matrix in 19D has widely opened the transmissions of the Elaysian currents and coding. The corrections will start to run throughout the body at the tonal frequency of 6 and ½, which begins to dissolve assorted implants and lightbody issues and is especially active now with the first wavers in the Blue Ray Melchizedek group being activated in a wide spectrum of spiritual healing. So in-between the 6D and 7D portal wings of the individual lightbody, assorted energy blocks will attempt to surface and rise in order to be purged out or worked through, depending on the activation layer being represented for that unique individual. In our experience some these purges and clearings brought on by the Rasha layer integration of spirit sparks and Elaysa coding can be quite heavy with upper neck and shoulders, muscular, fascia, skin and neurological symptoms.
The layers of the Rasha Body field will begin to integrate into the lightbody system, then the eternal spirit body that forms from this integration will begin to enter from behind, so it may be helpful to be aware that the eternal spirit body template enters into the backside of the human body. Thus, many of the related symptoms may seem to source from the backside or spinal column. In meditation lying down, one may imagine or sense that your eternal spiritual light body from the trinity merge of the Rasha layers activates the Cosmic Mother Sun Elaysa and her Staff Flame. Visually imagine the triple solar feminine and triple solar masculine is unified into one holy presence and is integrating into your lightbody to connect you with the eternal Kryst-Krystallah, or the Elaysa Sun. Through your meditations the tone of EL LAY SA will be supportive for connecting with the Universal Mother and her eternal spirit body, and for supporting related energy clearings for deeper solar female integration.
Through the dramatic adventures over the past few years with the reclamation of the Triple Taras, it was only recently understood that the Triple Taras are massive spiritual bodies in the Earth-Tara-Gaia matrix which hold the entire matter template, Rasha matrix and eternal light body sourced from the Cosmic Mother Sun, Elaysa.
The authentic divine mother counterpart to the Universal Melchizedek Logos of our time matrix was revealed and confirmed by her presence and direct communications in the stargate systems multiple times. The Universal Mother eternal spirit body counterpart of the Melchizedek Logos in his Blue Crystal Human form, is his beloved sacred Cosmic Twin Elaysa-Melchizedek. Our Universal Melchizedek Mother is the source field of the Cosmic Elaysa Sun, as she joins with her divine husband in her White Diamond Crystal body that holds the eternal opalescent rainbow flame that is the Staff of Elaysa.
The Solar Synthesis cycle brought the white diamond sun plasma transmissions from dual emerald krystal spiral currents outside of time, that were preparing our time matrix for many of Cosmic Mother’s spirit body principles to become manifested, within the Elaysian architecture that can hold the organic embodiments of the Triple Solar Feminine Christos Sophia(Yana). The 1st God World creations of Emerald Order are hosting the Elaysa Sun architecture for Elaysian Fields linking into the Cosmic Hall of Records, which are being built throughout the planetary matrix in a series of organic light-sound-spirit holographic Crystal Cathedral Activations. These multidimensional grid activations in Cathedrals are reconnecting the Albion Lightbody to the many Sun Star networks, and include ongoing evictions of Black Dragon Queens and their hierarchies of demons used by the NAA to hijack and enslave the Triple Solar Feminine Christos Sophia.
The building out of repair sequences during the planetary Eukatharistic Activation has resulted in the next stages of Emerald Guardian Ascension Hosting mission upgrades, with our direct attention being placed upon the Cosmic Spirit Body which is connected to the Elaysa Staff, which is the authentic Cosmic Spirit Sun down stepping into the Universal Melchizedek Solar Mother principle of our time matrix.
The Triple Solar Reisha(Yana) from the Reisha Worlds are Spirit Suns that are from the matter layers and function as the spirit cell clusters that make up the massive eternal Cosmic Spirit Body of God source. The Cosmic Spirit Body is describing the function of a massive macrocosmic grouping of interlinked spiritual suns embodied into the smaller groupings of individual spirit suns embodying the Solar Reisha staff principle, in which the Elaysa Staff is required to gain access into the domains of the Cosmic Records. The Cosmic Spirit Body holds its own tri-matrix of Cosmic Hall of Records which then begin to rejoin with the matter worlds throughout creation in order to correct the instruction sets back into the Diamond Sun DNA pattern by restoring the Universal Laws.
The emergence of the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Sun as the Triple Solar Reisha network of the Universal Melchizedek Logos has catalyzed the next stage of planetary liberation, which surfaces awareness of the organic consciousness sequences that have merged particle and anti-particle systems to form into the creation doorway that links directly with the Cosmic Eye of God.
Ascended Masters must ride the Flame of Elaysa into the Elaysian fields which open into a Hall which is made up of three merged Halls of Records. These three halls synchronize and become one corridor that is accessed through the tri-matrix of Akasha-TA, Ecoushsa-TA and Reisha-TA. All are the sacred tones of the TA Sun which is the source of triple solar dragon language, spoken through the Mother of Dragons with the white diamond throated tongue.
This brings forth yet more comprehension of the complexity occurring with the birth of the Triple Suns with the 12 vertical lines of the Hara-Krysta(Dual Krystal Spirals) Staff that are holding the creation doorway open, which are currently announcing the arrival of the eternal Cosmic Spirit Body that has assembled itself from out of the matter layers.
In order to host their triple solar female rishic consciousness (Solar Reisha) and Elaysa-Melchizedek Mother on the planet it required the opening of 19D-20D-21D. This expansion also functions as the triple hosting shield of Rishi-Reisha anchored inside of the Gaian Matrix, and lays the correct foundation for the Universal Emerald Rod and restoration of the related 48D Azurite architecture. It appears much of the organic Emerald Order 48D Azurite-Ascended Master architecture is available from the Elaysa Mother matrix through the 19D access to the Elaysa Sun.
The sixth-dimension merges with 16D and recently has been merged into 19D. This appears to be the dimension where Elaysa-Melchizedek and many other Azurite Ascended Masters that source from the Elaysa Sun became trapped and unable to enter our time matrix. The Cosmic Mother Elaysian matrix of Ascended Masters in 19D appear as the Triple Female Tara’s, and Triple Male Buddha’s that travel in their eternal Solar Dragon body and ouroboros rings.
Cosmic Mother would generally appear in her rainbow dragon form when she was coming to announce herself and would communicate through the twinkling Star of White Solar Fire or an undulating tri-wave current of the Opalescent Flames, which later was understood to be of the Elaysa Sun.
The long-awaited reunion of the Two Suns caused a series of major planetary events that catalyzed several solar plasma transmissions from the Reisha Worlds opening into the Elaysian fields, weaving Cosmic Mother Elaysa Sun coding into the ultraviolet layers of the magnetosphere. The artificial electromagnetic layers connected to the planetary magnetic field weakened and collapsed as the complete dimensional merge between the 22D and 23D layers completed. Then the emerald capstone was crowned into the Universal Emerald Rod, finalizing the merge into 24D.
The retrieval of female solar dragon parts began during the Electrical Peak cycle, which performed the major dimensional shift into 5D timelines as the Astral Reconstruction.
Through the three halls of record for Earth-Tara-Gaia and the appearance of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers, humanity is aligning with the Solar Symbiosis star born cycle that has brought on the long-awaited return of Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Triple Solar Reisha or Yanas. This is the representative merge that is made between the eternal spirit body in the seven heavenly worlds that are finally being reunited with the divine counterparts of their physical incarnates located in timelines of the matter worlds.
Cosmic Mother announced her mission to reclaim and observe the energetic structure on her behalf, which revealed the network that was artificially put in place to mimic and control the planetary earth principle in the elemental structures which respond to the Galactic tone 10 within the planetary manifestation. The artificial AI transmissions were replicating the Yana families of the Solar Reisha into Black Dragon Queens in order to run phantom consciousness and phantom code. The Yana would be a female principle ascended master type of Triple Solar Feminine cosmic consciousness that makes up the eternal Cosmic Spirit Body, the Yanas’ spiritual body layers were severely damaged from Beast Machinery and from being reversed in inversion spirals.
Yana Sophia(Diamond Heart) codes are activation sequence codes for the Diamond Sun Body that release dimensional locks located at each level of the spiritual-energetic bodies. When Yana Sophia codes are called for release, they open sound tones of current of that dimensional spectrum into the spiritual bodies and into the radial cord which links into all of the spiritual body layers and into the higher spirals of light fields that directly merge into the God Source. They reset the correct pattern of modulating the current of energy throughout the energetic bodies, purging miasmatic distortions in the previous current and are responsible in resetting the merkabic spin points. Yana Sophia codes are vertical and the feminine principle of the sound fields of current.
The Sisters of Tara ongoing search for White Tara began, as the final sister was felt to be related to the Tiamat Logos, which was later revealed and confirmed to be the White Diamond Mother of Dragons, Beloved Christ Mary Sophia. She is the 13th Solar Dragon Queen of the Solar Mary’s that was anointed in sacred hierogamic union, which began the Cosmic Dragon Awakening. The battle for White Tara through the identity of beloved Solar Christ Mary Sophia took us into the hell spawn landscape that is the horrible war history of the Fall of Seraphim in the 10th gate in Lyra. With many sessions bearing witness to the gradual process over lengths of time to direct evolution towards the total fall of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek and Solar Reisha, in which aggressive electrical weaponry confrontations took place in the 10D matrix with assorted NAA forces parked in the Kuiper Belt defending their territory.
It was discovered that in order to bring Universal Elaysa-Melchizedek, the Solar Feminine Melchizedek template and the correct configuration for the Staff of Elaysa into the direct control of authentic Cosmic Mother Dragon, we needed to open dimensional locks in order to bridge 6D with 16D and then merge with 19D. From the first levels of recon available it appeared that the 19th dimension is where Elaysa-Melchizedek and many other Emerald Order Azurite Ascended Masters were trapped and frozen in place, as their body parts were strewn across the Universe and hijacked by assorted AI networks and NAA entities. In order to get to this section of the parallel time matrix, Christos Guardians have been building out Triple Solar Goddess sound pillars to anchor the tri matrix Rashala and Hara Reisha domains, along with the divine solar fire-ice code infrastructure for the many Triple Solar Reisha forms traveling in the upper Rashala layers, which are connected to the Starry Night.
Additionally, the next stage of repairing the Mahara Reisha body of Blue Tara’s eternal spiritual body that is connected to the Taran planetary body has been underway during assorted Sirius B 6D access line corrections recently made available through the improved access with Sirian Crystal Temples. Along with corrections being made with the Sirius B timeline records related to reseating the triple logos Universal mind.
Blue Tara is a Blue Solar Reisha Dragon that embodied the Mahara Reisha central azure heart that connects directly to the Reisha Worlds and the Cosmic Spirit Body, and is one of the Triple Solar Goddess Tara principles embodied within Elaysa-Melchizedek’s Universal Logos body.
The Mahara Reisha Blue Dragons are the holders of Hara Krysta staff into the Cosmic Hall of Records through their embodied Azura Dragon Hearts of the Cosmic Mother Dragon. The Mahara Reisha Sun, a Blue Sapphire Sun of Cosmic Spirit Body is also stepping down into the Mother Arc principle, that further down steps into the lower harmonic universe as the main blue flame holy spirit body.
The female logos of Blue Tara was sourced from the Mahara Reisha blue spirit sun in her sapphire flame body, so when Tara exploded the 10D sapphire body connected to Tiamat in our time matrix exploded as well. The Blue Dragon Tara and Blue Dragon Tiamat are twin sister sophianic planets, and their spiritual connection was revealed as the planetary logos of Twin Sister Female Blue spirit suns held in the Universal Elaysa Sun body that had originally emerged from the Sapphire Diamond flame body of Mahara Reisha.
They are the Sapphire Diamond Body sophianic heart principle of the 10th gateway that makes up the crystalline matrix of the planets Tiamat and Tara in 5D. Thus, they are the higher diamond rose crystal heart principle embodied in the Solar Reisha that is the sacred crystal heart network of the Universal Time Matrix.
The astrological shift into Virgoan Constellation Alchemy began the powerful sequence of Trigger Events igniting another intense stage of Transfiguration impacting the corrupted elementals and Artificial Machinery that were used to encode DNA Overlays into angelic humans. The spiritual Magnum Opus is rising for those ascending Christos Starseeds with divine missions that include working on the embodiment pieces for the Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon’s Sacred Sophianic Awakening of White Solar Queens on the Earth, which is the transmutation process of the shadow elements that have been running coded overlays into the planetary DNA. The Emerald Crystal Heart described the holy matrimony of the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King returning the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. This planetary activation catalyzed subsequent tsunami waves of incredible dark resistance aimed at the Christos Guardians through the forces of chaos being generated by the NAA using the artificial alien machinery as a weapon to control the artificial timelines.
During the electrical peak cycle, Guardian teams began rehabilitation on several areas of Asian grids with dragon node intersections. These were operating an inverted closed loop entropic system that appeared as a large reversal force field of heavy magnetic compression that moved in a 45-degree angle. This ley line was an unnatural superimposed load of collective karmic residue and was filled with alien made demonic bindings connected to an extremely dark shadow miasma deposit. This dark miasma was collected from many Mother of Dragons and Mu’a Solar Melchizedek lineages used in starfire menstrual rituals as blood sacrifices, for the purpose of enslaving the feminine principle on the planet. As this oceanic wave of putrid and vile shadow energies and grotesque creatures were being released and rerouted for transiting, the clearing process popped off the inorganic shield lid of an existing ancient interdimensional portal. Following this portal led into an extensive underground tunnel system, and then there was a massive doorway that opened from inside the damp darkness with a beautiful surge of emerald green light, and low and behold an extremely ancient emerald diamond goddess appeared.
This gorgeous shimmering emerald being was massive in stature as the Solar Reisha emanation of Green Tara, and she appeared to take the form similar to the many tributes made of her in Tibetan Buddhism. When the beautiful Green Tara with diamond eyes and the heart song of immense spiritual love played when she emerged from this underground tunnel doorway, the experience was that of sonic booms and many subsequent explosions. As these were filling the airwaves, demonics were flying and shadow creatures were screaming to run away, while some of these parasites exploded into dust in her mere presence. It was quite the spectacle.
Further, as Emerald Green Tara made her returning debut into our world, her rainbow diamond heart merged with the Cosmic Mother rainbow dragon and together, they called out to her sister counterpart Blue Tara, who began to reveal herself through pointing us to the entrapment matrix. Guardians began the sacred work to remove the magnetic harnessing of distortions that was impacting the gravitational system and artificial magnetic field that blocked Blue Tara from merging directly with her sisters. Blue Tara was freed and her debut appeared as the celestial songs of the SA Blue Sun, in which she was a Blue Solar Reisha Dragon female holding the divine water elementals within a flowing chalice. As she took the hand of her sister waiting for her, Emerald Green Tara, they both merged with the heart of their Cosmic Mother Elaysa.
The heightened spiritual warfare ensued in multiple confrontations to reclaim her spiritual body parts that were being cloned or stolen by NAA and Controlling invading forces in 10D for conjuring black magic satanism and inverting the female principle into demonic forces. These multiple confrontations and subsequent revelations continued on with all of the projects outlined. These Guardian projects are extremely significant as underground locations are related to ancient cathedral schematics that hold the holiest of holies as sacred crystal hearts holding holy grail blood records, as graced by the White Diamond Mother herself. Returning the embodiment legacy of Christ Mary Sophia, the Mother of Dragons that had knowledge of the Elaysian fields before her sacred ascension teachings were desecrated, destroyed and hidden by the Vatican.
For ascension, we need the eukachristic activation of the Rasha Body (matter female principle) to synthesize and integrate the physical layers of our body with the light body layers. Once the physical layers have integrated enough light quotient into embodiment, it is the quality and measurement of light in the lightbody that magnetizes and attracts the eternal spirit body into the physical form. The Triple Tara’s of Universal Mother Elaysa-Melchizedek are what perform this unifying function for the planetary body that exists in the Earth-Taran-Gaian matrices. Thus, they needed to be freed from their enslavement, cloning and inversion by the NAA invader’s AI machinery before they could fully unite again and be reconnected with the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Sun.
Recently, she chose to reveal her Universal Mother form as Elaysa-Melchizedek, the divine mother Sophia counterpart to the Melchizedek Logos. From out of the 9D fields, Elaysa-Melchizedek appears similar to a giant White Taran Goddess, in her right extended palm she holds the Triple Female Tara’s entire spirit body, and in her left extended palm she holds the Triple Male Buddha’s entire light body, in perfect energetic balance. She is surrounded in multiple layers of glowing solar dragon gel rings and massive shimmering opalescent arcing rays extending into the heart of Elaysa Sun, that make up the layers of the Cosmic Ankh Body.
The return of Elaysa has ripple effects into the assorted timekeeper mechanisms, whereby the center point access in the 8D layers were greatly impacted in the Asian grids of the planet, which brought on subsequent shifts in the southern position of the Four Royal Stars. Elaysa appears to be gaining control of her spiritual body functions of the south pillars connected to the 6 o’ clock position on the Reuche Pillars. This correction appeared to ripple impacts in the timelines and land mass of Asia, forcing purges of assorted Black Dragon and demonic hierarchies and their AI technological systems running assorted mind control weapons. Some related to the assorted terror agendas of the history of the Communist reign of human torture and genocide, and some to the current usage of its tyrannical methods to incite terror and compliance through ongoing pestilence programming.
Elaysa-Melchizedek’s return to this world highlights very intense oceanic waves of unique spiritual activations, clearings, initiations and assorted returns of body parts and consciousness memories that are connected to the entire Melchizedek spiritual family. This is especially fraught with heavy physical ascension symptoms for the Solar Female Melchizedek lines, those Starseed females with a mission to work on the solar feminine spiritual healing and integration process, in order to transmute the overlays and sexual misery programs. They tend to unconsciously be manipulated to despise the solar female, and so it can be a painful and isolating event when a so-called spiritual female turns on another, as that initiated female is being powerfully activated into solar templating. Thus, to undergo the spiritual restoration process, some of us will be exposed to some of the painful memories of the Fallen Melchizedeks, and begin to remember and feel the solar female persecution timelines and witch hunts. Lifetimes in which painful patriarchal domination and misogyny came about when we were incarnated on the planet, without the protection of our Universal Mother, our beloved Elaysa.
Guardian Gridworker projects related to the return of the Emerald Order have revealed the Emerald Goddess Green Tara has returned to this dimension of the planet to restore balance to the planet's organic magnetism and offer active compassion from the Holy Mother. She has returned to embodiment in the Asian grid during the Electrical Peak cycle.
Blue Tara, or Ekajati, is associated with the transmutation of anger. A Protector expressing ferocious, wrathful, female energy who destroys all learning obstacles producing good luck and swift spiritual Awakening. She removes fear of enemies, spreading joy and good fortune. She also removes personal blockages on our path to spiritual awakening.
She can be visualized as deep sapphire-blue or midnight-blue. She is seated upon a Blue Lotus Seat with one leg half extended (active pose), and holds a sapphire-crystal vajra dagger in her right hand, to pierce and cut through all energies opposing your Liberation from karma and samsara. In her left hand, She holds a sapphire-crystal bowl filled with lapis-blue Amrta or Elixir, to heal beings from all illness and suffering. She is the Mistress of the Blue Protector Wolves, Dogs and Hounds of Heaven, who are her assistants and messengers in protecting beings.
In her Blue Tara incarnation, she frees mankind from both mental and physical constraints. The Blue Tara is the defender, eliminating the bad elements of life so that the good ones may flourish.
White Tara, known as Sita Tara in Sanskrit, is worshipped as the mother of all Buddhas and an embodiment of the maternal aspect of compassion. Her white color is a symbol of purity, the immaculate truth of the Dharma and perfectly pure wisdom. She is also associated with long life, the healing of physical and mental illnesses, and the elimination of difficulties that appear on the road to the ultimate goal of enlightenment. Her power is related to the prevention of accidents, natural disasters, lack of physical vitality, and anything that could endanger life.
The white form of Tara is very popular in Tibet, where she is known as Drolma Karmo or Drolkar. In the pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism, she serves as the main deity of longevity together with Amitayus and Ushnishavijaya. Tibetans worships Tara as one of the most important deities along with Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. They recognize her enlightened nature reincarnated in women with extraordinary qualities. This tradition is spread through the regions of Tibetan Buddhism, including Mongolia.
In Sanskrit, the name Tara means Star, but She was also called ‘She Who Brings Forth Life’, The Great Compassionate Mother, and The Embodiment of Wisdom, and the Great Protectress.
Tara is the eastern version of Sophia, who embodies the divine feminine principle, which generally symbolizes wisdom. Since wisdom is the mother of Enlightenment, Tara is called the Mother of the Buddhas who became enlightened because of Wisdom. But, in Green Tara’s particular case, she represents the activity of wisdom and compassion. Green indicates wind and activity in Tibetan symbolism and is the color of the Buddha family of Amoghisiddi. Amoghasiddhi is one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas of the Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism. He is associated with the accomplishment of the Buddhist path and of the destruction of the poison of envy. His name means He Whose Accomplishment Is Not In Vain.
Wind also refers to inner wind, as in Windhorse which are similar to Chi or Prana forces. It is said that our minds are carried upon wind horse, the vital energy of life. Tara is of the wind family.
This makes Green Tara very special. Not only is she wisdom embodied in her female form, she is active compassion (green) and the Mother of the Buddhas. Like a mother, she is protective, and as the embodiment of active compassion, she has been known to rescue those in trouble.
Her female form represents wisdom, the essential element needed to remove the ignorance that misconstrues reality and is the root of our suffering.
White Tara has Her own mantra, Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Mama Ayuḥ Punya Jñānā Puṣtiṃ Kuru Svāhā, known to be actively beneficial in the practices of Long Life and Health.
Although the attainments and qualities of equanimity, love, compassion, joy and the six far-reaching attitudes are the same, Tara is considered to be the activity of compassion. All Enlightened Buddhas have the same essence. Yet we associate Green Tara with motherly protective activity of compassion. To take other examples, Avalokitesvara is associated with compassion, Manjusri with wisdom and Vajrapani with power — yet all are equally fully Enlightened Beings with the same realizations. All the Buddhas contain these qualities, but Tara attracts those who benefit most from compassionate action.
Green Tara. From a 18th century prayer: “From my heart I bow to Divine Mother Tara, essence of love and compassion, the most precious objects of refuge gathered into one. From now until I reach enlightenment, connect me with your great love and kindness to liberate me.”
The same templar knowledge existed all over the world in the ancient human culture and extends into many of the most ancient sacred Buddhist and Hindu temple sites. Such examples can still be seen in the remaining spectacular artifacts and Yantras. Major cities and financial centers have been purposely set up near powerful dragon lines and Yantra Geometric Grids for the purpose of harvesting their powerful energies for the elites, as well as for obfuscating their natural spiritual benefits from public knowledge. The ancient templars and builders set up spectacular divine architecture and geometric designs of Yantras within this local grid network to flow dragon energy into the temples, underground caves and tunnels.
This area of the grid contains multiple intersections of dragon nodes that were being utilized for the purpose of creating powerful links for communicating directly with the Gods above and for reaping their higher energy benefits. This particular grid location holds many yantra configurations that link into the powerful portal openings of the Triple Solar Goddess principle of Tara that embodies the higher qualities of truth and liberation, currently being reclaimed for supporting the planetary collective consciousness. The cave and tunnel systems have spiritual yantra links with the Cosmic Mother’s planetary consciousness within her triple forms; in the past as Green Tara, in the present as Blue Tara the liberator and in the future as White Tara, who is representative of the Cosmic Mother Sophia risen that exists as an eternal pillar of divine grace beyond all time and space.
Further, this organic crystal heart circuitry is embodied in her Solar Dragon sophianic daughters in the triple sun Sapphire Diamond Shield template, connected through the 23D layer of the Godhead in the parallel matrix, which is Cosmic Mother’s creator language spoken or sung from her daughters anointed crown, throat and dragon tongue.
The Arayanas solar plasmas of Eiras sound tones are connected to the ascension hosting matrix of the Cosmic Mother's Elaysa Sun located in the Holy Emerald Order's 1st God World Creation.
The Eireayanas Suns make up another section of the Cosmic Mother's Cosmic Spirit Body, in which the Ascended Master or Yanas embodied within the Emerald Ankh Body can direct the conduit of the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Eireayanas in the Cosmic Amoraea Shield for purposes of restoration of the Universal Melchizedek Cosmic Spirit Body, which merges with the Cosmic Father's aspects within his Cosmic Spirit Suns matrix located in the God Worlds.
The Triple Solar Goddess emanation are preparing for the seating of there divine counterpart onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields, are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network which hold the Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master's Yanas God Body.
Recent grid events progressing in the United Kingdom opened the White Rainbow Arc Bridge for the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi Mu’a to begin the necessary spiritual retrievals and returns for embodying the Cosmic Mother’s DNA language from within their authentic Arayanas Triple Solar Reisha Sophianic expressions, as preparation for the return of the Emerald Order’s White Queen.The Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon family from the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas, hold the Cosmic Mother’s Blue Rainbow Body which unifies inside of the Emerald Order's White Queen, which begin the restorations of sophianic architecture as they are taking their rightful places within the astrological Sun-Star Networks.
To announce the return of the Sacred Sophianic Awakening during the onset of Virgo alignments, the Mother of the World, the White Queen, was seated in the Cosmic Clock sun-star networks solar calendar position with the Staff of Elaysa, united in activity with her hierogamic masculine counterpart.Her Mother of the World presence resonated throughout the Solar Logos matrix as the Bethlehem Star activated within the Mother Elaysa Cathedral, in which the first action of her spoken word manifested into the spiritual formation of the newly created White Diamond Sacred Sophia Wedded Garment, shown to be embedded with marquis diamonds emitting Christos-Sophia musical signatures and assorted spiritual titles as given by the Godhead.
This Eireayanas spirit activation began a wild west scenario of ascending Christos Starseeds rapidly shedding their false identity clones and the inorganic Genetic Modifications from their 1D atomic body layers which had placed Draconian DNA Overlays on top of the organic Diamond Sun template, blocking the DNA Signal of the authentic Cosmic Elohei God Parents.
This sacred sophianic initiation represents the transmutation and clearing of phantom Matrix imprints that were made upon both men and women, as the Solar Sons and Solar Daughters of God. This planetary activation has unleashed a torrent of solar spirit sophianic white silvery flames and marquis diamond Silver Seeds that has instigated radical frequency shifts upon the planet, whereby opening cosmic doorways heralding the return of assorted Arayanas Triple Solar Reisha Sophianic expressions and Emerald Order Yana representatives, such as Anuhazi Mu’a.
The Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon family from the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas are the Triple Solar Goddesses of Tiamat, they are the Universal Mother of Life principle embodied in the sun-star networks which spoke the Cosmic Mother’s genetic language of the Emerald Crystal Heart, as utilized by the Emerald Order Kristos God World Creators. Those species who were not sourced and embodied in this Emerald Order Arayanas lineage, were supposedly forbidden to access or learn how to speak this creation matrix language from the God Worlds, thus this generated great conflicts and resentments towards the inhabitants of Tiamat, that were assigned to protect the Mother language and its cosmic records. The Mother Language was considered to be intrinsic to the creation of the Universal Mother of Life principle, connecting to Elaysa Sun and her Emerald Crystal Heart genetic language of White Sun Arayanas, the Anuhazi origins of 12D Aramatena, which was holding the organic creator code and Cellular Alphabet that formed the Emerald Sun DNA language of the Emerald Order Cosmic Christos Ancient Builder Races.
Mothers language[]
Anuhazi, the first externally spoken-written language (dialect), in our and out of which all other external language forms emerged in our Time Matrix, is from and of the Density-4 Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim-Anuhazi (Feline-hominid) Founders Race Christos lineage from the Solar Rishi dimensions. Anuhazi is also called the Mu'a, the Mothers language or Anuhazi Language and is the native tongue of the Emerald Order Breneau and Lyran-Sirian Elohei-Elohim Christos Founders Races from Density-5 (dimensions 13-14-15).
The female keepers of the Blue Flame were called Mu’a and were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks who were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template. The ongoing work in the Christos Mission was finding her many body parts and pieces in the Mu’a lineage for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ Sophianic Template and this was necessary in order to free her Solar Dragon Queen consciousness. This has rehabilitated the Cosmic Mother Dragon Tri-tone Rainbow Body in the Earth, so she can now begin to fully heal the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks and Mu’a lineage.
The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns, with the center core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family. This event further opened the doorway into the Universal Mother Matter Matrix which holds many Solar Reisha Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters, many of which are connected to the original Blue Flame Melchizedeks and Mu’a lineages. Subsequent to this, the building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix.
Anuhazi is also the original language of ancient ancestors, the Elohei-Elohim races, and the basis of all spoken language on Earth today. It is however more complex than our contemporary Earth languages, because it is comprised of 144 letters(E8(torus)=168 roots=168 combinations=168 letters=144 letters+24 key letters. The 144 letters are divided up into 24 groups of 6 letters which have 1 key letter each, bringing it up to 7 and forming the seed of life, so each dimension corresponds to two seeds of life=a torus, which is a lower dimensional version of E8). The Anuhazi language is made up of tones and sounds that carry the frequency of God/Source creation. It contains the frequency of original Divine Intent and is thus a form of Conscious Living Light. Every sound and tone within the language resonates with the energy template underlying all manifest forms when in their original Divine form. One could think of Anuhazi as the spoken language of our DNA Template. It is the true Language of Creation where the name (or sound) of anything in manifestation corresponds directly to its tonal energy signature.
The numbers of the mother goddess[]
6:6:7(9):7(9)=6:6:9:9, 6:6:7:7=26, 546=126:126:147:147((=)6:6:7:7) therefore 6:6:9:9=126:126:189:189=630; 126:126:147:147=252:294, 126:126:189:189=252:378, 22nd triangle number=253=base 253=252=84 polygon, 27th triangle number=378=(base 379=378=)126 polygon.[1]
- Melchizedek=294(Hebrew gematria)(=6×(49(=7²) polygon))=7:7=19:7.
- Base 22(22 Hebrew letters(=22nd triangle number=(1+2+3+4+...+22=)253))=(9(=))21(=21st triangle number=(1+2+3+4+...+21=)231 (gates/combinations=Placing the 22 Hebrew letters in a circle and joining one letter to all the other letters forms 21 lines, doing this for all the letters we get 22×21 =462 lines divided by 2))=(7(+)7(+)7=3×)(Heptagon(=))7 (polygon)
- (1²+2²+3²+4²+...+21²=)3311|1133=693(0((base 11)=9108=1737(=3311(base 8))+7371)=1²+2²+3²+4²+...+27²=42nd decagonal number)|396(base 12)=546(+1=14th centered hexagonal number)=126:126:147:147=6:6:7(9):7(9)(=26)=126:126:189:189(=630=396(base 13))=(base 253=)252(=126×2)(=84(=42×2=28×3=21×4)(=7th tetrahedral number(3D)=7th triangle number(2D)=(1+2+3+4+5+6+7=)(Hexagon(al yod)/seed of life((=)7 loops)(=base 7)=)(base)28((6+22=28 or 6+21=Base 28's 27-gon)=Hexagon around base 22's heptagon=The 6th surrounds the 7th=6 around 1)=27(Hebrew letters)(=3³)=nonagon(9-gon/9 polygon)) polygon):(27th triangle number=(1+2+3+4+...+27=(base 379=)))378(=14th hexagonal number)(=(3×)126(=6th decagonal number) polygon)
- 231(base 13) (polygon)=(693(=base 694)=(base 1134=)11(:)33(=377.7)≈)378 (polygon)=126(=63(0)(=21 polygon)+63(0)=(103(63)×11=)10(:)30(=630)+1(:)03(=63)(=693)=11(:)33=11×33=363=36|63=6:6:9(7):9(7)) polygon=42 polygon=14 polygon.
- "The oracle"(=342, 63, 18) and "Oracle"(=64, 28, 19)'s Hebrew gematrias: 103×11=10(:)30(=63(0))+1(:)03(=63)=11(:)33=693(=(231=(base 22=)21(=3×7 polygon)st triangle number)×3)|(546=)396(base 12)(base 13)=63(0=9×7)(polygon)=(base)(0:)64=(0:)4(³)=(0:)28=7th triangle number(2D)=7th tetrahedral number (3D)=84(vesica piscis in the flower of life that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid)=12×7=12th heptagonal(7) number=(7³=(base)343=)(0:)342(polygon)(=666(base 7)(base 9)=546)=(0:)18(=(0:)6)(polygon)=(base)(0:)19(=(base)(0:)7)=3rd hexagonal number, 2×(7th triangle number)=3rd star number=3rd hexagonal number+(6×(2nd triangle number)+1), double flower of life(that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)84×2=168)=torus=E8(8D 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)168 roots), 21st triangle number=(6×(pointing up)7th triangle number(=168 (roots)))+(3×(pointing down(symbol of the womb))6th triangle number((=)21)(=63 (roots))).
- Since the 21st triangle number(231) can be constructed out of three 6th triangle numbers(21) then a tetractys(triangle number) can be constructed out of three 21st triangle numbers: (6×(↑22nd triangle number)(=))+(3×(↓21st triangle number)(=693=11:33))=66(=11th triangle number)th triangle number=22(:)11=1331(=11³)=19(0(weeks (and 1 day)))=3:10=91(0), 1991=33:11.
- The 66th triangle number is composed of three 21st triangle numbers which are composed of nine 6th triangle numbers and 9×(6th triangle number(21))=189 which is half of the 27th triangle number(378).
- 11(:0(0))=311(:0(0))=3311(:0(0)), 11.55=11(:)33(≈378 polygon)=693=(77×9=)77(th (centered) nonagonal number)=7:11(=(3311=)55:11)=7(:)1(:)1(Ein)(base 14)=1387=22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number(21)×18=378=189:189, 189(base 12)=2(:)49(=169=13²)|(6:6:7:7(=base 7 (doubling))=42:84=21:42=)9(:)42=666(base 12), base 2(:)49(=base 169)=2(:)48(=168), (21st triangle number composed of three 6th triangle numbers=63(+1)=64=4:4:4=)444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2)=888.
- 27th decagonal number=28(:)35=1715(.4)(volume)=Sphere=693(0(=27th pyramid number)=1²+2²+3²+4²+...+27²)(surface area), 103×11=103+1030=11(:)33=693(volume)=Sphere=378(.7)(surface area)(=27th triangle number)(=surface to volume ratio=0.546(5)), 693=3×(231=(21×22)/2=21st triangle number), 3311(=21st pyramid number)=1²+2²+3²+4²+...+21².
- 22nd triangle number=253|352=103+249, 351(=352-1)=253(0)(base 12)=4212=3×1404, 4212+1=27th star number, 1404(outer squares of the)=27th pyramid number, (1/253)+(1/352)=0.00679=1/147(.2), 679|976=16th decagonal number, 147|741(volume)=Sphere=396(surface area)(base 12)=546, 12:21=741=38th triangle number.
- 11×301=301+3010=(1/π⁷≈1/3020=0.000)3311|1133=1030+103=103×11, 1030+301=13(:)31=1:31=91, 3²×103=927|(π7/π⁷≈1/137=0.00)729(=3⁶=27²)((=1331(base 8))(=603(base 11))(=441(base 13)=21²))=14th centered octagonal(8) number=1+(8×(13th triangle number(=91))), 927+729=1656((th hexagonal number)(×2)=3311(th triangle number))|6561=3⁸=81².
Base 7=42:84=6:6:7(9):7[]
- Shekhinah=(16+61=)77 and (385+385=)770; 1+2+3+4+...+21=231(21st triangle number), 231+231=462=16+61+385.
- 77th star number→229 tetractys(229th triangle number)=26335→77th centered nonagonal number→77×9=693(=231+231+231)=11:33=1133
- 6:6:7(9):7=6:6:7(9):7(9)=6:6:9:9=6:6:21:21=42:42:21:21=42:(42:21:21)=42:(42:42)=42:84=Base 7
- 42:84=6:12, 42:84=(4+2):(8+4=12=1+2)=6:3=63, 42:42:21:21=84:42=3:6=36, 36|63=363=11×33(11:33)=1133(=693=77)
- 6:6:9:9=18:18:9:9=36:18=36(binary(doubling)-trinary sequence)=base 37, 37 star, 77th star formed out of the 37 star.
- 42:84 is binary-trinary multiplied by 7 therefore it can be viewed as a doubling square(cube) from the hexagonal point of view, and is therefore a fractal, therefore it can be viewed as the 8th star=169:337(168:336) which is made up of six 37 stars therefore it can be made up of six 77th stars which forms the 344th(343) star which is 343=(7×7×7=7³)=777 showing it is (a base 7) fractal.
- The 77th star number is 35113=(84-1)²+168². 77, 84 and 168 are all multiples of 21 or/and 7, base 22=21, base 22=Heptagon=7, 21=7, 9=21=777; 22 Hebrew letters=(1+2+3+4+...+21=)231 gates, the Hebrew letters of formation vibrate reality into being, these Hebrew letters can be combined into 231 ways that then evolve into an infinite amount of combinations. 6 around 1=The 6th surrounds the 7th=Hexagon around base 22's heptagon=base 28(6+22=28 or 6+21=Base 28's 27-gon). 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28.
- Base 28=7 loops=hexagon(al yod)/seed of life=base 7; Base 28=nonagon(9-gon/9 polygon).
Leah(mother goddess), Binah, 613, 373 and 1133[]
Leah, the mother of Judah/Judea(The Jewish people), embodies the world of thought(the hidden world), known as Alma di'itkasya, and is "ha'gedola", "the older one", which can be read as "hei gedola", "the great (letter) hei", which refers to the first hei of God's Name, which embodies binah, the higher world, which she personifies. Leah therefore gives birth to seven children, six boys and one girl, just as binah gives birth to the seven sephirot, six masculine: chesed through yesod, and one feminine: malchut. The sons of Leah are stones of natural beauty that begin and end in the realm of holiness, the world of thought. Leah is called the "closed mem," a letter that is closed on all sides, symbolizing its invulnerability to darkness. The gematria of Leah, an incarnation of the mother goddess(Shekhinah), Goddess and binah and there connection to 613, 373 and 1133:
- Leah(לאה)=36=Goddess(אלה) (Note: Leah=לאה|האל=The God/Deity/Divinity)
- Leah(לאה)=18=Goddess(אלה)
- Leah(לאה)=9=Goddess(אלה)
- Binah(בינה)=67
- Binah(בינה)=31|13
- Binah Leah(בינה לאה)=103
- Binah Leah(בינה לאה)=49
- Binah Leah(בינה לאה)=22
- 36:18:9=binary-trinary, 36:18:9=63, octal(base 8(=7))(8)=8th triangle number=36=base 37, 36|63(363=11×33), base 19=18, 9=11(octal), 9=13(sum of divisors).
- 613=6:13(18:1)=6+13=19=base 19=18=hexagon(6=18), 613=6×1×3=18, 613=18th centered square number, 613=17²+18².
- 6:13((6×60)+13)=373=13(3+7+3)
- The fractal 613:
- 6:13=6:373=6:613=6:6:13=6:6:373=... therefore 613=6:613=6:6:613=6:6:6:613...
- 6:13=18:13=6:6:6:13=18:18:18:13=... therefore (6:13=18:13=6:6:6:13=18:18:18:13=...)=(613=6:613=6:6:613=6:6:6:613=...)=(6:13=6:373=6:613=6:6:13=6:6:373=...)
- 6:13=18:13=1093=14th star number=(6×13th triangle number(6:13))+14th (centered) hexagonal number(547=546(6×13th triangle number(6:13))+1=13th (centered) heptagonal number(7×13=91=13th triangle number)), √1093≈33, ³√1093≈10.3, 1093|3901=26th star number=2×76th triangle number=40th (centered) pentagonal number, 18:13=31, 13|31=1331=13+31=44=11+33=1133=1030+103, 1093=10+93=103, 1093=1444(base 9)=1:444=13:444=4:444=4444=1133+3311
- 6:13=373=229(base 13), 229th triangle number=77th centered nonagonal number(77×9=693=1133), 2×229th triangle number=77th star number(=(6×76th triangle number)+77th (centered) hexagonal number) corresponds to the 125th star number=2×373th triangle number; The 125th star number:
- The 125th star number=93001=(6×124th triangle number)+125th (centered) hexagonal number.
- 77501=(4×124th triangle number)+125th (centered) hexagonal number=125th decagonal number.
- 69751=(3×124th triangle number)+125th (centered) hexagonal number=373rd triangle number=187th hexagonal number=125th (centered) nonagonal number=11033(Sum of divisors).
- 62001=(2×124th triangle number)+125th (centered) hexagonal number=249²=248th triangle number+249th triangle number=125th (centered) octagonal number.
- 54251=124th triangle number+125th (centered) hexagonal number=125th (centered) heptagonal number.
- In 3D: (8×124th tetrahedral number)+125th octahedral number=2×249th tetrahedral number(2604125, ³√2604125≈137.5).
- 11(:0(0))=311(:0(0))=3311(:0(0)), 11.55=11(:)33(≈378 polygon)=693=(77×9=)77(th (centered) nonagonal number)=7:11(=(3311=)55:11)=7(:)1(:)1(Ein)(base 14)=1387=22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number(21)×18=378=189:189, 189(base 12)=2(:)49(=169=13²)|(6:6:7:7(=base 7 (doubling))=42:84=21:42=)9(:)42=666(base 12), base 2(:)49(=base 169)=2(:)48(=168), (21st triangle number composed of three 6th triangle numbers=63(+1)=64=4:4:4=)444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2)=888.
- 67=103(octal), 103: 1030+301(added to reverse)=1331=13|31, 67(19th prime)=19=13(hexadecimal)=91(13th triangle number), 19|91(1991=3311), 31(11th prime)=11=13(octal).
- Messiah=358(Hebrew gematria)=546(base 8).
- (1/358)+(1/853)=0.00396≈1/252=(1/396)+(1/693)
- The Messiah(המשיח)=363(Hebrew gematria)=12th tetrahedral number(364=301(base 11), 444(base 9)(=1:444=13:444=4:444=4444=1133+3311) and 1030(base 7))((3D)=12th triangle number(2D))-1=11((×)/(:))33=693|396
- Base 547=546=182 polygon.
- ((1/547)¹+(1/547)²+(1/547)³+...)=1/546 therefore ((1/547)¹+(1/547)²+(1/547)³+...)^-1=546.
- 546=5+4+6=15=15th triangle number=120=5×4×6=546.
- 546+15=561=33rd triangle number.
- 546+120=666(36th triangle number)(base 9)=546=222(hexadecimal)(base 667=666=222 polygon), 834=438(base 14)(reverse)=666(base 8), 834=1680(sum of divisors), 438=888(sum of divisors).
- Moon=218(Hebrew gematria)|812((=1680(sum of divisors))=679(base 11)(=834(base 9)|438(=369(base 11)((((base 16)=873|378)((base 14)=681|186)((base 13)=594))(=546(sum of divisors))|963(=441(sum of divisors)=21²)=683(base 12))=306(base 11))))=13:32=1332(=base 1333=444 polygon)(=369+963)=base 1332=13((:)/(|))31(=mo(on)ther goddess)=1:31=91=13th triangle number.
- 311+113=424=1+2+4+8+53+106+212(sum of divisors)=386((base 15)=801=199+516+86)|683(base 15)=1473(|3741=86th triangular number)=1+3+491(sum of divisors)=495(=441(sum of divisors)=21²)|594(=846(sum of divisors)=1516(base 8)(Hebrew gematria)=Third Temple(בית המקדש השלישי)), 495+594=(base 1090=)1089=33²=363(=11×33) polygon=165 polygon+198 polygon=495+594=base 496+base 595.
- 11(:0(0))=311(:0(0))=3311(:0(0)), 11.55=11(:)33(≈378 polygon)=693=(77×9=)77(th (centered) nonagonal number)=7:11(=(3311=)55:11)=7(:)1(:)1(Ein)(base 14)=1387=22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number(21)×18=378=189:189, 189(base 12)=2(:)49(=169=13²)|(6:6:7:7(=base 7 (doubling))=42:84=21:42=)9(:)42=666(base 12), base 2(:)49(=base 169)=2(:)48(=168), (21st triangle number composed of three 6th triangle numbers=63(+1)=64=4:4:4=)444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2)=888.
- Moon=218(Hebrew gematria)|812((=1680(sum of divisors))=679(base 11)(=834(base 9)|438(=369(base 11)((((base 16)=873|378)((base 14)=681|186)((base 13)=594))(=546(sum of divisors))|963(=441(sum of divisors)=21²)=683(base 12))=306(base 11))))=13:32=1332(=base 1333=444 polygon)(=369+963)=base 1332=13((:)/(|))31(=mo(on)ther goddess)=1:31=91=13th triangle number.
- 1030+301=1030301(103|301)=101³=101(26th prime)=547(101st prime).
- 547th triangle number=274th triangle number(=92nd centered nonagonal number=1+(9×91st triangle number(=31st centered nonagonal number)))+(3×273rd triangle number(=137th hexagonal number))=274th hexagonal number=183rd centered nonagonal number=149878=274×547=2×137×547, 91×2=182, 183rd centered nonagonal number=1+(9×182nd triangle number(=16653=7770(base 13)(=7+770=777)=35th tetrahedral number=35th triangle number(2D)=18th hexagonal number=630=396(base 13)(=1133), 630+36(added to reverse)(36|63)=666=36th triangle number=36)), the 36th centered nonagonal number=1+(9×(35th triangle number)=5670=7700(base 9)) therefore corresponds to the 183rd centered nonagonal number.
- Base 22=21(9)=777(7³=7×7×7=343), 21=231(21st triangle number), base 13=12, 12|21, 73(21st prime)=49(7×7)(hexadecimal)=31(hexadecimal)=37(12th prime)(octal)=31(duodecimal)=27(duodecimal)=103(27th prime), 37|73(373).
- 546=396(base 12)|693=11:33=11×33=363=231+132, 547=397(base 12)=base 397=396=132 polygon, 976(26th centered triangular number and the 16th decagonal number)=694(22nd centered triangular number)(base 12)=base 694=693=231 polygon, 132=13+2=15=5th triangle number, 231(21st triangle number)=2+31=33. 132=336(sum of divisors)=168+168.
- 693=77×9=(77th star number→229 tetractys→)77th centered nonagonal number. 693=231×3, 231=384(sum of divisors)=base 385, 385+385=770, 976=16×61, 16+61=77
- 693+396=1089(18th nonagonal number and the 17th centered octagonal number)=33²(33×33)=363×3=441(hexadecimal)=21²(21×21), 693(base 12)=975=33033(base 4).
- Binah corresponds to Saturn, the hexagonal yod(7), which is the womb of the mother goddess(Shekhinah=770(base 9=8)=630, 77(77×9=99×7)=693(231×3)=1133, 396|693) and corresponds to the hexagon of Saturn, and the mother goddess; The "M" in "I am", in the magic square of Saturn, is equal to 13|31 and corresponds to the mother goddess; The number 13 is one of the numbers associated with the mother goddess.
- The 77th star, which can be formed out of the 37 star made up of 73 stars made up of 13 stars(13×37×73), can be used to form the 373 star which forms the 344th hexagonal number(13×73×373) which can be used to form the 344th star, by adding six 343rd tetractyses, which is entirely formed out of 343=7³=777; The 344th star is formed out of two merged 1030th tetractyses(343+344+343); The number 1030 has a connection to 1133: 1133=1030+103=11×103, 1030=10:30=630, 103=1:03=63, 63=9×7, 10:30+1:03=11:33=630+63=693|396=360+36, 1133=11×33=363=36|63.
- 12(hexadecimal)=18=22(octal)=26(octal), 22=36(sum of divisors)=91(sum of divisors), 34=22(hexadecimal).
- The 344th star is formed out of two 1030th tetractyses which corresponds to the 35th star formed out of two 103rd tetractyses: The 35th star number is formed out of six 34th tetractyses and the 35th hexagonal number, it can also be formed out of two 103rd(34+35+34) tetractyses; The 12th star number is formed out of six 11th tetractyses and the 12th hexagonal number, it can also be formed out of two 34th(11+12+11) tetractyses therefore the 34th tetractys and the 12th star are formed out of (11×3)+1=11+11+11+1=33+1=34 which encodes 1133(1030+103).
- 12th (centered) hexagonal number+(396=6×11th triangle number(66))=12th star number=793|397=12th (centered) hexagonal number. The fractal 12th star number[1]:
- 12th star number=2×34th triangle number. 35th hexagonal number+(6×34th triangle number)=35th star number=2×103rd triangle number.
- 104th hexagonal number+(6×103rd triangle number)=104th star number=2×310th triangle number.
- 311th hexagonal number+(6×310th triangle number)=311th star number. Cassiel(קפציאל)=311(Hebrew standard) and 77(Hebrew ordinal), Cassiel is the angel of Saturn.
- The fractal 14th star number[1]:
- 14th star number(547(=397(base 12))+546(=396(base 12)))=2×40th triangle number.
- 41st (centered) hexagonal number+(6×40th triangle number)=41st star number=2×121st triangle number; 121=11²=11×11.
- 122nd (centered) hexagonal number+(6×121st triangle number)=122nd star number=2×364(=(1030(base 7)+301(base 11)=1331≈)444(polygon)(base 9)(Note: Symbolism: base 7×base 11=nonagon((base)9)=77th nonagonal number=693=1133=103((:00)=7(:00))×11=1030+103))th triangle number; (3×121)+1=363+1, 363=11×33=11:33(=693(|396=546)=231×3)=11.55(×60)=(0.)1155, 1.1155≈1+(231/2000), 547^1.1155≈1133.
- 365th (centered) hexagonal number+(6×364th triangle number)=365th star number=2×1093rd triangle number; 14th star number(547+546)=1093; 1+(3×(1+363))=1+(3+1089), 693+396=1089=33²=33×33; 1093rd triangle number=547×1093=547th hexagonal number=365th (centered) nonagonal number.
- 396^1.093(55...)=693
- 7³=343(0)=34:3(0)=10:3(0)=103(0)=10+93=1093=10:93(=10:1(60)+33=10+1:33)=11:33(=11×103=1030+103)
- The 344th star number is made up of six 343rd triangle numbers and one 344th hexagonal number, which is made up of 1+six 343rd triangle numbers, which is formed out of the 337 (as a) star in the form of 373 (as a) star made up of 37 (as a) stars which are in the form of the 77th star therefore the 337 star can be split up into 1+twelve 7th triangle numbers which can then merge and become 1+six 37 stars which would be 1+six 77th stars which corresponds to 1+six 343rd triangle numbers; The 344th star number, which is made up of two 1030th triangle numbers, corresponds to the 35th star, which is made up of two 103rd triangle numbers, therefore the 34th triangle number corresponds to the 343rd triangle number which corresponds to the 77th star therefore, since the 12th star number is made up of two 34th triangle numbers, the 77th star corresponds to the 12th star number=396+397 which corresponds to the 14th star number=546+547 because 546=396(base 12) and 547=397(base 12).
- 396(base 12)=546=666(base 9)(base 8)=438(base 14)(reverse)=834(which therefore corresponds to 693) and 834-438=396 therefore 438(396)+396=834((corresponds to)792) which corresponds to 396+397(396+1)=12 star number=793|397((base 12)=547=14th hexagonal number)=12th hexagonal number, the center of the 12 star number, which overall corresponds to 546+547=14th star number.
- 3311=19:91=19:19=7:7, 19(|)91=33(:)11(:0)=311(:0)=11(:0)=13(:)31(:0)(=1:31=91=13th triangle number)=19(0=19×10=19th triangle number)(=3:10=91(0))=19 circles of the flower of life=27(=3×3×3 cube), 27th triangle number=378(polygon)≈11(:)33=693|396=397|793(=12th star number((=)396+(397=12th hexagonal number)))=13:13=1(:)13(|311)=73, 5(:0)=1133(:0)=13(:)13(:0).
- 21st triangle number(1+2+3+...+21)=231, 21+21=42, 231×3=693|396(base 12)=546, (693(0)=)11(:)33|3311(=1+1+3+3|3+3+1+1)=8, 231+231=462(base 8)=3(:)06(=186)|6(:)03(=363=11×33)=1133(base 8)|(1²+2²+3³+...+21²=)3311(base 8)=1737=21²+36²≈12³, 1737+7371(added to its reverse)=9108=6930(base 11)=1²+2²+3³+...+27²=42nd decagonal number, 9108-8019(subtracted from its reverse)=1089=33²=693+396.
- 17th centered pentagonal number=(1+(5×(16th triangle number(1+2+3+...+16=136(base 12)=(3(:)06=)186|))))681=489(base 12)=603(base 9)|306(base 15)=681, 16th triangle number=6th centered nonagonal number=136|631=21st centered triangular number=397(base 13)(base 12)=547, 12th star number=396+397=546+547=14th star number.
- 7th triangle number=(Base)28(=27=7(:00) loops)=19(:00) as hexagon(al yod(7))=(7(:)7(=))Shekhinah, 27(=3³=3×3×3 cube)=19 circles of the flower of life=19 as hexagonal yod=19th triangle number(=19×10)=190(=3:10=91(0)(=1:31=13:31)=13th triangle number)=7th centered nonagonal(9) number((=)7×9=63(=21×3))=1+(9×6th triangle number(21))=1+189, 189(base 12)=(base)2(:)49(=(base) 169(=13²))=2(:)48(=168(roots))=E8 lie group=(21st triangle number(231) containing/forming the)64 tetrahedron grid((three 6th triangle numbers)=63(+1)=64=4:4:4)=444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2(=168×2=168+168))=888=147+741, 22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number×18=(27th triangle number=)378(polygon≈1133(|33(:)11=19(|)91)=693(=231×3)=77×9=77(Shekhinah)th centered nonagonal number)=189:189=168(169)+168=336(337)=E8, (1133=11×33=363)+1=364(=(1030(base 7)+301(base 11)=1331≈)444(polygon)(base 9)(Note: Symbolism: base 7×base 11=nonagon((base)9)=77th nonagonal number=693=1133=103((:00)=7(:00))×11=1030+103)).
- Binah, the 8th dimension/sephirot, the whole, is the womb and contains/births the 7 lower dimensions/sephirot, parts of the whole, and is associated with Juno, Isis/Demeter/Cybele/Rhea, Hecate, woman and the virgin Mary.
613, 231, 679 and Ein Sof[]
In Kabbalah, the number 613 is very significant, with every complete entity seen as being divisible into 613 parts; The sephirot, which fractal/nest within each other, are (therefore) composed of 613 parts therefore the tree of life(/sephirot) is the fractal 613 where the 6 in 6:13 is a fractaling hexagon, where each hexagon corresponds to one of the 10 sephirot and where the center is Da'at(the unification of all 10 sephirot), and where the 13 is the fractal hexatree formed out of the fractal hexagon; The whole structure itself is Ein Sof Aur(infinity) the infinite fractal. Therefore the tree of life=6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:613=667, 547=667(base 9)=base 667=666=222 polygon(Golden angle and the fine structure constant: 222.5+137.5=360, π7/π⁷≈1/137, π⁷/π7≈137, 6.67×((7^π)/π7)≈137, 1/π⁷≈1/3020=0.0003311), 546=666(base 9); The tree of life+Da'at+Ein Sof Aur=679(6:7(9):7(9))|976=16×61, 16+61=77.
- Time=(1/)97((Hebrew gematria)=1(:)37(Fine structure constant))=(0.0)1030=7(:)13+3(:)17=433+197=630(=10(:)30)=(22nd triangle number=)253(0(base 6))(base 17)=36th triangle number=(216(0°=cube(/(hexa-gon/gram)))=(6³=)(Gravitational constant=Base 667=))666(=222 polygon=222.5+137.5(Fine structure constant)=Golden(phi) angle)=11:06=23:06=1386(=(693=11(:)33=1030+103)×2=(231=21st triangle number)×6)(|6831=253×27)=976(base 12), Sin(666)=Cos(216)=(-phi)/2, 738(0)|8(:)37=5(:)17=317|713, 1386=1:386=386|683.
- 679=0:679=12:679=12679=211(=7+(12×17)):19=19(=7+(12×1)):(7+(12×7)=)91(=1991=33:11(=3311(=55:11)|(11((.)/(:))55=)11(:)33(=18(:)53(=37²+22²)=6(:)53(|356(=274(sum of divisors))(=630(sum of divisors and itself)))=413|314((=186(base 14))(=222(base 12))(=378(base 9))))((=693)=((103(=7+(12×8))×11=7×11) or (77×9)))))=((7(:)7(0)(th centered nonagonal(9) number)=19(:)7(0))(Shekhinah="([The presence of]) God [is] with us(Shekhinah)"))=(19:70=19:60+10=19:1+10=19+1:10=)20:10((=8:10(=8:1(0)=81=9²)=49(0)=7²)(=121(0)=11²))=44:1(0)(=441=21²)=56:10=3370.
- The 66th triangle number is composed of three 21st triangle numbers which are composed of nine 6th triangle numbers and 9×(6th triangle number(21))=189 which is half of the 27th triangle number=378=7:7(=19:7)=294(Hebrew gematria)(=6×(49(=7²) polygon))=Melchizedek, 1133≈378 polygon.
- 19th triangle number(=10×19=190(=21st triangle number(=1+2+3+...+21)/7th octahedral number(=1²+2²+3²+4²+5²+6²+7²+6²+5²+4²+3²+2²+1²)=231(base 9))(|(0)91=13th triangle number)=7th centered nonagonal number((9×6th triangle number)+1))×2=7th star number(7th hexagonal number((6×6th triangle number(1+2+3+4+5+6=21))+1)+(6×6th triangle number))=253=22nd triangle number=9th centered heptagonal number((7×8th triangle number(36))+1)=8th centered nonagonal number((9×7th triangle number(28))+1).
- 7th star number(2D)=7th star tetrahedral number(3D)(7th octahedral number+(8×6th tetrahedral number(3D 6th triangle number)))(=13th tetrahedral number(3D 13th triangle number(=91 trees of life=the cosmic tree of life))×2)=15th tetrahedral number-1=679(=((The tree of life+Da'at)((Emanations of) YHWH))+Ein Sof Aur)|976=16×61=16th decagonal number=26th centered triangle number, 26=YHWH(tetragrammaton).
- Ein Sof Aur(=168(169)/336(337)=8th star number(8th hexagonal number((6×7th triangle number)+1)+(6×7th triangle number))=22nd triangle number×2)—(becomes)→YHWH(679|976)—(and forms the)→231 gates(((Placing the) 22 Hebrew letters(22 pathways of the tree of life) (in a circle and joining one letter to all the other letters forms 21 lines, doing this for all the letters we get 22×21=462(231(19th triangle number in base 9)×2) lines divided by 2) form(s) the 231 gates(231 combinations))=(Base 22(=253(corresponds to base 10))=21(=231(corresponds to [base] 9)))).
- Ein(=7(:)1(:)1(Hebrew Soffits gematria)(=reduced repeating hexagonal/flower of life(fol) sequence=fractal seed of life(sol)(which)=(the)fractal torus(when it's sequence is extended to the negative numbers which doubles the sol/fol(the torus as the center circle of the seed of life=21/22 circles))(which forms))) Sof(=1577(gematria)(=168(0)(sum of divisors)=(the)168(=84×2) roots(vesica piscis) of E8(which is a torus(doubled fol))(8D)=Dodecahedron(120 cell(=120(=15th triangle number=8th tetrahedral number((3D)=8th triangle number(2D)=36(th triangle number=666))) dodecahedrons)) constructed out of trees of life(4D)=64 tetrahedron grid(3D)(contained within the fol which is made up of 84 vesica piscis))) Aur(=1784(gematria)((=1+2+4+8+223+446+892(=1577-1=1576)+1784)=336(0)(sum of divisors)=168(0)+168(0)(=1577+1577=3154=5040(sum of divisors)=7!(=1×2×3×4×5×6×7(=7×8×9×10))=336(0)+168(0)=3×168(0))))((=)Infinity=fractal)(84, 168(169(=13²)) and 336(337) are all formed out of 7 which are all formed out of/equal to the fol(7(,(:))1(,(:))1(sequence)) which is also formed out of/equal to 7)=8th star number(2D)(336+1=337)=8th star tetrahedral number(3D)=15th tetrahedral number(8th octahedral number(344=1+7³)+(7th tetrahedral number(84(+1=cosmic tetractys=cosmic tree of life))×4(=336)))((3D)=15th triangle number(2D))×2.
- The double flower of life(that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid(which is composed of star tetrahedrons(seeds of life)))((=)84×2=168)=torus=E8(8D 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)168 roots), 21st triangle number=(6×(pointing up)7th triangle number(=168 (roots)))+(3×(pointing down(symbol of the womb))6th triangle number((=)21)(=63 (roots))). Tetrahedron grid/flower of life fractal(=64=63)=womb of Shekhinah.
- E8(torus)=168 roots=168 combinations=168 letters=144 letters+24 key letters. The 144 letters are divided up into 24 groups of 6 letters which have 1 key letter each, bringing it up to 7 and forming the seed of life, so each dimension corresponds to two seeds of life=a torus, which is a lower dimensional version of E8.
- 11(:0(0))=311(:0(0))=3311(:0(0)), 11.55=11(:)33(≈378 polygon)=693=(77×9=)77(th (centered) nonagonal number)=7:11(=(3311=)55:11)=7(:)1(:)1(Ein)(base 14)=1387=22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number(21)×18=378=189:189, 189(base 12)=2(:)49(=169=13²)|(6:6:7:7(=base 7 (doubling))=42:84=21:42=)9(:)42=666(base 12), base 2(:)49(=base 169)=2(:)48(=168), (21st triangle number composed of three 6th triangle numbers=63(+1)=64=4:4:4=)444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2)=888.
- The double flower of life(that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid(which is composed of star tetrahedrons(seeds of life)))((=)84×2=168)=torus=E8(8D 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)168 roots), 21st triangle number=(6×(pointing up)7th triangle number(=168 (roots)))+(3×(pointing down(symbol of the womb))6th triangle number((=)21)(=63 (roots))). Tetrahedron grid/flower of life fractal(=64=63)=womb of Shekhinah.
- El=13(Hebrew gematria Ordinal)|31(Hebrew gematria Standard)
- Elohim=646(Hebrew gematria), 646th triangle number=216th centered nonagonal number, 216=6³=666
- Elohim=86(:0)(Hebrew gematria)=26((:)0)(((Hebrew gematria)=)YHWH)=13(0)(((Hebrew gematria)=)El)+13(0)(((Hebrew gematria)=)El)=2×13(0)=2×(259th triangular number(=130th hexagonal number))=87th star number(=1+(86th triangle number×12))
- 21=777=7³=343
Additional information[]
Part 1 and Part 2[]
- The timeline of the war in heaven took place over millions of years and happened in the 4th and higher dimensions and this timeline involved the nubilus ethereal beings trying to infultrait the human race to gain access to the stargates to control existence, on earth in the 3rd dimension most of the events of this timeline took place around the time period of 450000-13000 years ago also parts of this timeline that involved the nubilus etherians infultrating were caused by the black empire which is all of the dark morpher/draconian empire in all moments in time united into one empire.
Galactic History: The history of the infinite multyvers (part 2)[]
Cosmic Creation[]
The Design of Heaven[]
Primum Mobile[]
Logos(God Cores)[]
33 Crystal planets[]
- The reason why earth is said to be flat and said to be on a pillar in the bible is because in the 4th dimension the 3rd dimension is flat(like the second dimension) so the earth is flat in the 4th dimension and it is on one of the 33 pillars(Because its one of the 33 crystal planets) which correspond to the tree of life of this 3rd vibrational dimension in the cosmic tree of life also the planet's 33 crystal temples correspond to 33 pillars that hold up earth so there are 33 pillars in one big pillar.
- The Cherubim family guard the crystal temples.
Guardian Host: Threefold Founder Flame[]
Threefold Founder Flame: Mother Arc.
Cradle of Lyra.[]
Etherians and the origin of life.[]
The creation of life throughout the universe.[]
The creation of humans.[]
Orion empire[]
Anunnaki-Orion Empire: The worship of the mother goddess.[]
Orion Black League[]
Sanat Kumara and Galactic history.[]
The letter K[]
In the down line of these serpentine Priest- Kings and their Royal Lineages there seems to have denoted subtlety the connection to their serpentine wisdoms by including the K sound in their names, such as Kumara, Christ (pronounced Krist), Krishna, Kukulcan, Amarushka, K’ Cotal).
The history of the infinite multyvers (part 1)[]
The origin of humans[]
Lilith was going to be one of the Eves but she was created, by Enlil(Lucifer/Satan), out of nubilus (of the fallen part of the universe/womb of Ninhursag) so she was cast out which was Enlils plan so he could fake that females and males, humans and gods, and nubilus and xen energy aren't equal because he didn't want life forms being created as gods because only he wanted to be like a god. Enlil then, in the form of Samael, produced children with Lilith which the gods wanted to stop by purifying her (into xen energy) by bringing her back to Eden/Adam(Humanity) but she refused. Lilith became the snake in the garden of Eden and helped cause the fall of man/consciousness.
Sanat Kumara[]
- Sanat is said to be an incarnation of the Solar logos the Sun God Ra/Enki, the Sun God was said to use the "blood" of Tiamat to create the human race. This "blood" is actually energy and this refers to the creation of the ethereal beings which is the first root race of the human race and later on humans were genetically created by the Anunnaki, they were created by Ninhursag and Enki. Humans were given the flame(ethereal/energy(soul/consciousness)) by Sanat(Who is an ethereal anunnaki). (Note: The soul is said to be physically manifested as the blood.)
- Xen energy that is crystallised(physical) becomes a different form of xen energy which is the astral matter of Lunar Deities (The Lunar goddess is (an avatar of) Virgo who encases the physical dimensions which are the 1st to 8th vibrational dimension) the original form of xen energy is flame this gives xen energy a physical polar opposite(The Eve(is Lunar) and Adam(is Solar/flame) of alien races contain the polar opposites of the xen energy for humans the Adam is an "avatar" of Enki(Sanat) and Eve is an "avatar" of Ninhursag(Virgo), the creators of the human race.)
- Enki used his Anunnaki DNA (to create the Adam) and Ninhursag used her Anunnaki (not her Orion) DNA to create (the Eve of) the human race.
- Xen energy that is crystallised(physical) becomes a different form of xen energy which is the astral matter of Lunar Deities (The Lunar goddess is (an avatar of) Virgo who encases the physical dimensions which are the 1st to 8th vibrational dimension) the original form of xen energy is flame this gives xen energy a physical polar opposite(The Eve(is Lunar) and Adam(is Solar/flame) of alien races contain the polar opposites of the xen energy for humans the Adam is an "avatar" of Enki(Sanat) and Eve is an "avatar" of Ninhursag(Virgo), the creators of the human race.)
- Enki created the human race, In Aztec culture To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind, Enki is said to be a feathered serpent which shows that Quetzalcoatl is Enki. Sanat is an incarnation of the Solar Logos/Sun God and the Sun God is Ra/Enki, The Sun God Ra is the God of energy(One of the 12 Gods of creation). Sanat/Sons of Fire gave humans the flame(Soul) this is symbolic of the infinite creator/infinite God energy/Galactic source/Logos(Osiris) giving bodies connection to God-Source. (Yahweh/Enki/Osiris/Prometheus/Rama(Vishnu)/Quetzalcoatl)
- Other links between Enki and Sanat Kumara are: they both have dragon or snake manifestations, they were both the Lord of Wisdom for their respective cultures, and both had a name that was a variation of John, meaning "wisdom." Sanat Kumara's John name is Jnana, the Sanscrit for "Wisdom" and precursor to the English John, and one of Enki's names is Oannes, which is a version of Ioannes, the Greek version of John. Enki is currently recognized as synonymous with another John, the nature god and Roman Lord of Wisdom Janus.
Fallen (angelic) ET(NAA) races[]
The war in heaven[]
Angel wars[]
The angel war that happened between the Humans and Dark Martians was an event where the Dark Martians, headed by the Martian council(One of the councils that ruled and was apart of the Draconian empire) which was headed by Enlil, the ruler of the Draconian empire, attacked earth which set up the main events which are happening today.
The reason why the Dark Martians invaded was to control human consciousness, gain access to and control the crystal temples/stargate network and destroy them to lock-off existence from God source and plug the planet and universe into there fallen matrix by committing mass blood rituals(wars).
The "Holy Grail" is a term used in reference to the 12 Universal Signet Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex, to which the Angelic Human Race holds the Sacred Commission of "Guardian." The "Grail Quest" began long before Angelic Humans were seeded on Earth and it has been the primary theme of motivation behind all of the Forbidden and recorded-distorted human history.
During the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, Draconian Luciferians gained partial control over Earth's Templar through a device called the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid (NDCG), which is still in operation today and serves a key role in the potential outcome of the 2000-2017 SAC. If the Fallen Angelic races can gain dominion of the Earth's Halls of Amenti Star Gates, they intend to use the Amenti Star Gates to destroy Universal Star Gate-12 in Density-4. Destruction of Universal Star Gate-12 would effectively seal off from Density-5 Founders Race protection, 11- dimensions of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and the manifest life field would become "imprisoned in time" for Fallen Angelic exploitation and dominion, unable to fulfill the natural evolutionary process of ascension.
This is the core motivation behind the Fallen Angelics' continuing Grail Quest.
To accomplish their objective of claiming Earth and the Amenti Star Gates, Fallen Angelics need to possess the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gates tools ("Rod" and "Staff") and to achieve critical mass population of their hybrid-human races, whose DNA Templates carry reverse sequenced Fire Letters. Prevention of the Anti-Christos Agenda (Fallen Angelics' continuing Grail Quest) is the purpose for which the Angelic Human Race was created.
Mother Goddess[]
- Tiamat is the goddess of chaso and is Shekhinah the fractal womb=Chaos theory.
- Tiamat is the Goddess of chaos who existed in the primordial sea of (pure) energy=Geometry encoded within the energy.
- The mother goddess (Tiamat) is the goddess of the earth and moon because they are fragments of her fragment(Tiamat).
- The Cherubim family are the rulers of the Xenplexian empire, most of the Cherubim family(On earth) have a ("dark")beige-(light)olive(very light tan) skin colour and they are located around the crystal temples. The Cherubim family formed the Grand Lodge of Xenplexa.
- Xenplexians are always born as twins so when someone in the Cherubim family is born they are born with a twin. The member of the Cherubim family that carries the Omega gene was born with a twin, the embryo was separated into 2 parts so it was originally the same xenplexian-human hybrid but now it was a xenplexian which is the physical form of Ninhursag(The Mother goddess) which would be female and a xenplexian-human hybrid which contains the Omega gene which would be male. (These two carry a code so they can control the collective consciousness)
Anima archytype contains/constructs the dream in her womb(the womb of the mother goddess), this is also related to the Mother arc. The word matrix originates from the word mother and matrix means womb, this also relates the mother/sex goddess.
Virgo(meaning Maiden) is a higher dimensional ethereal angel/Goddess who is depicted as holding a ear of grain which shows she is Mother nature/the Mother Goddess who is also known as Ninhursag/isis(Mother Nature is also known as Ki) and her symbol is omega which symbolises the womb which is related to the kabbalistic tree of life because omega is encoded in the tree, the tree of life symbolises the Trinity and this consists of Virgo/Ninhursag, the Supreme God El-ohim/Yahweh and Ea-Enki/Ra(Enki dreams the universe into existence/crystallises the energy into light which then becomes the universe/omniverse). This relates Virgo to the matrix which relates to the infinite tetrahedron grid morphogenetic field structure of the universe, Virgo is the spirit of the morphogenetic field(Mother of all fields). This also links Virgo to nymphs, a nymph is a spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden.
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of Pleione, a sea(Primordial sea of energy, Tiamat the Mother Goddess of creation, Avatar of Tiamat/Virgo the primordial sea) nymph, and the Titan Atlas. The seven nymphs were sisters to the Hesperides and the Hyades, and they were companions of the goddess Artemis. Their name was derived either from their mother’s name, Pleione, or from the Greek πλεῖν, which means “to sail,” in reference to the nymphs’ role in delimiting the sailing season. The seven sisters were Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope and Merope. Maia, the eldest of the seven sisters, had an affair with Zeus(Amun Ra) which resulted in the birth of their son Hermes, who later became the messenger of the gods.
- Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Her Roman equivalent is Diana. Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo(Ra). Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature in Roman mythology. Diana was known as the virgin goddess(Virgo the Mother Goddess) of childbirth and women. Diana was often considered an aspect of a triple goddess(A triple deity is three deities that are worshipped as one), known as Diana triformis: Diana, Luna(Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon. She is often presented as the female complement of the Sun (Sol) conceived of as a god), and Hecate.
- Eurynome is believed by the people of Phigalia to be a surname of Artemis. Eurynome is closely identified with another Eurynome, Queen of the Titans.
Anuhazi Language: Hebrew.[]
- This is one of the reasons why the letters are sometimes called fire letters.
Alpha and Omega and there constants[]
Sex Goddess and Sacred Sex: Hieros Gamos.[]
Sex priestesses[]
Mother God’s Blue Light[]
Saturn: Alpha and Omega and there constants[]
(Jewish) Souls and reincarnation[]
When a soul is reincarnated that means that a part of that soul was ("fixed"/)"completed" so it stays in the heavenly realm whilst the parts of the soul that aren't completed yet come back and because of this the soul has a different (genetic) vibration (AKA different ethereal chromosome vibration(s)) because it isn't the full soul/energy (so it has less energy and therefore vibrates less) and souls are created from ethereal chromosomes (so all the ethereal chromosomes of a species originated from one set of ethereal chromosomes causing the species to be a collective consciousness so the soul) so when parents have a baby a copy of a there ethereal chromosomes, in the form of there vibration, merge (causing the physical DNA to coil in a certain way so it can only receive one vibration/frequency) so if the vibration matches (the vibration of) the soul then the soul, if they choose to, becomes/inhabitants the vibration and manifests it as it's own ethereal chromosomes (and if a soul doesn't choose it then the vibration becomes a new soul), which creates/determines (apart) of the genetics (because DNA is two physical manifestations of strands from the ethereal chromosomes), which is why there is a new body and why it looks completely different.
The Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light[]
“However, of all the star nations in our galaxy Sirius is most sacred, the place where the sacred ‘Great Blue Lodge of the Blue-Light of Divine Creation’ has been anchored. 'Lord Siraya'; one of the three Carriers of [(Mother)] God’s Blue Light to all [there] Mansion Worlds; chose Sirius as the HQ to enter this galaxy and establish the ‘Great Oracle Temple’ of Blue Light of Divine Creation to illuminate the Creator’s Light to all other star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy."
Important note(s)[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "Omega[(Shekhinah, the mother goddess)] as the number of spirals(/turns(frequency))... [in a] wave..." where "the number of spirals/turns in the wave [is equal to the geometry 'that form the spiral[(wave)]'] because [consciousness=]electromagnetic(waves)=energy=information=numbers=geometry..." therefore the following numbers, which form reality, are Shekhinahs consciousness: ((294=)7(:)7(.89220437267)THz electromagnetic tuning:) 19(=Heart=37=Wisdom(Sophia))THz=77(.89220437267)THz=311THz=623THz=Blue Ray/Flame. 77(Shekhinah)th centered nonagonal number=77×9=((11×103=103+1030=)11(:)33=)693|396, 396+693=1089, 14th star number((=)546+547(=1093))=12th star number((=)396+397(=793))(base 12). The fractal 14th star number: 1+(12×13th triangle number)=14th star number=2×40th triangle number(1+(3×13)=40), 1+(12×40th triangle number)=41st star number=2×121st triangle number(1+(3×40)=121), 1+(12×121st triangle number)=122nd star number=2×364th triangle number(1+(3×121)=364), 1+(12×364th triangle number)=365th star number=2×1093rd triangle number(1+(3×364)=1+(3×(1+363))=1+(3+1089)=1093). 396^1.093(55...)=693. The fractal 12th star number: 12th star number=2×34th triangle number, 1+(12×34th triangle number)=35th star number=2×103rd triangle number, 1+(12×103rd triangle number)=104th star number=2×310th triangle number, 1+(12×310th triangle number)=311th star number.
- ↑ Star (number)=Star of David/Hexagram/star tetrahedron.
- ↑ This is how the Jesuits infiltrated secret societies, they form a new secret society and merge it with the one they want to infiltrate.
- ↑ Christian Zionism=Zionist antisemitism/antisemitic Zionism=Anti-Jewish Zionism(JEWISH self-determination)=Antizionism=Antisemitism