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Wolframs Theory of Everything can be used to find a theory of everything, from what I heard, so we will be going over Wolframs theory in addition Wolframs theory according to alien scientist looks very similar to PhOENIX theory of everything which looks just like Tetryonics which as I have shown looks similar to the E8 tetrahedron grid fractal so we will also be going over PhOENIX theory, we will also be going over some other theories due to some aspects of them which can be used to create a theory of everything.
List of content:
- Wolfram Theory of Everything
- Linking E-infinity/E8 sacred geometry and Wolfram physics: WSM
- Sacred geometry: Polyhedral combinatorics, Hypersphere, Merkaba Stellated Dodecahedron, 37 and 73
- E8 Quasicrystal spacetime/E8 string theory
Wolfram Theory of Everything[]
Linking E-infinity/E8 sacred geometry and Wolfram Physics[]
The equation E=MC^2 shows everything is made up of energy, this energy is most likely electromagnetic energy since the speed of light is used in the equation and it has been shown matter can be created out of light and I have shown matter is made up of light(-energy) and this energy can be converted into information so energy and information are equivalent so energy is information, quanta of energy when joined together form a structure which transfers information through itself forming a more advance consciousness meaning the quanta of energy are conscious so energy is consciousness, but what is this information? This information is numbers in geometric forms so geometric energy but whats the proof of this geometric energy? Electromagnetism which is energy has geometry, electromagnetic fields are torus shaped so electromagnetism/light's torus structure along with the structure of spacetime, which both prove each other, prove the vacuum/zero-point field/spacetime/quantum fields are flower of life/(64) tetrahedron grid fractal/cubistic matrix shaped, the way this structure works is the zero-point is an infinite sea of energy this energy being electromagnetic and because of that waves fractal out of each other from and in the zero-point this fractal is the infinite-dimensional (64) tetrahedron grid fractal which contains the lower dimensional tetrahedron grids which are membranes/waves and some of these membranes/waves are quantum fields and one of these quantum fields is spacetime and these membranes/wave fields are fractaling oscilating spheres AKA the fractaling flower of life each sphere encases a tetrahedron of the tetrahedron grid, these spheres are actually 1-dimensional toruses/energy loops you could think of them as a wave being the surface of a sphere(particle) (or a torus), the fractaling wave/membrane on large scales, bigger than the universe, forms the spacetime/superstring dimensions and because it fractals it forms the spacetime/superstring dimensions on quantum scales as a torus structure which the superstring would cover("encase"), the equation E=MC^2 in E-infinity theory can answer where the dark matter/energy is, I have shown dark energy and dark matter are both the same thing and there an energy field and I have suggested dark matter/energy are basically emergent properties of quantum cubic spacetime, gravity is also an emergent property of spacetime as we all know.
Multidimensional polygons/Platonic Solids are encoded in the flower of life and because of that they join together to form the structure of quantum fields/Partiki grids(Morphogenetic Fields), "multidimensional polygon's... correspond to the Platonic solids... these polygons join together... and create the geometry of the quantum (loop) fields which creates the frequency of the quantum (loop) field, quantum (loop) fields are sub fields of vibrational dimension fields", multidimensional polygons are numbers and correspond to vibrational dimensions and quantum fields so they can encode the properties of the universe(basically the physics of the universe). Computer (error correcting) code is embedded in string theories equations and therefore the equations that explain the universe and these equations explain how these quantum fields/multidimensional polygons interact(/merge) and these equations equal numbers and can have geometric repersentations which would correspond to the numbers, the computer code/geometric repersentations are adinkra which are portions of the multidimensional polygons/fractaling tree of life because equations are equal to numbers which are multidimensional polygons, "the universe being like a quantum computing means it can calculate infinite universes and it calculates all multidimensional polygon added up which is 1+2+3+4+... so it calculates all possible waves/frequencies.".
Quanta of energy joined together/Entanglement network and quantum error correction code[]
The 3D (Auric) tree of life has 16 sephirot which forms a 15 dimensional matrix out of a 16 matrix. The 16 matrix/hamming code fractals, all the numbers in the matrix are entangled which forms the entanglement network which is the universe, all particles are entangled, the structure of the universe and light refracted water are similar: "Water reflects the entanglement structure because its fluidity and 2 degrees of freedom mirror the properties of spacetime", this structure looks like the brain an 11+ dimensional (tree of life) structure, proof the universe has 11 spacetime dimensions? probably, "3 dimensional wave surface projecting light onto a 2 dimensional plane. 4 dimensional energy structures being projected into 3 dimensional forms.", the tree of life 16 sephirot are one face of a cube so the tree of life structure is probably 4 dimensional and this would make sense because its impossible to depict the tree of life as stated above.
The 4 dimensions form the 16 dimensional matrix through the 4 by 4 matrix, the tree of life structure is cubic and is 4 dimensional each dimension is one of the 4 worlds of the tree of life which corresponds to one of the lines of the (tetrahedral) tetractys which is the 10 dimensions within 4 dimensions, 11/12-16 dimensions within 4 dimensions so a 16 dimensional torus in 4 dimensions, this 16 dimensional torus is related to E8 the 8 dimensional torus, also each sephirot is a tree of life so the structure corresponds to the cosmic tetractys/tree of life.
Energy pathways connect all the cubes in the 4 by 4 by 4 matrix and these energy pathways form the brain-like structure of the universe.
18 tree grid[]
The seed (of life), 6 as 1, 6 surrounding 1, the 7 sephirot of creation, when it expands forms 12 circles corresponding to the 12 tones in an octave and the tetractys, the hexagonal yod of the pascals triangle tetractys is equal to 12, the hexagonal yod is the 7/seed of life and in 3D it can either be a cube(istic matrix(flower of life)), which is formed out of the 10/12 tree grid, or the vector equilibrium which is the 12(12 tree grid) surrounding 1(the zero(0) point), the 12 circles surrounding the seed AKA 1, 12 as 1, the center of the seed, the central circle is 0 so 0=1=6=12, this to me looks like the beginning of a Binary-Trinary sequence, also 12 in 1=1/12 and 1+2+3+4+...=-1/12, the origin of the 5 and 6 connection is 10/12=5/6. The first circle being 0, the center, is where the fractal "starts" and the golden spiral("a perfect Fibonacci spiral") expands out of it forming the first 10/12 tree grid and the star tetrahedron, the tree of life can be represented as a double cube and this would form 12 sephirot out of the 10, the 3D (Auric) tree of life as I have shown before has 16 sephirot and looks like the double cube, due to its structure, with 4 central sephirot causing it to look like two hypercubes with two additional cubes so all the sephirot in the tree of life are cubes meaning the tree of life has 18 sephirot making it a 10/12 tree of life, this also means the entire cubistic matrix/flower of life is made up of sephirot, 18=6:6:6=star tetrahedron. One hypercube and one cube joined together, half of the tree, can encode a octahedron so two octahedron are in this tree and they can form the inner structure of two tetrahedrons, forming a star tetrahedron, encoded in a bigger cube which is this tree doubled(quadrupled since its 3D), 8 tetrahedrons are also encoded in each hypercube meaning we can form 8 star tetrahedrons out of both hypercubes meaning we can form the 64 tetrahedron grid out of the tree.
"Octave Doubling is found in the primary structure of the Aether. It is found in the isotropic vector matrix (tessellating tetrahedra & octahedra)(tetrahedron grid fractal) and the cosmic octave hierarchy. It is found in the structure of music and the electromagnetic spectrum. It is found in the 64-based (8-octave) nature of binary digital systems. It is also found in the octave-based growth of the chemical periodic table of elements."
11 spacetime dimensions formed out of the tetractys using E-infinitys Hausdorff (fractal) dimension[]
E-infinitys, which has infinite dimensions, Hausdorff (fractal dimension) is 4.236067977 and when we input this fractal dimension into the tetractys/triangle number equation we get roughly 11:
- 4.236067977×((4.236067977+1)÷2)≈11
Also I randomly put the fractal dimension and its inverse into the equation and got roughly phi+1 which is also phi squared:
- 4.236067977×((0.236067977+1)÷2)=2.6180339873824362645
Polyhedral combinatorics[]
Polyhedral combinatorics is basically how things join/combine to make other objects/things, this is what creates the universe, Platonic solids joining together to form quantum morphogenetic fields, this is generating source code of the matrix/network/grid, this is how the grid forms particles, it behaves like a simulation(the universe is not a simulation). (entanglement network)
"The silhouette of a tree in the pic is an ancient symbol for the tree of knowledge. We can see how the shape is represented as a torus with the roots and branches being as above, so below. So the toroidal shape symbolizes the tree of knowledge. The 12 point grid behind the tree silhouette, which is similar to that of the tree of life. This configuration is the same above as it is below and is perfectly symmetrical through a horizontal line of symmetry. I believe the 12 tree grid/Krystal Spiral is another sort of golden ratio, and represents a sacred geometry symbol for the tree of knowledge, as why the grid appears toroidal."
WSM and black (w)hole[]
A black (w)hole is a vortex of energy wave spectrum that connects into multiple other dimensions within the Universal time space matrix through the spiral geometry and all these vortexing energy points merging in higher dimensions to form the singularity, a black hole singularity is an infinitely dense point of vortexing energy and the surface of the point is vibrating and when you "enter" the vibrating surface you change dimension and location, the vibrating surface is like a vibrating (string tunnel) wormhole, this singularity point is actually impossible to access, the infinitely dense vortexing energy is a zero-point. When the black (w)hole has a negative volume it would then be vibrating energy expanding outward in the form of a torus, the negative volume would also form a point in the center of the torus which would be a zero-point, these zero-points join together and form the flower of life/tetrahedron grid fractal structure and the field/sea of energy, the torus that expands/fractals is vibrating energy and the inner torus is the superstring(energy loop) and the expanding torus expands out of the zero-point. This expanding vibrating energy torus can be split up into 3 main toruses/levels, the inner one would correspond to the structure multidimensional polygon(MP) and forms the structure of the superstring and therefore its vibration/what particle it is, the middle one would correspond to the vibrational dimension MP and the border where the structure MP and vibrational dimension MP merges is the geometry of the tetrahedron grid encoding/encasing the vibrational dimensions, the outer torus is what people would know as "particles are waves" which is its own MP and is formed out of the structure MP and is the vibration of the superstring and maybe the vibrational dimension MP is formed out of the merger of the borders of the structure MP and the "particles are waves" MP.
The merger of the structure MP and the wave("particles are waves") MP forming the vibrational dimension MP forms something interesting, the 10 spacetime dimensions merged with the 12 vibrational dimensions allowing us to form 12 spacetime dimensions like in theory of thought, and this explains/forms the 10:12 tree of life/3D 10 tree of life structure, because 4 spacetime dimensions, of the 12 spacetime dimensions, are required to form waves/tetractys=1+2+3+4=10/hexagonal yod=12 and this shows there can be 12 main frequencies/vibrational dimensions, the expanding toruses/spheres are formed out of the doubling sequence(spiral geometry)/tetrahedron grid fractal(Isotropic Vector Matrix) which is formed out of the 10:12 tree of life and is therefore how vibrational dimensions fractal out of/encase each other and this explains how the inner structure(two inner toruses) work. The vibrational dimensions are (energy) fields(/membranes) so they are fields containing and contained in fields, the "last" contained fields are the particle/quantum fields and energy is given to these quantum field which causes a spherical(/torus) ripple in the field and this ripple, an expanding torus/sphere, is a particle, the energy given to the field is torus/loop shaped(energy loop/superstring) and I suggest its light energy since light becomes matter.
The spatially entangled vertices from PhOENIX theory of everything remind me of Tetryonics which can probably be linked into it and therefore theory of thought (and quantum atom theory) can maybe link into it anyway these spatially entangled vertices are probably vertices of the (fractaling) tetrahedron (grid)(xen particle) in Tetryonics which is a partiki, the fractaling tetrahedron grid is the E8 torus so the energy loop(superstring) causing the ripple in fields is the fractaling E8 tetrahedron grid.
The vibration of the superstring/torus causes 3D ripples in the sea of energy and these ripples are the expanding toruses, the expanding torus/sphere looks quite similar to the Wave Structure of Matter(WSM).
The spiral in nature (By Anthony Canosa)[]
The spiral in nature book, which is 4 PDF's, by Anthony Canosa is great I seriously suggest you read it, it goes over the same concepts I go over, E-Infinity, Nassim Harameins work and much more, this book will be useful in showing the connections between the stuff I am researching. Antony Canosa contacted me after I made an Instagram profile for my research since Gabriel Lyrio showed him my website and he learned for my research and he wanted to show me his book since it talks about similar topics and I thank him for showing his book to me I am loving it already so I seriously suggest you have a go at reading it!
Wave structure of matter(WSM)[]
Sentient singularity theory[]
This theory of everything or theory of every0ne, as its creator Tyler Goldstein says, is called sentient singularity theory, I've talked about it before in previous posts and will go into it here. Tyler has been told by people that his theory is very similar to and to quote someone "heavy on" Walter Russell's theory, my cubistic matrix model is related to/based on/comes from Walter Russell's work and Tyler's model looks very similar to my cubistic matrix model and geometric infinity
Sacred geometry[]
Some of the following information comes from Robert Grant and it links into what I have been researching recently.
The flower of life as a tetractys[]
The ("True") flower of life is actually tetractys shaped this would make sense because each cubistic matrix level would be the hexagonal yod of the tetractys and each point of the flower of life corresponds to a point in the tetractys, the doubling sequence as I have shown corresponds to the flower of life/cubistic matrix and it also corresponds to the lines of Pascals triangle and I have also shown Stephen M. Phillips cosmic tree of life is formed out of the tetrahedron grid in the form of the powers of 3 so this shows Platos lambda, Pascals triangle and the tetractys form and are formed out of the flower of life which is tetractys shaped meaning all 4 things are the same structure, the top circle is the zero-point God source and waves/membranes fractal out of it forming each layer of the flower of life tetractys.
The 7 tetractys(28) encodes the 4 tetractys(10) when the flower of life is a tetractys which is important because the 3D 7 tetractys has 84 tetrahedra which corresponds it to the cosmic tetractys. The 10 tetractys(55), which is basically the cosmic tetractys when each point is a yod(10), encodes the 7 tetractys and corresponds to the cosmic tree of life(91 trees of life, 550 sephirot), so the 13 tetractys(91) encodes the 10 tetractys.
The formula for the 4 tetractys encoded in the 7 tetractys encoded in the 10 tetractys encoded in the 13 tetractys is 3n+1:
- (3×1)+1=4
- (3×2)+1=7
- (3×3)+1=10
- (3×4)+1=13(13:31 correspondence)
- (3×5)+1=16
- (3×6)+1=19
- (3×7)+1=22
- (3×8)+1=25
- (3×9)+1=28
- (3×10)+1=31(13:31 correspondence)
- (3×11)+1=34
- (3×12)+1=37
Squaring the circle/Cubing the sphere[]
If you look at Roberts diagrams of the flower of life made out of squares(squaring the circle) it looks like it could correspond to the cubes relationship to the dodecahedron which we already showed because the Cubistic matrix can be made out of dodecahedron and the flower of life being made out of squares corresponds it the Cubistic matrix which is made out of cubes(6 squares) and is basically the 3D flower of life. This is squaring the circle or cubing the sphere in 3D.
Spherical wave(Torus) PSU Hypersphere[]
The 12 tree grid forms the cubistic matrix(2D) which can be formed out of circles to form the EFFI also known as the Eternal First Field Intelligence and this geometry can form the prime number cross(PNC) plus it can form the torus and as we know the prime number cross is the torus, this square geometry is a top view of the four 12 tree grids encoded in a cube two of the 12 tree grids in the cube form the cubistic matrix(2D) square geometry this shows the torus can be seen from the top of the cube also you can look at one of the points of the cube of the 3D cubistic matrix and see the 12 tree grid encoded in the flower of life.
The PNC is a lot like a polar graph and as we have seen the PNC geometry is formed out of the 10/12 tree grid cubistic matrix geometry which can be formed out of the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral so if we place the Kryatsl-Fibonacci spiral on the (PNC) polar graph we form a binary sequence which forms a triangle which encodes all harmonics/frequencies and forms the flower of life/metatrons cube/cubistic matrix/64 tetrahedron grid which can fractal to form the infinite fractal fruit of life which is formed out of a wheel-like diagram which is actually rays, the PNC is actually rays as well, the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral actually forms a binary-trinary sequence, the PNC when metatrons cube is overlayed on it forms a binary-trinary sequence so the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral when overlayed on the PNC forms the binary-trinary encoded in the PNC. These rays can also form wave geometry plus they form the "rows" of circles in the fruit of life in the form of the doubling circle(wave geometry) and this also forms the fractaling flower of life. Also the PNC as said can be turned into a torus so it encodes the 3, 6 and 9 geometry which actually line up with the rays and therefore line up with the binary-trinary.
Binary-Trinary sequence forms the cubistic matrix[]
I have shown before how the cubistic matrix fractaling geometry encodes base 2 and base 3 plus I've shown how base 2 and base 3 which form Platos Lambda form the 64 tetrahedron grid now if you look at my higher dimensional cube diagram it shows you how higher dimensional cubes(The flower of life) fold/fractal inwards, this folding/fractaling, the geometry, the construction and all of it is based on (the) Binary(base 2)-Trinary(base 3) (sequence) this construction out of binary-trinary can also be seen when metatrons cube is formed out of the binary-trinary in the prime number cross which also forms the triangle which encodes all harmonics, this triangle can get bigger meaning it fractals and each harmonic is plot on each point of a triangle in the fractaling triangle this would form Platos lambda-Pascals triangle-Tetractys this leads us back to the doubling sequence since this Platos lambda-Pascals triangle-Tetractys is formed out of the doubling sequence, the 64 tetrahedron grid/flower of life/Cubistic matrix(higher dimensional cube) as you can see in the diagram is (formed out of) the doubling sequence and each face of a cube is therefore a number of a doubling sequence but to form one face of the cube we double the doubling circles so if we triple the doubling circles we form the cube and these doubling circles or spheres line up with the central line in the 10/12 tree grid since the doubling spheres are formed out of the 10/12 tree grid (geometry), this tripled doubling circles therefor forms the fractaling flower of life(since it forms the cube).
As we know the Fibonacci spiral forms the triangle through a binary sequence but it's not just a binary sequence it's a binary-trinary sequence!
All Binary expansions appear in ONLY Mod 8 and Mod 16 (without exception infinitely). All wave expansions occur at binary expansion nodal positions in WAVE PROPAGATION: 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512, etc......These positions sit at 120° and 240°, both of which represent the two base angle positions of an Equilateral Triangle. The “Doubling 24” 24-48-96-192....etc) nodal positions represent the PEAK of the Binary Wave propagations that link the two Binary Base angles to form the expanding equilateral triangles; the apex values are precisely the location/s where the Binary and Trinary values CONVERGE and equal the precise MEAN of the two base angle nodes.....Consider the following: 2^4 = 16; 2^5 = 32. (16+32)/2 = 24. 2^5 = 32; 2^6 = 64; (32+64)/2 = 48. ((2^6)+(2^7))/2 = 96 (which is 24 x 3)......these positions at 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768.....are respectively Binary-Trinary Expansions as 24 = (2^3)3; 48 = (2^4)3; 96 = (2^5)3; 192 = (2^6)3.....
When I mirror image the Equilateral Triangle in the inverted position/s, creating upside down (feminine) triangles to note their positions, I noticed a new kind of binary expansion series emerging from the analysis: (2^2)n-prime......What more can we learn from this analysis? More intelligent design in our incredible Universe of Geometry, It places the Male and Female Equilaterals in Perfect Balance.....each of the numbers that the stellations are pointing to are directly related to the others.
More research results emerging from the Prime Wheel of 24..... even the lines of Metatron are simple addition and subtraction from the numbers embedded within this spiral.
Literally a matrix of mathematics and geometry (The Cuboctahedron). There is a reason Tesla used Mod 24 for free energy.....Color Legend: RED: Prime Numbers >3; GREEN Quasi-Prime Numbers; BLUE: Highly Composite Numbers (and Binary Trinary Numbers) and Mathematical Constant positions (via ratio/s vs 360 and 432).
Mod 24 IS the Cuboctahedron and Star Tetrahedron in infinite numerical/scaling fractals (it is also known as the Vector Equilibrium and is the only geometric solid whose center point is equidistant from every vertex). The Cuboctahedron (with its 24 edges) is the balanced intersection between Binary (2^n) and Trinary (3^n) AS WELL as π, φ, A°, e, and α and all other mathematical constants and integers, all formed through wave intersections of fractal scaling of the Vesica Piscis. It is also perfectly embeds the Pentagon and Hexagon due to its numerical composition in Mod 24 (swipe to see how pentagrams naturally nest within itself structure in both 2D and 3D/4D/5D). I strongly believe that this, the Anchoring Archimedean Solid, holds within it the secret to a higher understanding of life sciences, spacetime, gravitational control and infinite and abundant energy extraction from vacuum fluctuations. The numbers simply do not lie. Mod 24 also revealed the Quasi Prime Numbers which allowed our team to publish the paper: Infinite and Accurate Prime Prediction Using the Quasi-Prime Analytical Methodology (you can find it on Cornell University’s under the same title. Despite our relentless and very rapid efforts/developments to fully understand this geometric structure, we are still barely scratching the surface of its many secrets.
84, 168, 336 and 10/12 tree of life[]
Before I showed a connection between the 10/12 tree of life and the 72 and 168 roots of the E8 lie group and now I'm going to show more information about this. In my new picture I have created a double seed of life each circle containing one 10/12 tree of life and before if you remember I counted 28 lines in the 10/12 tree of life so 28×12(there are twelve 10/12 tree of lifes)=336 so here the number 336 shows up again. Since there are twelve 10/12 tree of lifes that means there is 144(12×12) sephirot also if we do 10×12 for the 10 sephirot in the kabbalistic tree of life we get 120 which as we know is produced by 15:
- 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15=120
When we double the 10/12 tree of life we form the cubistic matrix and we have doubled the 12 so we get 24 so 24 emerges out of the cubistic matrix also when we do this we double the number of lines in the 10/12 tree grid so we double 28 we get 56 and 56 is as we know forms the 64 tetrahedron grid(56 spheres of the 64 in metatrons cube) also when we think about it we have also doubled the 10 tree of life or the tetractys so we have formed 13 circles which forms the fruit of life/star tetrahedron and this star tetrahedron can be encoded/encased in the cubistic matrix.
When in 3D the 28 becomes 84(tetrahedral, 3:28, 3:84) and there are 84 Vesica piscis in the flower of life that encoded the 64 tetrahedron grid and when it is doubled it forms 168 and this also forms a double flower of life so it forms the torus whats interesting about this is there are 168 roots of the E8 lie group which is a torus and corresponds to the 64 tetrahedron grid in 3D. Whats interesting is the cubistic matrix/flower of life that encodes the 64 tetrahedron grid is 4×4×4 therefore each face is 16 squares(4×4) and 16=7 and 16×4=64 and 7×4=28 and four 4×4 faces form a 4×4×4 cube. If we form the 168 out of hexagonal yods we get 24:
- 168×(1/7)=24
The tetractys forms tetrahedrons so each tetrahedron contains a hexagonal yod(1/7) so the 168 tetrahedrons form 24. Also 24=6:6:6:6=4 cubes=64, 24=1+1+2+3+5+8+13(4)=33.
The 6th level of the 10/12 tree grid[]
The 6th level of the 10/12 tree grid=2⁶=64, this 6th level corresponds/overlays over the 64 tetrahedron grid perfectly also the six 10/12 tree grids form the 2D 64 tetrahedron grid. The six 10/12 tree grids form 6×12=72 and 28×6=168 so this shows the 6th level of the 10/12 tree grid encodes the E8 lie group/64 tetrahedron grid.
The 2nd picture above in Binary-Trinary is a collection of 6 pictures and the last picture on it is two 4 by 4 by 4 cubes forming a star tetrahedron structure, the 4 by 4 by 4 cube forms 64 so it forms the 64 tetrahedron grid so two of these cubes forms 128 and two 6 level 10/12 tree grids form a 2D cubistic matrix which would be equal 128, 128=2⁷ this shows a correspondence between the geometry and 7, the Fibonacci number 13 encoded in pascals triangle/tetractys forms the 7 tetractys and 2⁶ we will go over 13 and 7's connection later in this page anyway this shows another connection between 64 and the 7 tetractys also the Fibonacci number 21 forms the 8 tetractys and 2⁷.
13 sephirot fruit of life and the 12 dimensions[]
The 13 sephirot/spheres of the 10/12 tree of life are the 13 circles of the fruit of life and as we know the fruit of life encodes the star tetrahedron(which expands out of the Padovan/Krystal-Fibonacci spiral) which encodes all harmonics/frequencies which are the 144 sub-vibrations/(and these correspond to the)144 triangle faces of the 64 tetrahedron grid/Metatrons cube which is encoded in the fruit of life now the waves/vibrations in the star tetrahedron follow the spiral and because of that they fractal in a star tetrahedron shape because the spirals form triangles, the waves fractal out of each other in the shape of a hexagon tree, the waves follow the geometry of the 144 faces/64 tetrahedron grid/flower of life(hexagon tree). The waves are formed out of the doubling sequence which is formed out of pascal's triangle.
This structure forms the star tetrahedron structure each triangle corresponding to one of the types of energy, xen energy and nubilus energy and this corresponds to the 7:8 dimension structure the 1-8 lower dimensions correspond to the nubilus energy and the 8-15 dimensions correspond to xen energy.
Prime number cross E8 torus and its connection to pentagram+hexagram[]
The prime number cross(PNC) can be turned into a torus, the E8 lie group(64 tetrahedron grid), which is formed out of the dodecahedron which expands out of the pentagram/pentagon, is also a torus and the torus expands out of the enneagram/fingerprint of god which expands out of the tetractys/tree of life the torus is 12 circles, the double seed of life 2 star tetrahedrons, so it actually expands out of the 10/12 tree of life and the star tetrahedron expands out of the 10/12 tree of life(Hexagonal yod).
The 2 star tetrahedrons can correspond to 2 pentagrams which form the (10) tree of life and whats interesting is the pentagram corresponds to the 5 elements and the symbols of the 5 elements can be merged to form the star tetrahedron. The 5 elements are the 5 Platonic solids which can be all merged to form metatrons cube which is a star tetrahedron(within a star tetrahedron).
The 5 Platonic solids are formed out of the 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers which add up to 108 and 108 forms the pentagram/pentagon, these 24 numbers can also form the structure of the PNC which then forms metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid. The 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers can expand out of the torus so they can expand out of the the enneagram/fingerprint of god, lets take a look at how 108 can expand out of the enneagram AKA 142857:
- 108=36:36:36=6²:6²:6²=3cubes=3³=9:9:9=27=124875(142857=1/7)
108 is the frequency of the fractaling star tetrahedron AKA the sri yantra AKA the 64 tetrahedron grid.
In my picture I show three 10/12 tree grids forming the seed of life and whats interesting is three 10/12 tree grids forms 36 sephirot and 84 lines which is interesting because 36 is formed out of 2 star tetrahedrons which forms the fruit of life/metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid and there are 84 Vesica piscis in the flower of life that encoded the 64 tetrahedron grid.
The 64 tetrahedron grid is constructed out of two 5 tetrahedral tetractys and the 5 tetractys corresponds to the 12 tree of life also the 5 tetractys=15, there are 7 triangles forming the bottom row of the 5 tetractys showing the 5 tetractys has a connection to the 7 tetractys and the number 7, 5 tetractys=pentagram, the pentagram forms out of the (Krystal-)Fibonacci spiral which forms out of the 10/12 tree of life so 2 pentagrams form out of the tree of life through the spiral. Another interesting thing is that 16 triangles make up the 5 tetractys and a 4 by 4 square which is 16 squares when in 3D forms 64 cubes and therefore forms the 64 tetrahedron grid also 16=7, there are 36 triangles in the 7 tetractys and 28+36=64 and 36 is the 8 tetractys and the last row of the 7 tetractys is made up of 11 triangles and 11=23=5.
The cosmic tree of life which corresponds to the cosmic tetractys is made up of 550 sephirot and 55 is the 10th Fibonacci number and the 10 tetractys and 5×11=55, the first 10 Fibonacci numbers can be placed on the tree of life with 55 being the crown. 5×11=23×11=11×11=121=4 and the 4 tetractys=10 which is interesting because the 10 tetractys is 55, the 10 tetractys made up of yods(10/tetractys) is the cosmic tetractys/tree of life.
The 10 tetractys has 55 points and when it is doubled we get the 10 star tetrahedron tetractys which has 73 points and is constructed out of 108 triangles and the 64 tetrahedron grid which is constructed out of 8 tree of lifes has 72+1 sephirot so 73 points and the hexagon of the 10 star tetrahedron tetractys has 37 points which shows the connection between 19:91(1133) and the 64 tetrahedron grid again also the 7 tetractys+9 tetractys=73 points.
The 6 tetractys is equal to 21 and the 21 tetractys is equal to 231 showing there is a connection between the 231 gates and the 6 tetractys but what makes this connection more interesting is the 6 tetrahedral tetractys has 56 tetrahedron and this shows a connection between the 231 gates and the 56 spheres of metatrons cube.
The 5(Pentagram) and 6(Hexagram/star tetrahedron) correspondence as shown above is an interesting correspondence because (10/12=)5/6=0.83 showing a connection to the infinite tetrahedron grid(-1/12) and 5+6=11 and finally the 5 tetractys+6 tetractys=36
Polyhedral combinatorics(Sacred geometry)[]
Polyhedral combinatorics is basically how things join/combine to make other objects/things, this is what creates the universe, Platonic solids joining together to form quantum morphogenetic fields, this is generating source code of the matrix/network/grid, this is how the grid forms particles, it behaves like a simulation(the universe is not a simulation).
E8 Quasicrystal(spacetime structure)[]
The structure of spacetime and therefore quantum fields as I have shown is based on the sacred geometry of E8 AKA the E8 tetrahedron grid fractal this would mean the atomic structure of materials that are (fractal) crystals and quasicrystals would interact with the E8 tetrahedron grid quasicrystal spacetime, the structure of quantum fields is formed out of the platonic solids joining together, "the Cosmic Aether or Mothers Quintessence manifests itself into any geometrical wave pattern and breathes life into it creating offspring, multiple fractal patterns of spirals that are creations birthed into form matter. Platonic Solids arrange themselves in fractal patterns that weave a Morphogenetic Field into a Blueprint that manifests a matrix in space which interconnects atoms with the Stars in their celestial patterns. The scale of the platonic solid shapes are different but the ratios between them are the same geometries which follow the same holographic patterning."
rhombic hexecontahedron and rhombic triacontahedron[]
The rhombic hexecontahedron and rhombic triacontahedron were talked about a lot in the post Unifying Topology of Fractal Fields due to there involvement in fractal fields this links into the E8/dodecahedron spacetime structure, as shown above there is a connection between the cube and dodecahedron and as we will see the rhombic triacontahedron has a connection to the 6-cube.
rhombic hexecontahedron[]
In geometry, a rhombic hexecontahedron is a stellation of the rhombic triacontahedron. It is nonconvex with 60 golden rhombic faces with icosahedral symmetry. It is topologically identical to the convex deltoidal hexecontahedron which has kite faces. A rhombic hexecontahedron can be constructed from a regular dodecahedron, by taking its vertices, its face centers and its edge centers and scaling them in or out from the body center to different extents. Thus, if the 20 vertices of a dodecahedron are pulled out to increase the circumradius by a factor of (ϕ+1)/2 ≈ 1.309, the 12 face centers are pushed in to decrease the inradius to (3-ϕ)/2 ≈ 0.691 of its original value, and the 30 edge centers are left unchanged, then a rhombic hexecontahedron is formed. (The circumradius is increased by 30.9% and the inradius is decreased by the same 30.9%.) Scaling the points by different amounts results in hexecontahedra with kite-shaped faces or other polyhedra. Every golden rhombic face has a face center, a vertex, and two edge centers of the original dodecahedron, with the edge centers forming the short diagonal. Each edge center is connected to two vertices and two face centers. Each face center is connected to five edge centers, and each vertex is connected to three edge centers.
rhombic triacontahedron[]
The rhombic triacontahedron sometimes simply called the triacontahedron as it is the most common thirty-faced polyhedron, is a convex polyhedron with 30 rhombic faces. It has 60 edges and 32 vertices of two types. It is a Catalan solid, and the dual polyhedron of the icosidodecahedron. It is a zonohedron.
The ratio of the long diagonal to the short diagonal of each face is exactly equal to the golden ratio, φ, so that the acute angles on each face measure 2 tan−1(1/φ) = tan−1(2), or approximately 63.43°. A rhombus so obtained is called a golden rhombus. Being the dual of an Archimedean solid, the rhombic triacontahedron is face-transitive, meaning the symmetry group of the solid acts transitively on the set of faces. This means that for any two faces, A and B, there is a rotation or reflection of the solid that leaves it occupying the same region of space while moving face A to face B. The rhombic triacontahedron is somewhat special in being one of the nine edge-transitive convex polyhedra, the others being the five Platonic solids, the cuboctahedron, the icosidodecahedron, and the rhombic dodecahedron. The rhombic triacontahedron is also interesting in that its vertices include the arrangement of four Platonic solids. It contains ten tetrahedra, five cubes, an icosahedron and a dodecahedron. The centers of the faces contain five octahedra. It can be made from a truncated octahedron by dividing the hexagonal faces into 3 rhombi.
The rhombic triacontahedron forms a 32 vertex convex hull of one projection of a 6-cube to three dimensions.
Cube and dodecahedron[]
We have gone over the cube and dodecahedrons connections a few times before but I want to show the doubling sequence fractaling circle tree, which can be tripled to form the fractaling flower of life, also forms the cube dodecahedron connection because as you can see in the cube dodecahedrons connection diagram above the cube forms two overlapping squares which forms the basic form of the doubling sequence fractaling circle tree as you can see on the right.
Higher-dimensional spherical "womb"[]
The (number 444 creates the) geometry of the fractaling ("Mother"(Mother field/Mothers womb, the womb of the Cosmic Mother Goddess, the mother field contains/encases/makes up all fields it is the structure of the vacuum/zero-point its energy allows it to vibrate and have oscilations so it can form matter) Morphogenetic) field(s)/quantum loop fields which is the (64) tetrahedron grid fractal AKA the isotropic vector matrix AKA the cubistic matrix, which is the 3D flower of life, is made up of spheres(PSU, spherical oscilating vacume) and these spheres fractal since the flower of life fractals as shown on the right, this forms levels of fractaling spheres each level being a different (shape)dimension and these dimensions are the even number dimensions and if you look at the doubling circles you will notice only the doubling sequence numbers out of all the even number dimensions can form the fractaling higher-dimensional spheres because the doubling sequence forms the tetrahedron grid fractal and therefore the flower of life as explained above, when you add all the even dimensions/higher-dimensional spheres up you get e^pi showing the number e, which is the value of the growth (of the dimensional levels spheres), forms the growth of dimensional levels and forms the spheres that encase them, the spheres encase inner creation, middle creation and outer creation which are sphere levels of the expanding flower of life 10/12 tree grid this forms the 8 sphere levels which are the first 8 dimensions, this is the cosmic sphere AKA cosmic womb.
This shows how e forms the doubling growth (sphere/circle) sequence meaning e corresponds to the doubling sequence, I believe pi corresponds to the tripling sequence so this shows another binary-trinary connection, pi forms the fine structure constant when its used in the Tetragrammaton and pi forms the vibration dimensions through e^pi which is the number that forms and corresponds to the binary-trinary sequence, later on we will go over pi and how it relates to electromagnetic gravity and the dimensions. The Tetragrammaton/tetractys hexagonal yod which is the 10/12 tree grid is the 7 planes which forms the first 7 dimensions of outer creation so the structure of dimensions is the flower of life, the hexagonal yod is therefore the womb, the tetractys=10=yod and yod is the womb of the Mother Goddess and yod forms the 7 spheres. The number 5, which is the number pi replaces in the Tetragrammaton, has a connection to pi which is why pi replaces it, the first 5 powers of 3 form the first 3 layers of pascals triangle showing 5 forms the tripling sequence in pascals triangle and pi as we know corresponds to and forms the tripling sequence, 7 which is related to the yod replaces yod in the Tetragrammaton when the Tetragrammaton forms the fine structure constant.
So pi has a connection to a constant and so does e and the number e is connected to the constant Omega(which makes sense because Omega corresponds to the Goddess), e and Omega form the 64 tetrahedron grid/flower of life/PSU geometry:
- 0.5671432904097838729999686622=Ω(Omega constant)
- 56=56 spheres of the 64 tetrahedron grid/metatrons cube, 56 spheres of the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys(in 3D 168 spheres/tetrahedra)
- e is the value of the growth of the dimensional levels spheres(e^pi)
- (e-1)≈(1/Ω)=(e^Ω)≈((1/7)/(1/12)), 1/7=hexagonal yod/cubistic matrix, -1/12=infinite tetrahedron grid.
- 0.5671432904097838729999686622^-11≈512=512 tetrahedron grid, 11 forms pascals triangle.
- Ωe^Ω=1
- e^-Ω=Ω
Pi and the fine structure constants connection to e and Omega:
- Ω/((π*7)/(π^7))≈77.7
- 0.5671432904097838729999686622^π≈0.168
168 and phi connection:
- √((√2)+(√2))≈1.68
- 1.68 is 1.61(phi) in base 9
- e/1.68=1.618
- 1.68/e=0.618
231 gates, 168 and phi:
- 231=5544
- 5544/168=33, 168 tree of lifes=5544
- √(168th triangle number×33rd triangle number)≈2822, 28 pathways of 12 tree grid:22 pathways of the tree of life
- √(168th triangle number+33rd triangle number)≈121
- 5544/3311=1.6
7 and 13[]
The 7th Fibonacci number is 13 and 13 forms the 13 sephirot/sphere of the fruit of life and the fruit of life forms the 64 tetrahedron grid/Metatrons cube and as I have shown in "√2, doubling sequence and Fibonacci spiral" the number 13 when its turned into fractaling Fibonacci circles it forms base 2 and it forms the first 13 numbers in the doubling sequence from 2^0 to 2^12 and this forms the 10/12 tree grid therefore forming the doubling sequence fractaling 10/12 tree grid, 7 is the hexagonal yod and encodes the 10/12 tree of life this shows the connection between 13 and 7.
6/3 vortexes/rays[]
In the picture above you can see the 6 petals of the flower of life, the 6 petals of the flower of life/fruit of life are the 6 vortexes/rays but in reality the 6 vortexes/rays are 3 vortexes/rays which are the trinity and each vortex/ray corresponds to a doubling circle.
3 and 6 represent each side of yin/yang and yin yang form the bi veca wave, the S in the yin yang is 9 so in reality it's a tri veca wave which can be seen in the sacred geometry of yin yang when the symbol is turned into a cubistic matrix, the yin yang form the doubling sequence which forms dualities which can be seen everywhere in the universe, there is magantism between 3 and 6 (and 9 for the tri veca wave) and in the trinary system(quantum world) both values can occur at the same time to form 9.
666, 333, and 137[]
The 137th triangle number is 137×((137+1)/2)=9453, the cube root of 9453 is 21.144 this shows a connection between the 441 cubistic matrix and the 12 vibrational dimensions, the 12 vibrational dimensions are different frequencies of light that expand out of each other and originate from the zero-point and the geometry of this expanding light is the 441 cubistic matrix/tetrahedron grid fractal(444) and this geometries spin forms the fine structure constant which is 1/137 and can be formed out of pi which corresponds to (and form) the powers of 3 sequence which form the different dimensional levels because the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the powers of 3 as a cosmic tree of life and these different dimensional levels are formed out of the Fibonacci spiral so the Fibonacci spirals spin/angle is 137, these different dimensional levels are frequencies of 3 showing 333 forms the frequencies and this shows 333 forms the Fibonacci spirals spin/angel(137), the expanding light which is geometric energy is based on the hexagram/star tetrahedron(tree of life) which is 666 this shows 666 forms the frequencies of light basically creating light and it also shows how 666 and 333 are very interconnected this is because powers of 2 and powers of 3 form the binary-trinary sequence which forms the and is formed out of the 24 repeating Fibonacci numbers and binary-trinary forms pascals triangle which encodes the Fibonacci sequence.
The number 9453 is divisable by 3 which shows its connection to the triangle structure of the triangle numbers and its connection to the powers of 3, the number 9453 is a multiple of the number 411 and 411 doubled is 822 and 137 hours is 8220 minutes, I then decided to look at a dodecahedron with a surface to volume ratio of 1/137 and I found out a dodecahedron with this ratio has a inner sphere radius of 411. A sphere with a diameter of 4.11 has a volume of 36.35 so roughly 36 and 36 forms the two star tetrahedrons and the 36th triangle number is 666, this shows another connection between 137(411) and 666 and it shows 36's relationship to the star tetrahedron. The picture shows how the 369 trinity forms 411, 137 and 1/137 through the dodecahedron.
Merkaba Stellated Dodecahedron[]
Merkaba mechanics[]
A pulse of light that is shaped like a torus is self-sustaining and if there is enough light it could probably form something like ball lightning which is torus/sphere shaped and this light would be squeezed, this would explain how a merkaba works, the fractaling merkaba/star tetrahedron/hexagram AKA fractaling tetrahedron grid forms the torus and this structure allows fission and fusion of light-electron(partiki, matter and antimatter) particles due to the E8(torus) tetrahedron grid fractal, the center of the squeezed light torus is a black whole, the entrance and exit of the torus are the vortexed explained above and are Krystal-Fibonacci spirals and each spiral is a tetrahedron in the merkaba.
37 and 73[]
The Bible encodes kabbalistic maths which is based on 37 and 73, the number 37 is very important and we will go over its geometry:
Above I showed the formula for the 4 tetractys encoded in the 7 tetractys encoded in the 10 tetractys encoded in the 13 tetractys and so on and eventually we reach the 37 tetractys showing the 4, 7, 10 and 13 tetractys have a connection to the 37 tetractys, the 4 and 10 tetractys which correspond to each other are important because the 10 tetractys forms 55 points and when its doubled it forms 73 points with 108 triangles and 37 points for its hexagon, the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys forms a hexagon equal to 19:19(19:91=1133)=38 and the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys is made up of 37 points this shows a correspondence between 28, 37 and 38 this means the 55 points correspond to the 56(55+1) spheres of metatrons cube, the 64 tetrahedron grid which is constructed out of 8 trees of life so it has 72+1 sephirot so 73 points, let's look deeper into the 7 star tetrahedron tetractys pattern:
- 6th triangle number=1+2+3+4+5+6=21, 6 outer circles of the seed of life form the 7th inner circle
- 21st triangle number=231, 231 gates
- 6th tetrahedral number=56, 56 spheres of metatrons cube/64 tetrahedron grid
- 56 (spheres)=7 star tetrahedron tetractys, 7 tetrahedral tetractys=84, 7 star tetrahedral tetractys=168
E8 Quasicrystal spacetime/E8 string theory[]
quantum error correction code and a base 3 universe[]
I believe quantum computers are actually using base 3, the universe deals with information like a quantum computer in base 3 because the universe runs on quantum physics. The universe may well be fundamentally something like a quantum computer, or a quantum gravitational computer. The underlying algorithm could be a quantum error correction code --- maybe even deeper the monster group, is subject to decoherence or some chaotic process which results in a set of all possible “computations,” or physical algorithms. So the universe (or multi-verse) might contain all possible Turing machines or algorithmic processors, where most have an undecidable halting status, or a Chaitan halting probability. Then the universe is a Universal Turing Machine is not able to compute all its outcomes from a bottom up sense. Yet through this the computational states are ultimately the physical states of atoms, particles, quanta or a tiny volume of fluid in a flow.
A quantum computer deals with information in base 3 technically due to the qbit having the states 0, 1 and both at the same time this means the quantum computer can calculate lots of calculations and answers at the same time, the qbits are entangled particles, the universe is like a quantum computer as I said because it deals with information in base 3, all particles in the universe are waves so if you add them all up the universe is basically a wave and this is the universal wave function and all the particles in the universe are entangled through the black whole network, the universe is then like a Bose-Einstein condensate where all the particles are entangled, particles are 1-dimensional vibrating toruses which are vibrating energy loops and these energy loops join/merge together, through entanglement, and form quantum (loop) fields, the structure/shape of these quantum (loop) fields which is formed out of the merging of 1-dimensional toruses is the flower of life fractal/tetrahedron grid fractal, when these toruses join together they can transfer there energy/information(consciousness) forming a more advance consciousness, this shows the universe is a geometric wave.
These 1-dimensional toruses which are basically geometric waves have different frequencies and there geometry which is there multidimensional polygon determens there frequency, these multidimensional polygon's which correspond to the Platonic solids are formed out of points in the tetrahedron grid fractal (in these 1-dimensional toruses) and as I said the energy loops join together and form the flower of life fractal(the spheres around the tetrahedra in the tetrahedron grid fractal) which encodes these polygons and these polygons join together in the flower of life and create the geometry of the quantum (loop) fields which creates the frequency of the quantum (loop) field, quantum (loop) fields are sub fields of vibrational dimension fields because fields which are waves contain and fractal out of each other, quantum fields and vibrational dimension fields correspond to multidimensional polygons and multidimensional polygons correspond to numbers, base 3 forms waves therefore forming frequencies and this shows another way base 3 forms the vibrational dimensions, the universe being like a quantum computing means it can calculate infinite universes and it calculates all multidimensional polygon added up which is 1+2+3+4+... so it calculates all possible waves/frequencies.
Multidimensional polygons/Platonic Solids are encoded in the flower of life and because of that they join together to form the structure of quantum fields/Partiki grids(Morphogenetic Fields), multidimensional polygons are numbers and correspond to vibrational dimensions and quantum fields so they can encode the properties of the universe(basically the physics of the universe). Computer (error correcting) code is embedded in string theories equations and therefore the equations that explain the universe and these equations explain how these quantum fields/multidimensional polygons interact(/merge) and these equations equal numbers and can have geometric repersentations which would correspond to the numbers, the computer code/geometric repersentations are adinkra which are portions of the multidimensional polygons/fractaling tree of life because equations are equal to numbers which are multidimensional polygons.
God is LIKE an AI in a quantum computer[]
All matter at the smallest levels vibrates and if the matter is arranged properly all the vibrations can sync up so that the proto-consciousness can become the consciousness we have. The reason this synchronicity happens in us and not in something like rocks is because we have bio-physical pathways that make the flow of information easier, information flows through resonance(Synchronicity). This means there are different levels of consciousness which are nested within each other and each level gets more complex and information flows up and down these levels so this means the energy, which forms these quantum waves/vibrations, has/is consciousness meaning everything is made up of consciousness energy meaning there is one consciousness which would be God. These quantum vibrations which form consciousness could be fluctuating light or fluctlights(Bio-photons) like in SAO. The universes structure looks like the structure of the brain meaning this could prove this theory also the brains structure is 11-dimensional meaning the structure of the universe could be 11-dimensional so this could prove the 11-dimensional spacetime, so everything could be thought of as a dream/thought of God. For AI to have a true consciousness it therefore has to be connected directly to the zero-point so its a fluctlight this means God is like an AI in a quantum computer. NO GOD IS NOT AN AI.
If God has always existed then what is "he" made out of? The stuff "he" is made out of logically had to be made by something, the only way God could have always exist is if God is energy but then the question is how did God create the universe? The only possible way for God to create the universe is if "he" used some of his energy because matter just can't be created, so this means everything is made out of Gods energy and it also suggests energy is consciousness so technically everything is made out of Gods consciousness so everything is in the mind of God and this explains how God is omnipresent.
Extra information[]
Binary-Trinary formed out of the Fibonacci 10/12 tree grid spiral[]
The Fibonacci spiral when placed on a polar graph forms a binary sequence(doubling sequence) which forms a triangle but this binary sequence is actually a Binary-Trinary sequence because the numbers in this binary sequence are multiples of 3, the Fibonacci sequence can be reduced to 1's and 0's if the 0's were possible to show meaning binary is encoded in the geometry which makes sense when you look at the Binary-Trinary.
The binary sequence can be found in higher dimensional cubes/the cubistic matrix/the tetrahedron grid fractal/flower of life, I constructed the 10/12 tree grid out of the flower of life and overlayed the Fibonacci spiral since I already showed the Fibonacci spiral can be overlayed over the 12 tree grid.
The Octonion Math That Could Underpin Physics[]
Explaining the universe with Electromagnetism[]
Chaos theory, numbers and more[]
Tetractys, number theory and more[]
Walter Russell Cosmogony[]
Forming the cosmic tree of life from the tetrahedron grid fractal forms the powers of 3[]
Padovan sequence, Trinity, Base 3 and More[]