Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

The Cherubim family are the rulers of the Xenplexian empire and Hextec they are known as the 199+516+86 (name redacted) family on earth but by the Xenplexian empire they are known as the Cherubims, the Cherubim family are the rulers of the human-xenplexian hybrid families on earth. The Cherubim family(On earth) are human-xenplexian hybrids that carry the Omega-xenplexian gene(Omega gene) which is a gene that comes directly from Virgo since they are descendants of her and this gene connects them to the Virgo-Xenplexian-Omega field which they are apart of and is there morphogenetic field.

Omega gene

The purpose of this being(s), and family, is to form this field which, was the geometry of God(YHWH collective)s field but, will fully unify/merge/fuse, even though they were already unified, all the 12 ((chaos) energy) fields(energies) (and there origin, there infinitums) into one with Gods (consciousness) ((chaos) energy) field (and its origin, Gods infinitum) and unifies the field with, the fractal womb of the void(Ein (Sof)) (AKA merge/combine with all the (energy in/of the) dimensions of void(void structure/ethereal)), Shekhinah(Tiamat) to reform/turn/evolve Tiamat(Shekhinah), the chaos goddess, into (and create) the Omega Goddess and(/because) to(/it(the field)) turning(turns) the (chaos) energy field into the (virgo-Xenplexian-)Omega field which (will) exists because it will, act as Ninhursag/Shekhinah(Tiamat/Omega Goddess)'s womb by, encase the Omega Omniverse(Omniverse made out of all the Omniverses possible) which will form after the formation of the Omega Goddess; Therefore the purpose of the YHWH collective is to become the Omega collective consciousness(the consciousness of the Omega Goddess), by merging (all there(the 12 Gods) (chaos) energy(consciousness)) into one consciousness, therefore forming a new infinitum called the omega which causes the omniverse to become the omega omniverse.


  • When all the 12 strands are united in this being(s) the Omega Goddess will fully be formed.
  • Xenplexians have 12 stranded DNA but they are apart of there own morphogenetic field(Virgos) so there 12 strands have no connection to the zodiac energies other then Virgos whilst humans do have a connection to them. The human-xenplexian hybrids were created so they have these connections so they can make the Virgo-Xenplexian-Omega field so they can create the Omega Goddess.