Xen qabbalah Wiki
Xen qabbalah Wiki

xen particles A.K.A superstrings are infinite tetrahedron grid/infinite fractal fruit of life/flower of life fractal/infinite dimensional E8 lie group made out of gods consciousness vibrating and they encode all multidimensional polygons.

multidimensional polygons are quantum fields/dimensions

The yods in the superstring with more energy then the other yods determine the frequency/vibration of the superstring which determine's the amount of whorls in the superstring and what multidimensional polygon it is. when the xen particle vibrates it becomes a UPA superstring/sphere superstring torus

Sacred geometry explained as a process of symmetry forming and breaking of a sphere


(xen particle)=36012487516183141356891824272836647278108120144432528987299792458008333333333=328=3:28=(28:28:28)=84