Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki
X and Y
  • YX and XY are fractal fractions.
  • The value of X is 72 which is the Tetragrammaton.


First equation

  • The first equation ((YX/XY)×(π7/π7))Φ this encodes both the fractal fractions timesed by π7/π7 which is the Tetragrammaton and encodes 137 this creates a Tetragrammaton fractal fraction which is the Tetragrammaton fractaling which is the Infinite tetrahedron grid and it is to the power of phi(1.618) which would add the Fibonacci spiral to the infinite tetrahedron grid which makes it a Xen particle.
  • This equation encodes the equation for the volume of the Dodecahedron which is the shape that constructs the E8 lie group and the equation contains 15 which is related to the 15 vibrational dimensions and it encodes 7 which is related to the 7 sephirot of construction/The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter/Seed of life/7 star tetrahedrons and it encodes 5 the number that constructs the Dodecahedron and is the pentagram.
  • The 7 sephirot of construction make up the Hexagonal yod which makes up Multidimensional polygon's. 7 is also the number that constructs all the sacred geometry and physics on this wiki.
  • Also, π encodes the pentagram which creates an infinite fractal dodecahedron when it becomes apart of the fractal fraction which means the infinite fractal dodecahedron is the infinite fractal E8 lie group which is the infinite tetrahedron grid.
  • The equation is equal to -16872 which shows that the Dodecahedron has a negative volume. The numbers 168 and 72 are the number of roots that make up the E8 lie group/231 Gates. This means that X/Y is a 1-dimensional point.
  • The equation ((YX/XY)×(π7/π7))Φ=(X/Y)3-((X/Y)-1)3 which is the equation that creates the Flower of life with a 1-dimensional point. This adds the flower of life to the infinite tetrahedron which is encoded in the fractal fraction.

Second equation

  • The second equation is the Triangle number formula with X/Y which is equal the formula for pascals triangle(which encodes the Sierpinski triangle fractal) with X and Y and both these are equal to -7/84 which is -1/12 which relates it to the 1+2+3+4+..(triangle number)=-1/12 equation.

Third equation

  • The third equation shows the -7/84X/Y times the pascals triangle formula is equal to the first equation.