The name YHWH(יהוה) has been considered to be related to the formula "I am that I am"(אהיה אשר אהיה/Ehyeh asher ehyeh), the name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15(π), which also means "I am who I am", "I will be who I will be", "I will be what I will be", "I Will Be that I Will Be", "I will be because I will be", "I will become what I choose to become", "I Will Become whatsoever I please", "I am what I am", "I create what(ever) I create", or "I am the Existing One". Therefore YHWH(יהוה)'s (Hebrew triconsonantal) root would be HYH(היה/I am), where "y" is substituted for "w" which was an occasional practice in the bible, which means "to be"/"to exist"(BEINGness/EXISTence); HWH(הוה), a verb which is an alternative form of (the verb) HYH(היה), is another possible root of YHWH(יהוה). The word Ehyeh is considered by many rabbinical scholars to be a first-person derivation of the Tetragrammaton(YHWH).
Ramana Maharshi mentions that of all the definitions of God, "none is indeed so well put as the biblical statement 'I am that I am'". The "I am" is explained by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj as an abstraction in the mind of the Stateless State, of the Absolute, or the Supreme Reality, called Parabrahman: it is pure awareness, prior to thoughts, free from perceptions, associations, memories. Parabrahman is often considered to be a cognate term for the Supreme Being in Hinduism.
Parabrahman in Hindu philosophy is the "Supreme Brahman" that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualisations. It is described as the formless that eternally pervades everything, everywhere in the universe and whatever is beyond(omnipresence). Brahman, the Cosmic Principle, connotes the highest universal principle, the ultimate reality, which is consciousness, in the universe. It is the immaterial, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, infinite, eternal truth, consciousness and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes. Brahman as a metaphysical concept refers to the single binding unity behind diversity in all that exists in the universe. The substance of Brahman is identical to the substance of Atman(Self), is everywhere and inside each living being, and there is connected spiritual oneness in all existence. Brahman is said to be infinite, with no beginning or end. Brahman is changeless and is the source of the universe. Om(AUM/AUR) signifies the essence of Brahman, the ultimate reality.
In the Kabbalah, Ein Sof(Infinity) is God before "God" created/manifested themselves as God, basically God before they became God. God created themselves first and then created everything else. Ein Sof is infinity therefore God, an infinity which infinitely grows by fractaling, is infinity and infinity is God. God is the "physical" manifestation of Ein Sof therefore God/the concept of God did not exist before the manifestation of God therefore "God isn't real", in the way you think they are, because "God" is the concept to explain the "physical" manifestation of Ein Sof, infinity, the infinite (nothingness/energy), the infinite source, the infinite fractal that makes everything one, oneness(A principle which is God) that reality, the multi/uni-verse a fractal which is God(because God became/is the multi/uni-verse) the manifestation of Ein Sof, emerged from and is apart of and contained within; (Which is) Ein Sof's fractal womb, Shekhinah the female aspect of God.
"Omnipresent is present everywhere. If God is omnipresent, that means it is present in the concept of nothingness(Ein) as well... Which we are yet to understand!", If God is everywhere including nothingness then God is... a field of energy... everything is made up of this energy and therefore everything is God, everything is one consciousness.
Ein=Nothing(void/vacuum/0 has energy, nothingness is unstable)
Ein Sof=infinity, the (infinite) energy of "nothingness"("primordial waters") becomes God and forms a bubble of spacetime/reality(0!=0⁰=1, "something comes from nothing")
Everything is made up of light, everything is one wave/membrane(kugalblitz black whole/fuzzyball), that fractals through the dimensions therefore light interacts with the higher and lower dimensions. Electron orbitals look like the higher dimensional geometry of a sphere and it is known that electrons interact with light/photons, which they have a strong connection with (ELECTROmagnatism=Electric=Electrons), therefore electrons interact with the higher dimensions through light. Consciousness is light/energy therefore when it fractals and forms matter the matter has a proto-consciousness and when matter lines up in the correct way so that the vibrations of the matter sync up with other matter it can form fractaling nesting consciousnesses such as the brain.
The brain has a higher dimensional geometry/structure which is the fractal nesting and this structure is how bio-photons interact with the brain so your consciousness can enter your brain (and control your body); The bio-photons, which interact with the higher dimensions, that control, form and send information through this structure, through the electrons (in the atoms in the brain), are the consciousness of that person. The bio-photons correspond to the dimensions of the higher dimensional structure of the brain and CNS/spine therefore they correspond to(/form) the chakras down the CNS/spine whilst the CNS/spine is the Kundalini. These dimensions of the consciousness(Energy in the form of bio-photons) correspond to different aspects of the consciousness/soul such as the light bodies, astral body, soul, spirit, mind, mental, emotional, etheric, morphogenetic field, aura, physical body and much more. The (7) dimensions are the (7) realms and therefore are a tree of life structure therefore each dimension corresponds to a tree of life.
Therefore Ein Sof Aur's(Infinities) awareness(self-existence) of itself is God(I am that I am)(The meaning of the Hebrew name YHWH is “the Self-existent”), "I am that I am" is a statement of the nature of God, therefore God is (a concept to explain) a state of consciousness therefore God is (a type of) consciousness, God consciousness, therefore the universe/existence is a thought/dream in God's consciousness. YHWH means "I am" therefore God is the "I am" therefore if you are aware and are able to say "I am" you are (a) God, we are created in the image of God therefore we are Gods. Who ever has (reached) God consciousness knows infinity.
Everything in the universe, such as us, is conscious and is therefore apart of the nesting fractaling consciousness which can be seen in the structure of the universe which looks like a brain therefore the universe is a higher dimensional nesting(encasing)/fractaling (collective) consciousness(xen world) therefore the consciousness containing all consciousnesses is God(God(s) consciousness) therefore everything is one consciousness; This can be seen in the Tetragrammaton(YHWH)/flower of life shaped tetractys which shows(/represents) the fractaling (of dimensions) from God(God(s) consciousness) source. The fractal fractals infinitely upwards(large) to God Source and infinitely downwards(small) to God source, the collective consciousness being contained within God source/"singularity"("Negative volume", "singularities" are the unit of the energy(consciousness) field.).
YHWH, the tetragrammaton, is π7π⁷(יהוה)=π7/π⁷≈0.0072 the fine structure constant(1/137≈0.0072) which arises from electrons interacting with the higher dimensions because "It is possible to generate the exact values of all of the dimensions by an incredible hierarchical sequence of cantor sets that are scaled in proportion to the inverse of the fine structure constant [α^-1=137.082039=20φ^4]... The electromagnetic field is represented by the quasi dimension (1/a0) which is the inverse of the fine structure constant, 20Φ^4..." (Quote from Anthony Canosa's book)
The geometry and equation of the Tetragrammaton[]
YHWH, the name of God, is this equation and the number, which is the geometry(E8(8D)/dodecahedron constructed out of trees of life(4D)/64 tetrahedron grid(3D)), it is equal to and geometry=numbers=information=energy=consciousness "therefore YHWH is... a state of consciousness because it is a (higher level(state) of) consciousness which can be unified with to gain said state" because E8 is constructed out of dodecahedron and icosahedron which form the 12 stranded DNA which activate when the Messiah("Christ"/YHWH)(Messiah=358(Hebrew gematria)=546(base 8)=396(base 12)|693=11(:)33|3311) consciousness is gained when the Messiah arrives.