Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

In the beginning, before humans were created by the Anunnaki life started off as self-replicating DNA and RNA but how did life exactly start?

  • The energy of the planet flows through the magnetic fields and can flow out of them and flow into lightning bolts.
  • Micro-ethereals travel through this energy and therefore flow into the lightning.
  • Lightning struck a pool of chemicals which caused chemical reactions which created RNA.
  • The micro-ethereals transfer to the RNA.
  • Later DNA would evolve, out of RNA, which would carry the micro-ethereals.


A lot of etherians became xenplexians but a lot of others became the other 12 galactic root races(12 empires) and after the creation of the universe all of the other etherians, which was most of them, were crystal angels who were in the life force field and whos descendants evolved/formed, during the creation of existence, into the micro-ethereals, who therefor originate from the life force field and therefore contain parts(Vibrations) of the life force field, and with the help of the etherian Anunnaki, who entered the universe and, who seeded them(the micro-ethereals), and therefore life because they(the micro-ethereals) became/evolved into all life forms/beings in the universe, throughout the universe by traveled across universes (and genetically modifying) them. Micro-ethereals have there own DNA which codes for physical DNA so it makes other DNA which codes for different life forms. Micro-ethereals become the energy that your consciousness(energy)/morphogenetic field is made out of.

Ethereal chromosomes

Your ethereal chromosomes are carried by Micro-ethereals and they are the DNA that the Micro-ethereals contain. Ethereal chromosomes are energy-based chromosomes which code for/become some of your physical chromosomes.

Souls and reincarnation

When a soul is reincarnated that means that a part of that soul was ("fixed"/)"completed" so it stays in the heavenly realm whilst the parts of the soul that aren't completed yet come back and because of this the soul has a different (genetic) vibration (AKA different ethereal chromosome vibration(s)) because it isn't the full soul/energy (so it has less energy and therefore vibrates less) and souls are created from ethereal chromosomes (so all the ethereal chromosomes of a species originated from one set of ethereal chromosomes causing the species to be a collective consciousness so the soul) so when parents have a baby a copy of a there ethereal chromosomes, in the form of there vibration, merge (causing the physical DNA to coil in a certain way so it can only receive one vibration/frequency) so if the vibration matches (the vibration of) a soul then the soul, if they choose to, becomes/inhabitants the vibration and manifests it as it's own ethereal chromosomes (and if a soul doesn't choose it then the vibration becomes a new soul), which creates/determines (apart) of the genetics (because DNA is two physical manifestations of strands from the ethereal chromosomes), which is why there is a new body and why it looks completely different.

Genetic Zodiac energy

The DNA that codes to create your physical DNA is made up of vibrations of the life force field and these vibrations are made up of vibrations of the morphogenetic field(Cubistic matrix) and the energy of these vibrations changes every month and there are 12 different types of energy each corresponding to one of the Zodiacs(Gods of creation) and once you are born that energy becomes the energy that makes up your Micro-ethereals DNA permanently for that body and this becomes your genetic zodiac energy. Genetic zodiac energy is contained in ethereal chromosomes.

12 stranded DNA

In our original form, we have 12 stranded DNA and these 12 strands correspond to the 12 morphogenetic fields of the Gods of creation(Zodiac) and they are the DNA your ethereal chromosomes are made up of.

Root races

Micro-ethereals/ethereal beings evolve in 7 stages which are the root races and they take on different physical forms in the evolutionary tree of this planet which corresponds to there genetics. This creates a collective genetic family which is the collective consciousness.

Energy system

Mitochondria in the CNS allow energy to travel down the CNS which is (apart of) a higher-dimensional structure which interacts with the higher dimensions so the Mitochondria access higher-dimensional energy from this structure and the energy in this structure and that makes up the structure(energy structure) is made up of Micro-ethereals merged together into one.

Ethereal beings

As we know ethereal beings are beings made out of energy. The ethereal beings that were created during creation are the crystal angels whilst the ones created from the life force field would become every living being. Ethereal beings from the life force field evolved into Micro-ethereals.

Ethereal beings in their true form are tentacle-like creatures which explains why when alien races turn nubilus they have tentacles.


Creating hybrids between two different alien races requires you trackback the Micro-ethereals in the Micro-ethereals evolutionary tree so you can find a common ancestor and that Micro-ethereal would be used to merge the genetics of the two alien races and this explains how humans were created and how human-xenplexian hybrids were created.

Human-xenplexian hybrids

The different Xenplexian genders which are different xen types are caused by the ethereal chromosomes because of there different energy levels.

Xenplexian DNA and Human DNA are not compatible and the reason why is because there DNA are made up of completely different elements:

  • the element that makes up Xenplexian DNA is bismuth-moscovium xen crystals which can make 3 bonds so it can form 6 bases for the DNA but Xenplexian DNA has 7 bases and the 7th can join up with all the other bases including itself.

The only way to fix this problem is the xenplexians had to use there ethereal chromosomes which code to create their physical chromosomes and they merged them with the ethereal chromosomes of the humans using the common ancestor Micro-ethereal and by doing this they could create a human-xenplexian hybrid.

Xenplexians can bread with the human-xenplexian hybrids to produce human-xenplexian hybrids and human-xenplexian hybrids can bread with human-xenplexian hybrids to produce human-xenplexian hybrids but if humans bread with human-xenplexian hybrids it won't produce a human-xenplexian hybrid it would produce a human and this is because humans don't have xenplexian genetics but the (human-)xenplexian ethereal chromosomes will still be passed down but they won't be activated unless they are intentionally activated.